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Oleh : Nama : Binti Saadah NIM : 1150 01011111!0 "ela# : $%A&'i(i#ni#


AGRICU,TURE IN IN*ONESIA AN* T$E RO,E O+ INSTITUTIONS IN +ARMERS .E,+ARE By: Binti Saadah 115040101111120 Agriculture is one sector which is very important for ndonesia! "his is #ecause the ma$ority of the ndonesian population living and wor%ing in the agricultural sector& #oth as farmers 'small farmers and large farmers(& as a la#orer& as well as the processing of agricultural products! ndonesia is a country with a#undant of natural resources& this is due to ndonesia)s geographical location #etween two continents 'Asia and Australia( and two oceans ' ndian *cean and the +acific(! Agriculture in ndonesia has a very significant role& #ecause agriculture in ndonesia not only acts as a sustainer of life of the people& #ut also affected the sta#ility of the national economy! Agriculture in ndonesia isnt only as a place to produce food& #ut also a place of employment& especially small rural communities! Agriculture is a comple, system& in which there are many issues that affect the ndonesian economy system! n addition #ecause the ma$ority of ndonesian people who depend on the sector& the agricultural sector is also one of the main foreign e,change earner country! A wide range of e,isting pro#lems in the agricultural sector& ndonesia& among others:

.ot to create a fair system in agricultural land use 'ownership /s #usinessman(! n this case the economic scale effort& still a lot of vacant land and the conversion of agricultural land ownership is unclear! "hough there are laws governing agrarian land ownership& where a person can only have a certain amount of land to the place of his residence in the areas! But in reality many people from outside the region to master an area of land or a land with thousands of hectares in other areas! 0or e,ample in the area of Batu 1ity& there are thousands of acres of land with an area of his property& #ut the status is owned #y citi2ens of Sura#aya or 3a%arta& in fact rarely the vast land to land #ecause of sleep is not processed #y the owner!

1apital resources ndonesian agriculture is still wea%& where the e,change rate of ndonesian agricultural products is low& the ris% is high and profits low!

1onversion of productive land to industry due to the implementation of the policy is not optimal mapping of agro commodities related to land!

4ea% peasant mentality pro#lem in the fight for their rights and wea% of entrepreneurship! 5ess s%illed farmers& cultivating technical mastery limitations on certain commodities& agri#usiness lac% of orientation& lac% of control of post6harvest processing& and lac% of a#ility to access the mar%et!

0armers lac% capital& the #an%ing system is less concerned with farmers& agricultural insurance and there is no system of de#t #ondage!

n mar%eting& the price received #y farmers is not fair& volatile& dependent traders and middlemen& to the detriment! 7astery of information and access to mar%ets are wea%& the mar%eting chain length and unfair distri#ution margins

Awareness of farmers in a wea% organi2ation& some organi2ations that there is less wor%& and less independent!

/arious issues a#ove should #e ta%en seriously #y the government! f it #e overloo%ed& the national economy will #e sha%en and communities #ecome increasingly difficult to achieveth the apportionment! 8ntil now& agriculture is still su#ordinated to the government& so that li%e the a#ove employed several %inds of pro#lems arise& such as changes in agricultural commodity prices! 1hanges in the price of some types of ma$or food commodities such as rice& corn& and soy#ean can changes in the national economy! 1oncrete e,amples some time ago is s%yroc%eting national soy#ean prices caused some tofu and fermented soy#ean ca%e had rallies& even some of them have gone out of #usiness #ecause is una#le to reach the soy#ean price is overvalued! Similarly with tofu and fermented soy#ean ca%e are difficult to reach soy#ean prices& soy#ean farmers are not a#le to produce soy hindered #y erratic weather which caused some farmers to crop failure& not to mention the local farmers could not compete with imported soy#eans are cheaper and si2e greater than the local soy#ean& soy#ean farmers ndonesian thus lost! ndonesia)s soy#ean farmers here do not have the strength to compete with imported products due to ndonesian farmers are not informed a#out the condition of the national mar%et& where ndonesian farmers sometimes actually harmed #y the low price of soy production sales when sold to middlemen or wholesalers! "his is where the role of institutions #oth government agencies neither private organi2ations is needed to help ndonesian farmers to manage and mar%et their crops! nstitutional farming is the norm or customs structured and patterned and practicing on continuously to fulfill the needs of community mem#ers that are closely related to the livelihood of agriculture in the countryside! n the community life of farmers& farmers) position and institutional functions are part of

social institutions that facilitate social interaction or social interplay in a community! 0armer organi2ation also has a strategic point 'entry point( in mo#ili2ing rural agri#usiness system! 0or that all availa#le resources should #e directed at the rural 9 prioriti2ed in order to improve the professionalism and the #argaining position of farmers 'farmer groups(! 1urrently portraits of farmers and farmer institutions in ndonesia are still not recogni2ed as e,pected 'Suradisastra& 200:(! 1 "he role of the institution is very significant& #ecause the activities of these #odies should #e a#le to ma%e people self6sufficient and not rely on the government or even outsiders! nstitutions must #e a#le to perform a variety of activities that actually re;uired #y the pu#lic so that activities performed actually implemented& usa#le and useful to society! nappropriate policy in managing the country)s economy will lead to misery for the people! n the case of soy#eans a#ove& when the government imposed a policy of importing soy#eans from a#road to meet domestic needs& the people of ndonesia who is a soy#ean farmer will lose money #ecause they can not compete with imported soy#eans! <owever& if the government does not enforce the policy& it will #e a lot of tofu artisans and entrepreneurs who will #e out of #usiness! "herefore& a role institution as a container that can help farmers to compete with imported products! n performing its role& in addition to ma%ing various programs or activities for the community& government agencies also must prepare for the type of communication media that is really effective& so that people can receive the information su#mitted #y the agency in the a#sence of re$ection or aversion that caused the failure of the process of delivering information! "hus& people can accept and carry out activities that have #een prepared voluntarily without any coercion from the local government! "he role of institutions& in this case for e,ample the nstitute for 1ommunity =mpowerment '5+7(& really needed to address the various pro#lems that e,ist in the agricultural sector in ndonesia! 1all it the pro#lem of agricultural cultivation! Agricultural products in the country are generally not a#le to compete with imported products #ecause most of the agriculture in ndonesia is still doing that ma,imi2e the input of agricultural e,tension in the form of inorganic fertili2ers and pesticides that are harmful to health& #oth human health and the environment! "he role of community development here& to #e a#le to provide a solution that is accepta#le to the community! "he use of artificial pesticides and inorganic fertili2ers is not healthy& #ut that does not necessarily mean the government #anned its use! "his is #ecause many people who have an interest in the


PETANI TERHADAP PEMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN! http:99www!ums#!ac!id9files9197=.A>A9wedy2?!pdf! @ia%ses tanggal 15 .ovem#er 201A

#usiness of pesticides and inorganic fertili2ers& and farmers will lay #al%ed when government agencies do so! n contrast& the role of government agencies is to provide solutions& how to order farmers to produce agricultural products are healthy #y reducing the intensity of the use of pesticides and inorganic fertili2ers! "he solution offered is to organic farming! Bovernment agencies& such as the 5+7 can offer assistance in the manufacture of organic fertili2ers and pesticides& which are necessary ingredients derived from nature a#out the farmers themselves& there#y reducing production costs! 4or% together with the community and government to the agricultural activities& without any patroni2ing element of one of the parties! Because in society empowerment& neither party %nows #etter #ut all e;ually learned& farmers learned to grow good and true& in this case healthy and a#le to compete with the mar%et! 4hile the government learn to apply the methods of empowerment needed for a#le to #e accepted and successful social welfare! 4ith the overall welfare of the people of a country& then it will slowly sta#ili2e the country)s economy and well6 #eing of a state is reached!


http:99www!deptan!go!id9ren#angtan9%onsepCpem#angunanCpertanian!pdf! @ia%ses pada tanggal 15 .ovem#er 201A 7arli Batu#ara& 7ustopa! 200D! PERAN LEMBAGA PERMODALAN DALAM PEMBIAYAAN SEKTOR AGRIBISNIS DITINGKAT PERTANIAN RAKYAT DI SUMATERA SELATAN ! @ia%ses http:99www!perpusta%aan!dep%eu!go!id90*5@=>38>.A59%reditE20agri#isnis!pdf! tanggal 15 .ovem#er 201A .asrul& 4edy! 2012! PENGEMBANGAN KELEMBAGAAN PERTANIAN UNTUK PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS PETANI TERHADAP PEMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN! http:99www!ums#!ac!id9files9197=.A>A9wedy2?!pdf! @ia%ses tanggal 15 .ovem#er 201A!

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