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{ry ":
irl T (Tru)or F (Fols). F Sm vrbs have both a nn-atin and an ation meaning. Avrb usd with a non-ation meaning is not used in the progessive.





hck th orrctnswr. Aording to th fish, the Worm hus th flavor of hiken. ats like a hikn.

vERBs WI}| NoN-AloN It,lEAN lNGs

I want to go fishing. H owns a big boat. he weathrsems fin' Thy hat fish.

vRBs wl Bo NoN-AloN AND ACloN ]UtANlNGs

h fish weighs five pounds. W think it,sa good day for fishing. This fish ta'ts de|iious. his food smells qood. Alo H's weighing the fish now. W , r e t h i n k i n g a b o u tg o i n g . | , m t s t i n g t h f i s hn o w . h o o k i s s m I | i n gt h f o o d .

with th corrtform of the vrb tast. ompltthssntns

the soup right now It 10





r xplantin G r * i
instad 1. Many vrbsdesribe sttsor situations of ations.Thse verbs ar alled non.ation verbs (or stativverbs). Most non-tion verbsare not usual|y used in th psnt progrssive evn whn they desrib a situation that is happningright now.

r |ohn has boat. (Thvrb hos dsribs not John,ssituotion, somthing h is doing') l He wants fish for dinnr. No t{isrrating-ffiifii1l..

2. Non.ationvrbsar usually verbsthat: a. dsriba state of being (b, fel) b. exprss motions (ht, lik, lov) . dsribmenta| stats (know,rmembr, beliv, think [= belive], suppos, undrstond) d. show possession (hav,own, possess, blong) . dsribpereptions and senss (hor,se,smell,tast,fel,noti,sem, look [= sm],oppor,sound) neds and preferns f. dsrib (ned,wnt, prefer) g. dsribmeasurmntt (weigh' ost, ontoin) r ,|an is tird but happy. r 5h fels good. A: Do you lik my new drss? B: I lov it! r I know |ot of good ripes. l Ari rmmbrs your number. l I think you,e right. l sa has a hadahe' l Som studentsown miowavs. l l hear th t|phon. r Dina sms tird. r l ned a pn. l HoW muh dos it ost?

3. B ul! Some verbsan have non-ation and ation manings(tost,smell, feel, look, think, Itov, wigh).

No-to r I taste ga|i. Did you put some in hr? (I noti gorli,) r he soup tastes good' ry some. (Thsoup is good,)

r |,m tasting th soup to se if it ndsmor sa|t. (l,m trying th soup.)

Chek iI out!
For a list of ommon non-ation verbs' see Appendix 2 on page 337.

12 r


o Rod this onvrsotion,Undrlinoll non-ction vrbs thot dscribo lDENltY situotion thot is in progrss,ircl oll non-otion vrbs thot desribe situotion thot is genrolly tru,

Ar,r:This stak tasts deliious.Your salmon looks godtoo. B: Here, I'm putting some on your plate. I think yu'll like it. Ar,r:Mmm. I lik it. Funn, I l..,,ully(J.'Id fi.h.
B: Red has that effet on pople. Arr: I have no idea what you, talking about. What do yu mean? B: Well' olrs an hange the way we fel. tr'rexample, people often feel hungier in a red room. I notie that yu're looking right at the red wallpaper. Ar,r: And I rtainl feel hungy right now. I'm eating half your salmon. B: That's oK' I,m tasting your steak.

00sE omplte this mogozin ortiI with th orrct form of the verbs in porenthses. .' i.o.i#iJ..uo..,.ni really paying attention to the aroma vry muh beaus he pair f running shes. Th" -_ Lenny really, really .ul.* Lenny Kramer is in a sports store. " flwers, but he isn't

2 . ( l o o k s/ i s l o o k i n g )

4 . ( W n t s/ i s W n t i n g )

a lot moe than he usuall pays, but ." thos shs. He's th vitim of sents.''

aromas that stores use to make ustomrs buy more. Aross twn' Lenny's daughter Myra is taking a history tst in a lassroom that was reently painted yellow. Although yra
6 . ( s m s/ i s s e e m i n g ) 5 . ( h t e s/ i s h a t i n g )

histr5l,she the new

to b ding well on this tst' She


7. (likes / is liking)

but it is. Sientists have shown that ellow imp.,,eJ oth mmory and onntration.

W now

9. (know / ar knowing)

that odrs, olors, and sounds affet our moods and

1O.(thinks / is thinking)

ven our health. In fat, right now Lnny's wife, Cindy'


Lenny and Myra' Sh's sur that Lenny is spending to muh on shos and that Myra is failing another history test. Cindy suffers from migaine headahes, but she 11. (doesn't h a v e / i s n ' th a v i n q )

a headahe today. Sh,s in the gardn, and sh

l 2 . ( h r si i s h e a r i n g )

birds and inset sounds. Thev alwavs alm hr down.




o Rod this convrsotion.ompletit with the orrctform of th Off|PLE or th simpl prsnttns, Us th presntprogrssive vrbsin porenthess.

A: Hi, Ana. Mmm. Somethin* ---jhB: Fish soup.I A: Mmmm. It B: OK. I

2. (tast)

god!What's ooking?
3. (need)

it to se if it
4. (wnt)

mre garli.

you --

to try it?
6. (think)

5. (taste) 7. (think)

good, but I -

it needs salt.

about adding anned tomatos too, ven though it in the reipe. lik a good idea. But wait a minut. I
1O. (look)

8. (not be)

A: That

9. (sound)

at the reipe, and it says you an add milk. How about that?


11. (notknow)

if the milk
t 3. (sm||)

12' (b)

14. (not b)

A: I.ll hek. Hmm. I the tomatos instad.

it, but I

sure. Let's add

B: OK. I A:I

l5. (lov)

ooking! Th whl house

l6. (sm|l)


when you k. And it always puts me in a good mood.

17. (know)

what you

18. (mean)


19. (feel)


same way.

DlIo Rod this journol entr. hr or eight mistoksin the us of otion ond non.otion verbs,Find ond orrtthm, The first mistokis lreodYcorrectd' grcn -

N0|99!fu-\+A3-ggp!_!W4!|9l0-4"0-p,,!arg w!lo -t!uga'!'!*,Jr-4'q! rmq'o_4_gn9!'rjLo+ i9I9 o'!9.\gry\ -bg,h-o;5r!-||5_9g-/rnQ,nd9)!!!3!'5-q!i9nl'!v::w|99[Ia13q q1P!f7r-h tht g:3-1ren thinking l, not n!-c,,fu),1h9\,4-919p,-bt -dssion) tnKlrn t11grhngh-9 !lg!do1!.''..-._ e+'ry,glo lnp q 4ffr,!!eJL!q.1te4|] tlro'?ntJ-nav a-?_$-'?'??rpint-tea wrth 9_ -g0!:0|oo lnch:2p'_ l WOr(th!p l:'\e:t]Jqn1lW ?P999!-,nA_hJ?2o-9 Jt \Pgl'-l-e-tJps-:g!2l0l!9 thgt! 'b-aI ?qfi! go1gh\ w) It,s-spmiqgtht !9q.o1'lQr'g04g9'59!42 rhr so|ulions' ro0s\]


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