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countable nouns are in plural form uncountable nouns are in singular form

The noun

Examples: I have got some friends. Mary does some housework every day.

The sentence
with affirmative statements

The noun

countable nouns are in plural form uncountable nouns are in singular form

Examples: Did Larry buy any candles? Kevin doesnt eat any cheese.

The sentence
in uestions and negative sentences or in sentences with one of these words! without" never" seldom" rarely" hardly" #

Write the correct determiner or any) into the sentences. $% &here are ''''''' apples in my basket. (% Do you buy ''''''' books? )% &here isnt ''''''' milk at home. *% I eat ''''''' soup. +% &hese are ''''''' pens. ,% -ave they got ''''''' money? .% I am writing ''''''' tests today. /% 0ou cant read ''''''' newspapers in this caf1. 2% Do you collect ''''''' stickers? $3% ''''''' children are sitting in the park. $$%My son has ''''''' homework. $(% Does her daughter listen to ''''''' music? $)% 4re there ''''''' films on &5? $*% 6ssh7 &heres ''''''' noise outside. $+% &here arent ''''''' cats in the garden.

Tas% (some &

Write the correct determiner Tas% ' (some or any) into the sentences. $% 8randpa gave '''''' chocolate to the kids. (% Mike hasnt got '''''' mugs. )% My friends never paint '''''' pictures. *% &heres '''''' sand in my shoes. +% 6teve did his homework without '''''' help. ,% 9aul is thinking of '''''' good memories. .% :e often eat '''''' ham for breakfast. /% Diane keeps '''''' photos in her bag. 2% &heres hardly '''''' honey in the ;ar. $3% I can rarely take '''''' photos because I havent got a camera. $$%6usan has '''''' coffee and cake in the afternoons. $(% Did you buy '''''' butter yesterday? $)% &hey have '''''' surprises for us. $*% :e seldom pick '''''' flowers. $+% I need '''''' advice.

Underline the correct word. Tas% ( $% I read some/any books on my holiday. 2% 6am always buys some / any bread. (% <im hasnt got any money/moneys for the $3% I didnt put some / any salt into the soup ticket. yesterday. )% Lisa wrote some letter/letters to her aunt. $$% -ave your parents got any free time / times? *% Is / Are there any bananas in your bag? $(% =an you see some / any clouds in the sky? +% Did you eat some / any rice? $)% &here is / are some cheese in the fridge. ,% &here isn t / aren t any lemonade in the bottle. $*% &ina has got some !ox / !oxes. .% My father asked some in"ormation / $+% #oes / #o any students leave their homework in"ormations about the new service. at home? /% 6ome cats has / ha$e got big ears.

Tas% & $% &here are some apples in my basket. (% Do you buy any books? )% &here isnt any milk at home. *% I eat some soup. +% &hese are some pens. ,% -ave they got any money? .% I am writing some tests today. /% 0ou cant read any newspapers in this caf1. 2% Do you collect any stickers? $3% 6ome children are sitting in the park. $$% My son has some homework. $(% Does her daughter listen to any music? $)% 4re there any films on &5? $*% 6ssh7 &heres some noise outside. $+% &here arent any cats in the garden. Tas% ' $,% 8randpa gave some chocolate to the kids. $.% Mike hasnt got any mugs. $/% My friends never paint any pictures. $2% &heres some sand in my shoes. (3% 6teve did his homework without any help. ($% 9aul is thinking of some good memories. ((% :e often eat some ham for breakfast. ()% Diane keeps some photos in her bag. (*% &heres hardly any honey in the ;ar. (+% I can rarely take any photos because I havent got a camera. (,% 6usan has some coffee and cake in the afternoons. (.% Did you buy any butter yesterday? (/% &hey have some surprises for us. (2% :e seldom pick any flowers. )3% I need some advice. Tas% ( $% I read some/any books on my holiday. (% <im hasnt got any money/moneys for the ticket. )% Lisa wrote some letter/letters to her aunt. *% Is / Are there any bananas in your bag? +% Did you eat some / any rice? ,% &here isn t / aren t any lemonade in the bottle. .% My father asked some in"ormation / in"ormations about the new service. /% 6ome cats has / ha$e got big ears. 2% 6am always buys some / any bread. $3% I didnt put some / any salt into the soup yesterday. $$% -ave your parents got any free time / times? $(% =an you see some / any clouds in the sky? $)% &here is / are some cheese in the fridge. $*% &ina has got some !ox / !oxes. $+% #oes / #o any students leave their homework at home? http!>>>

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