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Fantasic Voyage!

Candice Hiu Fu Leung " 5.3.2014"

The life cycle of Moss"

I have chose Moss for this project, making an animation of the process in meiosis and mitosis."

Audience "
I have set my target to 10+ teens and the animation is not just for the science classes but also play in the break and lunch time. My animation could be played in some locations such as school. Youth centre or NHS youth forum where are huge capacity if teenagers could receive the message."

Marketing research! Field observation"

As I am worried the differences between my own vision of style and the 10+ teen's vision, I went to the "Card factory" in Pentagon, Chatham to observe the card's designs. It was noticeable that they are all attractive in sharp colours but also light and peaceful which are nice and relax to read.# Furthermore, Those cards dene the objects in shapes which they combined many simple shapes into a bigger picture and there are not many complex lines and make the image more easy to read.# I am sure that from these observations will help me to create the animation concept more suitable to my audiences and learning science in a relax and happy way.#"

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Inuence maps"
As I am going to set my audiences range to 10+ teenagers, I am thinking what kind of styles or ways that will attract them to be focus. And I think vintage will be a good point to start with because it is back again as a trend to young generations in fashion or other areas. Therefore I was looking at the patterns, signs and photography from the old time to the transformations in vintage style but more contemporary way. And It is noticeable that the designs below was quite attractive on its own pieces and it was clearly provide infor mation to the audiences."

Inuence maps!
After that, I was looking at Pixar's animations which were popular to young age with their colours, tones and stories. I researched on " Brave " and "The Bug's life" for references. And "The Bug's life" is inspiring in scale as there are always shots in mico world in audiences eyes while is a big world for the character lives. And I like the concept arts that were quite ats 3D by building up with layers.#"

Inuence maps!
And this is my colour inuences map. As I think fairy tale were still a big market for teenager. And they were full of wonder, love and romance. I looked at their colour tones and they all really peace and joy w h i ch b r o u g h t a g o o d emotions to audiences."

Artist Research"
Geefwee Boedoe is an animator and illustrator and he worked in Disney and Pixar. His works were building with layers to create 3D structure but more his works are attractive with colours and tones a n d i t g ave m e a n inspirations of the style. #"


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