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+34 !56578 "89:47;9<= 058<;:9>>4 $4;4?7@3 .48<47 A!"0$.B ls seeklng candldaLes for Lhe poslLlon of
rlnclpal 8esearch SclenLlsL/Lnglneer v/vl ln anLlclpaLlon of securlng conLracL fundlng ln Lhe area of
cyber-relaLed research pro[ecLs and programs. 1hls poslLlon wlll be locaLed ln PunLsvllle, Alabama and
wlll reporL Lo Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe (AuP8C) locaLed ln PunLsvllle. 1he successful candldaLe wlll
work wlLh Lhe rlnclpal 8esearch SclenLlsL/Lnglneer vl Lo ldenLlfy and develop poLenLlal research
sponsors ln Lhe sLraLeglc focus areas of Auburn unlverslLy research wlLh an emphasls on cyber relaLed
research pro[ecLs and programs.

Ma[or responslblllLles lnclude provldlng Lechnlcal experLlse Lo assess varlous requlremenLs and
capablllLles of exlsLlng and fuLure lnformaLlon and weapon sysLems. 1he successful candldaLe shall
provlde Lechnlcal supporL for Lhe followlng acLlvlLles:
a. rovlde Lechnlcal supporL Lo LC Mlsslle and Space ln all areas relaLed Lo lnLegraLed Alr and Mlsslle
uefense (lAMu). rovlde Sub[ecL MaLLer LxperLlse Lo lAMu senlor leaders and roducL Managers ln Lhe
areas of Command and ConLrol, lnLegraLlon, and cyber securlLy.
b. rovlde experLlse and supporL Lo LC Mlsslles and Space ln all areas relaLed Lo LlecLronlc
ALLack/LlecLronlc Warfare. AsslsL wlLh Lhe evaluaLlon of currenL vulnerablllLles and planned mlLlgaLlon
acLlvlLles. Lnsure flscally responslble execuLlon of funds relaLed Lo Lhls efforL across varlous plaLforms
and acLlvlLles.
c. rovlde experLlse and supporL Lo LC Mlsslles and Space ln all areas relaLed Lo CybersecurlLy lannlng.
uevelop plan for evaluaLlon of LhreaLs, sysLem vulnerablllLles, and lmpacL Lo sysLem performance. Serve
as llalson Lo roducL Cfflces, AM8uLC, and oLher exLernal sLakeholders Lo develop lnfrasLrucLure,
mlLlgaLlon plans, and budgeL requesLs.

LssenLlal funcLlons lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo: conducLs conLracL research and creaLes progress and
flnal reporLs as necessary, provldes Lechnlcal managemenL of research conLracLs and oversees Lhe
conLenL and Llmellness of conLracL dellverables, develops research Lechnlcal proposals and budgeLs,
coordlnaLes research opporLunlLles beLween Auburn unlverslLy faculLy and sLaff and local governmenL
agencles and prlvaLe lndusLrles, lnlLlaLes and culLlvaLes relaLlonshlps wlLh agencles and lndusLrles ln
order Lo bulld research and educaLlonal programs for Auburn unlverslLy, esLabllshes and grows research
fundlng for Auburn unlverslLy by pursulng local opporLunlLles, and lnLerfaces wlLh Auburn unlverslLy
faculLy and sLaff Lo bulld an ln-depLh knowledge of on-campus research capablllLles. CandldaLe may
supervlse employees buL supervlslon ls noL Lhe maln focus of Lhe [ob, responslblllLy could lnclude
Lralnlng, menLorlng, evaluaLlng, and maklng or recommendlng pay, promoLlon or oLher employmenL
1he mlnlmum quallflcaLlons are a h.u. degree ln englneerlng from an accredlLed lnsLlLuLlon and 8 years'
experlence ln pro[ecL managemenL, and defense, mlsslle, aerospace, cyber, elecLronlc aLLack/elecLronlc
warfare research, and 8aLLle ManagemenL/Command and ConLrol (8M/C2). When a candldaLe has Lhe
requlred experlence, buL lacks Lhe requlred educaLlon, Lhey may apply addlLlonal relevanL experlence
Loward Lhe educaLlon requlremenL, aL a raLe of Lwo (2) years relevanL experlence per year of requlred
educaLlon. ln Lhls case a person wlLh a 8achelor's degree ln englneerlng from an accredlLed lnsLlLuLlon
and 16 years of relevanL experlence or wlLh a MasLer's degree ln englneerlng from an accredlLed
lnsLlLuLlon and 12 years of relevanL experlence would meeL Lhe mlnlmum quallflcaLlon requlremenLs.
knowledge of conLracLs, granLs, budgeL, accounLlng, and flnance prlnclples ls requlred. 1echnlcal
knowledge of defense, mlsslle, aerospace, cyber, and elecLronlc aLLack/elecLronlc warfare ls also
requlred. MusL be able Lo obLaln and malnLaln a 1op SecreL (1S) securlLy clearance.
1he followlng quallflcaLlons are deslred: exLenslve experlence ln defense, mlsslle, aerospace, 8aLLle
ManagemenL/Command and ConLrol (8M/C2), lnLegraLed Alr and Mlsslle uefense (lAMu), elecLronlc
aLLack/elecLronlc warfare research relaLlng Lo cyber, sysLem and sofLware englneerlng, hlgh-fldellLy, llfe-
cycle, modellng and slmulaLlon, cyber LesLbed uslng hlgh fldellLy slmulaLlons, sofLware and hardware ln
Lhe loop ln a vlrLuallzed envlronmenL, developlng new meLhodologles for low cosL assessmenLs of cyber-
aLLacks agalnsL weapon sysLems, Army communlcaLlon archlLecLures, sofLware lndependenL valldaLlon
and verlflcaLlon, sofLware LesLlng, and lnLeroperablllLy englneerlng and cerLlflcaLlon, addlLlonal years of
comblned experlence ln plannlng, dlrecLlng, execuLlng, and lnLegraLlng Lhe work and resources of uou,
experlence ln buslness plannlng and developmenL lncludlng developlng key sLraLeglc parLnershlp and
relaLlonshlps wlLh lndusLry, governmenL and research lnsLlLuLlons, excellenL lnLerpersonal
communlcaLlons skllls. Salary wlll be commensuraLe wlLh educaLlon and experlence.
8efer Lo 8equlslLlon #23132 and apply on-llne aL:
on any compuLer wlLh lnLerneL access. lf you need asslsLance, conLacL Auburn unlverslLy's ueparLmenL
of Puman 8esources aL (334)844-4143 or your local sLaLe employmenL servlce dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem offlce.
lnLerneL access ls also avallable Lhrough your publlc llbrary.
8evlew of appllcaLlons wlll begln afLer March 21, 2014.
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