Lesson Plan/: Investigating Materials: States of Matter

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Lesson Plan/

Topic Title

Investigating Materials : States of Matter

Year Level

Lesson Aims:

What aims do you have for the lesson? For example, to probe the students ideas about Floating & Sinking?

o Student will be able to identify and determine the three states of matter that is solid, liquid and gas o Student will be able to classify objects and materials into solid, liquid and gas

Concepts and/or Process Skills List the key concepts to be probed and/or taught !lso, if applicable, list the process skills to be probed and/or taught 1. Concept : he three states of matter that is solid, liquid and gas Process skill: he student gets chance to identify the matter and !rovide some e"am!les of them

Students Background Knowledge What do you kno" about the students# kno"ledge and/or process skill development that they come into the lesson "ith? Most of the student has the basic understanding and #nowledge about solid, liquid and gas.
Resources and Materials: What materials and resources will you need to have prepared?

1$ %or#sheets

Stage of lesson



Student action
What "ill students be doing? $xplain ho" the students are expected to "ork

Teac er action
What "ill you do during this time? What prompting %uestions "ill you need to prepare? &o" "ill you monitor student progress and needs?
1. e #ust hear to what the students said. $sk them some argument about what the" said 2. %et them determine the things without our guide.

Stage ! "ntroduction &o" "ill you engage and stimulate the interest of the students? 'nclude possible %uestions that you may choose to use Stage # Bod$ of lesson (escribe each distinct task in the order to be undertaken )rovide a heading for each task Start a ne" task each time the teacher or students behave in a different manner State an estimated length of time for each task

1. The students are supposed to tell about the things that will melt. 2. Show the students some thing at the school and ask them to determine whether its melting or not.

7:457.55 am &1' minutes$

1. e e!pected that the students will state man" things that will either melting or not. 2. e e!pected that the students can understand which things can melt.

Strateg": predict& obser'e and e!plain e ask them the temperature o( ice cube. e gi'e them some time to answer the )uestion. Then we brings the things that related to the e!periment.. Then we asked the students to test the temperature o( ice cube. e asked them to record their obser'ation in a worksheet. Strateg": predict& obser'e and e!plain e put the ice in the 'arious wa"s: 1- in the beaker 2- on the table .- wrap with the tissue 4- wrap with aluminium (oil 5- wrap with cloth /bser'e what happens and then ask the students to e!plain what the" understand about this concept. Strateg": inter'iew about instant e gi'e the students the worksheet. $sk them to predict which matter melt in the (ast rate and note it. Then& ask (or 'eri(ication& students will carr" out little e!periment. 1rom their obser'ation& classi(" in the table what the" had obser'ed. 2oing some acti'it" to answer the )uestion that related to the melting topic

7.55*:1+ am ,15 minutes-

The" en#o" doing the e!periment. The" get the knowledge about the temperature o( ice.

e look at their wa" o( testing using the ob#ects. e also guide them to use the things.

*.1+*.25 am ,15 minutes-

The students take some time to obser'e what had happened. Then& the" create their own answer.

$sked them wh" the" choose that answer. 0i'e them some clue to get the correct answer.

*.25*.4+ am ,15 minutes-

The student s will get the idea doing this acti'it".

e look the wa"s the" do the acti'it".

Stage %: Conclusion &o" "ill you dra" the findings of the lesson together so that the students can evaluate "hat they have learnt?

*.4+*.45am ,5 minutes-

e e!pected that the" will answer the )uestions in the right wa"s.

hich thing is melting3 The meaning o( melting3 hich one melting (ast3 1- ice wrap with cloth or 2- ice wrap with tissue

e students& understandings of t e concepts and t eir process skill level What did you find about each student#s understanding of the concepts? (id they have alternative conceptions? (id they have a partial or full understanding of the concepts? What process skills "ere observed?

Most of the student have basic conce!t about melting. (ut, when we show the e"am!le they can understand well about the to!ic. hey have full understanding about melting when we as# them about ice. hey get the idea from their daily life e"!eriences.
'eflection on effectiveness of Small (roup teac ing What approaches "orked and didn#t "ork? What alternative approaches could you use for those that didn#t "ork?

)t first, we as# them some sim!le question about solid, liquid and gas object. hen, we start to as# about the meaning of melting conce!t. %hen we give them a wor#sheet, some of them seem that don*t really understand what to do. Maybe we should change our style of wor#sheet so that they are interested to do the wor#sheet. (ut, when we as# them to do activities, all of them give fully !artici!ation.
'eflection on w et er $ou created a safe) inclusive and engaging learning environment &o" "as the timing or the flo" of the lesson? What other observations did you make +

%e get to manage our time !ro!erly. %e have enough time to do activity and have oral discussion with them about what was ha!!en.
'eflection on colla*oration wit $our partner in planning and deliver$ of t e lesson &o" did you plan together? distribute the "orkload? share the teaching *indicate "hat percentage each partner too in the role of the teacher and the role of the observer+? What agreement did you reach about your approach to behaviour management? &o" successfully did you implement "hat you agreed?

%e teach them two conce!ts, each one of us will teach one conce!ts. So, when one of us taught the student, another one is the recorder. he recorder need to be very !recise when the student try to answer the question verbally.

+ at plans do $ou ave for t e ne,t lesson *ased on $our findings from t is lesson-

%e found that students really enjoy doing the activities and they learn through the activity. So, for the ne"t lesson we need to use our creativity do create an interesting and useful activity. hen, we also found that we need to be more !recise when as#ing them question so that the question is suitable for their level. he most im!ortant things is we need to give clear instruction and sim!lify our words in case they are not able to understand our instructions.

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