Trabajar Con Adolescentes: Benemèrita Y Centenaria Escuela Normal Del Estado

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Trabajar con adolescentes

Valdez Ovalle Ricardo Javier

Licenciatura en educacin bsica con especialidad en ingls 1er semestre

Desarrollo de los adolescentes 21/01/2014

The following essay is about what I have learned from different texts, readings, opinions, experiences, my observation activities in middle high schools, and those authors whose opinion has maintained through the time. I will try to provide my beliefs and opinions clearly, based on my previous knowledge until now. This semester in my group class we have been seeing, studying, reading and reflexing about adolescents, this is why I am aiming to write about that knowledge I managed to keep and comprehend, also some studies and opinions from different persons that I may or not share. It is well known for most of the teachers that adolescent students may present a lot of difficulties when you try to teach them and achieve that universal goal which should be for the students to comprehend and, therefore, learn new bases and theories that are believed to be basic learnings for every Mexican citizen. As students learn those bases they are ready to move on to a higher level of education. In higher levels, adolescents start to vary and they choose depending on their preferences and interests what they will study forward in their lives. Through the experience of this first semester I have read opinions and studies which are suggested for me as a teacher in development, opinions and studies from authors. In the beginning we analysed Aristotles concept of adolescents. Personally, the way he describes adolescents is extremely accurate: saying they are impulsive, emotional, incapable of controlling themselves, etc. Based on this I already have a perception of what kind of people I am going to work with, and I am able to predict some problems which may present, and also strategies to avoid or solve those. Once I become a teacher, there will be many kinds of adolescents I could have to work with. Luckily for me, I have also seen studies and perceptions where these adolescents are categorized by their most general aspects. There are stages in adolescence: early adolescence, medium adolescence and late adolescence; each one with different aspects that vary from the age, sex, context, and individual experiences.

A remarkable teacher has to evaluate and get to know his students, aiming for perceiving common and individual problems that cause lack of attention and interest in the class and the topic. It is questioned the concept of school failure and conditions of upbringing in the subjects that reduce them to individual problems. Vigotskys texts in Adolescent Paidology This author provide me with some reason of problems I could have to face in front of a group, reasons which are enough for me to create solutions. El problema de los intereses es la clave para entender el desarrollo psicolgico del adolescente. (Vigotsky, 1931, p. 11). I as a teacher may have to teach students who are rebels; this will obviously cause me a difficulty. However, based on Freuds theory I know that the initial education is a key factor of the behaviour some adolescents present, also the preferences, interests, and motivations that I as his teacher must try to use to make the learning process easier for the student. Freud also states that adolescents go through physical, physiological and emotional changes which cause them depression, lack of interest in everything but themselves, etc. So by being aware of this I must create strategies specially designed in case I face students alike those referred in the theory. Lastly, the last topic we saw during this course actually was important and needed, in my opinion. I learned that I, a future teacher, have to achieve two basic goals in my students: after finishing middle high school, students must be able to at least dominate the communication ability and the basic logical-mathematic reasoning, because they must be able to solve their own problems as functional citizens. Adolescents are extremely complex: they go through emotional, social, physical and mental changes; generally. For instance, several studies have been made with the purpose of making the process working with adolescents effective, easier, efficient and principally help adolescents whilst they are dealing with all the possible changes. A teacher achieves this goal with strategies based on every different situation, context, and student. Education will always be the key factor in a persons life. Adolescents may be the hardest to work with, but they are the ones who need it the most: a teacher to solve their doubts and motivate them to become better persons, and the functional society of which we all will be part of.

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