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Aeta Mechanica 36, 213--230 (1980)

| by Springer-Verlag 1980

A Viscoplastic Material Model and Its Application to Cyclic Loading

By D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z, Warsaw, Poland With 14 Figures

(Received October 15, 1978)

Summary -- Zusammenfassung A Viseoplastie Material Model and Its Application to Cyclic Loading. A kinematic hardening model is generalized by introducing plastic and viscous residual "back" stresses a, ~ that govern the translation of the yield surface. The evolution equations for ec and are proposed and the material functions are identified for a construction steel by carrying out tension-compression tests at different strain rates. The cyclic tests with changing strain amplitudes and frequencies are next carried out and model predictions are compared with experimental results. Ein viskoplastisehes Stoffmodell und seine Anwendungen bei zykliseher Belastung. Ein Modell mit kinetmatischer Verfestigung wird durch die Einfiihrung plastischer und viskoser bleibender ,,ttintergrundspannungen" e~, ~ verallgemeinert, die die Bewegungen der Flie$fl~che steuern. Die Wachstumsgleichungen fiir a und ~ werden aufgestellt und die Materialfunktionen fiir einen Baustahl aus Zug-Druckversuchen mit verschiedener Dehnungsrate bestimmt. Die zyklischen Versuche mit sieh ~ndernden Dehnungsamplituden und Fequenzen werden als n~ehstes durchgeffihrt und die Modcllaussagen mit den experimcntellen Ergebnissen verglichen.

1. Introduction The present paper constitutes an extension of previous work on modelling of cyclic behaviour of metals at moderate temperatures [1]--[4]. A viscoplastic material model is proposed in order to simulate plastic hardening, softening, rat cheting and viscous creep or relaxation. Identification of material functions is carried out for a uniaxial cyclic stress loading and verification of model predictions is performed for several loading programs with varying strain amplitude and frequency. However, a further verification for a multiaxial stress state should be carried out in order to assess the range of applicability of this model. Our development will be based on the assumption that the residual stress state can be decomposed into ,"plastic" a n d "viscous" parts. Whereas the plastic residual or "back" stress depends only on the deformation history, the viscous part depends also on the rate of deformation and represents macroscopically the multiplication and annihilation of dislocation mechanisms. In describing plastic hardening or softening, besides the continuously varying state parameters, we introduce also discrete memory parameters that will record maximal prestress



D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z:

events from the past history. In this way, the most essential features of viscoplastic deformation can be incorporated into the model. In the next section, we shall discuss the basic assumptions and relations of our model and in section 3 the identification problem will be considered, whereas in section 4 the verification tests are described. Though the constitutive relations are derived for a general stress state, both identifica~ibn and verification tests were carried out for the uniaxial tension-compression tests. 2. Fundamental Relations for a Viseoplastie Model Fig. 1 presents schematically typical phenomena observed in uniaxial tests under applied cyclic strain or stress. For prescribed strain amplitude, the annealed material hardens and the transient state is characterized by growing stress amplitude before the steady state is reached, Fig. 1 a. The material previously hardened by plasti c strain or heat treatment may exhibit cyclic softening and the decrease Of stress ampfitude, Fig. lb. The imposed asymmetric strain amplitude induces cyclic relaxation, Fig. lc, and the prescribed asymmetric stress cycle may induce cyclic creep (ratcheting) with the associated plastic strain accumulation, Fig. l d. These phenomena may have instantaneous or time-dependent character. To distinguish between plastic (time independent and viscous (dependent on natural time scale) effects, the cyclic tests with varying frequency or with hold-periods should be carried out.

Cyclic hardenirlg ~Cyclicsoftening 15/~

Icl /WW
Cyclic retexation

VVVV ' ~
Cyclic creep

Fig, 1. Typical effects during cyclic loadings: a cyclic hardening, b cyclic softening, c cyclic relaxation, d cyclic creep

A Viscoplastic Material Model


Fig. 2a shows the cyclic stress-strain diagram for a construction steel (St3S) obtained during uniaxial loading by cyclically oscillating force between 0 and P max. It is seen t h a t the permanent strain accumulates after each cycle up to the final failure (mean rate of accumulation (~sp,~-- 0.565% per cycle). At the unloading point the stress-strain curve does n o t follow elastic path but bends forward, indicating thereby the existence of viscous strain. ]Fig. 2b presents the dependence of accumulated plastic strain on the number of cycles for different maximal stress levels (measured by the number of cycles to failure -IV/). It is seen that these curves resemble much typical creep Curves under constant stress, the fact already noted b y numerous researchers. The final value of strain at failure does not depend significantly on the maximal stress level, though


Steel St3S







is ~12
















Fig. 2. Cyclic creep of steel finder unii~xial tension: a Stress-strain response, b Accumulated plastic strain versus number of cycles
15 A c t a M e c h . 36/3--4


D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z:

the strain accumulation rate and N I vary with peak stress. I t is possible to provide analytical expressions t h a t describe these curves with sufficient accuracy, but such formulae would not have suffient generality to be applicable to other loading cases. I t is therefore much more useful to propose a general model of viscoplastic response and b y careful identification of material parameters make this model predictive both qualitatively and quantitatively. I t is the aim of our work to discuss such model and provide proper identification and verification tests. Let us first recapitulate the basic relations derived in [4] for the non-linear plastic hardening model. Consider the yield condition in the form
3 (s-a).(s /(s, a, 4) = T a)-~J(~)=0 (1)

where s denotes the stress deviator and a, 2 are parameters representing the state of material hardening. Assume that the strain history affects not only the yield condition, but also the translational rule, thus

~ = c()~c)~v - d(.~) ~ev,

~ = ( 2 ~v. ~v)~/2


where c = c(~) and d -~ d(~) are independent material functions. In the particular case, when d(2) --~ --c'(2), 2c = ;t relations (2) become identical to those discussed b y Eisenberg and Phillips [5]. Using the associated flow rule
~v = !


/ = 0,

~ > 0


where n is the unit normal vector to the yield surface and #, = d 9n we have for the yield condition (1)





a/ _ 3(s -


n =



and the flow rule (3) takes the form 3 ~P - - 2h%2 ( s - - a ) [ ( s - - a ) " h i .

The consistency condition requiring the stress point to remain on the yield surface a-L/ - # - ~6 a-L/. ~ - - 2~o(X)G0'(~) ~ = 0 a6 (6)

provides the expression for the hardening modulus h. In fact, substituting (2) and (5) into (6), we obtain h = c(~c) -- d(~) (s -- ~). ep + Y ~o'(;,).


I t is seen that the hardening modulus h depends now on the relative orientation of vectors s -- a and sv and after the initial prestrain ep and subsequent change of the direction of stress path, the hardening modulus changes its previous value.

A Viscoplas~ie Material Model


Such directional variation of the hardening modulus was described previously by using multisurface [1], [2] or two-surface models [7], [8]. The material functions c = c(2c) and d = d(2) can be identified from uniaxial loading-reverse loading tests (see Fig. 5) and they are in general decreasing functions of the plastic strain. Assuming o0(2) = const., it follows from (7) that the maximal value of hardening modulus will gradually decrease during cyclic loading and the hysteresis loops will flatten before the steady state is reached. To avoid this effect, usually not observed experimentally, we shall introduce a new measure of m e m o r y of previous deformation history b y introducing the maximal plastic strain as a characteristic reference value. Consider a deformation process, say 0B, as shown in Fig. 4a. For this process both 2, and the absolute value of plastic strain eap increase, thus

2 ep . ~p > O,

~op = ear =

eP" sp

A new loading event is characterized b y the change of sign of i v . Thus, for tile continuation of the p a t h BC5 we have > 0, ~v < 0, %v > 0. (9)

Let us denote the value of 2 corresponding to m a x i m u m of eap at B by 2m. A new p a r a m e t e r he will be introduced which is defined as follows ~0(k) = ~m 2 -- 2(k-l) (10)

where 2(k-~) denotes the values of 2 reached at the end of k -- 1 loading event. Each loading event is characterized b y the change of sign of the rate of distar, ce function

6 = [ 2 (~.P--~sP). (eP--~sP)] 1/2


where e~v denotes the value of plastic strain at the end of the preceding loading event. Referring to Fig. 4a, it is seen that along the initial stress p a t h there is d0p = e~v, ~0p > 0 and this process terminates once ~0p changes its sign. Along the p a t h B C we have

(~BP3Bp - -~ (e p -- es p)
" ~P > 0,

2 m = 2(B)

and e~v = ~Bv, ),~ = )0. If, however, from C the stress p a t h reverses so that 3m~ < 0, a new distance dcp is created, such that

(~cp-- [ 3 (ep-- ~sP) . (eP -- esP)] 1]2,

e~P = cop, 2~ = ~(B),

~gp > O,

,~(k-1) = ,~(C),

and 2c = ~t(B) + 2(P) -- 2(C!. Here P denotes the current position of the stress point on the loading path.


D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z:

Fig. 3 illustrates the variation of the parameters ). and 2~ for a specified variation of plastic strain. Whereas ~ increases monotonically, the p a r a m e t e r ~c m a y v a r y discontinuously, growing for each loading event from its initial value 2 = ,~m corresponding to the maximal plastic strain e~P reached during the past deformation process. I n what follows, we shall assume t h a t c ~ c()~c) whereas d ~ d(~), ~0(~) = const., t h a t is we neglect hardening and softening due to variation of ao(2 ).
E P L~ Xc

// // //// //fl


~1~=6K=5 K=6 K=7

Fig. 3. Variation of hardening parameters ~ and 2c with plastic strain sp

L e t us now discuss the viscoplastic model. I n s t e a d of (1), let us assume now that

/(s, a, 8, :~, ;.c) =

3 (s -~

a -


(s -

a -

8) -

~0~(~) =


where ~ represents the viscous back stress whose rate of variation is expressed as follows
~r = c ~ ~




The first term of (15) represents the hardening effect whereas the second corresponds to viscous annealing. W e assume further t h a t c2 is a material constant whereas c3 m a y d e p e n d on the second invariant of the plastic strain rate, thus c2 = const., c3 ~- c3(~). (16)

Let us note t h a t when c3 = const., the relation (15) can be integrated to give


A Viscoplast~c lV[aterial Model


and the rate of fl can be expressed as follows =c~'-c._A~ exp


( --c2"t )


-~3 t



However, as it will be shown, the assumption (16) that c3 depends on plastic strain rate provides better description of viscoplastic material response. Thus, the three material functions c ~ c(~), d -- d()~), c a = c3(~ ) and the constant parameter c2 should be identified from experiments before the proposed model can be applied to simulate inelastic deformation processes. L e t us first derive the expression for the hardening modulus. L e t us note that introducing the "effective" stress state s ' = s -- ~ t h a t is the stress acting on the "plastic" element, we m a y apply the relations (1)--(7) and express both the flow rule and the hardening modulus in t e r m s of the effective stress, thus
1 SP ~ - h--7 nS.' 3 --


( s - - a - - ~ ) [ ( s - - a - - { t ) . ti']


h ' = c ( ~ ) - - d(~) ( s - ~ - ,~). e" + _ ~ 2 ~0'(X).


However, in order to determine the hardening modulus in terms of total stress, we shall start from its definition h which leads to the relation h= 1+ and
h i 1 d - c ~ ( s - - e~ r -- ,~) ~) " ~] ~ d(]t) (s ~ a " '3) " eP d- c2 d- :g2
%( s



h. n _ ~v)~/2


~ . ~)~I~


h' -I- ~
a 8) " ,S





I t is seen that now the hardening modulus depends on ~he stress rate. An alternative derivation of (23) can be obtained b y starting from the flow rule expressed in terms of total stress: thus ~v = An = 1 n~. h (24)

where A is as yet unspecified multiplier. Using the consistency condition analogous to (6), we find A= 1 (3)~/2 c_~(s--_a--,~)-~+c~_J(sj-a__~_~)_.~
C30"0 (Y0


and thence we obtain the expression (23) for h. Let us note t h a t now the active loading condition /1 > 0 does not require ~ > 0. Thus, if we present the flow rule in a usual form (3) or (24) in terms of total rather than effective stress, the


D. Kujawski and Z. Mrdz:



II ~8


/ r



Fig. 4. Translation of the yield surface for: a plastic and b visco-plastic material

loading-unloading conditions are respectively modified t h o u g h the normality p r o p e r t y is preserved. Fig. 4 presents the yield surface after the loading p a t h OBC for plastic and viscoplastic hardening models. I t is seen t h a t the hardening moduli at B and C are different and assuming t h a t (s -- a - - i~) 9 ~BP > 0, (S -- a -- ~). 8Cp < 0 it follows from (20) a n d (23) t h a t h(C) > h(B). 3. Uniaxial ease: Identification of Material Functions L e t us limit our discussion to the uniaxial stress state along the Xl-direction and neglect the dependence of a0 on X. W e shall discuss the loading programs with constant plastic strain rate, ~ = ePl = const., ca(k ) = const. Since now there is 1 1 1 .~ 22 = d~33 = - - " ~ 1 1 , ~22 = ~33 = - - ' ~ f l l l , ~2P2= ~P3 = ---2- eli, Sq. (23) provides

( 1 + o-:~~/811,= ~176 _3y d(x)(~- ~-~o ~) ~" + ~

and from (17) it follows t h a t


fln = %~l [1-- exp (--# t)].

Since the flow rule now takes the form ~Pl = ~



A Viscoplastic Material Model the hardening modulus in (26) can be expressed as follows
h = c ( , t c ) - 3 d(,~)(811- anao-fi11)SlPl ~ c2 exp (-- ~-3c2 t).



Let us note that for ePl = const. -> ~ , the last term in (29) equals lim c2 exp (--c--~ t)-~c2
t-->O C3


and for sfl = const. -> 0 ("static" case), there is lira c2 exp (
t-~co \

c~ t) --> O.
ca ]


Thus, for the static case the hardening modulus is expressed identically as for the plastic model h = c(~c) -- 3 4(2) (sn -- ~n) s~1 (32)
2 a0

and since
" ~ I811 - - ~11[ :



the relation (32) provides the expression for the tangent modulus of the stressplastic strain Curve dan 3 h ~ 3 K t = d~lP 1 -- ~-~ [c()~c) :~: d(/~) elPi] (34) where " - - " and " - ~ " signs refer to loading and unloading portions. In Fig. 5 such loading-unloading portions are shown together with the corresponding variation of the tangent moduli, which can be determined experimentally from any tensioncompression test. In fact, along the loading and reverse loading curves there is 3 KL = -~- [c(),c) -- d(2) ~], 3 KR = ~- [c(2c) + d(2) (2ec~ -- Z)] (35)

since ep = 2scP -- ~ along CD. From (35) it follows that

d(,~) = KR -- KL



Eqs. (35) and (36) can be used to determine the functions c(2~) and d() O.
(a) (bl

Fig. 5. a loading-reverse loading curve, b variation of tangent modulus


D. Kujawski and Z, Mr6z:

F o r a finite v a l u e of if1 t h e t a n g e n t m o d u l u s can b e o b t a i n e d from (29), namely K~ ~=_2_3 c ( 2 ~ ) - - d 0 0 s ~ l + c 2 e x p -t -----KL + - ~ - c ~ e x p --~t (37)


a n d b o t h " s t a t i c " (iPl-->0) a n d " d y n a m i c " (i p li = const.) stress-strain curves

a~ =

[c0.~) - - d(Z) en] d e n ,



C2 ( ---~-3 c2 tl )]

"t) [ 1 - - e x p A~ ---- ~v - - o~ ---- ~-C3~113

where z]~ d e n o t e s t h e difference b e t w e e n d y n a m i c a n d s t a t i c stress for t h e s a m e value of p l a s t i c strain. D e n o t i n g b y v =- Ca/C2 t h e " r e l a x a t i o n " t i m e for given i~1,
it is seen that for tt >~ r there is


-+ 0,

A ~ -+ ~-

a n d t h e m a t e r i a l f u n c t i o n c3 ---- ca(i~l) can b e e x p r e s s e d in t h e f o r m 3 Ao" ca(ePl)- 2 ~i" Using (39) with ~ = c3/c~, t -= soP/i~l, for t = T we o b t a i n (41)

A(~ =- Aat= , = 3 ca~l( 1

e_i) = O.632A(r.


A5 I A61

Fig. 6. Dynamic and static stress difference Ao versus plastic strain Fig. 6 p r e s e n t s t h e d i a g r a m of Aa = / ( e ~ l ) for c o n s t a n t plastic strain rate. F r o m this d i a g r a m we d e t e r m i n e Aa~ a n d s p a n d n e x t t h e r e l a x a t i o n t i m e =- e~P/~p. T h e m a t e r i a l p a r a m e t e r c2 can now be c a l c u l a t e d from t h e r e l a t i o n c2 ---- c~(~p).


Consider, for instance, t h e case of tension with c o n s t a n t plastic s t r a i n r a t e ~P a n d a s s u m e t h a t process t e r m i n a t e s a t t h e s t r a i n ep = s0p, Fig. 7. W h e n c, d, c~ a n d c3

A Viscoplastic ~aterial YiOdel


are constant, the stress-strain curve can be explicitly expressed in terms of plastic strain. The tangent modulus now equals 3 [c , -- deP 4- c2 exp ( " c~c---2t)] K ~--~ and a=ao4-fKde~=ao-~-~



c~eP~ 1 - - exp --


where T -~ .eoP/~o v and for particular strain ~rates.the final time T. equals respec1 tively -~ ~, v, 2v, and ~ . Fig. 7 b shows the corresponding stress-strain .curves.

P ~ . ----

c u r v e s

Fig. 7. a Constant plastic strain rate loading programmes and b respective stress-strain

Consider now the cyclic loading progra'm for plastic strain varying between 0 and sop with the constant strain rate ~P. Using (17), we can express the variation of fl(/c) during k-th semicycle

fi(k) = %(iP)~Pexp ( - - ~ !) [ fl'(k-1)c~k-v 4 - e x p \t~ k/(@/--1]

where fl'(k -- 1) denotes the value of f l ( k - 1) at the end of semicycle k - 1 and ~,v is assumed positive for tension and negative for compression; t k denotes the time measured from the beginning of the k-th semicycle. The tangent modulus during the k-th semicycle can be calculated from (26), namely

K(]c) :

(~) T: d(~) ekp 4- ca

T~vc~\ ca /' 4- exp "--~c tk'

( ,]/


and the " - - " sign refers to compression and " 4 - " to tension. For the first semicycle, there is fl'(k ~--:1)--~ fl'(0) ---- 0.


D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z: 4. Identification Tests

I n the preceding section, we indicated how material functions can be identified from simple uniaxial tests. Now, let us discuss this procedure for a construction steel (St3S, carbon content 0.16~o), understanding that it can be applied to any other material as well. This identification of material functions constitutes a first step in quantitative testing of our model. Whereas identification tests should be as simple as possible, we next apply our model to predict material behaviour for more complex loading programs. This verification step provides additional ,5~07[N,~2 l
44 40 " -



3~ 32


1~425,6 i '

~o 2






4 8

~1 8




-12 -16 -20 -24 -28 32 -36 -40


o - co~vJP~tionQ[ curv~' 9- ernpiricGIcurve

Fig. 8. Stress-strain curve for construction steel: neglect of the perfectly plastic segment information which can be used in improving our identification step. In order to determine the material functions c = c(),c) and d ~ d(2) the "static" tensioncompression tests were carried out with the rate ~P --- 6.96 9 10-~ s -1. Since the actual stress-strain curve is characterized by a horizontal portion before strain hardening occurs, this perfectly-plastic segment was neglected and the hardening portion was extrapolated backward, Fig. 8. ]in fact, during unloading and subsequent cycles this segment disappears and the material exhibits a hardening stress-strain curve. The corresponding variation of tangent modulus on t h e loading and reloading curves is shown in Fig. 9. The function d = d(2) is deter-

A Viscoplastic Material Model


mined from the formula (36). The experimental data are approximated by the analytical expression d(2) = A exp (B2) (48) where the values A = 26460, B = - - 3 6 . 3 9 are obtained through the mean square minimization process. Similarly, c = c(2c) is approximated by an exponential function (48) with parameters A = 533.87, B = --16.39.

$ K~

S~eet St3S





Fig. 9. Variation of tangent moduli on loading and reverse loading portions In order to determine the function ca = ca(iP) and the parameter c2, the specimens were initially deformed byeond the perfectly plastic segment (e~n -----0.016 7) and unloaded. They were subsequently deformed with constant rate of elongation and the plastic strain rate was calculated by accounting for the elastic strain component. The resulting curves are shown in Fig. 10. The material function was approximated by the formula c3 = a(~p)~ (49) and the parameters a = 8.298, b = --0.9475 were identified using a log-log plot of (49) represented b y a straight line. The parameter c2 was evaluated as c2 = 516 kg/mm ~. We have thus identified the material functions by using only monotonic or loading-reverse loading tests. I n the next section, we shall discuss the material response under cyclic loading and provide the verification of the presented model for more complex loading programmes.


D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z:


6.1C~iN/m 2]

Sleet St 3S

_ . ~0--~-7_0-%-~


s -=-5"-38' 10~ :~1-


stotic curve


.#p .~


25~ r ~
2 4 6




:Fig. 10. Dynamic stress-strain curves used in identification

material functions

5. Verification Tests: Cyclic Loading Conditions

Fig. 11 presents the predicted and experimental curves a - - ep for several rates of plastic strain. It is seen that the assumed power low (49) for %(ip) induced overestimation of stress for lower values of strain though static and experimental curves do not depart considerably and the stress difference lies within 10%.

{ 6"107[N/m2]

Steel St 3S
't ---.....


~p: ~8.~o-2 ~-~



," .<5..-/"//~//z / t ""


stetic curve GuFve ~St~C

// /
- ---- --

Mode[ prediction Experimen'~3[ curve

20 _,


. lo

. - -.- i ) ;. 1~

:Fig. 11. :Predicted and measured stress-strMn curves

A Viscoplastic Material Model


Fig. 12 presents the loading programme for which first eight semicycles of given strain amplitude were carried out at the frequency ]1 = 0.02 Hz and the subsequent eight semicycles at the frequency ] ~ 0.2 Hz and the same strain amplitude. This frequency interaction programme indicates that the viscosity


;'//i;1//////, ,, "" //J i/!/~///

~o0,036 t f t

---experimentat curve


Fig. 12. Cyclic loading with varying frequency- predicted and measured stress-strain curves

Program 4


~ - ~ T L - - ~ f - ~ - ~ ~


model prediction

~ i ( 107[ N / n v 2 I

i--~~~p= o,o~Te _1

I . .E'= . . . ~m38~ . la~

..... experimentalcurve

Fig. 13. Cyclic loading with varying amplitude: predicted and observed stress-slbrain curves (large amplitude followed by sm~ll amplitude)


D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z:

effects result in growth of maximal stress starting from k ~ 8-th semicycles, though this growth is not very significant. ~Fig. 13 presents the loading programme for which the symmetric cyclic strain ep _~ 0.039 after 8 semicycles is followed by the symmetric cyclic strain eP--~ 0.019. The predicted deformational response is in fair agreement with experiment though maximal stresses measured experimentally may differ by more than 10% from predicted stresses. Finally, Fig. 14 presents the case of

i E~qolg

P r o g r g m 3S t 3 S
fl'~] f:C105Hz r z~~-~0,078 k=8 f=0,OSHz~P=(~J3038S-1! k=8 f=O,0~-Iz~P=Q0078S "1






. / ~ [


experimente[ c u r ~


Fig. 14. Cyclic loading with varying amplitude: small amplitude followed by large amplitude

inverse sequence of cyclic straining when cyclic strain of smaller amplitude is followed by cyclic strain of larger amplitude and the same frequency. Now the predicted stress-strain response is in a much better agreement with the experiment. These frequency-interaction and amplitude-interaction tests may be used more systematically in improving the identification tests discussed in the previous section. When the present model is aimed at describing the cyclic properties of metals, more refined material functions should be used that account for historydependent hardening and softening. Let us note that cyclic softening effect was not incorporated into the model and this could be achieved by introducing the function a0 = %(2c). 6. Concluding Remarks The present work extended the previously discussed model [4] by incorporating both viscous and plastic effects into the model. It uses the classical plasticity formulation with hardening modulus now dependent not only on deformation history but also on the rate of straining. Both stress-controlled creep tests or strain-controlled deformation programmes can be considered within this

A Viscoplastic Material Model


model. The identification of material parameters was carried out for a construction steel at room temperature when viscous effects, though present, m a y be of lesser importance as compared to high-temperature viscous phenomena. Nevertheless, the model can be applied to study high-temperature creep and relaxation provided a careful identification procedure is performed. In formulating the rate equation for viscous back stress we applied the concept of simultaneous hardening and relaxatio n due to residual stresses. Such concept was already used in several models such as those proposed b y Miller [12], Ponter and Leckie [13], H a r t [14] and Lagneborg [15]. However, our description differs from other proposals in introducing the m e m o r y p a r a m e t e r 5 that traces particular loading events and associates the respective hardening function )~c to each portion of the stress path. The present model has thus similarities with the generalized kinematic-isotropic hardening description b y Eisenberg [6] or with multisurface and two-surface models of Mroz [1], Krieg [7] and Dafalias and Popov [8] where each loading event is defined b y relative configuration of loading surfaces or b y the distance function of stress point from the bounding surface. Recent experimental results b y L a m b a and Sidebottom [9], [10] indicate that such description is capable to reproduce material behaviour with sufficient accuracy for complex loading histories. A related functional description of variation of residual microstresses is proposed b y Backhaus [11] and offers an alternate possibility to deal with cyclic loading histories.

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D. Kujawski and Z. Mr6z: A Viscoplastic MateriM Model

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Dr. D. Ku]awski Technical University o/ Warsaw Institute o/Machine Design ul. Narbutta 84 02-524 Warsaw, Poland

Pro/. Z. Mrdz Institute o/Fundamental Technological Research ul. Swietokrzyska 21 00-049 Warsaw, Poland

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