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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code MGT303 Course Category Course Title PUBLIC RELATIONS Courses with conceptual focus Course Planner 17682::Puneet Bawa Lectures 4.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 1.0 0.0 5.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics, 9/e Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 OR-5 OR-6 OR-7 OR-8 OR-9 OR-10 OR-11 OR-12 OR-13 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) Case Study:Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Muhammad I. Ayish Dean Kruckeberg , Case study:Samsung Spirit of Sport Contest: Samsungs Olympic Campaign in the U.S. Jooho Kim Samsup Jo , Case study: Australias Together We Do Better Campaign: Diversifying Mental Health Benefits for Local Communities Meta G. Carstarphen , Case study:Vision 2020: Multicultural Malaysias Campaign for Development Anne Cooper-Chen Teck-hua Ngu Abdul Halim Taib , Case study: Against the Grain: Zambias Hunger Crisis and the Controversy Over Genetically Modified Food b j Altschul , Case study: The Social Role of Public Relations in Latin America: A Ten-Country community Relations Program Becomes an Effective Public Relations Tool for a , Case study: Public Relations in the Caribbean: HIV/AIDS Public Information/Education Campaigns in The Bahamas Juliette Storr , "Should you listen to the customers" Harvard Business Review September 2012 Vol.7 No.9 page 117 , Other Readings "When key employees clash" Harvard Business review june 2012 vol.7 No.6 page no.117 , Case study: All the wrong moves by David G Garbin Harvard business review , Case study:Cadbury Crisis Management(Hard copy available in resource file) , Case study: Coke in India( Hard copy available in resource file) , Case study: India gives voice a case study of Anna Hazare a PR camapign , Title Public Relation Cases Effective Public Relations Author Hendrix A Jerry & Hayes C . Darrell Shelburne Merry Edition 8th 1st 1st 1st Year 2010 2006 2009 2012 Publisher Name Cengage Learning Bizantra PHI (Pretice Hall India) Oxford Higher Education Author Dennis L. Wilcox Glen T. Cameron Edition 9th Year Publisher Name Pearson Education

Effective Public Relations and Media C. V. Narasimha Reddi Strategy Public Relation Principles and Practices Iqbal S sachdeva

OR-14 OR-15 OR-16

Research Paer:The Fretful Euro Disneyland; International journal of studies, Vol1 No.2,November 2009 , Case study: Wallmart outsourcing(Hard copy available in resource file) , Advertising vs. PR: Kotler on Kotler by Philip Kotler Marketing ,

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features Public relations campaigns Indian public relations society Public relations agency Public relations agency Public relations campaigns

Audio Visual Aids Sr No AV-1 (AV aids) (only if relevant to the course) Nareender modi Interview with journalist Salient Features Nareender modi Interview with journalist

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 7 4

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs Lecture 1:Challenges,Global scope Lec 2:Process, components, Differentiation from other fields Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned

Week 1

Lecture 1

Introduction and role of Public Relations(Public Relations meaning and importance)

T-1:chapter 1

Lec 1: Students will Class discussions learn the challenges in the emergence of public relations as a subject Lec 2: Students will learn public relations as a process, Field of study and how it is different from other fields

Week 1

Lecture 2

Introduction and role of Public Relations(Public Relations meaning and importance)

T-1:chapter 1

Lecture 1:Challenges,Global scope Lec 2:Process, components, Differentiation from other fields

Lec 1: Students will Class discussions learn the challenges in the emergence of public relations as a subject Lec 2: Students will learn public relations as a process, Field of study and how it is different from other fields Lec 3:Students will learn the History Lec 4: Students will learn the emergence of public relations Lec 3:Students will learn the History Lec 4: Students will learn the emergence of public relations class discussion and news articles

Lecture 3

Introduction and role of Public Relations(The Evolution of Public Relations)


Lec 3: History of public relations Lec 4: Emergence of public relations Lec 3: History of public relations Lec 4: Emergence of public relations OR-16 Lec 5: Ethics, role of professional organizations, codes Lec 6: licensing and accreditation

Lecture 4

Introduction and role of Public Relations(The Evolution of Public Relations)


class discussion and news articles

Week 2

Lecture 5

Ethics and departments in Public relations(Ethics and Professionalism)

T-1:Chapter 3

Lec 5:Students will Class discussion and understand case study the codes of conduct and various associations which are working for public relations field Lec 6: Students will learn the importance of licensing and accreditation in a field of study Lec 5:Students will Class discussion and understand case study the codes of conduct and various associations which are working for public relations field Lec 6: Students will learn the importance of licensing and accreditation in a field of study Lec 7: Students will Class discussions understand the codes of conduct of various department and firms Lec 8: Students will learn structures in a public relations firm

Lecture 6

Ethics and departments in Public relations(Ethics and Professionalism)

T-1:Chapter 3


Lec 5: Ethics, role of professional organizations, codes Lec 6: licensing and accreditation

Lecture 7

Ethics and departments in Public relations(Public Relations Departments and Firm)

T-1:Chapter 4

Lec 7:Departments, firms Lec 8: Structures

Week 2

Lecture 8

Ethics and departments in Public relations(Public Relations Departments and Firm)

T-1:Chapter 4

Lec 7:Departments, firms Lec 8: Structures

Lec 7: Students will Class discussions understand the codes of conduct of various department and firms Lec 8: Students will learn structures in a public relations firm Lec 9:Students will Class discussion and learn the data interpretation basis of research and how it is conducted for public relations Lec 10: Students will learn the two concepts of research and how they are useful in public relations Lec 11: Students will learn the data collection method and role of respondents Lec 9:Students will Class discussion and learn the data interpretation basis of research and how it is conducted for public relations Lec 10: Students will learn the two concepts of research and how they are useful in public relations Lec 11: Students will learn the data collection method and role of respondents Lec 12:Students will Role play and class learn the planning discussions in public relations Lec 13: Students will learn the use of various elements of planning in formulating strategies

Week 3

Lecture 10


T-1:Chapter 5


Lec 9: Importance of process and secondary process Lec 10: Qualitative, quantitative Lec11: Questionnaire,respondent s

Lecture 11


T-1:Chapter 5


Lec 9: Importance of process and secondary process Lec 10: Qualitative, quantitative Lec11: Questionnaire,respondent s

Lecture 12

Process(Program Planning)

T-1:chapter 6


Lec 12: Value of planning and various approaches to planning Lec 13: Elements, tactics

Week 3

Lecture 9


T-1:Chapter 5


Lec 9: Importance of process and secondary process Lec 10: Qualitative, quantitative Lec11: Questionnaire,respondent s

Lec 9:Students will Class discussion and learn the data interpretation basis of research and how it is conducted for public relations Lec 10: Students will learn the two concepts of research and how they are useful in public relations Lec 11: Students will learn the data collection method and role of respondents Lec 12:Students will Role play and class learn the planning discussions in public relations Lec 13: Students will learn the use of various elements of planning in formulating strategies Lec 14:Students will Class discussion and learn the basics of videos communication process and its usage in Public relations Lec 15: Students will learn how to react on the Issues in public relations Lec 14:Students will Class discussion and learn the basics of videos communication process and its usage in Public relations Lec 15: Students will learn how to react on the Issues in public relations Lec 16:Students will Class discussion and learn the TMR reports study Purpose of message evaluations and its impact Lec 17: Students will learn how to measure a message exposure planned by the public relations team

Week 4

Lecture 13

Process(Program Planning)

T-1:chapter 6


Lec 12: Value of planning and various approaches to planning Lec 13: Elements, tactics

Lecture 14


T-1:Chapter 7


Lec 14: Goals of communication and receiving message Lec 15: Paying attention, understanding and How to act on the message Lec 14: Goals of communication and receiving message Lec 15: Paying attention, understanding and How to act on the message Lec 16:Purpose and objectives of evaluation Lec 17:Measurement of evaluation

Lecture 15


T-1:Chapter 7


Lecture 16


T-1:Chapter 8


Week 5

Lecture 17


T-1:Chapter 8


Lec 16:Purpose and objectives of evaluation Lec 17:Measurement of evaluation

Lec 16:Students will Class discussion and learn the TMR reports study Purpose of message evaluations and its impact Lec 17: Students will learn how to measure a message exposure planned by the public relations team Lec 18: Students will Videos and news learn the articles opinion leaders role in public relations Lec 19: Students will learn Persuasion methods and how to manipulate the image or thoughts in target audience Lec 18: Students will Videos and news learn the articles opinion leaders role in public relations Lec 19: Students will learn Persuasion methods and how to manipulate the image or thoughts in target audience

Lecture 18

Strategy-I(Public Opinion and Persuasion)

T-1:Chapter 9 R-1:Case in chapter 4

OR-12 OR-13

Lec 18:Opinion leaders, role of mass media Lec 19: Persuasion factors, propaganda and manipulation

Lecture 19

Strategy-I(Public Opinion and Persuasion)

T-1:Chapter 9 R-1:Case in chapter 4

OR-12 OR-13

Lec 18:Opinion leaders, role of mass media Lec 19: Persuasion factors, propaganda and manipulation

Lecture 20

Strategy-I(Conflict Management: Dealing with Issues)

T-1:Chapter 10


Lec 20: Strategic conflict Lec 20:Students will Class discussion and management learn the case study Lec 21: Life cycle various conflicts and how to manage them with the help of public relations Lec 21: Students will learn the life cycle of a conflict in public relations Lec 20: Strategic conflict Lec 20:Students will Class discussion and management learn the case study Lec 21: Life cycle various conflicts and how to manage them with the help of public relations Lec 21: Students will learn the life cycle of a conflict in public relations

Week 6

Lecture 21

Strategy-I(Conflict Management: Dealing with Issues)

T-1:Chapter 10


Week 6

Lecture 22

Strategy-I(Risks and Crises)

T-1:Chapter 10

RW-3 AV-1

Lec 22: Crisis management Lec 23:Reputation management

Lec 22: Students will Class discussion and learn what to do during case study crisis and how to communicate during crisis Lec 23: Students will learn the role of reputation management after crisis Lec 22: Students will Class discussion and learn what to do during case study crisis and how to communicate during crisis Lec 23: Students will learn the role of reputation management after crisis Lec 24:Students will Class discussions and learn how to be case studies effective in multiculturalism Lec 25: Students will learn the role of other emerging audience in a region of operations Lec 24:Students will Class discussions and learn how to be case studies effective in multiculturalism Lec 25: Students will learn the role of other emerging audience in a region of operations Lec 26:Students will Class discussions learn the legal formalities in public relations Lec 27: Students will learn how to plan strategies by considering copyright laws and latest trends in technologies

Lecture 23

Strategy-I(Risks and Crises)

T-1:Chapter 10

RW-3 AV-1

Lec 22: Crisis management Lec 23:Reputation management

Lecture 24

Strategy-II(Reaching a Multicultural)

T-1:Chapter 11

OR-3 RW-5

Lec 24:Reaching diverse groups Lec 25: Other emerging audience

Week 7

Lecture 25

Strategy-II(Reaching a Multicultural)

T-1:Chapter 11

OR-3 RW-5

Lec 24:Reaching diverse groups Lec 25: Other emerging audience

Lecture 26

Strategy-II(Public Relations and the Law)

T-1:Chapter 12 cahpter 13


Lec 26:Libel and defamatio, invasion of privacy Lec 27: Copyright law, trade, Technologies in Public relations mark law etc

Week 7

Lecture 27

Strategy-II(Public Relations and the Law)

T-1:Chapter 12 cahpter 13


Lec 26:Libel and defamatio, invasion of privacy Lec 27: Copyright law, trade, Technologies in Public relations mark law etc

Lec 26:Students will Class discussions learn the legal formalities in public relations Lec 27: Students will learn how to plan strategies by considering copyright laws and latest trends in technologies Doubt clearing session Class discussion

Lecture 28

Strategy-II(New Technologies in Public Relations)

Revision, New technology in public relations small case study in case students have few doubts

Week 8 Lecture 29 Tactics(News Releases) T-1:Chapter 14 OR-11 RW-4 Lec 29: Planning, content, format of print and internet Lec 30 : News release, media release and Lec 31: kits. Lec 32:Writing pitch letters and their formats Lec 29:Students will class discussion and e learn the role of media learnings in public relations Lec 30: Students will learn how handle news release and media release Lec 31: Students will learn how to develop media kits Lec 32: Students will learn how write pitch letters and what are the various formats available in public relations Students will learn how class discussion and e to handle media learnings relations and media tools to be used in public relations campaigns Students will learn how class discussion and e to handle media learnings relations and media tools to be used in public relations campaigns

Tactics(Media Alerts)

T-1:Chapter 14

OR-11 RW-4

Planning, content, format of print and internet news release, media release and kits. Writing pitch letters and their formats Planning, content, format of print and internet news release, media release and kits. Writing pitch letters and their formats

Lecture 30

Tactics(Media Alerts)

T-1:Chapter 14

OR-11 RW-4

Week 8

Lecture 30

Tactics(News Releases)

T-1:Chapter 14

OR-11 RW-4

Lec 29: Planning, content, format of print and internet Lec 30 : News release, media release and Lec 31: kits. Lec 32:Writing pitch letters and their formats

Lec 29:Students will class discussion and e learn the role of media learnings in public relations Lec 30: Students will learn how handle news release and media release Lec 31: Students will learn how to develop media kits Lec 32: Students will learn how write pitch letters and what are the various formats available in public relations Lec 29:Students will class discussion and e learn the role of media learnings in public relations Lec 30: Students will learn how handle news release and media release Lec 31: Students will learn how to develop media kits Lec 32: Students will learn how write pitch letters and what are the various formats available in public relations Students will learn how class discussion and e to handle media learnings relations and media tools to be used in public relations campaigns Students will learn how class discussion and e to handle media learnings relations and media tools to be used in public relations campaigns

Lecture 31

Tactics(News Releases)

T-1:Chapter 14

OR-11 RW-4

Lec 29: Planning, content, format of print and internet Lec 30 : News release, media release and Lec 31: kits. Lec 32:Writing pitch letters and their formats

Tactics(Media Alerts)

T-1:Chapter 14

OR-11 RW-4

Planning, content, format of print and internet news release, media release and kits. Writing pitch letters and their formats Planning, content, format of print and internet news release, media release and kits. Writing pitch letters and their formats

Lecture 32

Tactics(Media Alerts)

T-1:Chapter 14

OR-11 RW-4

Week 8

Lecture 32

Tactics(News Releases)

T-1:Chapter 14

OR-11 RW-4

Lec 29: Planning, content, format of print and internet Lec 30 : News release, media release and Lec 31: kits. Lec 32:Writing pitch letters and their formats

Lec 29:Students will class discussion and e learn the role of media learnings in public relations Lec 30: Students will learn how handle news release and media release Lec 31: Students will learn how to develop media kits Lec 32: Students will learn how write pitch letters and what are the various formats available in public relations Lec 33:Students will Class discussion learn the importance of pitch letters Lec 34: Students will learn how to write a pitch letter for an organization Lec 33:Students will Class discussion learn the importance of pitch letters Lec 34: Students will learn how to write a pitch letter for an organization Lec 35:Students will Class discussion and learn how to use videos place a product, service or thoughts among public Lec 36: Students will learn the role of product placement in public relations campaigns Lec 35:Students will Class discussion and learn how to use videos place a product, service or thoughts among public Lec 36: Students will learn the role of product placement in public relations campaigns

Week 9

Lecture 33

Tactics(Pitch Letters)

T-1:Chapter 14


Lec 33: Pitch letters Lec 34: How write a pitch letters

Lecture 34

Tactics(Pitch Letters)

T-1:Chapter 14


Lec 33: Pitch letters Lec 34: How write a pitch letters

Lecture 35

Tactics(Radio, Television, and the Web)

T-1:Chapter 15

OR-13 RW-1

Lec 35: Reach, personal appearance Lec 36: Product placement

Lecture 36

Tactics(Radio, Television, and the Web)

T-1:Chapter 15

OR-13 RW-1

Lec 35: Reach, personal appearance Lec 36: Product placement

Week 10

Lecture 37

Tactics(Media Interviews, News Conferences and Speeches)

T-1:Chapter 16


Lec 37:Media interviews, news conferences, media tours Lec 38: Press parties, art of speech writing, presentation, training

Lec 37:Students will Videos and case study learn how to plan various media elements at the right time Lec 38: Student will learn the role of press parties, speech writing and how to represent your company or yourself in front of media people Lec 37:Students will Videos and case study learn how to plan various media elements at the right time Lec 38: Student will learn the role of press parties, speech writing and how to represent your company or yourself in front of media people Lec 39: Students will News articles and learn how to discussion communicate in diverse audience Lec 40: Students will learn the role of relationship in public relations Lec 41: Students will learn the communication process in public relations Students will learn how News articles and to handle discussion relationship with investors and how to tackle them during campaigns and crisis Students will learn how News articles and to handle discussion relationship with investors and how to tackle them during campaigns and crisis

Lecture 38

Tactics(Media Interviews, News Conferences and Speeches)

T-1:Chapter 16


Lec 37:Media interviews, news conferences, media tours Lec 38: Press parties, art of speech writing, presentation, training

Lecture 39

Public Relation in Corporation (Media Relations)

T-1:Chapter 17

RW-1 RW-2

Lec 39: Reaching diverse audience Lec 40:Relationship Lec 41: Communication process

Public Relation in Corporation (Customer Relations)

T-1:Chapter 17

RW-1 RW-2

Lec 39: Reaching diverse audience Lec 40:Relationship Lec 41: Communication process Lec 39: Reaching diverse audience Lec 40:Relationship Lec 41: Communication process

Lecture 40

Public Relation in Corporation (Customer Relations)

T-1:Chapter 17

RW-1 RW-2

Week 10

Lecture 40

Public Relation in Corporation (Media Relations)

T-1:Chapter 17

RW-1 RW-2

Lec 39: Reaching diverse audience Lec 40:Relationship Lec 41: Communication process

Lec 39: Students will News articles and learn how to discussion communicate in diverse audience Lec 40: Students will learn the role of relationship in public relations Lec 41: Students will learn the communication process in public relations Lec 39: Students will News articles and learn how to discussion communicate in diverse audience Lec 40: Students will learn the role of relationship in public relations Lec 41: Students will learn the communication process in public relations Students will learn how News articles and to handle discussion relationship with investors and how to tackle them during campaigns and crisis Lec 42:Students will Current lobbying learn how to handle discussions and relationship with wallmart case government and how to tackle government relations during campaigns and crisis Lec 43: Students will learn the role of peddling in government relations Lec 45: Students will learn the role of regulations and grassroots methods of lobbying

Week 11

Lecture 41

Public Relation in Corporation (Media Relations)

T-1:Chapter 17

RW-1 RW-2

Lec 39: Reaching diverse audience Lec 40:Relationship Lec 41: Communication process

Public Relation in Corporation (Customer Relations)

T-1:Chapter 17

RW-1 RW-2

Lec 39: Reaching diverse audience Lec 40:Relationship Lec 41: Communication process Lec 42: Lobbying nature, problem of influence Lec 43 :Peddling Lec 45: Regulations and grassroots

Lecture 42

Public Relations in Politics and Government(Government relations and lobbying)

T-1:Chapter 18

OR-12 OR-15

Week 11

Lecture 43

Public Relations in Politics and Government(Government relations and lobbying)

T-1:Chapter 18

OR-12 OR-15

Lec 42: Lobbying nature, problem of influence Lec 43 :Peddling Lec 45: Regulations and grassroots

Lec 42:Students will Current lobbying learn how to handle discussions and relationship with wallmart case government and how to tackle government relations during campaigns and crisis Lec 43: Students will learn the role of peddling in government relations Lec 45: Students will learn the role of regulations and grassroots methods of lobbying Lec 42:Students will Current lobbying learn how to handle discussions and relationship with wallmart case government and how to tackle government relations during campaigns and crisis Lec 43: Students will learn the role of peddling in government relations Lec 45: Students will learn the role of regulations and grassroots methods of lobbying

Lecture 44

Public Relations in Politics and Government(Government relations and lobbying)

T-1:Chapter 18

OR-12 OR-15

Lec 42: Lobbying nature, problem of influence Lec 43 :Peddling Lec 45: Regulations and grassroots

Week 12

Lecture 45

Public Relation in global Scenario (New age of global meaning)

T-1:Chapter 19

Lec 45 and Lec 46:global Lec 45 & 46:Students Class discussion corporate public will learn the relations importance of language and culture in global public relations campaigns Lec 45 and Lec 46:global Lec 45 & 46:Students Class discussion corporate public will learn the relations importance of language and culture in global public relations campaigns Homework,Test,Case study3

Lecture 46

Public Relation in global Scenario (New age of global meaning)

T-1:Chapter 19

Lecture 47 Lecture 48 Latest Trends In Public Relations (Travel) T-1:Chapter 20 OR-4

Lec 48: Basic need, membership, Lec 49: Advocacy groups Lec 50: Social organizations

Learn the role of Public class discussion and relations in education, case study entertainment and tourism

Week 12

Lecture 48

Latest Trends In Public Relations (Education)

T-1:Chapter 20


Lec 48: Basic need and membership Lec 49: Advocacy groups Lec 50: Social organizations

Lec 48:Students will class discussion and learn the role of Public case study relations officer for smooth operations Lec 49: Students will the role of advocacy groups in public relations Lec 50: Students will learn the role of social organizations in social campaigns Lec 48:Students will class discussion and learn the role of Public case study relations officer for smooth operations Lec 49: Students will the role of advocacy groups in public relations Lec 50: Students will learn the role of social organizations in social campaigns Learn the role of Public class discussion and relations in education, case study entertainment and tourism Learn the role of Public class discussion and relations in education, case study entertainment and tourism Lec 48:Students will class discussion and learn the role of Public case study relations officer for smooth operations Lec 49: Students will the role of advocacy groups in public relations Lec 50: Students will learn the role of social organizations in social campaigns

Week 13

Lecture 49

Latest Trends In Public Relations (Education)

T-1:Chapter 20


Lec 48: Basic need and membership Lec 49: Advocacy groups Lec 50: Social organizations

Latest Trends In Public Relations (Travel)

T-1:Chapter 20


Lec 48: Basic need, membership, Lec 49: Advocacy groups Lec 50: Social organizations Lec 48: Basic need, membership, Lec 49: Advocacy groups Lec 50: Social organizations Lec 48: Basic need and membership Lec 49: Advocacy groups Lec 50: Social organizations

Lecture 50

Latest Trends In Public Relations (Travel)

T-1:Chapter 20


Latest Trends In Public Relations (Education)

T-1:Chapter 20


Week 13

Lecture 51

Latest Trends In Public Relations (Nonprofit Organizations)

T-1:Chapter 21

Lec 51: Fascination with celebrity Lec 52 and Lec 53: Mystique of personality

Lec 51: Students learn Class discussion and how celebrities videos and other entertainment industry using public relations in imaging building campaigns Lec 52 & 53: Students will learn the importance of public relations in personality life and operations Lec 51: Students learn Class discussion and how celebrities videos and other entertainment industry using public relations in imaging building campaigns Lec 52 & 53: Students will learn the importance of public relations in personality life and operations Lec 51: Students learn Class discussion and how celebrities videos and other entertainment industry using public relations in imaging building campaigns Lec 52 & 53: Students will learn the importance of public relations in personality life and operations Lec 54: Students will Incredible India learn how to use public website Discussion relations in tourism sector and strategies to promote through Public relations Lec 55: Students will learn how to use public relations for sports events and personalities.

Lecture 52

Latest Trends In Public Relations (Nonprofit Organizations)

T-1:Chapter 21

Lec 51: Fascination with celebrity Lec 52 and Lec 53: Mystique of personality

Week 14

Lecture 53

Latest Trends In Public Relations (Nonprofit Organizations)

T-1:Chapter 21

Lec 51: Fascination with celebrity Lec 52 and Lec 53: Mystique of personality

Lecture 54

Public Relations in Government and Lobbying(Lobbying in India)

T-1:Chapter 22

Lec 54: Public Relations in tourism Lec 55: Public relations in sports

Week 14

Lecture 55

Public Relations in Government and Lobbying(Lobbying in India)

T-1:Chapter 22

Lec 54: Public Relations in tourism Lec 55: Public relations in sports

Lec 54: Students will Incredible India learn how to use public website Discussion relations in tourism sector and strategies to promote through Public relations Lec 55: Students will learn how to use public relations for sports events and personalities.

Lecture 56

Public Relations in Government and Lobbying(Major Lobbies in India)

T-1:Chapter 22


Student will clear their Class discussion Doubts and discuss on any topic which need more understanding

Week 15 Lecture 57 Lecture 58 Lecture 59 Lecture 60 Spill Over Spill Over Spill Over Spill Over

Scheme for CA:

Component Homework,Test,Case study Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 1 / 12

Case study1

To gauge the presentation and analytical skills of the students

Cases shall been given to group of the students (5 students in each Group group). Students have to give presentation on the given case. Cases has been mentioned in the tutorial plan. Presentations will start from second week onward and will be completed before 12th week.

1. Analysis and Presentation- 20 Marks 2. Question Handing- 10 Marks Right Format to be followed-10 Clarity of idea-5 Content10, Brochure- 5 Marks


Learning about press Preparation of press releases: Assuming you are the PR manager Individual release and brochure of your company, prepare a press release for the opening of a new design service branch of your company in New Delhi. Along with the press release, prepare a brochure for the same mentioning all the required details. (*Services and sectors will differ for each student)

8 / 10


To gauge the knowledge of the student about the subject

Test will based on the syllabus covered till the date of the test.


30 Marks (6 Question of 5 Marks each)

10 / 11

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial1 Tutorial2 Tutorial3 Tutorial4 Tutorial5 Tutorial6 Tutorial7

Introduction to case based presentation skills, body language. Expectation from case analysis. Case based presentations Case based presentations Case based presentations Case based presentations Case based presentations Doubt clearing session

Class discussion and expectations from students Case Analysis Case Analysis Case Analysis Case Analysis Case Analysis Problem Solving

After Mid-Term
Tutorial8 Tutorial9 Tutorial10 Tutorial11 Tutorial12 Tutorial13 Tutorial14 Case based presentations Case based presentations Case based presentations Case based presentations Case based presentations Case based presentations Doubt clearing session Case Analysis Case Analysis Case Analysis Case Analysis Case Analysis Case Analysis Problem Solving

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