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Fruit of the Month: LEMON PLUMS (Chile)

Produce Market Report March 4, 2014

Lemon Plums have a similar shape to a lemon; however one end is rounded. They are bright yellow in color and sour in taste when unripe. The yellow becomes a golden orange, and finally a reddish purple color once fully ripe. Once ripe, the taste is similar to that of a plum as it is sweet and juicy. They are a very rare fruit from Chile and their peak availability in the United States is very minimal. The sweet taste of a lemon plum makes it a great addition to cakes, sorbets and jams.


Lettuce: Romaine, iceberg,

red leaf and green leaf, boston and other leafy lettuces are of excellent quality and great pricing.

Rhubarb Romaine, Iceberg, Red & Green Leaf Green Beans

Melons: Cantaloupes are all
coming from Costa Rica now with good quality and sugar. The pricing is steady from last week. Honeydews are in good shape from Mexico and Central America but up a couple of dollars.


Rhubarb: Now is the time for

these delicious colorful hot house rhubarb coming from Washington State. Dont wait! Artichokes: From all the warm weather in Northern California, artichokes are great item to purchase right now. Great pricing!

Asparagus Broccoli & Broccoli Crowns Artichokes Cucumbers Blood Oranges & Cara Cara Oranges Brussels Sprouts

Limes: Limes are up substantially as they typically are this time of year. Choose lemons as the better option if you have a choice.

Blood Oranges & Cara Cara Oranges: Now is the

time for these delicate citrus gems from the Sunshine State with great pricing.

Mangos: We are still struggling a bit with the mango crop right now. Look to other fruits like cantaloupe and honeydew to substitute this week.

Cucumber: Cucumbers
from Mexico are moving great with good pricing.

Strawberries: Your best buy in

berries this week are these plump, sweet strawberries out of Florida. Their price has declined again and now is the time to order up. Stem berries are in stock, too.

Asparagus: There is absolutely no shortage of very high quality asparagus in all sizes this week. Come and get it!

Lemon plums Avocados Tangelos Strawberries Blackberries Honeydew melons

Grapes: Green grapes are down

now from Chile and the quality is very nice. Red grapes are steady. We have lunch bunch, black seedless and red globes too.

Peppers: Green peppers are

plentiful out of Mexico and the price is really good. No issues with quality.

Watermelons: There is a serious availability problem now for watermelons. Prices are very high. Cabbage: Contrary to what is typical this time of year, green cabbage has shot up in price with the impact of a freeze in the south. A shortage has resulted, driving up prices.

Eggplant: Eggplant is arriving with good pricing from Mexico.

Grapefruit, tangerines and oranges

Lemon Plums: Dont forget to

order our Fruit of the Month. These very popular short-lived beauties. We also have Chilean peaches, nectarines, red and black plums which are really beautiful too!

Broccoli & Broccoli Crowns: These healthy vegBrussels Sprouts: We are

happy to report that Brussels Sprouts are still a good buy with excellent pricing. We are shipping lots of this very popular item right now. gies are the ones to feature this week. Right now we are getting some of the best pricing of the year. (Cauliflower is up just a bit, though.)

Limes Watermelons Fava Beans English Pees

Avocados: Prices are up a couple

of dollars this week but the quality is nice and buttery! Fava Beans: Due to the weather prices are high. Keep on the lookout!

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