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This is the faith of the Orthodox!

Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark 10:4
Sunday, March 9, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 10

Your Hero Ancestors

Youve heard stories about your parents, right? Theyve told you stories
about your grandparents. And maybe theyve told you stories of your greatgrandparents.
But as Orthodox Christians, we also have ancestors of our Church who have made us who we are today! Thats right. Ever since the time of Christand even before thensaints have struggled so hard to keep the faith. They have been tortured. They have been made fun of. They have even risked their lives to keep the faith and to tell others about it. Today after the Divine Liturgy, youll hear the priest proclaim our faith, This is the faith of the Apostles. This is the faith of the Fathers. This is the faith of the Orthodox. This is the faith which has established the Universe. Every daybut especially today, the Sunday of Orthodoxylets be proud of our Orthodox faith. Lets be thankful too that God gave it to us. Lets also be thankful of our hero ancestors who gave everything to keep our Orthodox faith!

Today, after Liturgy, well hear this beautiful psalm. Can you figure it out?


Sometimes we can find books and more books about a saint. Think about Saint Constantine. He was an emperor who lived hundreds of years ago. We still know lots
about him, what he did for the Church, and what his mother, Saint Helen, did too. But there are thousands and thousands of other St. Christina of Persia saints we dont know much about at all. We might not know their names. We might not know where they lived. We might not know when they lived. We might not know what they did during their lives. And chances are, we wont really know what they looked like. This week we will remember Saint Christina. Really, the only thing we know about her is that she lived in Persia (today it is Iran). And we know that she was whipped again and again because she was a Christian. She died for her faith.
Here we are, 1700 years later. We still remember her because she did the noblest thing she could do! She kept her faith in our God. And that is what God asks each one of us to do. He wants us to be loyal to Him, just like Saint Christina was!

Answer: Who is so great a god as our God? You are the God alone who works wonders.

Whats in an icon?
Can you find all the icons inside of this icon?
These saints are showing that icons are part of our Orthodox faith!

We remember Saint Christina of Persia on Thursday, March 13th.

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