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William Shakespeare

1. Date of birth: 23rd of April 1564 2. Place of birth: Stratford-upon-Avon 3. William Shakespeare`s education: Stratford Grammar School 4. His family members: Anne Hathawa -wife Su!anna" Hamnet and #udith -children 5. London theatres where he worked: $lac%friar& 'heatre and Glo(e 'heatre 6. his house in Stratford when he was older: )ew *lace +. burial place: Hol 'rinit ,hurch in Stratford

#ohn Sha%e&pea re -illiam Sha%e&peare

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Anne Hathawa

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-illiam Sha%e&peare wrote: 3+ pla & ./Hamlet0" /1omeo and #uliet0" /2thello03 2 lon4 poem&

154 &onnet& 2ut of Sha%e&peare6& &onnet&" num(er& 1-126 are addre&&ed to a man and the re&t are addre&&ed to a woman 7 the &o-called /dar% lad of the &onnet&0" &ince it i& made clear that &he i& dar% in hair and comple8ion.

Some 4lor in their (irth" &ome in their &%ill" mind& Some in their wealth" &ome in their (od 6& force: Some in their 4arment&" thou4h new-fan4led ill:

9et me not to the marria4e of true Admit impediment&.9ove i& not love -hich alter& when it alteration find&"

Some in their haw%& and hound&" &ome in their hor&e: 2r (end& with the remover to remove. And ever humor ha& hi& ad;unct plea&ure" -herein it find& a ;o a(ove the re&t: &ha%en $ut the&e particular& are not m mea&ure: (ar%" All the&e = (etter in one 4eneral (e&t. hi& hei4h (e 'h love i& (etter than hi4h (irth to me" lip& and 1icher than wealth" prouder than 4arment&6co&t" 2f more deli4ht than haw%& and hor&e& (e: And" havin4 thee" of all men6& pride = (oa&twee%&" -retched in thi& alone" that thou ma &t ta%e All thi& awa " and me mo&t wretched ma%e. 2"no< it i& an ever-fi8ed mar%" 'hat loo%& on tempe&t& and i& never =t i& the &tart to ever wanderin4 -ho&e worth6& un%nown"althou4h 9ove6& not 'ime6& fool" thou4h ro& chee%& -ithin hi& (endin4 &ic%le6& compa&& come: 9ove alter& not with hi& (rief hour& and $ut hear& it out even to the ed4e of doom. =f thi& (e error" and upon me proved" = never writ" nor no man ever loved.

Hamlet (16 1! ,haracter&:

Hamlet i& the *rince of >enmar%: he i& &on to the Gho&t: and nephew to the pre&ent %in4 ,laudiu&. Claudius i& the ?in4 of >enmar%" elected to the throne after the death of hi& (rother" ?in4 Hamlet. ,laudiu& ha& married Gertrude" hi& (rother@& wife. Gertrude i& the Aueen of >enmar% " married to ,laudiu&" and mother to Hamlet. The Ghost appear& in the ima4e of Hamlet@& father Polonius is the father of Ophelia and Laertes. Laertes i& the &on of *oloniu&" and ha& returned to Bl&inore from *ari&. Ophelia i& the dau4hter of *oloniu&" and 9aerte&@& &i&ter" who live& with her father at Bl&inore. She i& in love with Hamlet Horatio i& a 4ood friend of Hamlet" from the univer&it at -itten(er4" who came to Bl&inore ,a&tle to attend ?in4 Hamlet@& funeral.

'he Gho&t










famil :dut

Romeo and Juliet

'he pla (e4in& with a lar4e fi4ht (etween the ,apulet& and the 5onta4ue&.1omeo" a 5onta4ue venture into the enem 6& hou&e" the ,apulet6& (allroom.Here 1omeo &ee& #uliet and the in&tantll fall in love.'he &ame ni4ht" too much in love to 4o home" romeo remain& in the 4arden" under #uliet6& (alcon .'he (oth admit to their pa&&ion for each other and decide to (e married in &ecret the ne8t da . 'he ne8t da " in Criar 9aurance6& cell" 1omeo and #uliet are married.'he &ame da " 5ercutio and $envolio were in&ulted ( ' (alt in the &treet.5ercutio wa& %illed ( ' (alt and 1omeo %illed ' (alt in duel.Cor thi& 1omeo i& (ani&hed from Derona and he went in 5antua. 5eanwhile" #uliet6& father decide it i& the time hi& dau4hter &hould marr with *ari&.She went to Criar 9aurence for help.He 4ive& her a phial with a potion.'hat poi&on ma%ed her loo% dead for a certain time.=n thi& time Criar 9aurence &ended a letter to 1omeo in which he told him a(out the arran4ement with #uliet" (ut the letter reached 5antua after the new& of #uliet6& death doe&.1omeo decided to &teal Derona. $ her tom(" in de&pair he drin%& &ome poi&on.-hen #uliet wo%e up and &aw her hu&(and dead"&he %ill& her&elf. 'he 5onta4ue& and the ,apulet& put an end to their feud.

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