Senior Class Officer

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Application for Student Council Senior Class Officer 2014-15

The class President plans and conducts class meetings, works with the class advisor(s) to set up activities for his/her class, and acts as liaison between the Executive Board and class representatives. The class Vice President serves as the chief assistant of the class president, serves on the !"# #wards committee with the Executive $ice %resident and conducts class meetings if the class %resident is absent. The class Secretary maintains all reports and records and handles official paperwork including attendance records for all representatives of his/her class. The &ecretar' will also serve as a member of the %ublicit' (ommittee.

Tentative Meeting Schedule for 2014-2015 Ever' )st, *rd, + ,th -onda' ./,0 a.m./ Executive Board -eeting Ever' 1nd -onda' ./,0 a.m./ (lass -eetings with &ponsors / Executive (ommittee -eetings Ever' )st Thursda' of the -onth ./,0 a.m. and */*0 p.m./ 2eneral (ouncil -eeting/(ommittee -eetings

3ame/ 4444444444444444444444444444 ome %hone/44444444444444444444444 T5&hirt &i6e/ 44444444444444444444444

Email/44444444444444444444444444444 (ell %hone/4444444444444444444444444

APPL !AT "# $%& 'y T(%)S$A*+ AP) L 10 in roo, -10./ Voting 0ill ta1e 2lace online A2ril 15-13+ 2014/

Please initial the follo0ing state,ent and chec1 the a22lica'le 'lan14 444447 understand that if 7 am not selected, 7 will be automaticall' become a class representative. %lease indicate which position 'ou prefer/ 444 class president 444class vice president 444class secretar'

&ligi'ility )e5uire,ents for &6ecutive 7oard !andidates4

Exemplar' conduct and behavior ('our school attendance and discipline record will be evaluated and considered)8 9edication and commitment to arrison igh &chool and the &tudent (ouncil8 #vailabilit' for -onda' morning meetings (see schedule below)8 # signed commitment statement with respect to student council expectations with parental endorsement8 Timeliness of applications turn5in : it -;&T be turned in on time b' the due date indicated above + signed and complete, to be eligible to run.

&6ecutive 7oard officers ,ust 'e availa'le to attend the follo0ing4 &6ec 7oard su,,er retreat tentatively scheduled for 8uly 14-19+ 2014 Southern Association of Student !ouncils convention "cto'er 11-1.+ 2014 :eorgia Association of Student !ouncils convention ;e'ruary 20-22+ 2015

Sign u2 #"< for te6t re,inders of ,eetings and 2oints o22ortunities4 te6t this ,essage <harrisonsc to this nu,'er (*,.) =>,5,*.). Su'scri'e to the Student !ouncil 'log at htt24==000/harrisonstuco/co,

!a,2aign )ules4 The campaign rules as follows shall be adhered to b' the candidate. (andidates who fail to adhere to the rules of campaigning, or who knowingl' condone infractions ma' be dis?ualified. #ll campaigning must take place on school grounds during school hours. (ampaign advertisements must be 2oster si>ed and ma' be placed !3@" in the cafeterias, freshman academ' lobbies, ABB all and on -ain &treet. All 2osters M%ST 'e sta,2ed 'y Mrs/ Tatu, prior to being placed on the walls. %osters ma' be on the walls during the week of online voting onl'. (andidates are re?uired to remove their posters immediatel' after voting has ended. The use of stickers, cand', or A C D )) fl'ers will not be permitted. #egative ca,2aigning 0ill not 'e tolerated/ 7f a candidate or one of the candidateEs supporters is caught damaging another candidateEs campaign materials or slandering another candidate, the transgressor will be automaticall' dis?ualified. 3egative campaigning through social media, email, texting, or other such means is not permitted. #n' candidate accused of breaking campaign rules will be subFected to a panel consisting of senior Executive Board members and Gall #dvisor(s). !"MM TM&#T STAT&M&#T4 *ou are encouraged to see1 advice fro, 2arents and teachers/ &6a,ine closely your 0illingness to co,,it ti,e and energy to the success of the student council for the entire school year/ Please read the follo0ing state,ent+ and after discussing 0ith your 2arents+ sign 'elo0/ 0ill strive to 'e an e6a,2le of good leadershi2+ tea, coo2eration+ and school s2irit/ understand that failure to e6ecute ,y res2onsi'ilities 0ill result in ,y dis,issal fro, the &6ecutive 7oard/ understand that the sa,e attendance 2olicies that a22ly to other ,e,'ers of the Student !ouncil also a22ly to &6ecutive 7oard ,e,'ers a, a0are that as a leader of the school+ need to su22ort those 0ho are in authority a'ove ,e ?i/e/ 2resident+ advisor @ ad,inistrationA/ 0ill e6hi'it e6e,2lary 'ehavior and adhere to ALL school 2olicies/ 0ill 'e in the Student !ouncil ho,eroo, under the s2onsorBs direction/ a, a0are that the Student !ouncil s2onsor 0ill revie0 ,y school disci2line and attendance records/ !andidate Signature4 $ate4

PA)&#T &#$")S&M&#T4 understand the level of co,,it,ent that ,y child has ,ade to the student council of (arrison (igh School and the e62ectations 2laced u2on hi,=her/ 0ill 'e fully su22ortive of his=her decision to 'e involved/ Additionally+ 0ill 'e co,,unicative 0ith the student council advisor of any fa,ily decision that 0ill i,2act ,y childBs 2artici2ation in Student !ouncil functions/ understand that if ,y child fails to ,eet res2onsi'ilities or has 2oor attendance+ they 0ill 'e dis,issed fro, the Student !ouncil/ Parent Signature4 $ate4

"n a se2arate T*P&$ sheet+ ans0er the follo0ing 5uestions co,2letely/ &,ail your res2onse to Ste2hanie/tatu,Cco''112/org/ *our res2onses 0ill 'e shared on the online voting site/ ). %lease list the leadership and team roles 'ou have held in the past two 'ears. @ist also an' class activities in which 'ou have participated during the past 'ear. 1. @ist all the extracurricular activities (including church and work) in which 'ou plan to be involved next 'ear and 'our responsibilities in each. Attach the follo0ing to your a22lication4 To prove 'our leadership skills, create a %ower%oint or %re6i presentation that will highlight the plans 'ou have for 'our senior class regarding homecoming, the senior ban?uet, the senior picnic, and senior T5shirts. "ou can print the slides to attach, or provide a ;H@ where we can view the presentation.

(A)) S"# ( :( S!(""L

!lu's and After School Progra,s !ontract 2014-2015 &tudent 3ame/ 4444444444444444444444444444 2rade/ 44444 #dvisor/ 444444444444444444 %arent/2uardian 3ame/ 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 %hone (where parent/guardian can be reached during activit')/ 444444444444444444444444444 #ddress/ 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 #ctivit'/ &T;9E3T (!;3(7@ -EET732&, &!(7#@& + &EH$7(E !%%!HT;37T7E& (The' are listed under (lubs + !rgani6ations on the G#@@ (&tudent (ouncil) Blog.) 2eneral -onthl' -eetings/ )st Thursda' of each month in room >)B, in the Ireshman #cadem' building from ./,B5A/BB a.m. !H */,B5,/BB p.m. Emergency Contacts ). 3ame/ 444444444444444444444444444444 Helationship to student/ 4444444444444444 ome/ 44444444444444444444 (ell/ 44444444444444444444 Gork/ 44444444444444444444

1. 3ame/ 444444444444444444444444444444 Helationship to student/ 4444444444444444 ome/ 44444444444444444444 (ell/ 44444444444444444444 Gork/ 44444444444444444444

I understand that students are expected to stay for the whole activity or club meeting. If a student needs to leave prior to the time noted above, he/she may leave the school premises ONLY if they have a note from a parent/guardian and submit it to their sponsor informing them of their intent at the start of the meeting/activity. The note must also include how they will be getting home and with whom. I also understand that I need to pick up my student or my student needs to promptly leave the school at the time noted above. %arent &ignature/ 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 9ate/ 4444444444

%hone 3umber (where parent can be reached at conclusion of activit')/ 44444444444444444444

&tudent &ignature/ 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 9ate/ 4444444444

(arrison Student !ouncil Teacher )eco,,endation ;or, #a,e of !andidate4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD "ffice !andidate is Pursuing4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD #a,e of Teacher )eco,,ender4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !andidate4 2ive this form to a core subFect teacher. Teacher4 %lease fill out this form and place it in &tephanie TatumEs mailbox. 7 appreciate 'our candid and confidential response. #o 7asis for 7elo0 8udg,ent Average )es2ect accorded 'y faculty )es2ect accorded 'y 2eers Leadershi2 !o,,it,ent to service !haracter and ntegrity )eaction to set'ac1s $isci2lined 0or1 ha'its A'ility to 0or1=interac t 0ith others Positive i,2act at school s there anything you 0ould li1e the s2onsor to 1no0 a'out this studentE 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Average A'ove Average "utstandin g "ther ?Please 0rite inA

44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Teacher &ignature

44444444444444 9ate

(arrison Student !ouncil &6ecutive 7oard )eco,,endation ;or, #a,e of !andidate4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD "ffice !andidate is Pursuing4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD #a,e of &6ecutive 7oard Me,'er )eco,,ender4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !andidate4 2ive this form to a &tudent (ouncil Executive Board member who knows 'ou well. &6ecutive 7oard Me,'er4 %lease fill out this form and place it in &tephanie TatumEs mailbox. 7 appreciate 'our candid and confidential response. #o 7asis for 7elo0 8udg,ent Average )es2ect accorded 'y faculty )es2ect accorded 'y 2eers Leadershi2 !o,,it,ent to service !haracter and ntegrity )eaction to set'ac1s $isci2lined 0or1 ha'its A'ility to 0or1=interac t 0ith others Positive i,2act at school s there anything you 0ould li1e the s2onsor to 1no0 a'out this candidateE 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Average A'ove Average "utstandin g "ther ?Please 0rite inA

44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Executive Board -ember &ignature

44444444444444 9ate

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