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February 2014

World Skills interview Interviwer : Yeison Fabian Vargas Interviwed: Ricardo Correa Alarcon


Second Edition



For us Santandereanos, it is a pride to live in one of the best regions of Colombia, a territory full of natural and cultural wealth that holds a special place in the minds and hearts of every person from our country, even to people from other places who are all in love with this beautiful land. Santander has countless places that define the culture of an adventurous, hard working and brave society; therefore, I would like to present one of the most attractive municipalities of Santander, a place full of traditions that takes us to another time, and recreates the countless historic events that took place several years ago. Without further ado, I'd like to introduce San Juan de Girn, a town that was pronounced a national monument; a beautiful treasure filled with history. Girn preserves its colonial architecture with a great pride as well as its art craft, which has become an undeniable legacy to Colombia. To keep this cultural jewel alive we should make an effort to maintain its unique characteristics. Consequently, it is essential that we keep this town in in the best possible conditions without compromising or threatening its historic patrimony. San Juan de Girn is a testimony of the past, and belongs not only to us Gironeses but to Santander and Colombia as well; this will allow us to reach every Colombian citizen so they can enjoy as much as we do, contemplating and identifying the roots of a majestic and unique place, which enriches and preserves our history.


This month, the undoubted issue is the celebration of Saint Valentine's day, I am aware, that in Colombia, very few people celebrate this date, thinking it's just an American holiday, but here I'll tell you the origin, and why not? ... Let's make it a beautiful and responsible feast. Most people think that Valentine's Day is only celebrated by the interest of the big malls, but its origins date back to the Roman Empire. Valentine was a priest who lived around the third century. There was an Emperor named Claudius II, who decided to ban the celebration of marriages for young people, because in his opinion the single soldiers without families were better because they had fewer ties. The priest felt that the decree was unfair and challenged the Emperor. He celebrated secret marriages for young lovers. This is the reason w h y Va l e n t i n e h a s become the popular patron of lovers. The Emperor Claudius found out that Valentine enjoyed great prestige in Rome, and the Emperor summoned him to the p a l a c e . Va l e n t i n e t o o k t h a t occasion to proselytize Christianity. Although he showed interest, the army and the governor of Rome, called Calpurnius , persuaded him to persuade her into a top C l a u d i u s I I . The Emperor Claudius then ordered him to be imprisoned. Then the Asterius official, imprison manager wanted to ridicule and test Valentin. He challenged him to return the sight of his daughter, named Julia, who was born blind. Valentine agreed and, on behalf of the Lord , he restored her vision. A n y w a y, Va l e n t i n e continued to be a weak prisoner and eventually Emperor Claudius ordered his execution on February 14th in 270. Young Julia planted an almond tree with pink flowers by his grave. Hence, the almond is a symbol of lasting love and friendship. Colombian people celebrate many things, no matter if they are good or bad, so, Who cares if it's an American celebration? We should express love at all times, so any day is good for love!!

Valentine's Day Word Search Puzzle

affection boyfriend chocolate february flowers friendship girlfriend holiday kiss love tenderness valentine

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February 2014


Second Edition

World Skills interview

Interviwer : Yeison Fabian Vargas Interviwed : Ricardo Correa Alarcon


Yesion: Good morning instructor. It is a pleasure to have the chance to ask you some important questions about yourself and your experience in World Skills in the specialty of electronics. Ricardo: Good morning Yeison I would be pleased to answer your questions. Yeison: what is your full name? Ricardo: My full name is Ricardo Correa Alarcon Yeison: What is your profession? Ricardo: I am electrical engineer Yeison: When did you start working at SENA? Ricardo: I started in 1995 as a contractor and in 1998 I began my career Yeison: When did you start working with World Skills Ricardo: The beginning of my experience started in 2007 and after one year I had the opportunity to be the leader of the regional team. Later, in 2011 thanks to my effort I was named national leader of World Skills Colombia. Yeison: Wonderful! Now can you tell me about the international competitions? Ricardo: Off course! The first experience was in London with the apprentice Edicson Garzon. In 2012 we had the chance to go to Sao Paulo Brazil to participate in World Skills Americas with the apprentice Hugo Andres Molina and we won the silver medal. In 2013 we traveled to Leipzig Germany to participate in World Skills International with Hugo Andres. We also won the gold medal in World Skills Colombia in 2013 and I am so glad to answer these questions to the fellow who participated in that great experience, You! Yeison: Ahh thanks a lot! I am working hard to have very good results in the next competitions. Mr Ricardo would you like to say something to conclude our interview? Ricardo: Sure! Yeison this has been a great experience and all thanks to the work of the electronics team Adriana Martinez, Lusvin Amado, Jairo Ospina, Jaime Leonardo Mendoza and all the people who support World Skills and our job, we have positive expectations and dreams to accomplish. Yeison: Thank you so much for your time Mr Ricardo .

Imagen 1 de 1 - Las regionales SENA de Bolvar, Atlntico, Valle, Santander, Antioquia, Distrito Capital, Caldas, Quindo, Putumayo, Nario y Boyac, representarn a Colombia en Worldskills Amricas 2014.

The importance of being an apprentice! Foreign teachers, our possitive experience.

we humans are the most evolved and wonderful expression of nature, we are invisibly interconnected through a very emotional and powerful magnetic network , we can convey emotions , ideas and feelings through this network , we carry within a heavenly and superior intelligence that controls all of our systems and vital organs in harmony, our father is the spirit that overlaps all things and the magic of life flows through us all the time, our father is the Creator and we`ve inherited his creativity and beauty and it is amazing how we can reinvent ourselves , invent new ideas, ways and systems of coexistence, we transform our environment constantly and we do it because we are an integral part of nature , we are living miracles , we are a balanced integration of a divine and a wonderful spirit , the universal mind and the perfection of nature, even so we will always be apprentice spirits.
Wilmer Bermudez Osorio Ruben Dario Rodriguez Coronel Pedro Carreo Carlos Pedraza




Ana Maria Martinez Serrano Dave Prins Jamaal Weatherspoon Javier Amaya Diaz John Anderson Suarez Len Laura Margarita Pinzon Jacome Martha Isabel Barbosa Rodriguez Martha Lucia Chaves Nio Bibiana Fernanda Torres Avila

On Friday, February 7th, our group and I had the pleasure of interacting with two foreigners from the United States: Jamal and David, from Seattle and Miami. The new instructors have been in our country for two weeks. I understand they have come with the intention of teaching English, from a native's perspective. Although they speak very little Spanish, this gave us the opportunity to strengthen our knowledge in English and to make very basic questions. At the same time, we were able to understand what they answered. These helped us a lot more with our English conversation skills, and provided us with the opportunity to increase our grammatical level and our general knowledge of this language.

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