Curriculum Vitae: Personal Data

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Curriculum vitae

Personal data Name and surname Dragana Zivkovic Address Kosovo, Strpce - Gotovusa b.b. Phone number +377 45 446 !! "-ma#$ d%#v&ov#c!4'( )#t#%ensh#p Serb#an *ate o+ b#rth !4.-!.-.// Se, 0ema$e

Working experience Adv#sor #n NG1 20uture 3#thout 0ear2 +rom ! . unt#$ present. 4ana5#n5 the data obta#ned +rom the mon#tor#n5 o+ $oca$ 5overnment #n ! - , $oca$ "$ect#on 4on#tor#n5 6Pro7ect *emocrac( #n Act#on8 a$so #n ! - . 4on#tor#n5 o+ $oca$ 5overnment #nc$udes a c$oser v#e9 o+ 9or& resu$ts o+ $oca$ 5overnment, arran5#n5 po$$s 9#th $oca$ c#t#%ens, 9here the c#t#%ens 9ere as&ed to +#$$ a :uest#onna#re and to assess the $oca$ 5overnment.

1r5an#sed the campa#5n to encorua5e Serb#an commun#t( to vote on $oca$ e$ect#ons #n ! - , stress#n5 the #mportance o+ part#c#pat#on throu5h var#ous meet#n5s 9#th commun#t( representat#ves.

4ana5#n5 the pro7ect o+ estab$#shment, empo9erment and e,tens#on o+ d#a$o5ue bet9een Serbs and A$ban#ans, ra#s#n5 a9areness amon5 $oca$ c#t#%ens about #mportance o+ the d#a$o5ue and reconc#$#at#on. 1r5an#%ed pub$#c debates abaout #mmportance o+ to$erance bet9een Serb#an and A$ban#an (outh #n mun#c#pa$#t( o+ Strpce. ;a&#n5 act#ve part #n a proces o+ +ormat#on o+ the <oca$ =outh )ounc#$. 1r5an#%ed $ectures that promote #n+orma$ educat#on o+ (outh.

Act#ve part#c#pat#on #n educat#on and ra#s#n5 a9areness aboout the #mmportance o+ d#rect #nvo$v#n5 (oun5 peop$e #n re5#on, on sub7ect >"uropean Perspect#ve o+ 3est ?a$can@. 3or& on other adm#n#strat#ve dut#es #n the or5an#%at#on. An the NG1 2?A42, 9h#ch dea$s 9#th the protect#on o+ human r#5hts, A 9as a pro7ect mana5er and a person #n char5e o+ adm#n#strat#on, +rom ! . unt# present. Pro7ect $eader +or educat#on o+ $oca$ c#t#%ens #n +#rst a#d. 4ana5er #n NG1 >3A<<@ #n ! --. 4ana5ed the pro7ect >)u$ture +or a$$@, or5an#%#n5 9or&shops, e,h#b#t#ons 9h#th stress on #ntroduct#on o+ (oun5 A$ban#an and Serb#an art#sts. Part#c#pant #n sem#nar about mana5#n5 o+ pub$#c enterpr#ses #n ! -! #n ?e$5rade 6hote$ )ont#nenta$8. Pro7ect mana5er and act#ve member #n the pro7ect >Pract#se Abroad@ #n ! --, pro7ect +unded b( 4#n#str( o+ "ducat#on #n ?e$5rade.

Education Date Graduated on 19.11.2012 in Belgrade Cvalification Econo ist Faculty College of touris Belgrade

Other skils Mother tongue Serbian Other languages English !ritting s"ils $eading s"ils %er&al s"ils E#cellent E#cellent E#cellent

Russian !ritting s"ils $eading s"ils %er&al s"ils Good Good Good

Computer skils 'nternet e#(lorer e#cellent Microsoft Office !ord e#cellent Microsoft Office E#cel very good Microsoft Office )o*er )oint good Microsoft Ofice +ccess good

Other skills

Good analitical and anagerial s"ills %ery good co unicational s"ills E#(erience in tea *or"

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