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Repudiated A Connosaurus Film

Connor Eves, Oliver Childs, Jed Martin

EXTERIOR FIELD - MIDDAY After various shots of Aidens daily life, He walks towards the middle of a field and looks up at the sky. A few moments pass before a shadow covers up his view from the sun. AIDEN HOLT Stupid Clouds, all I want to do is enjoy a little sunshine is that too much to ask? KIAN WALLIS My name is not cloud, its Kian Aiden is shocked from the voice and jumps up into standing position and glares at Kian AIDEN Who are you and what do you want? KIAN I told you, my name is Kian andI guess I want toerrI dont know, I saw you there and thought you might like some company AIDEN Awwww thats nice, how considerate of you. Go away KIAN No need to be such a sour puss I just want to chat Kian lies down and after a moment of both shock and confusion, Aiden lies down next to him KIAN So whats your name? AIDEN

None of your god damns business KIAN Youre twisting my melons man! Why you got to be so unfriendly AIDEN What the hell sort of saying is that, twisting your melons KIAN You know, confusing me. I dont understand why youre being so negative AIDEN Sigh, Aiden, Aiden Holt KIAN Well nice to meet you Aiden Holt. What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere AIDEN Trying to be alone KIAN Ah, how is that working out? Aiden stares at Kian with an agitated look, after a slight pause Kian continues the conversation in an attempt to diffuse the tension -

Do your parents know youre out here all on your own? AIDEN I dont know if you could tell from the tattered clothes and dirty face, I minus a family KIAN No way! Me too!

AIDEN Its not something to be proud of, whats your problem? KIAN Well I say I have no family; I ditched them to come live on my own, you know, independence and stuff AIDEN You left your family just because you wanted to be independent? KIAN Well yeah, they were really strict and demanding, I wanted freedom. You know, its not illegal to go missing by choice AIDEN Well, isnt that nice for you. I am done talking to you Aiden, annoyed by Kians comments, gets up and begins to walk away KIAN WAIT Aiden stops, fists clenched, and turn towards Kian and they stare at each other for a moment KIAN P-please dont leave me AIDEN What? You got a problem with being alone KIAN Well sort of, I mean no, I mean, yes

AIDEN Maybe you should go back to your family Kian KIAN NO! I cant go back to my family. I wontcan I please just come with you AIDEN You intrigue me Kian, you hate being alone yet you leave your family by choice and refuse to go back KIAN Its a long story AIDEN I enjoy stories, tell you what. I let you come with me and you have to tell me your story KIAN Ok Aiden continues to walk away but Kian stays still KIAN Will you tell me yours? AIDEN You actually want to know my story? KIAN Well, Yeah AIDEN Well youre in for a treat, its a hell of a story, tell me Kian, whats your second name? KIAN Wallis, Kian Wallis

AIDEN Well follow me Wallis, to my humble abode They both proceed walking

EXTERIOR NIGHT AIDENS HANGOUT The two sit in silence watching the bomb fire for s few minutes. Both thinking the same think just waiting for the other to start the conversation. KIAN So youve left me sitting here in suspense long enough, time to tell me your story AIDEN I was waiting for you to tell me, after all, I asked first KIAN Well, not much to tell really. I grew up with an abusive dad. Treated like a slave. Never really saw much of my mother. She could never face my dad so I guess she just isolated herself as much as possible AIDEN Thats why you chose to live alone, to get away from your dad KIAN I guess so; I just needed to get out AIDEN I still dont think that is a good enough reason to isolate yourself from society KIAN Are you serious?

AIDEN The thing is, and I speak from experience here, it doesnt matter how bad a family you had, or how little friendships you manage to maintain. You should never deny yourself the privilege of society. Since when youre repudiated there is nothing you want more in the world than to be accepted again The two boys are quiet; Kian does not know how to respond to what Aiden has said. After a few moments of silence, they continue KIAN I believe its time for you to tell me your story AIDEN Unlike you, I never had the choice of a good life. I was born on the streets; nobody ever even knew I existed. I lived a life on the streets until I was around 10, then my mother died so I had to survive for myself. Nowadays I hang around these empty fields, only time I go back into the city is to beg for food KIAN Wow, I must seem like such a bad person to you There is another awkward silence as Aiden is unsure how to respond to Kians remark, since he has mixed feelings about Kian AIDEN I think its time we get some shuteye Wallis KIAN You can just call me Kian you know

AIDEN I know, but Kian is an awful name, Wallis is much better They both lie onto the floor ready for sleep KIAN Whatever you say, Holt AIDEN No, dont do that INTERIOR NIGHT KIANS HOUSE Kian is lying in bed pretending to be asleep, as the front door opens and his Dad gets home from drinking. KIANS DAD Im Home! Kian stays frozen in his bed, and his dad immediately grows agitated KIANS DAD WALLIS! Get down here and make me a cup of coffee! Kian crawls out of his bed, petrified, and leans against his bedroom door -

KIANS DAD Im not going to ask again Wallis, if youre not down here making me my coffee in the next 10 seconds, you know what will happen 10, 9, 8 Kian has his hand on his bedroom door handle, struggling to force himself to open it KIANS DAD 7,6,5 Kian opens his bedroom door and slowly sneaks his way downstairs KIANS DAD 4,3,2 Kian finally goes round corner so that he faces his dad in the hallway KIANS DAD There you are you worthless piece of shit Kians dad slaps Kian round the face with the back of his hand. Kian lies on the floor sobbing KIANS DAD Wallis, if you dont stop crying I will just do it again, WALLIS MAKE ME MY GOD DAMN COFFEE, WALLIS! -

EXTERIOR MORNING AIDENS HANGOUT Aiden is shaking Kian awake; Kian comes to in a shock due to his dream, and slowly comes aware of his surroundings AIDEN WALLIS! Get up! KIAN W-why did you wake me up? AIDEN I like to seize the day by getting up while the suns still shining KIAN So you have more time to lie in fields and look at it? AIDEN Actually, I was thinking since I have company for a change, we could go into the city, try and scavenge some food and supplies, since there are two of us we could get more KIAN Wow you really know how to make exciting plans AIDEN Wow, shut your face. It may not be exciting but I figured it would be an improvement on looking up at the sun all day, since I know that isnt your sort of thing KIAN Well, you got me there, lets go then AIDEN Wait, show me your best please give me food I am so sad and hopeless face Kian pulls a sad face and Aiden looks unimpressed by it

AIDEN Meh, it will do for now They both walk away towards the city

EXTERIOR TUNNEL MIDDAY Aiden and Kian are both sitting on floor against wall of tunnel, next to them is a hat full of small bits of change and other various items KIAN I still think we should have used my old scavenging spot AIDEN What the hell do you mean? We have only been here 2 hours and we already have 2 pounds 37 pence, half an eaten burger, a bottle of cheap water and a coupon for a free coffee KIAN Had, had half a burger AIDEN Shush, someones coming A man wearing a hoodie which covers his whole face begins to walk down the tunnel and passes Aiden and Kian KIAN Spare some change? The hooded man stops, and stares at kian for a while

KIAN Ok, a no would do no need to stare, kind of creepy HOODED MAN Oh, sorry. Here The hooded man hands Kian a 5 pound note AIDEN Oh wow, thanks mister! HOODED MAN Thats for him, not for you AIDEN Whoa, whatever you say mister HOODED MAN Yes, whatever I say The hooded man continues to walk off out of the tunnel AIDEN What was that guys problem? KIAN I dont know. It sounds strange butI think I recognised him from somewhere AIDEN Well thats not strange for you; you used to have a life in actual society

KIAN Hmm, I dont know I just cant put my finger on who it was, the voice was familiar but I couldnt see his face AIDEN Look, forget about it, he gave us 5 pounds! Thats enough to keep us going for a few days; I think we can head back early KIAN Cool, we can pick up some more paper and stuff on the way back to make another fire for tonight AIDEN Sounds like a plan Wallis The two boys walk out of the tunnel and then the Hooded man walks back up to the entrance at the other end and watches them leave Hooded Man Wallis

EXTERIOR NIGHT AIDENS HANGOUT Kian and Aiden sit by the fire, just finished eating their dinner, after a brief moment of quiet, they start to talk AIDEN I dont think I have eaten like that in years KIAN Really? All we had was a tin of beans each and some pasta AIDEN Well its easy for you to say, you probably used to have dinners, at tables, with knifes, and forks and plates! For me,

this is luxury. Cheers to the creepy hooded guy, for tonight we dine as kings! The two of them laugh and then it dies down to complete silence. After thinking about what has just been said. Aiden continues the conversation AIDEN Do you regret it? KIAN What? AIDEN Leaving your family, do you regret it? KIAN Where did that question come from? AIDEN Just making idle chit chat KIAN Of course I dont regret it; my dad was horrible, my mum was unsupportive, what is there to miss? AIDEN The dinners during the evening, the warmth of a home, the comfort of a bed, hell, I bet when your Dad wasnt around you and your mum probably flew kites and chatted and justhad fun KIAN Well of course I miss those things, but, sometimes you have to give up a lot of small luxuries to solve one massive problem AIDEN I think you overestimate the size of that problem

KIAN Are you saying there was a different way I could have dealt with my problem? AIDEN Your 17, you could have got a job, saved up, and after a while you could have left for university or just moved out and got your own place KIAN Assuming my dad would have let me leave AIDEN He must have let you leave for you to be here, right? It goes quiet, Kian is thinking about the answer to Aidens question, meanwhile, Aiden is in deep thought about something else AIDEN Do you think we could ever have our own house? KIAN What? AIDEN Nothing massive, just a little place we could call our own KIAN I think you underestimate how much houses cost AIDEN I know, I know what if we got jobs? KIAN Im pretty sure thats harder than you make it sound

AIDEN Not necessarily. I hear there is organisations whose sole purpose is getting people like us jobs KIAN Hey, youre right. I think theres a place like that not too far from here AIDEN We could go tomorrow, get jobs and save up our money until we can put it together to get a house! KIAN Could, could this actually happen AIDEN We shouldnt get out hopes up Wallis, but it is possible KIAN We can go to the place tomorrow, and, I know you mean well, but can you not call me Wallis AIDEN Why not wall- I mean Kian KIAN It just, brings back some bad memories It goes quiet for a moment as Aiden and Kian are both in deep thought AIDEN I think its time to get some sleep; tomorrow is the start of our new lives! The two boys go to sleep.

INTERIOR NIGHT KIANS HOUSE Kian is making his dads coffee whilst his Dad sits back in a chair and just talks to himself in a one sided conversation KIANS DAD This is that she see why slave. I more like it, you know, when your mum first told me wanted a kid I thought she was ridiculous, but now I people want kids. Its basically like having a legal bet as soon as slaves became illegal birth rates went way up Kian, whilst making the tea, avoids eye contact with his dad and gets slightly annoyed KIANS DAD One thing I dont get though is the whole naming thing, who names slaves. When your mum told me that she wanted to call you Kian, HA, I laughed. I personally wanted to just call you by my name since it would remind you who your boss was, since I was pretty certain you would be stupid. I guess I was right Kians anger builds up and he clenches his fists KIANS DAD After a while I settled to have you called Kian, Then we changed your last name to my first name, Wallis, So that you wouldnt spoil either of our second names AND you would always know who owned you. It was a win win really KIAN What is your second name then? KIANS DAD Did I say you could talk back to me?!

Kians dad slaps Kian round the face again KIANS DAD Stay quiet and make my god damn coffee -

EXTERIOR MORNING AIDENS HANGOUT Kian wakes up, looks around and sees no sign of Aiden Kian Aiden? Aiden! Where the hell is he? I know youre all for seizing the day and stuff but maybe tell me where youre seizing it! Sigh, His probably looking up at the sun Kian begins to walk towards the fields but then hears a sudden gunshot Kian What was that? Aiden! Aiden where are you! Aiden! Kian immediately goes from walking to sprinting towards the direction of the gunshot

EXTERIOR MORNING FIELDS Kian reaches the fields and sees Aiden lying on the ground next to the hooded man holding a gun in the distance -

Kian NOOO! Kian starts to run towards Aiden then the hooded man shoots him in the leg and he falls to the floor. The hooded man walks towards Kian until he towers above him. He takes off his hood to reveal his face

INTERIOR NIGHT KIANS HOUSE Kian hands his dad the coffee KIANS DAD See how much easier it is when you keep your mouth shut KIAN Yes sir KIANS DAD Youre finally beginning to learn what your mother did. Do as I say, or else. Speak to me only when spoken to, or else KIAN You treat mum the way you treat me? KIANS DAD Of course I do, shes a woman, and just like you her sole purpose is to serve those above her! And what did I say about talking to me! KIAN Youyou absolute, manipulative using ARSE KIANS DAD What did you say? KIAN I said, youre an absolute manipulating using ARSE!

Kian releases his anger and punches his dad in the face, then storms out of the room and opens the front door KIANS DAD Where do you think youre going?! KIAN Away from you! Someday I hope my mum can find the courage to do the same! KIANS DAD I swear to god if you leave this house it will come back to haunt you, I will find you and take away anything you hold dear Kian slams the door on his dads face

EXTERIOR MORNING FIELDS Kian realises who the hooded man is KIAN Dad? KIANS DAD Wallis Wallis begins to cry and get angry -

KIAN How could you do this, why would you do this? You just had to ruin my life! I left you because you are scum! You ruin everything youre a part of! I left you because you ruined my life but here you are ruining it yet again! KIANS DAD Kian KIAN I was happy! For the first time in ages I was happy, and you had to take that away from me! Kian breaks down and holds his head in his arms KIANS DAD I am sorry Kian Kians dad holds the gun against his skull KIANS DAD Youre right; I ruin everything Im a part of. I just want you to know that your mum did get away. She left me a while after you did. I was left with nothing. I hope that someday you will learn to forgive me, Goodbye Wallis Kians dad shoots himself and falls to the floor. Kian looks at his boy, gets up and spits on his corpse KIAN I will never forgive you -

Kian limps to Aiden and kneels next to him KIAN Please Aiden just for me dont be dead, we need to go to town and get jobs and buy a house AIDEN No, you need to go into town. You need to go home and find your mum. Tell her that it is over and live your life... your dads gone now, no excuses KIAN Why did he have to take you with him? AIDEN He spoke to me before he shot me. He wasnt here to cause you pain. He had lost everything and came here to apologise. I think he always had every intention of killing himself. I just got in the way I guess, he thought I was unimportant KIAN Please, come to town with me we can take you to the hospital AIDEN I will hardly survive the trip. Just go and live your life. Forget about me. Remember when I told you that when your repudiated there is nothing more you want in the world than to be accepted again. Well now is your chance. You can be accepted, live your new life. You dont have to be isolated anymore. Goodbye, Kian KIAN Rest in Peace Kian walks away from Aiden, looks down on his fathers corpse with slight pity but full of anger, then walks away back to the city EPILOGUE

KIAN Its been a year since you died, since then I have had a lot of time to get my life together. I found my mum again and we are both living happily. She seemed upset about her husbands death which I didnt quite understand. I have a job now and Im going to university next month. So my new life is going well, I only wish your new life lasted more than a few hours.You told me once that when youre repudiated there is nothing you want more than to be accepted again. I dont think thats true, since when you were lying dead by the hands of my father there was nothing I wanted more than for you to be alive. I never thanked you for helping me. Since you were right, I did regret leaving my family and you reminded me of that. Well now my life can start again. The first chapter of a new book. I will make it great, since I am completely in control of this story, because my name is Kian Wallis, and this is my story

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