Revise Danila GR

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Revised Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians - 2010 --Highlights

Dr. G.N.V. Brahmam Scientist F, HoD Division of Community Studies, Nationa !nstitute of Nutrition, "!.C.#.$.% &amai'(smania ").(.%, Hydera*ad +,, ,,-.


1944: 19'0:

Safe Dietary intakes for Indians by Indian Researc !"nd Association #now I$%R& RDA for Indians on $alories ( )roteins* by -ro",* I$%R


RDA for Indians on all ot er n"trients* by -ro",* I$%R/

1901: 1991:

Revision of RDA for Indians by e+,ert -ro",*

I$%R* constit"ted in 19.0/ Revision of RDA for Indians by e+,ert -ro",* I$%R* constit"ted in 1900/

$.F.$.NC. #/N 0 1(#/N

Change in Definition: 1 e definition for reference Indian ad"lt man and woman were modified wit re-ard to a-e #20 - 29y to 10 - 29y of a-e& wit a normal 3%I and a body wei- t of '0k- and 44k- res,ectively/

.N.$G2 $.34!$.#.N5S
/ reduction of 6'7 8 of ener9y ":,, ;ca for sedentary, :6+ ;ca for moderate and <:, ;ca for heavy =or; >er day% has *een recommended on account of a o=er >hysica activity eve in men. !n =omen the re?uirement remains simi ar on account of a hi9her *ody =ei9ht. Current estimate of ener9y re?uirement for infants is o=er *y ::' @,8 than the :A77 estimate. Committee considered the re?uirement for chi dren at different >hysica activity eve s. :<':- years there is an increase in re?uirements *ased on a hi9her >hysica activity eve of !ndian chi dren of that a9e 9rou>.

)$(5.!N $.34!$.#.N5S
In view of ,re-,re-nancy wei- t in -eneral bein- 4. k-* and 565 of only 0 k-* as re,orted by 7!8S and 77%3 s"rveys* t e additional i- 9"ality ,rotein re9"irement in a ,re-nant woman -ainin- 0 k- d"rin,re-nancy* is considered as 0/4* 4/' and 10/1 -:day* d"rin- 1st* 2nd ( 2rd trimester* res,ectively/ It is s"--ested t at t e i- er intake of ,rotein recommended d"rin- ,re-nancy s o"ld come from a normal* varied diet* and

F/5 $.34!$.#.N5S F($ /D4B5S

#inimumC Fat ener9y shou d *e :+8 of tota . to ensure ade?uate consum>tion of essentia fatty acids and fat so u* e vitamins for most individua s. @,8 for =omen of re>roductive a9e and adu ts =ith B#! D:7.+, es>ecia y in deve o>in9 countries in =hich dietary fat may *e im>ortant to achieve ade?uate ener9y inta;e in ma nourished >o>u ations. #aEimumC 5ota fat inta;es for adu tsC <,'<+8. for most individua s. 5he inta;e of visi* e fat in !ndian adu ts ran9e *et=een @,' 6, 9Fday

To ensure optimal fat quality, use of correct combination of 2 or more vegetable oils, in 1:1 ratio, is recommended as follows: (i s containin9 B/
Ground nut oil / Sesame oil/ Rice Bran Oil / Cotton seed oil Palmolein

G (i s containin9 B/ 0 /B/ + Mustard oil / Rape seed oil OR Canola oil, OR Soybean oil + Soybean G (i s containin9 moderate or o= B/

(i s containin9 hi9h B/
Sunflower / Safflower Sunflower / Safflower

+ Palmolein / palm oil / Olive oil + Ground nut / Sesame / Rice bran / Cotton seed oil

To limit use of butter / Ghee For frying to a!oid Partially "ydrogenated #egetable oils $P"#O%& 'nstead to use (alm oil sesame rice bran or cotton seed oils as they ha!e higher thermal stability& For ba)ery items and shortening to use coconut oil (alm oil (alm )ernel oil or their blends/solid fractions

Fi*erC 6, 9 fi*er F @,,, ;ca is recommended #inera sC #inera s i;e Hinc, se enium and iodine has *een inc uded as se>arate cha>ters in the ne= document. Ca cium and )hos>horousC Current eve of ca cium consum>tion is re>orted to *e >rovidin9 ess than 6,, m9FC4Fday. !n vie= of the avai a* e evidences, the >resent Committee, made u>=ard revision of ca cium re?uirements for adu ts "i.e. I,, m9Fd%. Durin9 >re9nancy and actation the re?uirement is further enhanced from :,,, to :@,, m9. . ementa CaC) ratio of :C: is maintained.

#a9nesium $ecommended <6, m9 of dietary #9FDay JincC $e?uirements of Hinc for adu t man and N)NB =oman is set at :@ and :, m9Fday res>ective y. Beve s of Hinc inta;e for a the >hysio o9ica 9rou>s has *een $ecommended Se eniumC $e?uirements of se enium is set as 6, K9FC4Fday

!odineC :+,K9Fday is retained "@+,K9Fday for >re9. 0 Bact. 1omen% !ronC !ron has *een reduced si9nificant y amon9 a

>hysio o9ica

9rou>s. 5o achieve this, the committee

recommended that the density of ascor*ic acid shou d *e at east @,m9F :,,, ;ca .

Sodium 0 )otassiumC / safe inta;e of +,,m9Fday =hich amounts to +9Fday of sa t, desira* e sodium C >otassium ratio in the diet =as fiEed at :C: "in mmo %. #an9aneseC .stimated re?uirements for an adu t is @'+ m9Fday Co>>erC .stimated re?uirements for an adu t is @ m9Fday ChromiumC .stimated re?uirements for an adu t is +,'@,, K9Fday

1/5.$ S(B4BB. V!5/#!NSC Fo ateC / o=ance of fo ic acid is 9iven in terms of dietary fo ate rather than free fo ic acid. Committee retains the -+ K9 >hysio o9ica re?uirement of fo ic acid =hich can *e o*tained from @,, K9 of dietary fo ate >er day. Vitamin B:@C 5he >resent !C#$ Committee retains the ear ier recommen' dation of :K9Fday.

1/5.$ S(B4BB. V!5/#!NS "Contd.%C /scor*ic acid "Vitamin C%C Decided to retain the ear ier recommendations of $D/ for ascor*ic acid for a a9e 9rou>s eEce>t for >re9nancy =here an additiona @,m9Fday is recommended for meetin9 eEtra needs of foeta 9ro=th.

F/5 S(B4BB. V!5/#!NSC Vitamin /C 5he >resent Committee modified the eEtent of conversion efficiency of :C6 to :C7. 4>=ard revision of retino to 7,, K9 is recommended durin9 >re9nancy.

Committee recommends that a minimum of +,8 $. *e dra=n from anima sources. Vitamin DC Committee retains the ear ier recommendations on vitamin D considerin9 outdoor >hysica activity as a means of achievin9 ade?uate vitamin D status, under situations of minima eE>osure to sun i9ht, a s>ecific recommendation of a dai y su>> ement of 6,, !4 ":, K9% is retained.

F/5 S(B4BB. V!5/#!NSC "Contd..% Vitamin .C $e?uirement of a >ha toco>hero su99ested is ,.7 m9F 9 of dietary essentia fatty acids. 5his rou9h y =or;s out to 7':, m9 toco>hero Fday, de>endin9 on the edi* e oi used. ++ L9 of vitamin M Fday for adu ts has *een recommended

/ntioEidantsC $ecommended 6,,9Fday of fruits and ve9eta* es to meet the re?uirements of antioEidants such as N Carotene, Vitamin C, and certain non'nutrients such as >o y>heno s and f avanoids.



Body .eight $/g% Re!ised 12 Old 12

,nergy $/cal/0ay% Re!ised 3432 3742 4592 :922 3342 3862 ;462 ;122 ;632 93/)g 82/)g :212 :462 :192 3:92 32:2 3762 3442 4232 3552 Old 3536 3876 4822 :876 3336 3936 ;422 ;662 ;522 :28/)g 98/)g :352 :192 :962 3:92 :972 3562 3212 3152 3212

Proteins $g/day% Re!ised 12 Old 12


#oderate Heavy Sedentary #oderate Heavy )re9nant Bact. DI mths Bact. I':@ mths , I mths I :@ mths : ' < yrs 6 ' I yrs - ' A yrs :, ' :@ yrs :, ' :@ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :I ' :- yrs :I ' :- yrs

66 78 75 18 :&:1/)g :&19/)g :1&7 32&: 39&6 49&9 52&5 65&4 6:&9 1:&6 66&6

62 16 76 18 3&26/)g :&16/)g 33 42 5: 65 67 72 16 78 14






B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS

6&5 8&5 :3&9 :8&2 36&: 45&4 46&2 57&1 51&1 66&5 63&:

< 8&1 :3&3 :9&2 31&9 46&5 4:&6 57&8 51&7 67&: 59&9


C+T,GORSedentary =oderate "ea!y Sedentary =oderate "ea!y Pregnant

Bact. DI mths Bact. I':@ mths , I mths I :@ mths : ' < yrs 6 ' I yrs - ' A yrs :, ' :@ yrs :, ' :@ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :I ' :- yrs :I ' :- yrs

#isible Fat $g/day% Re!ised 36 42 52 32 36 42 42 42 42 < :9 37 36 42 46 46 56 52 62 46 Old 32

Calcium $mgl/0ay% Re!ised 122 Old 522

'ron $mg/day% Re!ised :7 Old 38


32 42 56 < < 36 33 33 33

122 :322 :322 622 122 822 822 822

522 :222 :222 622 522 122 122 622

3: 46 3: 51 >g/)g 6 9 :4 :1 3: 37 43 37 38 31

42 48 42 < < :3 :8 31 45 :9 5: 38 62 42




B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS


C+T,GORSedentary =oderate "ea!y Sedentary =oderate "ea!y Pregnant

Bact. DI mths Bact. I':@ mths

Retinol $>g/day% Re!ised 122 Old 122

? Carotene $>g/day% Re!ised 5822 Old 3522

Thiamin $mg/day% Re!ised :&3 :&5 :&7 :&2 :&: :&5 ;2&3 ;2&4 ;2&3 2&3 2&4 2&6 2&7 2&8 :&: :&2 :&5 :&3 :&6 :&2 Old :&3 :&5 :&1 2&9 :&: :&3 ;2&3 ;2&4 ;2&3 66 >g/)g 62 >g/)g 2&1 2&9 :&2 :&: :&2 :&3 :&2 :&4 :&2


122 822 962 462 522 122

122 122 962 462 522 122

5822 1522 7122 < 3822 4322 5822

3522 3522 4822 < :322 :122 3522



, I mths I :@ mths : ' < yrs 6 ' I yrs - ' A yrs :, ' :@ yrs :, ' :@ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :I ' :- yrs :I ' :- yrs


B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS






C+T,GORSedentary =oderate "ea!y Sedentary =oderate "ea!y Pregnant

Bact. DI mths Bact. I':@ mths , I mths I :@ mths : ' < yrs 6 ' I yrs - ' A yrs :, ' :@ yrs :, ' :@ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :I ' :- yrs :I ' :- yrs

Ribofla!in $mg/day% Re!ised :&5 :&1 3&: :&: :&4 :&7 ;2&4 ;2&5 ;2&4 2&4 2&5 2&1 2&8 :&2 :&4 :&3 :&1 :&5 :&8 :&3 Old :&5 :&1 :&9 :&: :&4 :&6 ;2&3 ;2&4 ;2&3 16 >g/)g 12 >g/)g 2&7 :&2 :&3 :&4 :&3 :&6 :&3 :&1 :&3

@iacin ,A& $mg/day% Re!ised :1 :8 3: :3 :5 :1 ;3 ;5 ;4 7:2 >g/)g 162 >g/)g 8 :: :4 :6 :4 :1 :5 :7 :5 Old :1 :8 3: :3 :5 :1 ;3 ;5 ;4 7:2 >g/)g 162 >g/)g 8 :: :4 :6 :4 :1 :5 :7 :5

#it& B1 $mg/day% Re!ised 3&2 Old 3&2





3&6 2&: 2&5 2&9 :&1 :&1

3&6 2&: 2&5 2&9 :&1 :&1



B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS




Category Sedentary =oderate "ea!y Sedentary =oderate "ea!y Pregnant

Bact. DI mths Bact. I':@ mths , I mths I :@ mths : ' < yrs 6 ' I yrs - ' A yrs :, ' :@ :, ' :@ :< ' :+ :< ' :+ :I ' ::I ' :yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs

#it C $mg/day% Re!ised 52 Old 52

0ietary Folate $>g/day% Re!ised Old $FF% 322 :22

#it& B:3 $>g/0ay% Re!ised : Old :


52 12 82 36 52 52 52 52

52 52 82 36 52 52 52 52

322 622 422 36 82 :22 :32 :52 :62 322

:22 522 :62 36 42 52 12 72 :22 :22

: :&3 :&6 2&3 2&3 B :&2 2&3 B :&2 2&3 B :&2 2&3 B :&2

: : :&6 2&3 2&3 B :&2 2&3 B :&2 2&3 B :&2 2&3 B :&2




B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS


C+T,GORSedentary =oderate "ea!y Sedentary =oderate "ea!y Pregnant

Bact. DI mths Bact. I':@ mths , I mths I :@ mths : ' < yrs 6 ' I yrs - ' A yrs :, ' :@ yrs :, ' :@ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :< ' :+ yrs :I ' :- yrs :I ' :- yrs

Cinc $mg/0ay% :3

=agnesium $mg/0ay% 452




:3 < < 6 7 8 9 9 :: :: :3 :3

4:2 42 56 62 72 :22 :32 :12 :16 3:2 :96 346



B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS B(2S G!$BS

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