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= on = he = l = ona= she= ella = oni = they = Ellos =my= we = nosotros = ty = you = T = vy = you = Ustedes = ya = I = Yo


= Privet = Hello = Hola ! = Privet drug! = Hello Friend = Hola Amigo ? = kak dela? = How are you? = Como estas? = Horosho = good = Bien. = ploho = bad = mal = chudesno = Fantastic = Fantstico.

= dobroe utro = Good morning = Buenos Dias Good afternoon= Buenas Tardes . = spokoynoy nochi - Good night - Buenas Noches

= menya zovut Genri = My name is Henry = Mi nombre es Henry = molodets = Well Done = Bien Hecho = slishkom horosho = too much good = Demasiado bueno . = Tozhe horosho = good too = Bueno tambin. =(si) = (No)
? = pravilno? = correct? = correcto?

=spasibo = thank you Gracias. = Pozhaluysta = Please = Por Favor = Ne za chto = Youre welcome = De nada = udachi = good luck = Buena Suerte = poka= bye = chao


= Delat = to make/to do = hacer = Ya delayu chay = I am making tea yo estoy hacienda te. = Ya delayu domashnyuyu rabotu = i am doing homework = Yo estoy hacienda la Tarea. = Ya delyayu uprazhneniya = I do exercises = Yo hago ejercicios.

=uchitsya = To Study = Estudiar = Ya uchus v universitete = I study at university = Yo estudio en la Universidad.

= stoyat = to stand = Reposar = sidet = to sit = Sentar = lyubit = to love = amar = Ya lyublyu tebe = I love you = Te amo. = slushat = To Listen = escuchar = Ya slushayu muzyku = I Am Listening To Music = Yo estoy escuchando musica. = nravitsya = to like = Gustar = nenavidet = to hate = Odiar = Pisat = To write = Escribir

= chitat = To read = Leer = govorit = to speak = Hablar

= spat = To Sleep = Dormir = uchit' = to learn = aprender = smotret' = to watch = Ver =smotret = to see = Mirar

= bezhat= to run = correr = idti = to go = ir = ya dolzhen idti = I must to go = Yo debo irme. = hodit = To walk = caminar = ya moru hodit = I can walk = Yo puedo caminar = dumat = to think = Pensar = prygat = to jump = saltar = ulybatsya = to smile = sonreir = ubit =to kill = matar = prostit = to forgive = Perdonar = dat' = to give = dar = otkryt = to open = Abrir = zakryt = to close = Cerrar

= nravitsya = to like = Gustar = pet = to sing = Cantar = plavat = to swim = Nadar


= mne nravitsya = Me gusta = mne nravitsya = I like it = Me gusta esto. = ya lyublyu = I love = Me encanta = I am happy by learn russian))

WORDS =serdtse = heart = Corazn = devushka = lady = seorita. = i = and = y = meditsina= medicine = problema = problema= Problema = problemy = problems = Problemas = lyubov = love = amor = zhizn = life = vida = cmert = death = Muerte = konechno = of course = claro

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