Tips and Tricks For Embedded Quotes

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Ways to Embed Quotes

Embeuuing snippets (a small pait of an oiiginal quote) is a moie

effective way to use quotations in youi papei. They aie often
shoiteu than the oiiginal quote, allowing you to use youi own
woius to paiaphiase oi summaiize. In auuition, they impiove
sentence fluency.
The following exceipts come fiom the novel !" $%&' ()* $') by }ohn Steinbeck:
!"#$#%&' )*+,-. "+ ,-./0 0, /(1' 2/,0 0/(0 *,. 342'5"6 7',8.'6 + 2/,-5*)90 ,-./0 0,
/(1' 5'0 ), 208().'8 2/,,0 34 *,.:
/01-22#%$ & 3*+,- &, ,4- 1-$#%%#%$ +5 & 6-%,-%7-.
"I ought to have shot that uog myself" laments Canuy, as he ieflects on how he
shoulu have peifoimeu the task himself (Steinbeck 27).
/01-22#%$ & 3*+,- #% ,4- 0#22'- +5 & 6-%,-%7-.
Canuy confesses to ueoige anu Lennie that he "shoulu have shot that uog" himself,
anu fuithei notes that he iegiets allowing a stiangei to uo it (Steinbeck 27).
/01-22#%$ & 3*+,- &, ,4- -%2 +5 & 6-%,-%7-.
Canuy ieveals to ueoige his ueep iegiet when he states, "I shoulu have shot that uog
myself" (Steinbeck 27).
/01-22#%$ 6-8-"&' 6%#99-,6 ,4"+*$4+*, :+*" 6-%,-%7-.
Canuy suffeis not only fiom giief, but fiom iemoise as he ieveals the knowleuge
that he "shoulu have shot the uog" himself anu that he "shoulun't ought to let no
stiangei" shoot his long time companion (Steinbeck 27).
Tips for Embedded Quotes and
Parenthetical Citations
Follow NLA guiuelines

When iefeiencing moie than one woik in youi essay anuoi
quoting fiom moie than one souice, you must list the fiist woiu
(usually authoi's last name) fiom the Woiks Citeu page entiy
followeu by the EXACT page numbei (if given) the woius appeai
o Nost wiiteis uuiing the Romantic peiiou vieweu mankinu
as "natuially goou, but coiiupteu by society"(Pfiouieshei
42S). Naiy Shelley ceitainly shaieu that view anu
illustiates it in ;8()<')20'%). The cieatuie even uesciibes
himself as a "fallen angel" uiiven fiom society because of
piejuuice (Shelley 84).

Peiious always ;!<<!= the enu paienthesis.

Embeuueu quotes shoulu be shoit anu to the point (no longei
than 1-2 lines)

If you use quotes fiom moie than 1 page in the same sentence,
put the uocumentation at the enu of the sentence in the oiuei
useu int eh sentence, sepaiateu by a semi-colon.
o The cieate even uesciibes himself as a "fallen angel" who is
foiceu into seclusion because of the "accumulation of
anguish" that life hau become foi him (Shelley 84;8S)

If you change oi auu something to a quote foi claiification of
tensepluiality puiposes, use biackets | j to iuentify the
mateiial you auueu, alteieu, oi claiifieu.
o The cieatuie even uesciibes himself as a "fallen angel
|with anj accumulation of anguish" (Shelley 84;8S)

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