Spire - March 3 2014

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Volume 42, Issue 10

A Beacon and A Bridge

March 3, 2014

Child Dedications

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Laura and Scott Stephan with Luca, Grace and Christian

Erin and Monte Good with Ruby Grace

Welcome New Members!

Mission Statement
Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love and Serving Others Sunday, March 2, 2014

Core Values:
Welcoming Outstanding Worship Outreach Different Traditions Mission & Ministry On the Move Nurturing Transforming 2014 Areas of Focus
Small Groups Stewardship Strategic Planning

Whitney and John Goetz

Whitney and Jared Holifield with Jacob

WCC Handbells


Cabinetude by Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & "The Bridge"

SincetheYouthGroupLeadershipCabinetwas formedearlierthisyear,the16youthwhowere selectedtobeapartofithavedemonstratedasincerecommit menttoservantleadership.Latelytheyhavestartedacontestof sortsforwhocansharethebestcabinetattitude(or cabinetudeforshort).Ifsomeoneelseaccidentallyspillsa drinkonthefloor,theyracetoseewhohasthemostcabinetude byrushingforthepapertowelsfirst.Ifsomeonehasntbeenat youthgroupinawhile,theywillputtheircabinetudetothetest bycallingthatpersontosaywevemissedthem.Inshort, theyrelivingouttheinclusionofthegospelinsimple,everyday Picturedabove:WoodmontYouthenjoyedaweekendat ways. BethanyHillsforSpringFling(February28throughMarch2) TheexamplesetbyourYouthLeadershipCabinethasbeenaninspirationtomeastheyliveout1Timothy4:12 Dontletanyonelookdownonyoubecauseyouareyoung,butsetanexampleforthebelieversinspeech,inconduct, inlove,infaithandinpurity.MayGodblessuseachwithacabinetudenotonlywhenwecometochurchbutwith eachdayofourlives. Pleasejoinmeinpraiseandprayerforthespiritualgiftsthateachofthesepromisingyoungleadersbringtoour community.WealsoextendspecialcongratulationstothethreeWoodmontyouthwhowerejustselectedtoserveon thestatewideTCYFCabinetfortheupcomingschoolyear:AnnaKathrynGroom,AshleyBuchanan,andLukeElliott. TheycontinuetheproudlegacyofWoodmontyouthservinginimportantleadershipcapacitiesonaregionalleveland remindusthatthefutureofthechurchisingoodhands. WoodmontYouthLeadershipCabinetMembers: AlexSmith AndrewBrown AnnaKathrynGroom AshleyBuchanan CadeClayton CarlaSchooler ChristinaGuilfoy ColeSesler DelanaKIng HoustonHartle LandonBrown LukeElliott MacyWalker MoraBass RussellCarpenter WillElliott

20132014TCYFCabinetMembers: (StatewiderepresentativesfromWCC) AlexSmith JocelynSitton RussellCarpenter

20142015TCYFCabinetMembers: (StatewiderepresentativesfromWCC) AnnaKathrynGroom AshleyBuchanan LukeElliott


The Spire is published weekly by:

Woodmont Christian Church 3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 Visit our Webpage: www.woodmontchristian.org

(615) 297-8563 fax: (615) 297-9319 email: wcc@woodmontcc.org Linda Whitson, Editor Copyright 2014

A Long Cold Lonely Winter by Thom Schuyler, Director of College, Young Adults, Missions & Outreach
Many of you will recognize the words that comprise the title of this modest post as a quote from a Beatlessong:HereComestheSun.Morespecifically,itwascomposedandsungbyGeorgeHarrison, perhapsthe quietestBeatlebutinmy humbleopinion,thesteadyheartbeatoftheFab Four.Thissong has always lifted my spirits no matter the time of year or my state of mind. Its impossible for me to hear that mesmerizing acoustic guitar pattern, that infectious melody, those pristine harmonies and that positive lyric withoutturningitupandsingingalong.AsIsitherethismorning(Monday,March3rd)thissong,onceagain,isworking its good deed in my soul and spirit. (I just listened to six different versions onyoutube). As much as I love winter I am veryreadyforthisonetorelinquishitsgripandmakeroomforspring2014.Mayitsoonbeso! Humankind has been reflecting upon the miracle and value of the seasons since we first began to communicate. They each offer their unique characteristics and accomplish their essential tasks. Remove one of the four yes, even winterandlifeonthisplanetwouldbeunbearable,ifnotimpossible.Further,theseasonsparallelthepatternsofour lives and offer us profound insights into that which we encounter on this earth. This is not limited to the arc of a life time. We will each experience a taste of the four seasons at many given moments throughout the course of our lives: thearrivalofnewlife(spring),thesheerjoyofliving(summer),thechangesthatcontinuetoconfrontus(autumn)and theinevitableheartacheofmourning(winter). This very week we begin the pensive and solemn journey toward Resurrection Day. Between now and Easter morning many churches Woodmont certainly included prepare services and special gatherings that encourage be lievers to gaze inward and examine ourselves. These are very personal endeavors, both demanding and difficult. Whensomeofuslookinsideweencounteralandscapethatmaybedescribedasalongcoldlonelywinter.Buttake heart:Herecomesthesun xothom

Priesthood of All Believers by Andra Moran, Creative Director for "The Bridge"
In1990,NASAsentVoyager1intospace. Afterithadtravelledabout4billionmiles awayfromEarth,Voyager1wasdirectedto turnaroundandtakesomepictures.Astronomerswere verysurprisedtofindthatEarthshowedupinthepicture. Canyouseeit?

InPsalm8:34,thePsalmisttakesasimilarapproachtothe ideaofhumansmallness:WhenIlookatyourheavens, theworkofyourfingers,themoonandthestarsthatyou haveestablished;whatarehumanbeingsthatyouare mindfulofthem,mortalsthatyoucareforthem? Weareallinthislivelylifejourneytogetherasonetiny speckofdustonasunbeam,thesunbeamthatGodholds inHishand.Togetherweliveinourhopes,dreams,frus trations,loves,losses,significance,insignificanceandall ofthislivinghappensinthepalmofGodshand. Lookagainatthatdot.Thatshere.Thatshome.Thats Idontknowaboutyou,butImdelightedwiththemiracle us.Oniteveryoneyoulove,everyoneyouknow,everyone thatwearesignificanttoGodinalloursmallness,heldand youeverheardof,everyhumanbeingwhoeverwas,lived treasuredforever! outtheirlives.Theaggregateofourjoyandsuffering, thousandsofconfidentreligions,ideologies,andeconomic Andra

ThisimagebecameknownasthePaleBlueDotpicture, becausethatwas allourEarth lookedlikeinthe vastexpanseof space.CarlSagan, anastronomer, authorandscien tistaffiliatedwith thespaceprogram sinceitsinception, gaveatalkthe yearthesephotoswerereleased.Thesearehiswords:

doctrines,everyhunterandforager,everyheroandcow ard,everycreatoranddestroyerofcivilization,everyking andpeasant,everyyoungcoupleinlove,everymotherand father,hopefulchild,inventorandexplorer,everyteacher ofmorals,everycorruptpolitician,everysuperstar,every supremeleader,everysaintandsinnerinthehistoryof ourspecieslivedthereonamoteofdustsuspendedina sunbeam.

5-Star Dinner 5:35 p.m. Drowota Hall

March 5 Menu
Pork Tenderloin Creamy Mashed Potatoes Butter Peas with Onions Lemon Orzo Salad Triple Fudge Cake Pizza for the kids

March 12 Menu
Roasted Garlic Chicken Cheese Grits Orange Glazed Carrots Cranberry Spinach Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing Chess Squares Pizza for the kids

Reservations should be made through the Sunday "connection card," by calling the church office (297-8563), emailing the church Price structure: Adults $8, Children 4 years old thru 5th grade $4 and family cap $28.
office at rvaughan@woodmontcc.org or thru the website at: www.woodmontchristian.org. The deadline is Monday by noon.

Adult Education
Wednesday, March 5
6:15 p.m. in The Bay DivorceCare Facilitated by Janet Wall and Anne Stauffer 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Special Ash Wednesday Service Homily by Farrell Mason

Beginning Monday, March 10

Creating Holy Space
Findyourselftoooftenattheendof yourrope,ratherthanrestingin Godslove?Joinusforasixweek Lentsessionasweexploreimportant questions.Howdowelivethelife wearecalledto?Whatdoesaspirit filled,authenticlifelooklike?How canwecreateholyspaceinthemany dimensionsofourlives,including time,physicalspace,thecommit mentswemake,andtheroutinesof dailylife? Ifyoufeelthenudgetoslowdown andlistenmore,joinusstartingMon dayMarch10that7p.m.inthe CampbellStoneroom(rightoffthe sanctuary).SandySmithandBeth Pattillowillleadthisprocess,which willbesteepedinbothrichdiscus sionandsilentlistening.Questions? ContactSandyatsandy@sska.comor 6154145000.

New Spring Series


AsweapproachEaster,letusstudyTheSevenLastWordsofChristapplyingHis teachingstothe"Here&Now"inourownpersonallives.LedbyRev.Anne Stauffer

Sunday School - March 9th

9:30 a.m. Disciples Class (105) - Led by Roy Stauffer "Living in Love" Challenge Class (200) - Led by Julia Tanner "The Sermons of Frederick Buechner" Young Adult Class (Boardroom) Led by Rob Quinn Spiritual Journeys Class for Women (The Bay) Led by the Rev. Anne Stauffer "The Power of Your Intent"

8 Ellie Faber Kathryn Organ Allison Sinks Claudia Short Conrad Staley

19 Jack Derryberry Jennifer Lackey Rebecca Reeder Brennan Willis 20 Kristen Newman Samantha Rockey 21 Willie Bandy Parker Holley Kristin Hornback Bette Parolini 22 Jerry Johnson Jeremy Organ Beverly Small 23 Carter Owen Chad Martin Alan Sowell 24 Matthew Graves 25 Teri Diamond Kate Greer Thomas Lee Matt Whitley 26 Molly Cashion Anna Kathryn Groom Jon Speers 27 Laurie Cooper Thomas Kiger 28 Christina Guilfoy 29 Bob Bruce Thomas Fitzgerald Joy Harris Catie Pratt Renee Todd Maryglenn Warnock 30 Don Hasty Hannah Walker 31 Laural Hicks Joshua Mayorquin Pat Todd

March 2014
Brooke McNeal Sandy Moore Gay Phinizy Drew Smitherman Luca Stephan 2 Chelsea Cannon 3 Judson Allen Dan Hartle Kyle Felts Anita Ferrell Max Speers

9 Lynda Glascock Kim Sheridan Macy Walker Vicki Underwood 10 Rita Baldwin Homer Brown Lydia Crider John Hartong Sophia Kelly Philip North 11 Marc Jenkins Tate Rogers 13 Richard Duncan Chip Peay Don Rollins Alicia Sowell Brooks Williams

11:00 a.m. Second Hour of the Spiritual Journeys Class (The Bay) (Open to Men Also) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer Reflections (200) Led by Roy Stauffer Being Kind and Humble Points of View (105) Discussion Group College & University-Aged Young Adults (107) Led by Thom Schuyler Pathways Class for Parents (Boardroom) Led by Wendell & Christy Brown/Tom & Laura Dovan

4 John Faber Honey Hetzel Liz Holley Stephen Daniel King Tennyson Ottinger 14 Witt Murphy David Barnard Abbie Giompoletti 5 Catherine Anne 15 Caffey Winston Brown Mary Hoehn Emily Macon Lyndsey Johnson Grace Speers Rollins John Stauffer Paula Walker Barrett Sutton 6 Max Best Murphy & Mann Smothers 7 Kay Butterworth Tom Dovan Paula Forcht Frank Bell Pat Bell Henry Giompoletti Christopher Jackson Glenn Kiger Terri McConnell Rebecca Vaughan Natalie Wilson Don Walker 16 Lloyd Griffin Maggie Kunkel Marybeth Meador Chuck Robinson Lynne Thompson 17 Bob Garrard Pat Howell Paul Smith Beth Taylor 18 Kimmy Bennett Alex Cannon David Regen Mariel Rich Megan Stauffer Briggs Waddey

Farmer's Market season is around the corner NOW imagine a Farmer's Market coming to Woodmont!
Imagine receiving a box of delicious fresh, in-season vegetables and meats every Sunday from May to October - delivered right to the WCC parking lot! Now imagine what ends up on your table helps support local farmers, earth friendly sustainable farming practices, AND the Nashville Food Project! Avalon Acres, a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) operation, will make WCC a new weekly stop if at least 10 people/families sign up for this growing season (May 4 to Oct. 26). For every ten customers, they will donate one free package to the Nashville Food Project. (Any packages not picked up on a given week also will be donated to NFP). Packages (boxes) of fresh seasonal vegetables start at $27 per week. Local meat, eggs, cheese and bread can be added for an additional cost. You must sign up and commit to the 26 week season to receive the packages. Multiple people/families can share a package if desired. For more information (including to request a specific dropoff time) contact Sarah Drury (sarahcampbelldrury@gmail.com or 383-6551) or see the Avalon Acres website at www.avalonacres.com . Deadline to get WCC added as a stop is March 5.

to Woodmont!
A Get-Together! for New Members & Friends
Thursday - April 10th 6:30 pm at the Stauffers for New Members, Introduction to Woodmont Class Members and Others Interested in Membership (More info to come)

Room In the Inn

Woodmont volunteers have provided a great experience for our Room In the Inn guests this year. People have gone above and beyond in responding to emergency needs, volunteering on our regular Friday nights and donating clothing. We are grateful that Boy Scout Troop 92 will serve on March 7th, as that gives our Woodmont members a respite for the week. We are in need, however, for overnight hosts to help on Friday, March 14th and Friday, March 21st. In this season of Lent, when we remember the sacrifice that Christ made for each of us, what better way to honor Him than to sacrifice our time in service to others?

In Concert
Sunday, March 16 3:00 pm

Woodmont Christian Church Sanctuary

Free and Open to the Public!

Library Books
Please check around your home to see if you might have the following books and return to our Library or the Church Office at your first convenience. Thank you! Bread of Blessing, Cup of Hope (Dixon) Daily Strength for Daily Needs (Tiletson) The Bible as History (Keller) The New Testament, Vol. 1 (Barclay) The Will of God (Weatherhead) Parable of Crisis (Poteat) A Guide to the Parables (Hargreaves) All the Parables of Jesus (Cargill) Parables of Jesus (Buttrick)

WCC Youth
Youth Group This Week
Wednesday, February March 5h 6:00 p.m. - Youth Group (Off-Campus) Sunday, March 9th 9:30-10:30 a.m. - Worship in the Sanctuary 10:30-11:00 a.m. - Jubilation Youth Choir (DH) 11:00 a.m.-Noon - Sunday School (DH) 5:15 p.m. - The Bridge Service (DH)
*DH - Drowota Hall

Youth Wing Paint n' Pizza Party! This Sunday, March 9

Comeone,comeallandjoinusaswepaintthewalls ofthebrandnewyouthwing.Theheavyconstruction phasehaswrappedup,andnowwe'rereadytostart decorating.Pleasebringachangeofpaintclothes withyoutochurchonSunday,March9sowecan havesomepizzaafterworship/SundaySchooland thenstartpaintingatnoon.Weneed100%ofall availableyouthandparentstohelp,aswellasanyone elsefromthechurchwhowouldliketohelpout.Feel freetobringanypaintbrushes,rollers,ortarpsyou wouldliketouseaswepaint.

For more information visit www.WoodmontccYouth.com or follow us on Twitter @WoodmontCCYouth

Heresanideaofwhatwewilldoonthistrip: Haveanindepthimmersionexperiencewithanor ganizationthatisdriventoaddressthecycleofpoverty Travel Update for Guatemala Mission Awareness Trip througheducation. TosecurethebestflightpricesfortheadulttriptoGua MeetWoodmontssponsoredfriendschildrenand temala,weplantomakeagroupairlinereservationby adultswhoWoodmontishelpingdirectlyeverymonth. March26th.Thisrequiresadepositof$150perperson. Sing,dance,laughandsharehope. Theadvantageofthegroupreservationisthatthenum Visitcommunitiesandhearstories,includingavisitto oneofthehomesthatWoodmontfunded.Thiswillbe berofticketscanbeadjusted(slightly)inJulyand amazingly meaningful. namesdonthavetobeassignedtotheticketsuntil WorshipatthebeautifulSanLucasMissionChurch. September;however,tolockinthisprice,weneedto Learnabouttheculture,religion,socialandeconomic makeatleast10reservations. conditions. Serviceopportunitiesthroughongoingprojectsdi FastFacts: rectedbyourhostorganization. Dates: Nov1Nov8,2014 VisitthecapitalcityofAntiqua. Airfare: $635roundtrip Costforalllodging,foodandgroundtransportation: Yourdepositof$150securesyourairfareof$635and $500 obligatesyoutotheairlineticket.PleasecontactEm ScholarshipfromMissionsTeamCommittee:$250 mieThomasorSteveLaForgetotakethefirststepto TotalCostperperson:$885 wardanamazingtripofdiscovery! Youmaymakeyourflightarrangementsseparately, howeveryoumustarriveandleaveonthesameflight Emmie:e dthomas5@comcast.net5878149 Steve:diver_steve@yahoo.com asthegroup. 7

2014 Lenten Schedule:

Easter Weekend Prayer Vigil

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Ash Wednesday Worship Service: 6:30 p.m. - Sanctuary Farrell Mason, Homily Beginning March 9 through Palm Sunday Lenten Sermon Series Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew by Rev. Clay Stauffer: "The Bridge" Sermon Series The Be-Attitudes Thursday, April 17, 2014 Maundy Thursday 5-Star Dinner at 5:35 pm Join us for a Special Maundy Thursday Dinner in DH then stay for Worship Service at 6:30 p.m. Experience a live reenactment of The Last Supper Service of Communion
(Please bring a cup from home to share with your family)

Begins at 7:00 pm on Good Friday, April 18 and continues through 7:00 am on Easter Sunday, April 20. Our sanctuary will be open or you may choose your own location. Each person is asked to signup for at least one 30-minute time increment. Sign up now at: http://tinyurl.com/EasterPrayerVigil

Friday, April 18, 2014 Good Friday "Seven Last Words of Christ" Worship Service: 5:30 p.m. - Sanctuary with Chancel Choir We would like to sincerely thank our Woodmont family for their prayers, cards, and kind words throughout this difficult time in our family. My father was a very special man, and we are truly blessed to have many fantastic memories of times spent together. He left a wonderful legacy of caring in the things that he did, and the people he touched and he will be sorely missed. It is never easy to say good-bye to someone, but the path was made easier by your kind words. My family and I would like to thank you. Chris, Karl, Nickie and Max Hackenbrack Prayer Vigil Begins at 7:00 pm Saturday, April 19, 2014 Family Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 a.m. - East Lawn Bring your family and friends! Sunday, April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday Prayer Vigil Concludes at 7:00 am Worship Services: 7:00 a.m. - Outdoor Chapel (May bring a chair) 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary 9:30 am - Simultaneous Service at The Bridge

Anne Stauffer with Janet and Trina, Directors of Mending Hearts Ministries

We would like to sincerely thank our Woodmont family for their prayers, cards, and kind words throughout this difficult time in our family. My father was a very special man, and we are truly blessed to have many fantastic memories of times spent together. He left a wonderful legacy of caring in the things that he did, and the people he touched and he will be sorely missed. It is never easy to say good-bye to someone, but the path was made easier by your kind words. My family and I would like to thank you. Chris, Karl, Nickie and Max Hackenbrack"

Spiritual Journeys Class Helps the Women of Mending Hearts Through the Winter
Overthepastfewmonths,enoughscarves,hats, socksandglovesweredonatedtokeep40residents warmthroughoneofthetoughestwintersinNash ville.Abigthankyoutoallofyouwhocontributed. Wehearthattheladieswerethrilledandsoapprecia tive.

Christmas 2013 at Morgan Scott

Three groups from Woodmont donated toys and tools. In Scott County they served 432 families, 528 males, 556 females and 1,084 children. In Morgna County they served 252 families, 313 males, 353 females and 660 children. Thank you Woodmont for your support!

Jesus said, Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matt. 6:21) When you give generously to Gods Church, you are more interested and passionate about Gods work.

Stewardship Thought
John Hermann performed a Fundraiser Fri night at Corner Pub for The Nashville Food ProjcetNFP. Thanks John!


Wednesday, March 5th 5:30 p.m. Grace Notes 5:35 p.m. 5-Star Dinner* 6:15 p.m. JYF Kids Club *Reservations Requested Sunday, March 9th 9:30 a.m. Children's Moment 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Children's Church 5:15 p.m. The Bridge 9:30 Hour ChristQuest Ronda Hirst

Sunday School Lessons & Volunteers March 9

9:30 Hour Frogs (4 Yrs) Too Afraid to Follow Jesus Kim Sheridan Gloria/Joy Jackson Monkeys (5 Yrs/K) Too Afraid to Follow Jesus Laurie Cooper Helper Needed 11:00 Hour Children's Church Kaitlyn Asher Helper Needed 4th/5th Grade Class Topher Endress Donuts & Coffee Still Needed

Stars (2 Yrs) The Lost Sheep Claire Drowota Jane Clay and Porter Meadors Pandas (3 Yrs) The Good Samaritan Sarah Drury Becky Griffith or Christi Williams


Vacation Bible School @ Woodmont Christian Church
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 thru Friday, June 27, 2014 9:00 AM 12:00 PM each day


Bulletin Board
Opportunities at Woodmont
Wednesday, March 5 6:15 a.m. Men's Small Group (107) 7:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study (105) Younger Men's Bible Study (BR) 5:30 p.m. Grace Notes Choir Practice (KC) 5:35 p.m. 5-Star Dinner (DH) 6:00 p.m. Youth Group (On-Campus) 6:15 p.m. JYF Kids Club (KC); DivorceCare (The Bay) 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service (Sanc) Choir Practice (CR); Stephen Ministry Training (100) Thursday, March 6 Library Workday 7:00 p.m. Restore Ministry Classes (KC/139, 140, 142) Sunday, March 9 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship (Sanctuary) 10:30 a.m. Small Group Fair (GH) 4:45 p.m. WCC Knitters (GH) 5:15 p.m. The Bridge Service (DH) Monday, March 10 4:00 p.m. "The Geezers" Men's Group (BR) 7:00 p.m. WCC Boy Scouts Troop 92 Tuesday, March 11 9:00 a.m. Women's Prayer Group (Campbell Stone) Womens Bible Study (200) 10:00 a.m. Circle 6 (Off Campus; CC at Church) 10:30 a.m. Circle 2 (105/Kit); Circle 4 (BR) Circles 1, 3, 7 (Off Campus) 6:00 p.m. Handbell Practice (Choir Rm) 6:45 p.m. Circle of Prayer (C/S) 7:00 pm Creating Holy Space - Lent Series ((200)

Elders Prayer Corner

The Woodmont Elders request that the congregation join them in prayer for: our members and friends who are sick, grieving or experiencing difficulties support of the upcoming Habitat build and the family who will own the home all members to create holy space to listen to God during this Lenten season each of us to grow in our understanding of the Sermon on the Mount and our ability to live its ideals


IN THE HOSPITAL: Dorothy Forlidas, mother of Nick Forlidas Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga Steve Webb, father of Martha Galyon Sarasota Memorial Hospital SYMPATHY TO: John and Kathy Gibson and family on the death of Johns father, Walter Gibson, on February 27. A private service was held on Tuesday, March 4 in Nashville.

MILITARY PRAYER LIST: CONTINUING CONCERNS: William Daniel, father of Lisa Rollins Amy Alexander Sirrena Martin Maddie Murphy Moulton Farrar, Stallworth Walter Gibson, father/father-in-law of John & Kathy Gibson, Richland Place Jeannette Miller, Claiborne-Hughes Health Center Chris Cottros, friend of Andra Moran Eula Meece, mother of Jana Coode and grandmother of Virginia Wills Devan Cropp, brother of Jordan Cropp, Columbus, OH Ashley Price, sister of Kristen Malone, Atlanta, GA Clay Perry, son of Tim & Diane Perry Dan King & wife, Ashley King, brother and sister-in-law of Stephen Daniel King Richie Mercado, Afghanistan, son-inlaw of Barbara and Doug Schoerke THOSE SERVING ABROAD: Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in Armenia Courtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republic of Georgia

If life is getting you down and you need a Christian friend to listen, that is just what Stephen Ministers are trained to do. Please call Kathy Patten at 838-4957 to discuss the possibility of this being the help you need.

Let Us Know: Have information about someone in the hospital or with another ministry need? Please notify the church office during the week (297-8563) and Let Us Know. PLEASE - NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE SANCTUARY


Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 615.297.8563 woodmontchristian.org
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Date February 9 February 16 February 23 March 2 Sunday School 329 310 333 341 Total Attd 819 832 862 821 Operating $ 33,840 $ 35,369 $ 21,250 $ 16,956

March 9, 2014
Communion Prep: Pam Hardin Service Coordinator: 9:30 - David Reynolds 11:00 - Don Mitchell Video Camera: 9:30 - Barbie Howell 11:00 - Paul Hardin 9:30 a.m. L.A. Galyon Roy Jordan Talbott Ottinger Paula Forcht Hope Walker Betty Mchugh Milly Moore Honey Hetzel 11:00 a.m. Dennis Beck Cynthia Beck Teri Diamond Jean Ramsey Katherine Hartle Selena Guilfoy 5:15 p.m. Jay Everett Rebecca Everett


March 9, 2014

WORSHIP SERVICES: March 9, 2014 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Rev. Clay Stauffer, preaching Sermon Series: Sermon on the Mount Title: "Piety, Pretentiousness and Prayer" Scripture: Matthew 6:1-15 Justin Gung, preaching Sermon Series: Dream On

9:30 a.m. Wendell Brown and Alan Sowell 11:00 a.m. Chip Phinizy and Pat Malone 5:15 p.m. Richmond Williams

5:15 p.m. - The Bridge

Weekly Prayer Partner

Donelson Christian Church, Nashville


Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Adult Education & Church Life Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Children & Congregational Care Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & "The Bridge" Thom Schuyler, Director of College, Young Adults, Missions and Outreach Carla "CJ" Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth Tallu Quinn, Director of TNFP Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry Sarah Huffman, Accompanist Linda Whitson, Staff Administrator Beverly Honeycutt, Housekeeping Sam Marsh, Property Manager Housekeeping Supv. Ben Saunders, Ministerial Intern Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse Rebecca Vaughan, Receptionist Steven Austin, Housekeeping Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King, Creative Directors for "The Bridge" Topher Endress, Ministerial Intern Anne Mitchell, Interim Director of Preschool Chris Beck, Finance Manager Shirley Taylor, Housekeeping

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