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1) Looking at the estimates from the 4 pages for figure 9.

3 pages 168 - 172, what is the expected pay back for the complete system upgrade? The expected payback for the complete system upgrade is after looking at the chart, it shows after year 20 the total savings will be around $44,387.11 2) What was the total cost to the consumer (once the Federal tax credit was applied)? The total was 18,537.47 after tax credit 3) Which cost more drilling the hole or putting in the casing pipe to protect the hole? 150*17 = $2,550*2= $5,100 100*19=$1,900*2= $3,800 The drilling of the hole will cost more. 4) Compare the 9.3 5 page quote to the quote from figure 9.2, what 4 or 5 things are in the GOOD quote that were missing from the poor quote? 1. The good quote had a layout of plans, 2. It also had where the money was going and why, 3. It had sections which would detail in that particular work needed to be done 4. It had a project agreement at the end. 1) Determine Home G HVAC system Return on Investment. In the example on page 180, Fig 10-3, the home system uses these factors; initial cost, cost of same old system replaced, the energy savings every year, and the federal credit. Which is the better selling point, that it pays for the investment in 2.9 years, or that over 20 years, with no problems, and expected electricity costs rising at 4% a year, ) that it EARNS 69,329 and only COST 42,438 ? The better selling point in my opinion would be the system that pays back over 20 years because you basically do not have to pay repair cost in the long run, also that it will last far longer than the loan payments. 2) Compare 10-3 to 10 -5 (the commercial system quote), is the home or the commercial system earn its keep faster? For the installed cost, which one earns more money over 20 years, (the cumulative savings / installed cost)? The commercial system earns its keep way faster. For the installed cost, the commercial earns way more than the home system, only because its bigger.

3) From the book, how long does a typical home or commercial system take to pay for itself? It takes a home system around 2-4 years to pay for itself, maybe more. But for a commercial system, it may only take around half a year, year at most. 4) Is geothermal credit still available in your state/country? If yes, until what year? Geothermal credit does exist in Texas, Rebates up to $1,100 for air source and geothermal heat pumps, furnaces and air conditioners and electric water heaters, and is available until 2016.

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