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(Keep this Form with you while you are in the clinical area)

NORMAL VITAL SIGNS AT VARIOUS AGES AGE 0-3 mos 3-12 mos 1-2 yrs 3-! yrs 5-7 yrs 8-11 yrs " 12 yrs HEART RATE 90-180 awake 85-170 asleep 100-180 awake 75-1 0 asleep 90-150 70-1!0 5-135 0-130 55-120 RESP. RATE 25- 5 25- 0 18-50 1 -35 15-30 15-25 1!-25 SYST BP 70-105 70-110 75-115 78-115 80-120 85-135 95-1!5

#$ %& are a'normal( repeat the proce)ure to *eri$y the results+ ,oti$y the patient-s ., o$ any a'normal $in)in/s+

AGE 0-3 mos

ABNORMAL VITAL SIGNS REQUIRING MD NOTIFICATION HEART RATE RESP. RATE SYSTOLIC DIASTOLIC BP BP 0801 2180 0801 2180 0801 2175 0701 2170 0 01 21 0 0 01 2150 0501 21!0 0251 270 0201 270 0181 2 0 01 1 250 0121 2!0 0121 235 0101 235 0701 2110 0701 2110 0751 2120 0751 2125 0801 2130 0851 2135 0901 21!5 035 0!0 0!0 0!5 0!5 050 050

3-12 mos+ 1-2 yrs 3-! yrs 5-7 yrs 8-11 yrs " 12 yrs

The physicia is !"i#ie$ a y"i%e "he RN is c! ce& e$ a'!(" "he pa"ie " e)e i# VS a&e *i"hi !&%a+ &a ,e. See cha&" a'!)e. 3ake note i$ parent re$use) to ha*e chil)-s %& taken at that time+ 4an check 'ack later to see i$ the time is more con*enient+ Te%pe&a"(&e - 5he 6lectronic 5hermometer can 'e use) in all types o$ isolation+ #$ contact with in$ectious material occurs( clean unit with )isin$ectant+ - 78illary temps $or in$ants up to a/e ! - 5 years - 5ympanic temps can 'e o'taine) on chil)ren startin/ aroun) a/e 18 months 9 2! months - :ral temps on chil)ren a/e ! 9 5 years an) up who can hol) thermometer sa$ely an) correctly in mouth (or can use tympanic or a8illary) - .ectal temps when in)icate) - 7*oi) rectal i$ chil) has )iarrhea( low white 'loo) cell count( low platelet count( rectal pro'lems - Rec!&$ Te%pe&a"(&e a $ Me"h!$ -A . O . R . T/ - Follow stan)in/ or)ers ; protocol $or $e*er control+ - 7pical pulse $or chil)ren 2 an) un)er+ - 4ount $or 1 $ull minute - Rec!&$ P(+se Ra"e a $ Si"e -apica+ . &a$ia+ . "e%p!&a+ . ca&!"i$/ - 4ount $or one $ull minute on all chil)ren+ - #$ respirations are irre/ular( count $or 2 minutes an) )i*i)e num'er 'y 2 to /et the rate+ - ,ote any si/ns o$ respiratory )istress (skin )usky or 'lue( retractions( nasal $larin/( whee<in/( stri)or) 0 Rec!&$ Respi&a"!&y Ra"e a $ Ac"i)i"y Le)e+ -A+e&" . C&yi , . S+eepi , . Le"ha&,ic . Se$a"e$ . U &esp! si)e - =se )isposa'le stethoscope( >? cu$$ $or isolation patients - &elect appropriate si<e cu$$ 'ase) on lim' circum$erence (,eonate @ 5 " 8 9 15 cm+ ; #n$ant " 8 9 13 cm+ ; 4hil) " 12 9 19 cm ; &mall a)ult " 17 9 25 cm+ ; 7)ult " 23 9 33 cm+ ; Aar/e 7)ult " 31 9 !0 cm+ ; 5hi/h 4u$$ " 38 9 50 cm+) - 3ost cu$$s will ha*e 2 lines printe) on them+ 5he in$ant-s arm shoul)n-t 'e wi)er than the 2 lines - 3ust hol) e8tremity still in or)er to /et a rea)in/+ - Rec!&$ BP Meas(&e%e " a $ Si"e


Respi&a"i! s


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