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8ox 1188, Alhambra, CA 91802 - 626-943-3080 - lax: 626- 943-8039 - lnfo[ - 1ax lu# 93-4429310

Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel
March 29, 2014


! Diamond Sponsor - $5,000
10 compllmenLary LlckeLs aL vl Lable aL Lhe Cala
urlnk LlckeLs for all sponsor's guesLs aL Lable
remlum recognlLlon on slgnage aL evenL
remlum program book ad space (full page wlLh premlum locaLlon)
Speclal recognlLlon glfL
Logo & llnk on ALl webslLe year-round
Logo & llnk on ALl e-newsleLLers ln !an-Aprll lssues
lnvlLaLlon Lo compllmenLary Ma[or uonor recepLlon
8ecognlLlon ln annual ALl 'Lhank you' ad ln Around Alhambra and MonLerey ark Cascades newspapers

! Platinum Sponsor - $2500
10 compllmenLary LlckeLs (one Lable) aL Lhe Cala
SlgnlflcanL recognlLlon on slgnage aL evenL
SlgnlflcanL program book ad space (full page)
8ecognlLlon glfL
Logo & llnk on ALl e-newsleLLers ln !an-Aprll lssues
lnvlLaLlon Lo compllmenLary Ma[or uonor recepLlon
8ecognlLlon ln annual ALl 'Lhank you' ad ln Around Alhambra and MonLerey ark Cascades newspapers

! Gold Sponsor - $1,500
10 compllmenLary LlckeLs (one Lable) aL Lhe Cala
8ecognlLlon ln program and on slgnage aL evenL
rogram book ad space (1/2 page)
Logo on ALl e-newsleLLers ln !an-Aprll lssues
lnvlLaLlon Lo compllmenLary Ma[or uonor recepLlon
8ecognlLlon ln annual ALl 'Lhank you' ad ln Around Alhambra and MonLerey ark Cascades newspapers

! Silver Table Sponsor- $600
10 compllmenLary LlckeLs (one Lable) aL Lhe Cala
8ecognlLlon ln program and on slgnage aL evenL

.C. 8ox 1188, Alhambra, CA 91802 - 626-943-3080 - lax: 626- 943-8039 - lnfo[ - 1ax lu# 93-4429310

! Bronze Sponsor - $300
2 compllmenLary LlckeLs Lo Lhe Cala
rogram book ad space (buslness card-slze ad)
8ecognlLlon aL evenL, ln program and on slgnage
8ecognlLlon ln annual ALl 'Lhank you' ad ln Around Alhambra and MonLerey ark Cascades newspapers

Advertisement Opportunities
!8uslness Card-slze ad $73
!CuarLer age $130
!Palf age $300
!lull age $300

Yes, I would like to sponsor AEFs 10
Annual Service to
Education Awards Gala at the level indicated above.

ConLacL: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________ClLy: ____________________Zlp:________
Lmall address: __________________________________________________hone: _______________
lease llsL your Lable guesLs' names here:

lease reLurn compleLed Sponsorshlp form, along wlLh your check, ln Lhe ALl envelope provlded or call
Lhe ALl offlce Lo conflrm your Sponsorshlp over Lhe phone (626) 943-3080.

1hank you for your generous supporL of ALl, AuSu, our sLudenLs and our schools!

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