Sandy Hook Conspiracies NOT Debunked

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Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories Debunked? No.

by Miles Mathis
After writing my first paper on this subject about two weeks ago, I have been ignoring the various debunking responses from the government-controlled mainstream media. I considered them all too weak to even merit a response. But now that even infowars is claiming that some of the points have been debunked, and Glenn Beck is planning to repeat the debunking, I feel forced to respond. he government always hires people to run this gambit! they publish some ridiculously weak response as a debunking, it utterly fails to debunk anything, but then simply because it got published by top outlets they claim the theory has been debunked. Go study just about any tragedy or big news story of the past "# years, and you will see the same progression. $%pecifically, you can study Popular Mechanics' pathetic efforts to debunk &'' ruth by this method.( But I have news for them, publishing an article with the title Debunked does not automatically mean the theory has been debunked. )ou actually have to make a strong argument. Blowing smoke for a couple of pages isn*t a debunking, it is just more propaganda, and most people who read these things can see that. he debunking of &'' didn*t work, because the debunking was e+ponentially weaker than the data it was trying to debunk. ,ost people now recogni-e that fact. .e are seeing the same thing here with %andy /ook. o prove this, I will go point for point through the debunking of Salon writer Ale+ %eit--.ald, showing it is no more than 0rd-string debating tricks and cold cabbage. /e starts by calling his paper 1)our comprehensive answer to every %andy /ook conspiracy theory.2 It is subtitled 13very conspiratorial allegation about the tragic 4ewtown shootings, answered.2 %o it should concern you that he is starting off with a bold lie. /is paper is only about 0 pages long, so how could it possibly address every point or be comprehensive5 4ot only is he not comprehensive as a whole, but each 6uestion he does address is only given a sound-bite answer. ,ost answers are only two sentences long, and some are only one sentence long. But although his title is obviously and demonstrably false, he says it anyway. .hy5 As a mind game. hat is the way these people were taught to write, in 7angley, 8irginia, or somewhere. hey don*t have any real counter-arguments, so they have to come up with something. hey want you to think that all 6uestions have been answered, so they try to hypnoti-e you from the first word into thinking they have been. 1%ee my watch swinging5 )ou are getting sleepy. . . sleepy. . .all 6uestions

have been answered.2 9robably the worst sound-bite answer he gives is one of his first. /e addresses the fact that a little girl who looks e+actly like 3milie 9arker, and who is wearing her dress, is seen in :bama*s lap after she was supposedly murdered. /e assures us it is her sister, but provides no evidence of that. hose who say it is 3milie include an argument for why they think it is her, but %eit--.ald doesn*t feel the need to make a counter-argument. Because he is a writer for Salon, all he has to give is his assurance! he is that important. But it turns out the evidence is a great deal more e+tensive than just that one photo, although of course %eit--.ald doesn*t go there. I admit that one photo, by itself, is inconclusive, but that doesn*t debunk it. )es, it is within the realm of possibilities that 3milie*s parents are not only using a hand-me-down dress, but that they also began parting the younger sister*s hair like 3milie;and that her hair, newly parted there, just happened to create exactly the same signature whispies that 3milie*s hair created. Its creepy, but not strictly impossible. /owever, it also remains possible that is 3milie. 4othing has been debunked. o decide this, we should logically proceed to corroborating evidence, to look for proof or disproof. hat is the scientific method, after all. .hen we do that, the evidence that things don*t add up becomes very strong. he evidence that there is a cover-up becomes certain. It turns out that most of the photos provided of the 9arker family show clear signs of tampering of one sort or another. In the one I analy-e in my first paper, we have a substitute for 3milie. And after I provided that analysis, a graphic designer on youtube found evidence of tampering on another photo. $<pdate! many other artifacts have been found in that second photo by a fleet of professionals, so the window for debunking is definitely over.( In that one, you can see that 3milie has been pasted on the end of the photo. hat can neither be debunked nor e+plained, which is why %eit--.ald ignores it completely. If 3milie was killed as we are told, why are they pasting her picture into these 9arker family photos5 %eit--.ald implies we need to give him a motive along with proof of pasting, but that is upside-down. :nce the pasting is proved, it is then up to him to tell us the motive for pasting it together. If these photos aren*t being photoshopped in order to scam us, why are they being photoshopped5 .as =obbie 9arker taking applications for new daughters, perhaps5 .as he pasting together photos to see how his new family might look5

/ere*s the photo they are using to prove the girl is ,adeline, not 3milie. /er part is still on the wrong side, but, as I said, it could go either way. he more I look at these 9arker pictures, the more I think we may have a third girl represented, who is not one of the two older sisters. %o although the close-ups don*t resolve the problem, this photo does raise new 6uestions. 4otice that the hem of the dress is ripped out. .e know this is an old dress, since 3milie was supposed to have been wearing it two years ago, 1when she was the same si-e as ,adeline.2 But the 9arkers are not poor. %andy /ook is an affluent school in an affluent neighborhood, with affluent children enrolled. =obbie 9arker is a physician assistant, we are told, which is basically a doctor. hey can prescribe medicine and do most things physicians can. In an area like >onnecticut, a physician assistant should make something between ?@#-'##,### a year, or even more. And this is a meeting with the 9resident. And yet we see 1,adeline2 in a ratty old hand-me-down dress with the hem ripped out5 hese girls don*t look like the daughters of a doctor, they look like the daughters of a traveling circus performer, who dresses them from a costume trunk. But we have even more corroborating evidence that all is not right with the 3milie story. %he isn*t in the class pictures. /er alleged father is =obbie 9arkerAA, who is the most histrionic actor ever. his guy doesn*t even know when a camera is on, apparently. And he seems to have borrowed the identity of a =obbie 9arker in <tah who is "&. o even begin to debunk 3milie 9arker, %eit--.ald needs to answer all the high points of this interconnecting evidence, and he doesn*t even get started. $<pdate, Bebruary "! After this paper got linked on Cthrough no help from me, I didn*t submit itD, I got an email from a doctor of pharmacy and practicing pharmacist in >onnecticut, who told me anyone who wants to prescribe medicine in the state must have an 49I number. his would include a physician assistant, of course. /e said he had checked the state database, and the only =obert 9arker he found in the whole state was a dentist. =obbie 9arker cannot be a very effective physician assistant if he cannot legally prescribe medicine in the state in which he practices.( .hich brings us to %eit--.ald*s first answer, concerning the way people grieve. /e is trying to answer the 6uestion why all these people interviewed are smiling and laughing, and why when they try to cry it looks fake! no tears, no redness, no normal signs of being human. /is answer! 19eople mourn in different ways.2 %ure they do, ,r. %eit--.ald, but none of them grieve by turning into really cheesy actors a la =obbie 9arker. 4o amount of 6uotes from Scientific American is going convince people that =obbie 9arker is really a grieving father. /e got caught and the best thing you debunkers could do is admit that. he same goes for Gene =osen, whose reputation is now beyond any restoration. /e got caught telling several different stories, with so many contradictions they can never be spun into sense. /e saw a casualty list before it was released. /e got caught crying without any tears or redness. /e got caught with a living room full of stuffed toys. /e got caught rehearsing his lines on camera. =epeating his lies will not make that go away. .e can tell you are spinning just by the way you write, ,r. %eit-.ald! you say that some are claiming that 1=osen*s accounts are suspiciously too consistent.2 =ight, most people who think there is a conspiracy do so because they think =osen is being too consistent. Is that what you are saying, ,r. %eit--.ald5 hat is what we call a strawman with no straw. >oncerning the guns, %eit--.ald just repeats the mainstream talking points, apparently not reali-ing that the mainstream has contradicted itself here on multiple occasions. But he doesn*t feel the need to address any of the contradictions. .hy was 4B> told there were E handguns if there were two5 .hy were we told the Bushmaster was left in the trunk, then told it wasn*t5 It wasn*t conspiracy theorists creating these contradictions, it was reporters. =eporters don*t just make up information, they get it

from officials. .hy didn*t the officials know about the gun count5 >an policemen in >onnecticut not count to four5 >an they not tell the difference between a rifle that has been shot and one that hasn*t5 ,y assumption is that there were so many Fepartment of /omeland %ecurity sub-agencies there;I>3, A B, BBI, >IA;that they couldn*t get their story straight. %ome told the local police one thing and some told them another. In order to make people think the feds were not running the show, the local police then told the reporters. Given the facts, that is the logical conclusion for anyone to draw from the circus, and if that isn*t the case, then %eit--.ald needs to show us how the anomalies happened in a different way. <ntil he does that, I will continue to believe the most probable e+planation. he only point %eit--.ald gets right is the third one, concerning women who look alike from %andy /ook, Aurora, and Blorida. I have studied those arguments and they don*t fly. he women actually don't look alike, but the theorist claims they do. ,y assumption is these theorists are planted, for the purpose of muddying the waters. .henever the government gets in a jam and it looks like people aren*t buying one of their psy-ops, they hire people to infiltrate the movement and plant bad information. hey have been doing this since the Gennedy assassination. Focuments have even been declassified, and the >IA and BBI admit they were doing things like this in previous decades Csee >:I4 379=: and >/A:%D. %o we must assume they are still doing it. he bad information that is planted serves a dual purpose! it muddies the waters, and it gives debunkers easy targets to knock over, as here. But you should ask yourself why %eit--.ald is including this point while ignoring much more important ones. 4one of the big sites;like infowars or naturalnews;that are promoting %andy /ook theories are republishing this theory. %o why does %eit--.ald list it as one of the top '' 6uestions5 .hy is his only illustration Cunder titleD on this 6uestion5 .hy doesn*t %eit--.ald address the chief medical e+aminer*s very strange remarks5 .hy doesn*t he address parents not being allowed to see their dead children5 .hy doesn*t he address the lack of video from the school*s security system5 .hy doesn*t he address the judges* sealing of court documents5 .hy doesn*t he address the problem of the school nurse %ally >o+ telling a reporter that 4ancy 7an-a was a kindergarten teacher at %andy /ook, when she wasn*t5 .hy doesn*t he address A B and I>3 agents walking around with assault weapons on public streets that haven*t been cleared5 .hy doesn*t he address the mystery of =yan 7an-a5 .hy doesn*t he address the simultaneous B3,A drill for this event, just a few miles down the road5 .hy doesn*t he address the F/% drills run out of that fire station for the past two years5 .hy doesn*t he mention the Google map anomalies, including a military base about H### feet from the schoolA, and map blackouts on Fickenson Frive5

.hy doesn*t he debunk this photo, in which they have both signs wrong.

hey got the name of the street wrong. It is spelled Fickenson. 3ven spelled right it is fake, since there is no sign on that corner at all. And the %andy /ook %chool sign, although on that corner, isn*t there with that background! they have pasted it into another photo. hat house isn*t there, those poles aren*t there, etc. .hy doesn*t %eit--.ald comment on this!

According to the %ocial %ecurity Feath Inde+ C%%FID records, Adam 7an-a died on Fecember '0. %andy /ook shootings were Fecember 'E.


:f course we would e+pect %eit--.ald to deal with this just as he dealt with timestamp problems at Google and Bacebook! he would tell us those timestamps are often wrong. )es, maybe they are wrong occasionally, but do you have any proof they are wrong here5 A general debunking is no debunking at all. A debunking has to be specific. he fact is, timestamps are right about &&.&I of the time, and we have corroborating evidence Csuch as interior posts that also predate the tragedyD that these are right. .hat evidence can he provide they aren*t right, beyond his golden word for it5 .hy do not one, not two, not three, but at least si+ timestamps appear to wrong with these %andy /ook memorials and announcements5 Isn*t that percentage way beyond any percentage that could be e+plained by statistics5 I think most people would assume those timestamps pre-dating the tragedy are a sign of foreknowledge, and in fact that is what they are assuming. herefore a real debunker is put in the position of having to argue we aren*t seeing that here. But %eit--.ald doesn*t appear compelled to make any arguments, here or elsewhere. /e just assures us they are honest errors, caused by computer malfunctions or something. :ther debunkers claim there is something wrong with Google*s timestamps, but this isn*t a problem of Google. =esearchers have shown timestamps before Fecember 'E on Bacebook, 8imeo, witter, and other outlets. If the timestamps are universally wrong, why use them5 =emember, there is a mountain of evidence of foreknowledge of &''. he only way you wouldn*t know that is if you have never studied the event. %o why can*t there be foreknowledge here at %andy /ook5 .hen we see precisely the same sort of smoke here, of course we are going to smell fire. Fidn*t they try to stall us on &'' ruth with the same sort of misdirection5 Fidn*t they lose that one in an embarrassing fashion5 )es and yes. .e see the same lame tactic in answering the problem with the school principal. %eit--.ald tells us that the Newtown Bee ran a retraction and apology! it wasn't the school principal Fawn /ochsprung who said those things, since she was dead. :G, but a retraction and apology aren*t the same as an e+planation. A debunking would include an e+planation, would it not5 If the person interviewed and 6uoted was not the principal, who was she5 4ormally when you misidentify someone in a newspaper article, the apology and retraction includes a correct identification. %ince the Newtown Bee*s retraction doesn*t include a correct identification, it only adds to the mystery. .e are told that the newspaper 16uoted a woman who identified herself to our reporter as the principal of the school.2 If she wasn*t the principal, who was she5 A >IA agent posing as the principal, perhaps5 4either the Newtown Bee*s retraction nor %eit--.ald*s regurgitation have anything to say against that assumption, so nothing has been debunked. .hat about the car5 %eit--.ald tells us that even the conspiracy theorists are admitting that is debunked, but only one guy on youtube is admitting that, and he appears to be spinning a tale. 3veryone else is continuing to find new information, as you see at this newer link. o prevent this kind of investigation, a judge has actually placed a gag order on the cars, sealing all information for at least &# days. And you wonder why a majority of people think they are hiding something5 .hen judges seal all evidence, I guess people are going to think evidence is being hidden. .hat about other people arrested at the scene5 %eit--.ald tells us one of them was >hris ,anfredonia, giving us a link to an LA imes story that goes like this! Chris Manfredonia, whose 6-year-old daughter attends the school, was heading there Friday morning to help make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur. He ran around the school trying to reach his daughter and was briefly handcuffed by police. He later found his child, who had

been locked in a small room with a teacher. )es, but %eit--.ald is trying to e+plain a guy who was chased through the woods for many minutes. .e have seen the helicopter footage. /e didn*t just 1run around the school.2 /e fled police and had to be surrounded by them in the woods. /e had on camo pants and a black jacket. Foes >hris always wear camo pants to make gingerbread houses5 Foes he always run through the woods like a madman when he smells sulfur and sees police driving up5 Fo you really think the police are just going to release this guy within minutes to re-unite with his daughter, even though he led them on a big chase through the woods during a mass shooting5 hey aren*t going to hold him for a few days while they investigate his story5 hey*re just going to take his word for it5 If you believe that, you are just the reader for ,r. %eit--.ald. .hat about the 7IB:= connection5 %eit--.ald 6uotes Ben %wann, who admitted there was no evidence to support it. But there is also no evidence to refute it. A lack of evidence either way does not mean the point has been debunked. It means the 6uestion is still open. Both the fathers of 7an-a and /olmes may be connected to 7IB:=. Just because they aren*t on current lists of current witnesses in public testimony does not mean they are not persons of interest. he %tate Fepartment, the BBI, the %3>, or all three may be 6uestioning them right now, for all we know. hen %eit--.ald swerves viciously from misdirection to outright lies! he says, 1neither man is in much of a position to deliver an e+plosive testimony on the scandal anyway.2 hat is demonstrably false. Fo you think the vicepresident and ta+ director of G3 financial services is not in a position to know of high-level fraud5 If you think not, you must know absolutely nothing about the entire issue, which is what %eit--.ald is banking on. I would say that the lie of %eit--.ald here is weak evidence for the 7IB:= connection. %uch a lie is usually the sign of a cover, and if there were nothing to cover there would be no reason to lie. $<pdate, January H@. he 7IB:= connection has now been found for 9eter 7an-a. In a =euters article from :ctober, H#'H, by Basil Gat-, it is admitted that three men from G3 >apital based in Bairfield, !onnecticut, were convicted of conspiracy to commit wire fraud in order to defraud the <% Government. %ince this concerns bid rigging for municipal bonds, its link to 7IB:= is not obvious at a glance. 7IB:= is more commonly thought to concern rigging of interbank rates. But the link certainly e+ists, since <B% AG $<nion Bank %wit-erland( and J9,organ >hase e+ecutives have also been convicted in the same scheme as G3. Both banks are major players in the 7IB:= scandal, and are under ongoing investigation by >ongress and the Justice Fepartment. Burthermore, these banks and others are being sued in the <% for corollary fraud involving mortgage rate manipulation, and, yes, muni bond fraud. )ou can also read about this scandal from ,att aibbi at "ollin# Stone, from June H', H#'H Cthe fake Aurora shooting was one month later, July H#, and it was also used to overshadow coverage of the banking scandals, among other things.D And on April H", H#'0, aibbi published another piece at "ollin# Stone on these banking scandals. Ama-ingly, he starts the piece off with this sentence! Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the othschilds and the Masons and the !lluminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. "ou were right. At .ikipedia, it is admitted that 7IB:= manipulation may have cost municipalities ten billion in losses from interest rate swaps. hese interest rate swaps are directly linked to the 7IB:= rate rigging. Also notice that the e+ecutives at G3 were convicted of wire fraud. hat pulls back in James /olmes* father, from the Batman tragedy. /olmes* father is a top national e+pert in wire fraud. But it gets even bigger. In :ctober;the same time as the article by Basil Gat-;it was reported that both the /ouse and

%enate are investigating reasury %ecretary imothy Geithner*s and Bederal =eserve >hairman Ben Bernanke*s links to 7IB:=. %o we see that in the two months leading up to %andy /ook, the entire banking system of the <% found itself in a scandal bigger than any since. . .well, ever. he news of this scandal still hasn*t broken in the mainstream, and we may imagine that one of the uses of %andy /ook was to keep the banking scandal out of the papers. his means we have caught %eit--.ald in yet another lie. he 7IB:= connection has not been debunked, it has only been buried. %ince >44*s Anderson >ooper has used %eit--.ald as a talking head in its own debunking of the %andy /ook event, we have also caught >44 and >ooper in another bold lie.( As if that were not bad enough, %eit--.ald stoops even further in his closing, 6uoting police spokesperson 7t. 9aul 8ance as saying he was disgusted by the conspiracy theories! 1ItKs offensive to the families who lost their babies.2 As %eit--.ald began with a psychological trick, he has to finish with one. If you 6uestion anything the government spokespeople tell you, you are sick and offensive. If you e+pect news stories to make sense and be consistent, you are sick and offensive. If you e+pect investigations to be open and transparent, you are sick and offensive. If you e+pect the photos they show you to be genuine and not pasted together, you are sick and offensive. If you e+pect the government to stick to its fundamental document;the >onstitution;you are sick and offensive. his applies to 7t. 9aul 8ance specifically, since he is the guy who told us we would be prosecuted for 6uestioning the mainstream story. %orry 7ieutenant, I think you need to re-read the >onstitution;you remember, that document you swore an oath to uphold;which contains a clause about free speech. Foing research on an open investigation and asking pertinent 6uestions is free speech. Asking officials 6uestions is free speech. Femanding that published and promoted stories make some sort of sense is free speech. Interestingly, what is 4: free speech is threatening free citi-ens with phony prosecution for asking 6uestions. hat could fall under harassment, assault, or civil rights violations. In closing, let*s look again at %eit--.ald*s opening, where he says, 1It*s best not to engage conspiracy theorists on their own turf.2 /ow is an open dialog 1our turf25 /e has just as much right to be here as we do, we just wish he would say something to the point. here is no turf. But perhaps he means it*s best for spinners not to engage truth-tellers. hat*s true. he spinners always lose, since they can*t help getting caught up in their own webs. I think what %eit--.ald means is something like what Anderson >ooper meant when he led his own debunking with the slur that no one would know anything about the conspiracy if >44 weren*t taking the time to show how foolish it is. Just a general nonsense slur, one that is false on the face of it. :bviously, if the %andy /ook conspiracy weren*t getting a lot of attention, >44 and all these other places wouldn*t need to debunk it. )ou hardly need to debunk things no one has heard and no one is talking about, do you5 hat is just giving the opposition airtime, isn*t it5 .ouldn*t that be counterproductive, assuming no one has heard of this stuff5 Ama-ingly, we see the mainstream preferring to spin out the story as long as they can, even if that means reporting on the conspiracy theories. Better to report on conspiracy theories than to leave %andy /ook behind and begin reporting on the gigantic new banking scandal, which dwarfs even the banking scandals of the past five years. If the mainstream media can keep us off-balance with a continuous stream of manufactured tragedies, it may never have to report on any real news again. .ho wants to hear about municipal bond rigging when they can watch scripted mass murders5 As the final turn of the screw, I want to suggest that perhaps this %andy /ook event isn*t just a smaller version of the &'' tragedy. It may not even be what the conspiracy theorists think it is. .e have seen lots of signs before this of warring between unseen factions in the government, what with the posting of

:bama*s birth certificate on, the arrest of %trauss-Gahn, the fake shootings in Ari-ona, the fake shootings in Aurora, and so on. he government mobsters have split, and we see wars now between the billionaires. .e must assume, for instance, that it was not :bama or his staff that posted the birth certificate, since it is so obviously fake. %omeone else posted it, hoping to to give a clue to someone outside. he same can be said for Aurora, where;among other agendas;it appears someone was trying to embarrass or pressure 9hilip Anschut-, the owner of =egal theaters, who put A3G up for sale soon afterwards. Bigger fish my be frying here than anyone has yet discovered. It is possible that with %andy /ook, this tragedy was flubbed on purpose, and then dumped in the lap of the mainstream media and the current officials. 3ven as the media tries to salvage it, embedded spoilers are continuing to undermine the story at every turn. It appears that some on the inside;perhaps inside the >IA or military itself;are pushing for this %andy /ook story to completely implode. If they really wished to debunk this thing, surely they could hire a better writer than %eit--.ald. his guy is still writing with triple 6uestion marks, like he is in junior high. /e does nothing but shoot himself in the foot here. he earlier debunking article at the Atlantic, by Fashiell Bennett, did the same thing, leading with a link to a very well-done video at youtube with @ million hits, and then doing nothing much to debunk it. hese debunking articles and shows are just making the conspiracy snowball, and I have to think they intend that. .e have heard that nothing happens by accident, and I still believe that. 9erhaps the most curious thing of all is that I see deeply buried signs of hope here. %omeone somewhere is feeding the conspiracy theorists easy information, so the gun ban agenda isn*t the only agenda moving forward. :ne faction is using the tragedy for that, as they always do. It has never worked and it isn*t working now. But another faction is using the tragedy to undermine itself, and we should continue to study the signs to see what faction that is, and what end they have in mind. It may possibly be some improvement over the current state of things. I have said before that we seem to have the military cartel warring against the banking cartel, and the banks appear to be losing. But the military is also split, and we can*t yet see who will come out on top. he sign of hope is that with all these warring factions among the elite, they don*t have the time or the resources to fire up the concentration camps or start a war against the people. hey have their hands full with >hina, =ussia, and the fallout from their own factional battles. =ight now, everything is falling apart. 3veryone in power seems to be losing and no one seems to be winning. .e see power splintering, which is always a sign of hope in any country trying to salvage freedom. I begin to doubt that all the ammunition purchases have been made to use against the citi-enry. It is more likely that we will see the government fighting itself, with the F/% having to fight for its survival against the armyLnational guard, or something like that. .e may see a civil war that the rank and file take little or no part in. A follow-up to this paper is now available.

A)ou know that 1woods2 that we see the police chasing someone through5 hat woods leads to the highway, and once you go under the highway, you are in the backyard of the 4ational Guard. >urious no one has thought that worth mentioning. AAI copied this from a discussion at A %, for anyone who is interested! :k, he says he*s a 9hysician Assistant. /e said he moved a lot because he was a 9A. here should be a record of him as a 9A on the web;9A*s are e+pected to participate in community activities, breast cancer "k runs, that sort of thing... and get their name in the paper about it usually associated with a clinic or hospital. his would be on the web. /is real name appears to be =obert G. 9arker. /e*d be seen on the web, professionally, as =. G. 9arker, 9A or =obert 9arker, 9A, most likely. <sing Google and searching for =obert G. 9arker, 9A, prior to 'HL'EL'H, I see this!

$link to $link to $link to %pecialty in Albu6uer6e, 4, was General ,edicine C9AD $link to $link to 9erinatalL4eonatal speciality in Fanbury, > .

$link to

$link to

$link to CsecureD( $link to CsecureD( =:B3= G 9A=G3= 9A->, 9hysician Assistants M Advanced 9ractice 4ursing 9roviders 9hysician Assistant, 9rovider 49I! 'H&"#E0HN0, 9rovider Information! =:B3= G 9A=G3= 9A->, 4ot %ole 9roprietor, 9ractice 7ocation! ''## >34 =A7 A83 %3 A7B<O<3=O<3, 4, @P'#N-E&0# <%, el! "#"-"N0-N0&H Ba+! Q, Business ,ailing Address! &NP /<F%:4 % :GF34, < @EE#E-E""@ <%, el! @#'-@'E-P0HH Ba+! Q, 49I Information!49I! 'H&"#E0HN0, 3ntity ype! Individual $link to 4ow, there*s the above info and then /3=3*% 4: /I4G 37%3 B:= A B:: 9=I4 B:= /I% =:B3= G. 9A=G3=, 9A. /e*s got no publicity, no participations in anything, nothing at all... the guy is a G/:% on the web other than the repeated sites indicating he has a license and was working as a 9A in Albu6uer6ue, 4, before he went to Fanbury, > . $link to /is practice was N0" miles from his home address5 $link to /ouse in :gden, < ! $link to 'H&"#E0HN0 - =:B3= G 9A=G3= 9A->, ,ailing Address! &NP /<F%:4 % :GF34 < @EE#E-E""@, 9hone! @#'-@'E-P0HHR 9ractice 7ocation Address! ''## >34 =A7 A83 %3 , A7B<O<3=O<3 , 4, , @P'#N-E&0# 9ractice 9hone! "#"-"N0-N0&H %o... there*s virtually no professional footprint of =obert G. 9arker, 9A doing anything of a civic nature. 4: /I4G. I challenge you to find anything. he guy was driving, apparently, from his home in :gden, < to Albu6uer6ue, 4, where his practice was before they moved to > . hat was a N"# mile drive... in the =ocky ,ountains5 7et*s see if he*s got a footprint as a ,ormon on the web! Apparently the wife! Alissa > 9arker, &NP /udson %t., :gden, < @EE#E-E""@ ,aiden 4ame! Alissa >ottle, Age! 0', Associated! ,ichael A >ottle, =obert G 9arker, Albert G %aunders, Fouglas G >ottle, Betty % >ottle, Brooke >ottle, Brady >ottle, Jill >ottle, April >ottle :dd... none of the 9arker children are mentioned here... but who are these others5 Albert G. %aunders! Age! '#" years old, :gden, < @EE#E, C@#'D 0&H-SSSS, Associates! Berniele 7 %aunders, Bernice 7 %aunders, Berniece %aunders, =obert %aunders, >ottle %aunders, Fanae %aunders, ,ichael A >ottle! 0' years old, Associates! April >ottle, Fouglas >ottle, Brady >ottle ,ichael appears to be Alissa*s brother. April, Fouglas, Brady... nieces, nephews. Fouglas G. >ottle, Age! NH, :gden, < , Associates! Betty >ottle, =yan >ottle, ,ichael >ottle, %trangely, Alissa is not showing as related to Fouglas G. >ottle;and should, I think. Brady >ottle, Age! NE, :gden, < , =oy, < , Associates! April >ottle, Brooke >ottle, Jill >ottle, ,ichael >ottle =egarding =obbie 9arker! 9laces 7ived! 4ew Bairfield, > , :gden, < , /illsboro, :=, =io =ancho, 4, T=obert Gnowlden 9arker was born in '&@H. =obert currently lives in 4ew Bairfield, >onnecticut. Before that, =obert lived in :gden, < in H##N. Before that, =obert lived in /illsboro, := in H##&.T $link to =obert Gnowlden 9arker, :gden, < , %andy, < , Associates! Alissa 9arker, rella 9arker Alissa >ottle 9arker, Age! 0', :gden, < , Associates! =obert Gnowlden 9arker $link to :G, I am creeped out! /ow many =obert 9arkers live in :gden, < A/5 $link to >an you say & of

them5 )et, our particular T=obby 9arkerT is a web ghost... nothing that he*s done, said, or shared online.... ABAIG. here*s his 9A info and you can deduce he must be a ,ormon living in :gden. < and =oy, < . his says, TJames 7ucas 9arker, Brother of =obert Gnowlden 9arker C3milie*s FadD 7ived in uscon AUT James 7ucas 9arker, ,esa, AU, =elatives! 7ibby 9arker, =obert 9arker Ah... a brother and a sister... $link to And, when you try to find anything about them.... vapor...%omething is not right here... =obert Gnowlden 9arker... :gden < and =oy < ... >ue the wilight Uone music folks...A 9hysician*s Assistance who has no community footprint anywhereR no patient ratings anywhereR nothing... who lived in < in ,ormon--one :gden and had a practice N"# miles away... did he drive to-from on the weekends5 what5... his brother sister are vapor, ABAIG.

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