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Matt Smiths Internship Entry Plan NELA Cohort III Goal 1: Develop a strong, tr sting relationship !ith my ne!

"olleag es at S#E that !ill ena$le "olla$orative !or% an& instr "tional improvement 'imeline (S) *+1, - *+1./ Impa"t

0$1e"tive A: Esta$lish an& &evelop a !or%ing relationship !ith every instr "tional sta22 mem$er in the $ il&ing Review Teacher Working Conditions survey data from past two cycles July Used teacher data from TWC to improve my own organizational management and ability to respond to teacher needs. Realized that W! teachers particularly value administrative responsiveness to discipline needs. !stablished common set of beliefs as basis for working relationship with faculty. Received several replies from faculty via email. %eveloped relational trust with faculty that translated into cooperation on C&R training$ !C modifications$ and other instances of distributive leadership. Received comments of appreciation

end introductory letter to all staff members


#nitiate contact with every instructional staff$ learn their names and teaching schedule$ and learn something personal about them. Write thank you notes each 'riday to instructional staff


Weekly ('ridays)

'acilitate United Way fundraisers (*eans on 'ridays$ district campaign) 'ollowing district mandated walk throughs$ write personal emails to each observed staff member.

eptember+,ctober ,ngoing

directly from staff as well as indirectly from principal. Raised almost -./// for United Way (versus -/ raised by W! in previous year). !stablished 0good intent1 during walk throughs2 received positive comments from staff members$ including 'rank 3atthews2 received comment on mid4 year evaluation from principal regarding walk throughs.

0$1e"tive 3: Esta$lish an& &evelop a strong !or%ing relationship !ith non4instr "tional sta22 #nitiate contact with every non4instructional staff member (custodians$ secretaries$ etc.)$ learn their names and something personal about them. Write thank you notes for all non4instructional staff at the start of the year and on an ongoing basis 5elp out with non4administrative duties (answering phones$ cleaning up in cafeteria$ picking up litter during daily schedule2 watching # so # coordinator can eat lunch) "ugust %eveloped good working relationships2 was approached$ in particular$ by night custodian numerous times for situational input #ncreased sense of appreciation and value by all staff members2 received positive data on mid4year staff evaluation %emonstrated through my actions that no task is too small for an administrator to do2 built collaborative relationship with Colonel Whitehurst$ Chief Williams$ and Jerry 5arrell



0$1e"tive C: Esta$lish an& &evelop 5 ality relationships !ith the st &ent $o&y

6reet incoming student vehicles and parents during morning and afternoon parking routines 6reet students warmly in the halls$ classrooms$ lunch$ learn names



When dealing with discipline issues$ discuss and address academic and personal issues with students first. 3aintain visibility in classrooms and halls2 eat lunch in cafeteria with students

,ngoing (if decided) %aily

Used morning parking lot duty as conte7t to meet students$ learn names$ and build relationships2 now know 8//9 students at W! by name !stablish my role as interested stakeholder in student success2 recognized by most students by name at the school2 approached daily by students at W! with individual needs for support or help. !stablished root cause analysis protocol for handling student discipline. !stablished 0ubi:uitous1 presence on campus to offset my absences during ;!<" re:uired classes and trainings

Goal *: Esta$lish mysel2 as an instr "tional lea&er an& $ il& a plat2orm 2or my role in "ontin o s instr "tional improvement "y"le6 0$1e"tive A: Con& "t nee&s assessment6



Conduct &<C survey from ;ational chool Reform 'aculty with staff =e present every week in every classroom and ask$ 0What can # do to help you>1 "ttend &<C meetings in several content areas




Used data to understand teacher perceptions of &<Cs2 created data analysis tool based on %ufour research to provide structure for &<Cs use assessments to drive instruction. %eveloped differentiated understanding of teacher needs across the school. &rovided administrative support as needed2 also provided articles on best instructional practice$ shared Common Core online resources$ and established strong relationships with &<C chairs %eveloped a common understanding of areas in need of improvement. 6athered perceptional data about student learning e7periences in the classroom.

%iscuss historical testing data with mentor principal so as to 0see1 the school through a data lens Review student progress reports and instructional data notebooks and in:uire about their classroom e7periences.



0$1e"tive 3: Se" re 7early !ins8 in the area o2 instr "tional improvement6 3onitor instructional planning and use of 0non4negotiables1 in teacher classrooms$ including mod logs$ data$ etc. hadow other instructional leaders in the building$ including ?ristin nyder$ as they do walk throughs and the formal observation cycle (pre4conference$ observation$ post4conference) &rovide instructional support and resources for teachers as needed to ensure they are supported in the classroom &rovide input on the chool #mprovement &lan$ especially instructional components therein #ncreased accountability and consistency in e7pectations2 established my administrative role in supervision and instructional leadership %eveloped shared norms (procedural and substantive) for observing teachers as well as best practices for providing feedback. #mproved working relationship between administration and teachers on instructional issues2 collaborated with several teachers on innovative lesson plans (artifacts posted on wiki). haped W! instructional goals and implementation strategies$ including




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