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Alice in the world of smashed candies

She didnt have to think if she should drink the bottle nor about anything else concerning this subject. Alice took it and drank up all the sparkly blue essence. The doors around her and the hallway started to lose colour and texture and Ramones song started to play from nowhere. Theyre forming in a straight line Theyre going through a tight wind The kids are losing their minds The Blitzkrieg Bop The girl laughed and watched the objects around her transforming into florid textures and shadows. She felt that if she wouldve spread her legs they would have tranformed into jellybeans and crushed candies with apple floss flavour. She was practically spinning around an infinite dip dyed globe! full of joyful colours! smelling like bleach and toothpaste. And there was blue and green and magenta" her eyes couldnt follow all the things happening aroung her because she was falling in the absolute and she liked it. Shootem in the back now What they want, I dont know Theyre all re ed up and ready to go #er back hit a soft texture! like air bubbles in the sunset. !ey ho, lets go The sun was a white s$uare with a three small point cut from it! letting the mauve sky to show off. %ost of the huge plants were blue and orange and the air was smelling like pumpkin lollies. Alice closed her eyes! but inside her eyelids a pink &ohn 'ennon was singing about global peace and brotherhood of the men.()hy are you standing like that*+a pleasant voice with a soft ,evon accent asked. )hen her eyes opened she saw a young beautiful man with black rabbit ears. #is crimson eyes! crow black hair and ivory skin were making him look like a lustful demon. #e was wearing a butler coat and kept looking at a silver watch. Alice watched him awestruck and couldnt say anything.( Are you from the "itam region* -r! maybe! you are lost*+ Alice finally got to her senses. (.eah! thats right. /m lost*+ The answer sounded like a $uestion. ()ell then! come with me! fair lady. /ll show you the ways.+ She smiled at his fancy accent and followed him. #is muscles were moving under his stiff uniform like a cats ones. And he was so tall" 0nconsciously! she put a hand on his back. #e stopped and Alice swore in her mind for being such a stupid girl! but she realised that he stopped because in front of them was a small young man. #is hair was light purple! braided with gold and his only attire was a red cloth around his waist and a translucent shawl on his shoulders. #e was heavily bedecked with eye catching golden jewellery.(.our %ajesty!+ Rabbit 1ars said mockingly! bowing (what brings you here! in #ecem*+ The prince2probably2blushed and shouted with a nice! childish voice! contrasting with the order.(.ou! dead garbage! how dare you* 1nough with this farce. )ho is this beautiful girl* And what do you want with her! 3lack Rabbit*+ 3lack Rabbit sneered at the prince and opened his mouth to say something but he stopped him. (Anyway!+ the prince said with his chin up (/! the 4ashmere 5rince! will come with you.+ Alice watched the conversation carefully and wondered in what cra6y world she entered. (-h! so you lost your way to %adams Red castle* )hy dont you say so*+ 3lack Rabbit smiled. The 4ashmere 5rinces face was reddish but he pretended to ignore the mean remark. /nstead! he started talking to Alice. (So what brings you here* / can tell youre not from my country or filthy #ecem.+ #e spit the last word and glanced at 3lack Rabbit! but he smiled pleasantly. Alice flustered and said in a small voice(/ $uite"+ ( She wants to see )ise 'i6ard and put him some $uestions.+ 3lack Rabbit interrupted her! putting one big hand on her shoulder. She had no idea why! but she felt warm electricity spreading all over her body.( -h! so you want to see that high bit of a gee6er7 /ve come for the $agna %ouncil.+ (0h oh"+ Alice said reluctantly. ( %y poor madam has her days counted+ said 3lack Rabbit sorrowfully! changing the subject ( and / dont know if the

4hosen -ne will arrive soon enough.()hat kind of maniacs are you to kill somebody just for that dried crone*+ the prince replied. ( -n top of that! you listen to a drugged thousand year old reptile and his stupid predictons.+ (3ut / remember his predictions helped your country in the past.+The 4ashmere 5rince blushed again and remained silent. Alice was somehow happy that the prince shut up as they continued their journey through this mad fairytale like world. She was sensing 3lack Rabbits hand so close to her own and without putting much thought in it! she took his hand. #e looked at her and asked mildly ()hy are you blushing! $ilady*+. Alice turned her head but didnt let his hand. 8urthermore! she brought her tiny body near and s$uee6ed his hand tighter. The obsessive song started again. Theyre pilling in the back seat Theyre generating steam heat &ulsating to the back beats The Blitzkrieg Bop The world around became fu66y and she fell on her knees. (Are you well! $ilady'+ asked 3lack Rabbit. (.eah! everything is ok.+ said Alice wearily.(/ think its a noteworthy thing. Are you sure you can walk all the way to 'i6ard*+ The 5rince voice was worried. Rabbit ignored 4ashmere 5rince and put both his hands on Alices shoulder! leaning his face so close to her face that she could almost taste his sweet smelling breath.(%y dear lady! what is your name*+(Alice.+said Alice.(9uite a royal name! isnt it*+ laughed Rabbit.()ell! my dear countess! what do you see there*+. #e pointed his long finger to a big tree with light green bark and pumpernickel leaves. (A tree! why*+ asked Alice.(/ know it is a tree! but try to describe it.+ The 5rince took her hand and whispered (,ont do that7 ,ont trust him.+ Alice snatched her wrist and said what she saw. They both looked at her! the prince in ama6ement and Rabbit with a pleased face. #e offered Alice his hand and kissed her forehead. At the contact between his lips and her skin! everything around them dissapeared! letting dark to cover them. 3ut! just for a second! Alice heard the princes last words: (,amn hitman7+ At that time she hadnt realised how important they were. All she could think about was how close 3lack Rabbit was and how pleasing their approach was. #e tilted his body gracefully and Alice closed her eyes! waiting for his lips to touch hers. 3ut before sensing them! she felt an intense pain in her stomach. She opened her eyes slowly and looked down. A small silver dagger decorated with onyx and rubies was thrusted in her insides. 3lack Rabbit was smiling. (nd you can stay with me fore er )r you could stay with me for now The ceiling had a little blue spot! probably from one of the cra6y parties she was having every weekend. She stared at it and took a deep breath. (nd tell me if I*m wrong (nd tell me if I*m right 8ucking shuffle stayed on all night. She was surprised that the /phones battery havent died. Alice got up and looked outside the windows of her room. Two or three people were minding their own bussiness and the weather sucked. The bungalow she was staying in was $uiet! so probably her housemate was gone ;od knows where. #er worn out 5earl &am T shirt was soaking wet. She took it off and passed a hand through her half blonde dyed side shaved hair. )hat a silly dream7 The joint on the table was already ashes. She had a long shower! the boiling water cutting like daggers through her skin. (nother daggers. She shivered and started her day! another mundane day. Shit happens. &ust get used to distinguish reality from dreams. 3ut she was $uite sure she saw two black rabbit ears behind the bushes next to her house that morning.

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