11BM60025 Sohini Banerjee

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Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur Email: sohini.03 !3"#gmail.com Mo$ile: %!&'0'( EDUCATION Year 0" 00& 003 00" Examination Master of )usiness *dministration +M)*, ).E. / Information Technolog0 4igher Secondar0 E5amination Madh0ami8 E5amination Institution Vinod Gupta School of Management +VGSoM,, IIT Kharagpur 1ada2pur 3ni2ersit0 .atha )ha2an .atha )ha2an 4igh School Board/University Vinod Gupta School of Management +VGSoM,, IIT Kharagpur 1ada2pur 3ni2ersit0 6est )engal -ouncil of 4igher Secondar0 Education 6est )engal )oard of Secondar0 Education C !A/!er"enta#e !.'% +-G.*, %.0! +-G.*, !(.37 !!.97


TOTA% 'OR( E&!ERIENCE) *+ ,ONTHS Sin"e Ju2y 4556 ti22 Ju2y 4575

!RICE 'ATERHOUSE - COO!ERS .!/ %TD01 (o23ata ER! $un"tiona2 Consu2tant .!er8orman"e Im9rovement .!I/ !ra"ti"e/

6or8ed as a part of the E:. Implementation Team for ;arang <racle *pps Implementation pro=ect. Ke0 responsi$ilities included the design and implementation of the <racle <rder Management and Trade Management modules of <racle *pps. *cted as a mem$er of the E:. Support Team in the Te5maco <racle *pps Implementation pro=ect. 6or8ed mainl0 on the <racle .urchasing and In2entor0 modules. 6as in2ol2ed in resol2ing da0>to>da0 transaction related issues, user training and incorporating some ne? re@uirements as per the $usiness needs of the client. .ro2ided post go>li2e support in Mc;all0 )harat Engineering +M)E, <racle *pps Implementation .ro=ect. .rimaril0 handled the modules li8e <racle .urchasing, <rder Management and In2entor0. In2ol2ed in the <racle *pps implementation at IAA-< +Indian Aarmers AertiliBers -o>operati2e,. .rimaril0 acted as an In2entor0 and <rder Management Aunctional -onsultant ?hose 8e0 responsi$ilities ?ere to understand the current $usiness processes of the client as ?ell as their future re@uirements, design the To>)e processes and map the same into the E:. s0stem, prepare user manuals and train the 8e0 users. 6or8ed in the )ridge C :oof <racle *pps Implementation pro=ect during the To>)e process design phase. Sin"e Ju2y 4575 ti22 June 4577

IB, India !vt0 %td01 (o23ata Ora"2e A99s !a"3a#e So2ution Consu2tant . 2o:a2 Business Servi"es/

6or8ed as a part of the E:. *pplication Support Team in the ;et*pp +;et?or8 *ppliance Inc., <racle *pps Support .ro=ect. *cti2el0 in2ol2ed in pro2iding da0>to>da0 support and resol2ed transaction related issues of the client for modules li8e <racle In2entor0, .urchasing and I>.rocurement.

!ROJECTS - INTERNSHI! *ssessment of Interest :ate :is8 and *llocation of :egulator0 -apital for a Kol8ata $ased $an8 under )asel II ;orms / Summer Internship .ro=ect at :eser2e )an8 of India +:)I, / Ma0 0" to 1ul0 0" Mo$ile -luster Management in a Distri$uted Information ;et?or8 / Ainal Eear .ro=ect in ).E. Information Technolog0 / Ma0 00( to *pril 00& !OSITIONS O$ RES!ONSIBI%ITY *ssociated ?ith Saaman=as0a, a uni@ue initiati2e ?hich aims to promote sustaina$le de2elopment, from *ugust 0"" to 1ul0 0" Mem$er of FAinterestG / Ainance -lu$ of VGSoM, from Decem$er 0" till date ACHIE;E,ENTS/A'ARDS *chie2ed the AHI. Ainance C )an8ing Aundamentals -ertification securing & 7

Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, Kharagpur-7 !"# , $est %engal

.assed the -A* +-hartered Ainancial *nal0st, He2el " E5am in 1une 0"

Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, Kharagpur-7 !"# , $est %engal

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