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Python Full Meal

Matt Harrison matthewharrison at Note that examples are illustrated as if they were done in a terminal. (This file can also be executed using doctest.testfile)

>>> "0.3f 0.2f" 0 (20+ !/3.) 1 for-at as float &ith 3 deci-al (laces %20.000 0.33%


Instead of using { or } use a : and indent consistently (4 spaces is recommended practice)

Slicing into a list

Lists, tuples and dictionaries

>>> (ets = 2"dog"+ "cat"+ "bird"3 >>> (ets.a((end("li4ard") >>> (ets 2%dog%+ %cat%+ %bird%+ %li4ard%3

Slices can also return lists (and use an optional stride)

>>> (ets2723 2%dog%+ %cat%3 >>> (ets2!73 2%cat%+ %bird%+ %li4ard%3 >>> (ets27723 2%dog%+ %bird%3

>>> >>> ... ... ... ... ... ... A grade = "5 if grade > "07 (rint "A" elif grade > >07 (rint "?" else7 (rint "@"

>>> a = 5 >>> b = "A string"

Variables aren't "typed" so they can contain anything

>>> b = 45.4 >>> b = "another string"

Tuples tuples are non-mutable

>>> t5(le6(ets = ("dog"+ "cat"+ "bird") >>> t5(le6(ets.a((end("li4ard") ,racebac* (-ost recent call last)7 ... Attrib5te8rror7 %t5(le% ob9ect has no attrib5te %a((end%

String slicing Strings (and most sequency things) can be sliced

>>> <eg = "to-atoe" >>> correct = <eg27=!3 >>> correct %to-ato% >>> <eg27723 %t-te% >>> <eg277=!3 1 bac*&ards stride. %eota-ot%

>>> n5- = 2 >>> &hile n5- > 07 ... (rint n5... n5- = n5- = ! 2 !

>>> 2 + 2 4

Integer division - coerce to float if needed

>>> 3 / 4 0 >>> 3 / float(4) 0.75

Dictionaries Dictionaries (also known as hashmaps or associated arrays in other languages)

>>> (erson = :"na-e"7 "fred"+ "age"7 2"; >>> (erson2"age"3 2" >>> (erson2"-one'"3 = 5.45 >>> del (erson2"age"3 >>> (erson :%-one'%7 5.4500000000000002+ %na-e%7 %fred%;

>>> def add65(n5-ber)7 ... ret5rn n5-ber + 5 ... >>> add65(2) 7

>>> for n5- in range(2+ 0+ =!)7 ... (rint n52 !

No integer overflow! ('L' for long ints)

>>> 4 20 !0""5!!#2777#$

break out of loop

Strings Specify with single, double or triple quotes

>>> >>> >>> not ... ... hello = %&orld% sa'ing = "ain%t ain%t a &ord" (aragra(h = """)ran* said+ ",hat%s a &a' to tal* to an econo-ist." /oe re(lied.... """

>>> def add(n5-ber=0+ defa5lt=#)7 ... "add defa5lt to n5-ber" ... ret5rn n5-ber + defa5lt ... >>> add(!) 7 >>> add(30+ 40) 70 >>> add(defa5lt=2) 2 >>> add(defa5lt=3+ n5-ber=") 1 note order of args !2

Slicing fun
Indexes Individual indexes can be picked out of sequences
>>> fa<orite6(et = (ets203 >>> fa<orite6(et %dog% >>> re(tile = (ets2=!3 >>> re(tile

>>> for n5- in range(!00)7 ... (rint n5... if n5- == !7 ... brea* 0 !

>>> "0d" 0 20 %20%

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Can contin5e to next item in loop iteration

>>> for n5- in range(!0)7 ... if n5- 0 2 == 07 ... contin5e ... (rint n5! 3 5 7 "

>>> fin.close() >>> lines 2%fooAn%+ %barAn%3



(Delete temp file)

>>> i-(ort os >>><e(filena-e)

Catching Exceptions
>>> tr'7 ... 2!+<e(3) ... eEce(t Fal5e8rror+ e7 ... (rint "Ge-o<ing bad n5-ber" ... eEce(t 8Ece(tion+ e7 ... (rint "Beneric 8rror" 1 eEa-(le to sho& eEce(tion chaining ... 1 since the (re<io5s eEce(tion &as ca5ght+ this does nothing ... else7 ... 1 no eEce(tions ... (rint "8$C8" ... finall'7 ... 1 al&a's eEec5tes (after else )+ so 'o5 can clean5( ... (rint "HIJ8" Ge-o<ing bad n5-ber HIJ8

Return a sequence items for which f5nction(ite) is ,r5e

>>> filter(la-bda E7E >= 0+ 20+ =!+ 3+ 4+ =23) 20+ 3+ 43

>>> class Ani-al(ob9ect)7 ... def 66init66(self+ na-e)7 ... = na-e ... ... def tal*(self)7 ... (rint "Beneric gro&l" ... >>> ani-al = Ani-al("thing") >>> ani-al.tal*() Beneric gro&l

Notes about "functional" programming in Python

s5- or for loop can replace red5ce

Importing Libraries
>>> i-(ort -ath >>> -ath.sin(!) 0.>4!470">4>07>"#5

List comprehensions replace -a( and filter

*args and **kw

>>> def (ara-6f5nc(a+ b=%b%+ args+ *&)7 ... (rint 2E for E in 2a+ b+ args+ *&33 >>> (ara-6f5nc(2+ %c%+ %d%+ %e+%) 22+ %c%+ (%d%+ %e+%)+ :;3 >>> args = (%f%+ %g%) >>> (ara-6f5nc(3+ args) 23+ (%f%+ %g%)+ ()+ :;3 >>> (ara-6f5nc(4+ args) 1 tric*se'. 24+ %f%+ (%g%+)+ :;3 >>> (ara-6f5nc( args) 1 tric*se'. 2%f%+ %g%+ ()+ :;3 >>> (ara-6f5nc(5+ %E%+ args) 25+ %E%+ (%f%+ %g%)+ :;3 >>> (ara-6f5nc(#+ :%foo%7%bar%;) 2#+ %b%+ ()+ :%foo%7 %bar%;3

Can also rename imports using as

>>> i-(ort -ath as -ath6lib >>> -ath6lib.sin(!) 0.>4!470">4>07>"#5

__init__ is a constructor.
>>> class @at(Ani-al)7 ... def tal*(self)7 ... "C(ea* in cat tal*" ... (rint "0s sa'%s %Deo&.%" 0 ( >>> cat = @at("Bro5cho") >>> cat.tal*() Bro5cho sa'%s %Deo&.%

Can also import certain parts of libraries

>>> fro- -ath i-(ort sin >>> sin(!) 0.>4!470">4>07>"#5

Functional Programming

Create simple functions

>>> def -5l(a+ b)7 ... ret5rn a b >>> -5l62 = la-bda a+ b7 a b >>> -5l62(4+ 5) == -5l(4+5) ,r5e

File Input/Output
(Importing tempfile to create temporary files)
>>> i-(ort te-(file

Raising Exceptions

Decorator Template
>>> def decorator(f5nc6to6decorate)7 ... 1 5(date &ra((er.66doc66 and .f5nc6na-e ... 1 or Kf5nctools.&ra(s(&ra((er) ... def &ra((er( args+ *&)7 ... 1 do so-ething before in<ocation ... res5lt = f5nc6to6decorate( args+ *&) ... 1 do so-ething after ... ret5rn res5lt ... ret5rn &ra((er

File output
>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> filena-e = te-(file.-*te-(() fo5t = o(en(filena-e+ %&%) fo5t.&rite("fooAn") fo5t.&rite("barAn") fo5t.close()

By default the eEce(tions module is loaded into the 66b5iltins66 namespace (see dir(66b5iltins66)).
>>> def add62(<al5e)7 ... if not isinstance(<al5e+ (int+ float))7 ... raise ,'(e8rror("0s sho5ld be an int or float" 0 str(<al5e)) ... ret5rn <al5e + 2 >>> add62("foo") ,racebac* (-ost recent call last)7 ... ,'(e8rror7 foo sho5ld be an int or

Apply a function to items of a sequence

>>> -a((str+ range(3)) 2%0%+ %!%+ %2%3


Apply a function to pairs of the sequence

>>> i-(ort o(erator >>> red5ce(o(erator.-5l+ 2!+2+3+43) 24 1 ((! 2) 3) 4

File input
>>> fin = o(en(filena-e) >>> lines = fin.readlines()

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Parameterized decorators (need 2 closures)

>>> def li-it(length)7 ... def decorator(f5nction)7 ... def &ra((er( args+ *&)7 ... res5lt = f5nction( args+ *&) ... res5lt = res5lt27length3 ... ret5rn res5lt ... ret5rn &ra((er ... ret5rn decorator >>> Kli-it(5) 1 notice (arens ... def echo(foo)7 ret5rn foo >>> echo(%!2345#%) %!2345%

Nested List Comprehensions

>>> nested = 2 (E+ ') for E in Erange(3) A ... for ' in Erange(4) 3 >>> nested 2(0+ 0)+ (0+ !)+ (0+ 2)+ (0+ 3)+ (!+ 0 )+ (!+ !)+ (!+ 2)+ (!+ 3)+ (2+ 0)+ (2+ !)+ (2+ 2)+ (2+ 3)3

>>> (rint 2E for E in gen6range(2)3 20+ !3

Making instances generate

>>> class Benerate(ob9ect)7 ... def 66iter66(self)7 ... 1 ret5rns a generator ... ret5rn self.neEt() ... def neEt(self)7 ... 1 logic ... 'ield res5lt

Same as:
>>> nested = 23 >>> for E in Erange(3)7 ... for ' in Erange(4)7 ... nested.a((end((E+'))

Generator expressions Like list comprehensions. Except results are generated on the fly. Use ( and ) instead of 2 and 3 (or omit if expecting a sequence)
>>> 2E E for E in Erange(5)3 20+ !+ 4+ "+ !#3 >>> (E E for E in Erange(5)) 1 doctest7 +8$$MOCMC+ Ngenerator ob9ect NgeneE(r> at ...> >>> list(E E for E in Erange(5)) 20+ !+ 4+ "+ !#3

Iteration Protocol
>>> seL5ence = 2 %foo%+ %bar%3 >>> seL6iter = iter(seL5ence) >>> seL6iter.neEt() %foo% >>> seL6iter.neEt() %bar% >>> seL6iter.neEt() ,racebac* (-ost recent call last)7 ... Cto(Mteration

%66gt66%+ %66hash66%+ %66init66%+ %66le66%+ %66len66%+ %66lt66%+ %66-od66%+ %66-5l66%+ %66ne66%+ %66ne&66%+ %66red5ce66%+ %66red5ce6eE66%+ %66re(r66%+ %66r-od66%+ %66r-5l66%+ %66setattr66%+ %66str66%+ %ca(itali4e%+ %center%+ %co5nt%+ %decode%+ %encode%+ %ends&ith%+ %eE(andtabs%+ %find%+ %indeE%+ %isaln5-%+ %isal(ha%+ %isdigit%+ %islo&er%+ %iss(ace%+ %istitle%+ %is5((er%+ %9oin%+ %l95st%+ %lo&er%+ %lstri(%+ %(artition%+ %re(lace%+ %rfind%+ %rindeE%+ %r95st%+ %r(artition%+ %rs(lit%+ %rstri(%+ %s(lit%+ %s(litlines%+ %starts&ith%+ %stri(%+ %s&a(case%+ %title%+ %translate%+ %5((er%+ %4fill%3 >>> hel(("".s(lit) 1 sho&s "".s(lit.66doc66 Rel( on b5ilt=in f5nction s(lit7 N?$AJS$MJ8> s(lit(...) C.s(lit(2se( 2+-aEs(lit33) => list of strings N?$AJS$MJ8> Get5rn a list of the &ords in the string C+ 5sing se( as the deli-iter string. Mf -aEs(lit is gi<en+ at -ost -aEs(lit s(lits are done. Mf se( is not s(ecified or is Jone+ an' &hites(ace string is a se(arator. N?$AJS$MJ8>

Class instances as decorators

>>> class Hecorator(ob9ect)7 ... 1 in 66init66 set 5( state ... def 66call66(self+ f5nction)7 ... def &ra((er( args+ *&)7 ... 1 do so-ething before in<ocation ... res5lt = self.f5nction( args+ *&) ... 1 do so-ething after ... ret5rn res5lt ... ret5rn &ra((er >>> decorator = Hecorator() >>> Kdecorator ... def nothing()7 (ass

Making instances iterable
>>> class Mter(ob9ect)7 ... def 66iter66(self)7 ... ret5rn self ... def neEt(self)7 ... 1 ret5rn neEt ite-

Instead of having globally executed code create main function and invoke it like this
>>> def -ain(arg5-ents)7 ... 1 do logic here ... 1 ret5rn eEit code >>> if 66na-e66 == "66-ain66"7 ... s's.eEit(-ain(s's.arg<))

gdb like debugging is available
>>> i-(ort (db >>> 1(db.set6trace() 1co--ented o5t for doctest to r5n

List Comprehension
>>> res5lts = 2 2 E for E in seL A ... if E >= 0 3


Getting Help

Functions with 'ield remember state and return to dir and hel( or .66doc66 are your friends it when iterating over them
>>> def gen6range(end)7 ... c5r = 0 ... &hile c5r N end7 ... 'ield c5r ... 1 ret5rns here neEt ti-e ... c5r += ! >>> dir("") 1 doctest7 +JIGDA$MP86QRM,8COA@8 2%66add66%+ %66class66%+ %66contains66%+ %66delattr66%+ %66doc66%+ %66eL66%+ %66ge66%+ %66getattrib5te66%+ %66getite-66%+ %66getne&args66%+ %66getslice66%+

Shorthand for accumulation:

>>> res5lts = 23 >>> for E in seL7 ... if E >= 07 ... res5lts.a((end(2 E)@an be nested

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