Every Family Needs A Granny-Versão B

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Escola Secundria de Almeida Garrett Teste de Ingls

11 Ano Maro de 2002 Professora Elisabete Gomes

A. Before reading the text answer the following question in about 25 words. How well are the elderly treated in your society? E !lain" Read the following text and do the exercises below.

Every Family Needs a Granny

The letter and the cheque had arrived two weeks before. Lillian Walters took them out and read the letter again for the umpteenth time. It was from her daughter-in-law. Dear Mum, this is just a short letter in the hope that youll understand how we feel. With both children away for a month, Mark and I decided to take a weeks holiday. Itll be the first time for I dont know how long that I wont ha e to think about cooking for the whole family. Im really sorry if this is a disappointment to you, but without the girls there doesnt seem much point in a family get-together. We hope to see you soon. Im enclosing a che!ue which Mark and I hope will enable you and possibly of couple of your friends to ha e a nice birthday party. Im sure youll understand that this little gift comes with our lo e and congratulations for your birthday. "ours affectionately, #harmaine.$ The cheque and the letter were written in Charmaines neat strong handwriting. Lillian felt hot tears behind her e!elids. "tupid tears she told herself crossl!. #ark and Charmaine were entitled to their own lives and to make their own plans without having to consider her and besides the cheque was generous. "o wh! are !ou feeling tearful Lillian$ "he asked herself. The problem was the prospect of loneliness with which she could contend well during the !ear but not on her birthda!. %lso the idea of spending so much mone! on a meal not made b! her made her feel guilt!. If she kept it it would bu! her a stream of lu&uries for months which she could no longer afford' her favourite biscuits to have with her tea new stockings a much needed hair cut and a chance to have her one good dress dr! cleaner properl!. (h she could go on adding to the list all right without even starting on the presents she would like to bu! for her acquaintances who also lived in the small self-contained rooms in the big block.
An#ela $till %ada!ted&

B. Find evidence in the text of the following statements by quoting from the text. Don t quote more than necessary. 1" 2" *" -" /" 'illian (alters was saddened by what she read" Her dau#hter)in)law wanted to s!end some time alone with her husband" +harmaine thin,s that money will comfort her mother)in)law" 'illian loo,ed forward to her birthday e.ery year" $he li.ed on a ti#ht bud#et"

!. Answer these questions according to the text" 1" (hat reasons did +harmaine !ut forward for not comin# to her mother)in)law0s !arty? 2" (hy was 'illian so cross with herself about feelin# tearful? *" (hat ,ind of e istence did 'illian lead?

D. #x$lain the meaning of the following words%ex$ressions from the text"

). a famil! get-together *. enclosing +. were entitled

#. &hat do the following words refer bac' to in the text( 1" 2" *" -" /" them this we you which

F. Rewrite the following sentences beginning them as shown and without changing their meaning. 1" E.en thou#h the #o.ernment ,nows that !eo!le need interference from the !olitical !ower1 it still doesn0t s!end a reasonable !ro!ortion of its income on benefits to !eo!le in need" 2es!ite 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 2" 4 tal,ed to 'illian yesterday" Her sister li.es in the Home for the Elderly in 5ew 6or," 4 tal,ed to 'illian 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 *" 7he American +onstitution and the 8ill of 9i#hts #uarantee the ri#hts and freedoms of the citi:ens no matter their a#e" 7he ri#hts 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 -" 7he children were away for a month" $o the cou!le decided to ta,e a wee,0s holiday" 4f33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 /" ; (hy don0t you ha.e a nice birthday !arty with your friends?< +harmaine su##ested 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 =" Granny will s!end the che>ue on food or on a birthday !arty" Either 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

). You read the short story: *ho$$ing for one. +ean writes a letter to her best friend who lives abroad telling her about the latest events in her life, her feelings and $roblems. *he also ma'es a few comments on the 'ind of society%consumer s society we live in. (rite about 100 words on it"

Break a leg

Mrs Gomes

Your teacher

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