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Jordan Lute Mrs.

Gardner English 10 period 0 30/10/13 The Lost Souls of North Korea Here in the United States, we Americans enjoy many freedoms that we take for granted. We are allowed to speak freely, write freely, and practice religion freely. We are allowed to use the internet, watch television, and listen to the radio as we please. But what if these freedoms were all taken away? What if we all lived in a country where we are constantly being brainwashed by our glorious government. What if we lived in a country where work was our only pleasure? This is the typical civilian life of a North Korean. Ah, yes North Korea; the country where one works, starves, works more, and yet still considers ones government to be glorious. In this beautiful country, you have the privilege to be ruled by a fabulous young gentleman by the name of Kim Jong Un, who provides the entire population with the choice of working in concentration camps, starving to death, or even both! Oh, and why bother with the internet, when you can watch or tune into the four government owned, propaganda infested television and radio stations! How pleasant. In all seriousness, North Korea really is a horrible place. From the impoverished slums to the wealthy suburbs, North Korea is oppressed. Kim Jong Un and his followers are leeches that are sucking the life out of every civilian that lives there. There are concentration camps were humans are worked like worthless animals, and often worked to death. The streets are riddled with poor, starved people. Everywhere there is propaganda reminding these abandoned slaves of the glory of Kim Jung Un and the evil of the outside world. It is like The Matrix, where people are lead to believe the fake world they live in is reality.Internet access is off-limits, as is free media and press. Millions of people are brainwashed

into praying to Kim Jung Un and his family, as if they were gods. Many people are forced to resort to cannibalism because of the food shortages and lack of international commerce. So what is the remedy of this horrible virus that is North Koreas government? It is simple: North Korean government is wreaking havoc upon its civilian population, so the civilian population must wreak havoc upon the government. If we expose the true nature of the world to those trapped within the prison of propaganda and mental pollution, those of North Korea would be able to realize what life would be like without their horrible government, and they would revolt. It would take more than picket signs and peaceful protest. Every man, woman, child, and soldier in North Korea must rebel with every fiber in their body and fight back the oppressive nature of Kim Jung Un and his followers. They must storm the gates of Kim Jung Uns establishment. They must tear down the propaganda that force- feeds them lies. They must destroy the weaponry that enforces their captivity. They must avenge the fallen generations that have died under oppression. Only an uprising of this scale could end the tyranny of the North Korean government. Another question is how far does the brainwashing go? The answer is simple: too far. People watch as their friends, family and neighbors are sent to work camp, collapse of exhaustion, and starve; yet they still love and adore there glorious leader Kim Jung Un. They have built massive golden statues of Kim Jung Uns family. There are altars in almost every civilian home with pictures of the tyrannical family that many pray to as gods. So would these people want to rebel? Of course they would not. They must realize that the world around them is one built by lies and propaganda. So what can we do for the lost souls of the North Koreans? Fellow classmates join me in raising awareness and share with everyone the plight of the North Koreans. The more people that know about this situation, the more likely that the North Korean government, our government, or the United Nations will be compelled to find a solution to these issues. Together we can help to solve these

predicaments by telling the world of the nature of Kim Jung Un and his followers. Maybe we can compel those in North Korea to topple their dictator, establish a sound government and bring freedom to those who are suffering in unimaginable ways.

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