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Workshop,Training & Internship Programs

Workshops (2/3 Days) - Summer Training Programs n!ustria" Training Programs Waayoo nternship (Work as ntern)


Workshop Information Brochure


0m2e!!e! 9 8o2otics




Phone # $%& %'(&%('(%3()oi!a)* %+&+,2-23.(/ucknow) 0mai" # We2sites # http#// 3ace2ook # http#//!otcom Waayoo's Centers - )oi!a* /ucknow Summer Camps - )oi!a* /ucknow* 5han!igarh* 6eerut* Dehra!un* 7""aha2a!


:-,(* Sector =* ;pp. 6r. :rown :akery* /ucknow $%& %'-(.-(,2%


5-32* Sector 2* :esi!es )riu"a>s ?ote"* )oi!a ()ear Sector &. 6etro Station) $%& %'(&%(3+%2

Autonomous "o#oti$s % Se&' (a&an$ing "o#ot ) *ays

Its All About Exciting World of Robotics Waayoo Workshop on sel"'balancing Robots covers basics o" Microcontroller programming! Analog ( igital sensor Inter"acing! LC ! Motor control! Accelerometer ( )*roscope Sensors wor%ing as well as PI algorithm "or sel"'balancing tas%+ Prerequisite C Programming concepts

Workshop +igh&ights

Introduction to Autonomous Robotics Microcontroller Architecture overview Embedded C programming Embedded Simulation Techniques Programming practice with LE ! LC Motor Controlling "rom Microcontroller Sensor Inter"acing with Microcontroller A C programming Accelerometer Concepts Inter"acing accelerometer with microcontroller Calculating Tilt Angles PI Control Introduction Setting an appropriate PI Algorithm#P!PI! PI $ Assembling Robot Parts Programming "or sel" balancing tas% &inal Competition
@it 5ontents
6icrocontro""er :oar! A& 6icrocontro""er Programmer/:urner A & 7cce"erometer Sensor A &

Tota" Participants
72oBe .72oBe &-72oBe &.-

3ee per participant

( )8)

6otors A 2 Whee"s A 2 8o2ot 5hassis A & 5onnecting wires* 2attery 5ompi"er 9 So4tware too"s in a 5D

%.-/- ;n"y %--/- ;n"y '.-/- ;n"y

,ne Ta%e awa* -it is provided in a group o" . participants

,ision "o#oti$s % DeBe"op mage Processing 2ase! 8o2ots 2 !ays

Make Your Robot Ready o !ense "ith Eyes #ision Robotics Workshop is designed to "ocus on image Processing based robotic applications+ This wor%shop aims to provide a 2ump start to get involve in development o" Machine vision based pro2ects+ This 3or%shop "eatures hands'on practice on ob2ect trac%ing! "ollowing and other intelligent robotic tas%s+ Prerequisite C Programming concepts

Workshop +igh&ights

@it 5ontents
6icrocontro""er :oar! A& CS:-Seria" 5onBerter A & Dripper 7rm A & D5 6otors A 2

,verview o" /ision )uided Robotics Image Processing &undamentals MATLA0 "or Image Processing Image Sensing and Acquisition 0asic Image ,perations Microcontroller Programming 1SART communication Communication between PC to Microcontroller Controlling Motor "rom MATLA0 Preparing Robot -it Programming a Line &ollower Robot with Image Processing ,b2ect Recognition &ollowing an ,b2ect Collecting ,b2ect with )ripper /ision Robotics Competition

SerBo 6otor A & 5astor Whee" A &

Whee"s A 2 8o2ot 5hassis A & 5onnecting wires* 2attery 5ompi"er 9 So4tware too"s We25am A & Wire"ess 5amera A & E2ee 6o!u"e A 2 T< Tuner A & "s --../- per parti$ipant "s -0../- per parti$ipant

Common Parts

2 Type Of Kits

One Take away Kit is provided in a group of 5 participants.

Wired Kit

Complete Wireless Control Kit

1m#e**e* System Workshop % ) *ays

$u%p !tart in E%bedded !yste% "ith Microcontrollers Waayoo E%bedded !yste% Workshop provides a hands on e6perience with embedded s*stem concepts and microcontroller Programming+ A"ter this wor%shop participant will be con"ident in the development o" embedded s*stem pro2ects in "uture+ Prerequisite C Programming concepts

@it 5ontents
6icrocontro""er :oar! A &

Workshop +igh&ights

,verview o" Embedded S*stem Microcontroller 0asics Embedded C Programming LE blin%ing LC controlling Seven Segment ispla* programming -e*pad programming Controlling AC appliance with Rela* A C programming Ma%ing a Temp Sensing evice In"ra'Red#IR$ sensor inter"acing 1SART communication Communication between PC to Microcontroller /isual 0asic Introduction "or )1I Programming Pro2ect 3or% 4 5ome Automation Automatic Appliance control One Take away Kit is provided in a group of 5 participants.

Programmer/:urner A & CS:-Seria" 5onBerter A & /5D(&+A2) A&

@eypa!(,A,) A & SeBen Segment Disp"ay(, in &) A & 8e"ay A 2 8 Sensor 6o!u"es A 2 Temperature Sensor A & :urg connector(& wire) A 2. 7!apter (75-D5) 5ompi"er 9 So4tware too"s in a 5D

3ee Detai"s
Tota" Participants
72oBe .72oBe &-72oBe &.3ee per participant ( )8) %.-/- ;n"y %--/- ;n"y '.-/- ;n"y

"asp#erry Pi % "o#oti$s 2ith Linu3 On#oar* ) *ays

Raspberry Pi Workshop for young people& Raspberry Pi 'Raspi "or short$ is a "ull embedded Linu6 s*stem and Low'cost computing plat"orm that provides a wa* to build interesting applications using common programming languages+ It also opens up the possibilit* o" interesting hardware scenarios as well+ This course will cover the basics o" what *ou need to get up and running with the Raspberr* Pi Prerequisite C Programming concepts

@it 5ontents
8asp2erry Pi :oar! A &

Workshop +igh&ights

Raspberr*Pi Introduction 0us*bo6 introduction 1se"ul commands Raspberr* Pi shell programming C programming on raspberr* Pi P*thon Programming on raspberr* Pi &ile manipulation Accessing )PI, in raspberr* Pi LE blin%ing 7869 LC Inter"acing In"ra'Red#IR$ sensor inter"acing Temperature sensor inter"acing Motor controlling "rom RPI Inter"acing with ultrasonic sensor Ma%ing an obstacle avoidance robot 1SART programming on raspberr*Pi Tal%ing to microcontroller &urther Scope One Take away Kit is provided in a group of 5 participants.

6emory 5ar! 'D: A & 5ar! 8ea!er A & 857 Bi!eo ca2"e 5onnectors/5a2"e &+A2 5haracter /5D A & 8 Sensor 6o!u"es A 2 Temperature Sensor A & C"trasonic sensor mo!u"e A & 7!apter (75-D5) 8o2ot chassis A & 6otors A 2 whee"s A 2 5astor whee" A & 5ompi"er 9 So4tware too"s in a 5D A&

3ee Detai"s
8s &(.-/- per participant

4ATLA( Workshop % ) *ays

A .o%putation ool *or All Waayoo MA (A) Workshop covers "undamentals and programming techniques to design applications! simulation o" real world data and ,ther Important aspects+ )et read* "or hands on practice on leading computation plat"orm Prerequisite ;one

Workshop +igh&ights

MA (A) *unda%entals 3or%ing with MATLA0 user inter"ace Commands and variables Per"orming anal*sis on vectors and matri6 3or%ing with data "iles 3or%ing with data t*pes Automating commands with scripts 3riting programs with logic and "low control 3riting "unctions MA (A) for data processing + ,isuali-ation Importing data ,rgani:ing data /isuali:ing data E6porting data MA (A) Progra%%ing techniques Programming "or correctness Structured data and code Classes and ,b2ects

.o%%unication "ith external de,ices Serial port Parallel port Sound card /ideo input )uilding /raphics 0ser Interfaces 1ata Acquisition Image Processing with MATLA0 ata Acquisition Techniques with MATLA0 E6ternal evice Controlling !i%ulink for si%ulation Model based designing Mathematical modeling Pro2ect 1iscussion

7"" co!e use!/!eBe"ope! !uring workshop wi"" 2e proBi!e! in a 5D to each participant

Workshop 3ee

8s (--/- per participant

OpenC, Workshop % ) *ays

(earn I%age Processing echniques "ith "orld4s %ost fa%ous 3pen5source cross architecture toolkit Waayoo 3pen.# Workshop covers "undamentals and programming techniques to design applications! simulation o" real world data and ,ther Important aspects+ )et read* "or hands on practice on leading computation plat"orm Prerequisite 56 C<< programming concepts

Workshop +igh&ights

3pen.# *unda%entals ,penC/ introduction Installation on 3indows! Linu6 ,penC/ inter"aces C<< inter"acing basics rawing shapes with ,penC/ I%age Processing 0lurring an image 1nderstanding Image Morpholog* Appl*ing )eometric Trans"orms 1nderstanding 5istograms

.o%putational Photography Creating a panorama Removing unwanted ob2ects Enhancing low light photographs 3or%ing with 5 R images Recogni-ing 3b2ects etecting shapes etecting "aces .alibration and !tereo I%ages Calibrating *our camera 1ndistorting an image Pro2ecting an image 1nderstanding Stereo Images )enerating a epth Map Pro2ect 1iscussion

!eg%enting I%ages + 3btaining Interest Points Clustring data with %'means Segmenting an image using watershed algorithm &inding and matching interesting points

7"" co!e an! so4tware too"s use! !uring workshop wi"" 2e proBi!e! in a 5D to each participant

Workshop 3ee

8s '--/- per participant

An*roi* Workshop % ) *ays

(earn to 1e,elop /reat Mobile Applications on "orld4s %ost fa%ous Mobile 3perating !yste% Waayoo Android Workshop provides a 2ump start to participants to learn and develop mobile applications rapidl* using A T tool'chain provided b* )oogle+ ;ow get read* "or Android development with in 9 da*s o" practical approach based wor%shop+ Prerequisite 56 @ava Concepts

Workshop +igh&ights

Android *unda%entals ,pen source overview Mobile Application evelopment overview evelopment Environment 4 Android S -! A T eveloping and Testing a =5ello 3orld> program 0ser Interfaces 1e,elop%ent Activit* Li"e C*cle Creating the Activit* An overview o" 1ser Inter"aces 1sing ?ML la*outs Selection 3idgets ate and Time Tabs 1sing Menus 1sing ialog 0o6es More Android 3idgets Pro2ect e%perature .on,erter

Intents and !er,ices 3or%ing with Intent Classes Listening in with broadcast receivers ;oti"ication Pla* with some emo Applications eveloping and Testing a =calculator> app Storing and Retrieving ata 1sing pre"erences! 1sing &iles*stem 1atabase in Android Sqlite database introduction Storing data to a database Retrieving data "rom a database Pro2ect 1iscussion7 *uture 1e,elop%ent aspects

7"" co!e an! so4tware too"s use! !uring workshop wi"" 2e proBi!e! in a 5D to each participant

Workshop 3ee

8s +.-/- per participant

In5iting Waayoo 'or Workshop

In,ite Waayoo to your ca%pus7 e,ent7 festi,al for abo,e %entioned Workshops8 All latest "orkshops "e offers7 are a,ailable on """8"aayoo8co% If you need to custo%i-e a "orkshop specially for your require%ent or if you ha,e any suggestion7 Waayoo "elco%es you to share and discuss "ith us&

5heck 5heck/atest /atestDa""ery Da""eryat at http#//www.4"!ia http#//www.4"!ia ;r ;r

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