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8.1 Complex Numbers 8.2 Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers 8.3 Polar Form and DeMoivres Theorem 8.4 Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products 8.5 Unitary and Hermitian Matrices

Complex Vector Spaces

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES Graphically represent complex numbers in the complex plane. Perform operations with complex numbers. Represent complex numbers as vectors. Use the Quadratic Formula to find all zeros of a quadratic polynomial. Perform operations with complex matrices. Find the determinant of a complex matrix. Find the conjugate, modulus, and argument of a complex number. Multiply and divide complex numbers. Find the inverse of a complex matrix. Determine the polar form of a complex number. Convert a complex number from standard form to polar form and from polar form to standard form. Multiply and divide complex numbers in polar form. Find roots and powers of complex numbers in polar form. Use DeMoivres Theorem to find roots of complex numbers in polar form. Recognize complex vector spaces, C n. Perform vector operations in C n. Represent a vector in C n by a basis. Find the Euclidian inner product and the Euclidian norm of a vector in C n. Find the Euclidian distance between two vectors in C n. Find the conjugate transpose A* of a complex matrix A. Determine if a matrix A is unitary or Hermitian. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix. Diagonalize a Hermitian matrix. Determine if a Hermitian matrix is normal.




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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

8.1 Complex Numbers

So far in the text, the scalar quantities used have been real numbers. In this chapter, you will expand the set of scalars to include complex numbers. In algebra it is often necessary to solve quadratic equations such as x 2 3x 2 0. The general quadratic equation is ax 2 bx c 0, and its solutions are given by the Quadratic Formula, x b b2 4ac , 2a

where the quantity under the radical, b2 4ac, is called the discriminant. If b2 4ac 0, then the solutions are ordinary real numbers. But what can you conclude about the solutions of a quadratic equation whose discriminant is negative? For example, the equation x2 4 0 has a discriminant of b2 4ac 16. From your experience with ordinary algebra, it is clear that there is no real number whose square is 16. By writing
16 16 1 16 1 4 1,

you can see that the essence of the problem is that there is no real number whose square is 1. To solve the problem, mathematicians invented the imaginary unit i, which has the property i 2 1. In terms of this imaginary unit, you can write
16 4 1 4i.

The imaginary unit i is defined as follows.

Definition of the Imaginary Unit i

The number i is called the imaginary unit and is defined as i 1 where i 2 1.

: When working with products involving square roots of negative numbers, be sure to convert to a multiple of i before multiplying. For instance, consider the following operations.

1 1 i i i 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Correct Incorrect

With this single addition of the imaginary unit i to the real number system, the system of complex numbers can be developed.



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Section 8.1

Complex Numbers


Definition of a Complex Number

If a and b are real numbers, then the number a bi is a complex number, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part of the number. The form a bi is the standard form of a complex number.

Some examples of complex numbers written in standard form are 2 2 0i, 4 3i, and 6i 0 6i. The set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers. To see this, note that every real number a can be written as a complex number using b 0. That is, for every real number, a a 0i. A complex number is uniquely determined by its real and imaginary parts. So, you can say that two complex numbers are equal if and only if their real and imaginary parts are equal. That is, if a bi and c di are two complex numbers written in standard form, then
Imaginary axis
3 2 1

a bi c di if and only if a c and b d.

(3, 2) or 3 + 2i

The Complex Plane

1 2 3

2 1

Real axis

(2, 1) or 2 i The Complex Plane

Figure 8.1
y1 1 Horizontal component x1 1 2 3 Vertical component

Because a complex number is uniquely determined by its real and imaginary parts, it is natural to associate the number a bi with the ordered pair a, b. With this association, you can graphically represent complex numbers as points in a coordinate plane called the complex plane. This plane is an adaptation of the rectangular coordinate plane. Specifically, the horizontal axis is the real axis and the vertical axis is the imaginary axis. For instance, Figure 8.1 shows the graph of two complex numbers, 3 2i and 2 i. The number 3 2i is associated with the point 3, 2 and the number 2 i is associated with the point 2, 1. Another way to represent the complex number a bi is as a vector whose horizontal component is a and whose vertical component is b. (See Figure 8.2.) (Note that the use of the letter i to represent the imaginary unit is unrelated to the use of i to represent a unit vector.)

4 2i

Vector Representation of a Complex Number

Figure 8.2



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Addition and Scalar Multiplication of Complex Numbers

Because a complex number consists of a real part added to a multiple of i, the operations of addition and multiplication are defined in a manner consistent with the rules for operating with real numbers. For instance, to add (or subtract) two complex numbers, add (or subtract) the real and imaginary parts separately.

Definition of Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers

The sum and difference of a bi and c di are defined as follows.

a bi c di a c b d i a bi c di a c b d i

Sum Difference


Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers

(a) 2 4i 3 4i 2 3 4 4i 5 (b) 1 3i 3 i 1 3 3 1i 2 4i

: Note in part (a) of Example 1 that the sum of two complex numbers can be a real number.

Using the vector representation of complex numbers, you can add or subtract two complex numbers geometrically using the parallelogram rule for vector addition, as shown in Figure 8.3.
Imaginary axis
4 3 2 1

Imaginary axis

z = 3 + 4i

2 1

1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3

Real axis

Real axis

z = 1 3i

4 w = 2 4i Addition of Complex Numbers

z w = 2 4i Subtraction of Complex Numbers

Figure 8.3



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Section 8.1

Complex Numbers


Many of the properties of addition of real numbers are valid for complex numbers as well. For instance, addition of complex numbers is both associative and commutative. Moreover, to find the sum of three or more complex numbers, extend the definition of addition in the natural way. For example,

2 i 3 2i 2 4i 2 3 2 1 2 4i 3 3i.
To multiply a complex number by a real scalar, use the definition below.

Definition of Scalar Multiplication

If c is a real number and a bi is a complex number, then the scalar multiple of c and a bi is defined as ca bi ca cbi.

Geometrically, multiplication of a complex number by a real scalar corresponds to the multiplication of a vector by a scalar, as shown in Figure 8.4. EXAMPLE 2

Operations with Complex Numbers

(a) 32 7i 48 i 6 21i 32 4i 38 17i (b) 41 i 23 i 31 4i 4 4i 6 2i 3 12i 1 6i
Imaginary axis 4 3 2 1
Imaginary axis

3 2

2z = 6 + 2 i z=3+i
1 2 3 4 5 6 Real axis

Real axis

1 1 2 3

1 2

z = 3 i

2 3

Multiplication of a Complex Number by a Real Number

Figure 8.4

With addition and scalar multiplication, the set of complex numbers forms a vector space of dimension 2 (where the scalars are the real numbers). You are asked to verify this in Exercise 57.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Multiplication of Complex Numbers

The operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication by a real number have exact counterparts with the corresponding vector operations. By contrast, there is no direct counterpart for the multiplication of two complex numbers.

Definition of Multiplication of Complex Numbers

The product of the complex numbers a bi and c di is defined as

a bic di ac bd ad bci .
Rather than try to memorize this definition of the product of two complex numbers, you should simply apply the distributive property, as follows.

a bic di ac di bic di ac ad i bci bd i2 ac ad i bci bd 1 ac bd ad i bci ac bd ad bci

This is demonstrated in the next example. EXAMPLE 3

Distributive property Distributive property Use i 2 1. Commutative property Distributive property

Multiplying Complex Numbers

(a) 21 3i 2 6i (b) 2 i4 3i 8 6i 4i 3i 2 8 6i 4i 3 1 8 3 6i 4i 11 2i

Technology Note

Many computer software programs and graphing utilities are capable of calculating with complex numbers. For example, on some graphing utilities, you can express a complex number a bi as an ordered pair a, b. Try verifying the result of Example 3(b) by multiplying 2, 1 and 4, 3. You should obtain the ordered pair 11, 2.


Complex Zeros of a Polynomial

Use the Quadratic Formula to find the zeros of the polynomial px x 2 6x 13 and verify that px 0 for each zero.



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Section 8.1

Complex Numbers



Using the Quadratic Formula, you have x b b2 4ac 6 36 52 2a 2 6 16 6 4i 3 2i. 2 2

Substituting these values of x into the polynomial px, you have p3 2i 3 2i2 63 2i 13 3 2i3 2i 63 2i 13 9 6i 6i 4 18 12i 13 9 12i 4 18 12i 13 0 and p3 2i 3 2i2 63 2i 13 3 2i3 2i 63 2i 13 9 6i 6i 4 18 12i 13 9 12i 4 18 12i 13 0. In Example 4, the two complex numbers 3 2i and 3 2i are complex conjugates of each other (together they form a conjugate pair). A well-known result from algebra states that the complex zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients must occur in conjugate pairs. (See Review Exercise 86.) More will be said about complex conjugates in Section 8.2.

Complex Matrices
Now that you are able to add, subtract, and multiply complex numbers, you can apply these operations to matrices whose entries are complex numbers. Such a matrix is called complex.

Definition of a Complex Matrix

A matrix whose entries are complex numbers is called a complex matrix.

All of the ordinary operations with matrices also work with complex matrices, as demonstrated in the next two examples.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces


Operations with Complex Matrices

Let A and B be the complex matrices below A 1i 4

2 3ii 2 3ii



0 1 2i

and determine each of the following. (a) 3A


(b) 2 iB

(c) A B

(d) BA

1i 3i 3 3i 4 6 9i 12 2i 0 2 4i 0 (b) 2 iB 2 i i 1 2i 1 2i 4 3i i 1i 2i 0 3i 1 i (c) A B 2 3i 4 i 1 2i 2 2i 5 2i 2i 0 i 1i (d) BA i 1 2i 2 3i 4 2 0 2i 2 0 2 2 2i 1 2 3i 4i 6 i 1 4 8i 7i 3 9i (a) 3A 3


Finding the Determinant of a Complex Matrix

Find the determinant of the matrix A



2 43i

2 . 5 3i

2 4i 2 2 4i5 3i 23 3 5 3i 10 20i 6i 12 6 8 26i

Technology Note

Many computer software programs and graphing utilities are capable of performing matrix operations on complex matrices. Try verifying the calculation of the determinant of the matrix in Example 6. You should obtain the same answer, 8, 26.



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Section 8.1

Complex Numbers


SECTION 8.1 Exercises

In Exercises 16, determine the value of the expression. 1. 2 3 3. 4 4 5. i 4 2. 8 8 4. i 3 6. i7 8 . z 3i 10 . z 7 12 . z 1 5i In Exercises 3742, determine the zeros of the polynomial function. 37. px 2x 2 2x 5 38. px x 2 x 1 39. px x 2 5x 6 40. px x 2 4x 5 41. px x 4 16 42. px x 4 10x 2 9 In Exercises 4346, use the given zero to find all zeros of the polynomial function. 43. px x3 3x2 4x 2 44. px x3 2x2 11x 52 45. px 2x3 3x2 50x 75 46. px x3 x2 9x 9 Zero: x 1 Zero: x 4 Zero: x 5i Zero: x 3i

In Exercises 712, plot the complex number. 7. z 6 2i 9. z 5 5i 11. z 1 5i

In Exercises 13 and 14, use vectors to illustrate the operations graphically. Be sure to graph the original vector. 13. u and 2u, where u 3 i
3 14. 3u and 2u, where u 2 i

In Exercises 1518, determine x such that the complex numbers in each pair are equal. 15. x 3i, 6 3i 16. 2x 8 x 1i, 2 4i 17. x 2 6 2xi, 15 6i 18. x 4 x 1i, x 3i In Exercises 1926, find the sum or difference of the complex numbers. Use vectors to illustrate your answer graphically. 19. 2 6i 3 3i 21. 5 i 5 i 23. 6 2i 25. 2 i 2 i 27. 5 5i1 3i 29. 7 i7 i 31. a bi2 33. 1 i3 35. a bi

In Exercises 4756, perform the indicated matrix operation using the complex matrices A and B. 1i 1 1 i 3i A and B 2 2i 3i 3 i

47. A B 49. 2A 51. 2iA 53. detA B 55. 5AB

48. B A
1 50. 2B 1 52. 4iB

20. 1 2 i 2 2 i 22. i 3 i 24. 12 7i 3 4i 26. 2 i 2 i

2 28. 3 i 3 i

54. detB 56. BA

57. Prove that the set of complex numbers, with the operations of addition and scalar multiplication (with real scalars), is a vector space of dimension 2. 58. (a) Evaluate i n for n 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (b) Calculate i 2010. (c) Find a general formula for i n for any positive integer n. 59. Let A i . 0 i 0

In Exercises 2736, find the product. 30. 4 2 i4 2 i 32. a bia bi 34. 2 i2 2i4 i 36. 1 i21 i2

(a) Calculate An for n 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (b) Calculate A2010. (c) Find a general formula for An for any positive integer n.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces 61. 2 2 4 2

60. Prove that if the product of two complex numbers is zero, then at least one of the numbers must be zero. True or False? In Exercises 61 and 62, determine whether each statement is true or false. If a statement is true, give a reason or cite an appropriate statement from the text. If a statement is false, provide an example that shows the statement is not true in all cases or cite an appropriate statement from the text.

62. 102 100 10



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Section 8.2

Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers


8.2 Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers

In Section 8.1, it was mentioned that the complex zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients occur in conjugate pairs. For instance, in Example 4 you saw that the zeros of px x 2 6x 13 are 3 2i and 3 2i. In this section, you will examine some additional properties of complex conjugates. You will begin with the definition of the conjugate of a complex number.

Definition of the Conjugate of a Complex Number

The conjugate of the complex number z a bi is denoted by z and is given by z a bi.

From this definition, you can see that the conjugate of a complex number is found by changing the sign of the imaginary part of the number, as demonstrated in the next example. EXAMPLE 1

Finding the Conjugate of a Complex Number

Complex Number Conjugate

(a) (b) (c) (d)

z 2 3i z 4 5i z 2i z5

z 2 3i z 4 5i z 2i z5

R E M A R K : In part (d) of Example 1, note that 5 is its own complex conjugate. In general, it can be shown that a number is its own complex conjugate if and only if the number is real. (See Exercise 39.)

Geometrically, two points in the complex plane are conjugates if and only if they are reflections about the real (horizontal) axis, as shown in Figure 8.5 on the next page.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Imaginary axis

Imaginary axis 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 4 5 2 3

z = 2 + 3i

z = 4 + 5i

3 2

4 3

1 2

Real axis

5 6 7

Real axis

z = 2 3i
Figure 8.5

z = 4 5i

Conjugate of a Complex Number

Complex conjugates have many useful properties. Some of these are shown in Theorem 8.1. THEOREM 8.1 For a complex number z a bi, the following properties are true. 1. zz a2 b2 2. zz 0 3. zz 0 if and only if z 0. 4. z z To prove the first property, let z a bi. Then z a bi and zz a bia bi a 2 abi abi b2i 2 a 2 b2. The second and third properties follow directly from the first. Finally, the fourth property follows the definition of the complex conjugate. That is,

Properties of Complex Conjugates


z a bi a bi a bi z.


Finding the Product of Complex Conjugates

Find the product of z 1 2i and its complex conjugate. Because z 1 2i, you have zz 1 2i1 2i 12 22 1 4 5.




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Section 8.2

Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers


The Modulus of a Complex Number

Because a complex number can be represented by a vector in the complex plane, it makes sense to talk about the length of a complex number. This length is called the modulus of the complex number.

Definition of the Modulus of a Complex Number

The modulus of the complex number z a bi is denoted by z and is given by



R E M A R K : The modulus of a complex number is also called the absolute value of the number. In fact, when z a 0i is a real number, you have

z a2 02 a.

Finding the Modulus of a Complex Number

For z 2 3i and w 6 i, determine the value of each modulus. (a) z (b) w (c) zw 2 2 (a) z 2 3 13 (b) w 6 2 12 37


(c) Because zw 2 3i6 i 15 16i, you have

zw 15 2 16 2 481.
Note that in Example 3, zw z w . In Exercise 40, you are asked to prove that this multiplicative property of the modulus always holds. Theorem 8.2 states that the modulus of a complex number is related to its conjugate. THEOREM 8.2 For a complex number z,

The Modulus of a Complex Number


z2 zz.
Let z a bi, then z a bi and you have zz a bia bi a2 b2 z 2.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Division of Complex Numbers

One of the most important uses of the conjugate of a complex number is in performing division in the complex number system. To define division of complex numbers, consider z a bi and w c di and assume that c and d are not both 0. If the quotient z x yi w is to make sense, it has to be true that z wx yi c dix yi cx dy dx cyi. But, because z a bi, you can form the linear system below. cx dy a dx cy b Solving this system of linear equations for x and y yields x ac bd bc ad and y . ww ww

Now, because zw a bic di ac bd bc adi, the definition below is obtained.

Definition of Division of Complex Numbers

The quotient of the complex numbers z a bi and w c di is defined as z a bi ac bd bc ad 1 2 2 i zw 2 2 w c di c d c d w2





: If c2 d 2 0, then c d 0, and w 0. In other words, as is the case with real numbers, division of complex numbers by zero is not defined.

In practice, the quotient of two complex numbers can be found by multiplying the numerator and the denominator by the conjugate of the denominator, as follows.

a bic di a bi a bi c di c di c di c di c dic di ac bd bc adi c2 d 2 ac bd bc ad 2 2 i c d2 c d2



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Section 8.2

Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers



Division of Complex Numbers

(a) (b) 1 1 1i 1i 1i 1 1 2 i 1i 1i 1i 1 i2 2 2 2

2i 2 i 3 4i 2 11i 2 11 i 3 4i 3 4i 3 4i 9 16 25 25

Now that you can divide complex numbers, you can find the (multiplicative) inverse of a complex matrix, as demonstrated in Example 5. EXAMPLE 5

Finding the Inverse of a Complex Matrix

Find the inverse of the matrix A 2i 5 2i , 6 2i

3 i
1 A

and verify your solution by showing that AA 1 I2.


Using the formula for the inverse of a 2 A1 6 2i 3 i 5 2i . 2i

2 matrix from Section 2.3, you have

Furthermore, because

A 2 i 6 2i 5 2i3 i
you can write A1

12 6i 4i 2 15 6i 5i 2 3i 1 6 2i 5 2i 3 i 3 i 2 i 1 1 6 2i3 i 5 2i3 i 3i 3i 3 i3 i 2 i3 i

1 20 10 10

17 i . 7i

To verify your solution, multiply A and A1 as follows. AA1 i 5 2i 1 20 2 3 i 6 2i 10 10 1 10 0 1 0 10 0 10 0 1 17 i 7i



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Technology Note

If your computer software program or graphing utility can perform operations with complex matrices, then you can verify the result of Example 5. If you have matrix A stored on a graphing utility, evaluate A1.

The last theorem in this section summarizes some useful properties of complex conjugates. THEOREM 8.3 For the complex numbers z and w, the following properties are true. 1. z w z w 2. z w z w 3. zw z w 4. zw zw

Properties of Complex Conjugates


To prove the first property, let z a bi and w c di. Then z w a c b di a c b d i a bi c di z w. The proof of the second property is similar. The proofs of the other two properties are left to you.

SECTION 8.2 Exercises

In Exercises 16, find the complex conjugate z and graphically represent both z and z . 1. z 6 3i 3. z 8i 5. z 4 2. z 2 5i 4. z 2i 6. z 3 13. Verify that wz w z zw , where z 1 i and w 1 2i. 14. Verify that zv 2 z v 2 z v 2, where z 1 2i and v 2 3i. In Exercises 1520, perform the indicated operations. 2i i 3 2 i 17. 3 2 i 2 i3 i 19. 4 2i 15. 1 6 3i 5i 18. 4i 3i 20. 2 i5 2i 16.

In Exercises 712, find the indicated modulus, where z 2 i, w 3 2i, and v 5i. 7. z 10.


8. z2 11.

9. zw 12.

zv 2



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Section 8.2 In Exercises 2124, perform the operation and write the result in standard form. 2 3 21. 1i 1i i 2i 23. 3i 3i 5 2i 22. 2i 2i 1i 3 24. i 4i

Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers


39. Prove that z z if and only if z is real. 40. Prove that for any two complex numbers z and w, each of the statements below is true. (a) zw z w (b) If w 0, then zw z w .

In Exercises 2528, use the given zero to find all zeros of the polynomial function. 25. px 3x3 4x2 8x 8 26. px 4x3 23x2 34x 10 27. px x4 3x3 5x2 21x 22 28. px x3 4x2 14x 20 (a) z 2 29. z 2 i 30. z 1 i In Exercises 3136, determine whether the complex matrix A has an inverse. If A is invertible, find its inverse and verify that AA1 I. 6 3i 31. A 2i i (b) z 3 (c) z 1 Zero: 1 3 i Zero: 3 i Zero: 3 2 i Zero: 1 3i (d) z 2

41. Describe the set of points in the complex plane that satisfies each of the statements below. (a) (b) (c) (d)

z 3 z 1 i 5 z i 2 2 z 5

In Exercises 29 and 30, find each power of the complex number z.

True or False? In Exercises 42 and 43, determine whether each statement is true or false. If a statement is true, give a reason or cite an appropriate statement from the text. If a statement is false, provide an example that shows the statement is not true in all cases or cite an appropriate statement from the text. 42. i i 2 0 43. There is no complex number that is equal to its complex conjugate. 44. Describe the set of points in the complex plane that satisfies each of the statements below. (a) (b) (c) (d)

2i 2 i 32. A 3 3i

1i 2 33. A 1 1i 1 35. A 0 0

1i 2 34. A 0 1i

0 0 1i 0 0 1i

i 36. A 0 0

0 i 0

0 0 i

z 4 z i 2 z 1 1 z > 3

45. (a) Evaluate 1in for n 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (b) Calculate 1i2000 and 1i2010. (c) Find a general formula for 1in for any positive integer n. 46. (a) Verify that

In Exercises 37 and 38, determine all values of the complex number z for which A is singular. (Hint: Set detA 0 and solve for z.) 5 z 37. A 3i 2 i

2 i.


(b) Find the two square roots of i. (c) Find all zeros of the polynomial x 4 1.

2 2i 1 i 38. A 1 i 1 i z 1 0 0



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

8.3 Polar Form and DeMoivres Theorem

Imaginary axis

(a, b)
r b

At this point you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers. However, there is still one basic procedure that is missing from the algebra of complex numbers. To see this, consider the problem of finding the square root of a complex number such as i. When you use the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), there seems to be no reason to guess that
Real axis

a 0

1i . That is, 2

2 i.


Complex Number: a + bi Rectangular Form: (a, b) Polar Form: (r, )

Figure 8.6

To work effectively with powers and roots of complex numbers, it is helpful to use a polar representation for complex numbers, as shown in Figure 8.6. Specifically, if a bi is a nonzero complex number, then let be the angle from the positive x-axis to the radial line passing through the point a, b and let r be the modulus of a bi. So, a r cos , b r sin , and r a 2 b2 and you have a bi r cos r sin i , from which the polar form of a complex number is obtained.

Definition of the Polar Form of a Complex Number

The polar form of the nonzero complex number z a bi is given by z rcos i sin where a r cos , b r sin , r a 2 b2, and tan ba. The number r is the modulus of z and is the argument of z.


The polar form of z 0 is expressed as z 0cos i sin , where is

any angle. Because there are infinitely many choices for the argument, the polar form of a complex number is not unique. Normally, the values of that lie between and are used, although on occasion it is convenient to use other values. The value of that satisfies the inequality <
Principal argument

is called the principal argument and is denoted by Arg(z). Two nonzero complex numbers in polar form are equal if and only if they have the same modulus and the same principal argument. EXAMPLE 1

Finding the Polar Form of a Complex Number

Find the polar form of each of the complex numbers. (Use the principal argument.) (a) z 1 i (b) z 2 3i (c) z i



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Section 8.3

Polar Form and DeMoivres Theorem



(a) Because a 1 and b 1, then r 2 1 2 12 2, which implies that r 2. From a r cos and b r sin , you have cos
2 a 1 2 r 2



2 b 1 . 2 r 2

So, 4 and z 2 cos

4 i sin 4 .
and sin b 3 13 r

(b) Because a 2 and b 3, then r 2 2 2 32 13, which implies that r 13. So, cos a 2 13 r

and it follows that 0.98. So, the polar form is z 13 cos 0.98 i sin0.98 . (c) Because a 0 and b 1, it follows that r 1 and 2, so z 1 cos

i sin . 2 2

The polar forms derived in parts (a), (b), and (c) are depicted graphically in Figure 8.7.
Imaginary axis Imaginary axis 4 3
Imaginary axis

z = 2 + 3i


1 2

Real axis

2 1


1 2

Real axis
Real axis

(a) z =

2 cos + i sin 4 4

[ ( )

( )]

(b) z 13[cos(0.98) + i sin(0.98)]

(c) z = 1 cos + i sin 2 2

Figure 8.7


Converting from Polar to Standard Form

Express the complex number in standard form. z 8 cos

i sin 3 3



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces


Because cos 3 12 and sin3 32, you can obtain the standard form z 8 cos

3 i sin 3 82 i

1 and

4 43 i.

The polar form adapts nicely to multiplication and division of complex numbers. Suppose you have two complex numbers in polar form z1 r1cos 1 i sin 1 z2 r2cos 2 i sin 2 .

Then the product of z1 and z2 is expressed as z1 z 2 r1 r2cos 1 i sin 1cos 2 i sin 2 r1r2 cos 1 cos 2 sin 1 sin 2 i cos 1 sin 2 sin 1 cos 2. Using the trigonometric identities cos1 2 cos 1 cos 2 sin 1 sin 2 and sin1 2 sin 1 cos 2 cos 1 sin 2 you have z1z 2 r1r2 cos1 2 i sin1 2. This establishes the first part of the next theorem. The proof of the second part is left to you. (See Exercise 65.) THEOREM 8.4 Given two complex numbers in polar form z1 r1cos 1 i sin 1 and z2 r2cos 2 i sin 2 the product and quotient of the numbers are as follows. z1z2 r1r2 cos1 2 i sin1 2 z1 r1 z 2 r2 cos1 2 i sin1 2, z2 0
Product Quotient

Product and Quotient of Two Complex Numbers

This theorem says that to multiply two complex numbers in polar form, multiply moduli and add arguments. To divide two complex numbers, divide moduli and subtract arguments. (See Figure 8.8.)



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Section 8.3

Polar Form and DeMoivres Theorem


Imaginary axis

Imaginary axis




z2 r2 r1

1 + 2 r 2 r1r2


Real axis

r1 r2

z1 z2
Real axis

1 2

To multiply z1 and z2 : Multiply moduli and add arguments.

Figure 8.8

To divide z1 and z2 : Divide moduli and subtract arguments.


Multiplying and Dividing in Polar Form

Find z1z2 and z1z2 for the complex numbers z1 5 cos

i sin 4 4

and z2

1 cos i sin . 3 6 6


Because you have the polar forms of z1 and z2, you can apply Theorem 8.4, as follows.

z1z2 5

3 cos 4 6 i sin 4 6 3 cos 12 i sin 12

1 5
add add

z1 5 cos i sin z2 13 4 6 4 6

15cos 12 i sin 12



R E M A R K : Try performing the multiplication and division in Example 3 using the standard forms


3 52 52 1 i. i and z2 6 6 2 2



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

DeMoivres Theorem
The final topic in this section involves procedures for finding powers and roots of complex numbers. Repeated use of multiplication in the polar form yields z r cos i sin z 2 r cos i sin r cos i sin r 2cos 2 i sin 2 z3 r cos i sin r 2 cos 2 i sin 2 r 3cos 3 i sin 3. Similarly, z4 r 4cos 4 i sin 4 z 5 r 5cos 5 i sin 5. This pattern leads to the next important theorem, named after the French mathematician Abraham DeMoivre (16671754). You are asked to prove this theorem in Review Exercise 85. THEOREM 8.5 If z r cos i sin and n is any positive integer, then zn r ncos n i sin n.

DeMoivres Theorem


Raising a Complex Number to an Integer Power

Find 1 3 i and write the result in standard form.


First convert to polar form. For 1 3 i, r 12 3 2 2 which implies that 23. So, 1 3 i 2 cos By DeMoivres Theorem, and tan

2 2 i sin . 3 3

1 3 i12 2cos

2 2 12 i sin 3 3 122 122 cos i sin 3 3

4096cos 8 i sin 8 4096 1 i 0 4096.



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Section 8.3

Polar Form and DeMoivres Theorem


Recall that a consequence of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is that a polynomial of degree n has n zeros in the complex number system. So, a polynomial such as px x6 1 has six zeros, and in this case you can find the six zeros by factoring and using the Quadratic Formula. x6 1 x3 1x3 1 x 1x 2 x 1x 1x 2 x 1 Consequently, the zeros are x 1, x 1 3 i , 2 and x 1 3 i . 2

Each of these numbers is called a sixth root of 1. In general, the n th root of a complex number is defined as follows.

Definition of the n th Root of a Complex Number

The complex number w a bi is an nth root of the complex number z if z w n a bin .

DeMoivres Theorem is useful in determining roots of complex numbers. To see how this is done, let w be an n th root of z, where w scos i sin and z r cos i cos . Then, by DeMoivres Theorem you have w n s ncos n i sin n, and because w n z, it follows that s n cos n i sin n r cos i sin . Now, because the right and left sides of this equation represent equal complex numbers, you n r , and equate principal can equate moduli to obtain s n r, which implies that s arguments to conclude that and n must differ by a multiple of 2. Note that r is a n r is also a positive real number. Consequently, for some positive real number and so s integer k, n 2k, which implies that

2 k . n

Finally, substituting this value of into the polar form of w produces the result stated in the next theorem. THEOREM 8.6 For any positive integer n, the complex number z r cos i sin has exactly n distinct roots. These n roots are given by
n r cos

The nth Roots of a Complex Number

n2k i sin n2k

where k 0, 1, 2, . . . , n 1.



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Chapter 8
Imaginary axis

Complex Vector Spaces

: Note that when k exceeds n 1, the roots begin to repeat. For instance, if k n, the angle is

2 n r

2 n 2 n n
2 n
Real axis

which yields the same values for the sine and cosine as k 0. The formula for the n th roots of a complex number has a nice geometric interpretation, as shown in Figure 8.9. Note that because the n th roots all have the same modulus (length) n r, n r they will lie on a circle of radius with center at the origin. Furthermore, the n roots are equally spaced around the circle, because successive n th roots have arguments that differ by 2n. You have already found the sixth roots of 1 by factoring and the Quadratic Formula. Try solving the same problem using Theorem 8.6 to see if you get the roots shown in Figure 8.10. When Theorem 8.6 is applied to the real number 1, the n th roots have a special namethe nth roots of unity.
Imaginary axis

The nth Roots of a Complex Number

Figure 8.9

1 + 3i 2 2

1+ 3 i 2 2

Real axis

1 3 1 3i i 2 2 2 2 The Sixth Roots of Unity

Figure 8.10


Finding the n th Roots of a Complex Number

Determine the fourth roots of i.


In polar form, you can write i as i 1 cos

i sin 2 2

2k 2k 4

so that r 1 and 2. Then, by applying Theorem 8.6, you have

4 i14 1 cos

2 2 i sin 4 4 4 k k cos i sin . 8 2 8 2



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Section 8.3

Polar Form and DeMoivres Theorem


Setting k 0, 1, 2, and 3, you obtain the four roots z1 cos z 2 cos

i sin 8 8

5 5 i sin 8 8 9 9 z3 cos i sin 8 8 13 13 z4 cos i sin 8 8

as shown in Figure 8.11.

: In Figure 8.11, note that when each of the four angles 8, 58, 98, and 138 is multiplied by 4, the result is of the form 2 2k.
Imaginary axis

cos 5 + i sin 5 8 8

cos + i sin 8 8
Real axis

cos 9 + i sin 9 8 8 cos 13 + i sin 13 8 8

Figure 8.11

SECTION 8.3 Exercises

In Exercises 14, express the complex number in polar form. 1. Imaginary
axis Real axis


Imaginary axis 3 2 1 Real axis 2 3


Imaginary axis


Imaginary axis 3 2 1

3 2 1 1


1 + 3i

1 1 2

6 5 4 3 2

Real axis

2 2i

Real axis



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces In Exercises 3544, use DeMoivres Theorem to find the indicated powers of the complex number. Express the result in standard form. 35. 1 i 4 37. 1 i
10 3

In Exercises 516, represent the complex number graphically, and give the polar form of the number. (Use the principal argument.) 5. 2 2i 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 21 3 i 6i 7 3 3 i 1 2i 6. 2 2i 8. 10. 12. 14. 16.
5 2

2i 4 22 i 5 2i

3 i

36. 2 2i 6

39. 1 3 i 41. 43.

38. 3 i 7 40. 5 cos i sin 9 9


5 5 i sin 6 6

42. cos

5 5 i sin 4 4


In Exercises 1726, represent the complex number graphically, and give the standard form of the number. 17. 2 cos 19.

2cos 2 i sin 2

44. 5 cos

3 3 i sin 2 2

i sin 2 2

18. 5 cos 20.

3 3 i sin 4 4

5 3 5 i sin cos 2 3 3

7 3 7 i sin cos 4 4 4

In Exercises 4556, (a) use DeMoivres Theorem to find the indicated roots, (b) represent each of the roots graphically, and (c) express each of the roots in standard form. 45. Square roots: 16 cos 46. Square roots: 9 cos

21. 3.75 cos i sin 4 4

22. 8 cos i sin 6 6

i sin 3 3

23. 4 cos

3 3 i sin 2 2

24. 6 cos

5 5 i sin 6 6

2 2 i sin 3 3

47. Fourth roots: 16 cos 48. Fifth roots: 32 cos 49. Square roots: 25i 50. Fourth roots: 625i

25. 7cos 0 i sin 0

26. 6cos i sin

4 4 i sin 3 3

In Exercises 2734, perform the indicated operation and leave the result in polar form. 27. 28.

5 5 i sin 6 6

3 cos

i sin 3 3

4 cos

i sin 6 6

3 cos i sin 4 2 2

6 cos i sin 4 4

51. Cube roots: 125 2 1 3 i 52. Cube roots: 42 1 i 53. Cube roots: 8 55. Fourth roots: 1 54. Fourth roots: i 56. Cube roots: 1000

29. 0.5cos i sin 0.5cos i sin 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

3cos 3 i sin 3 3 cos

2cos23 i sin23 4[cos56 i sin56] cos53 i sin53 cos i sin 12cos3 i sin3 3cos6 i sin6 9cos34 i sin34 5cos 4 i sin 4

2 2 i sin 3 3

In Exercises 5764, find all the solutions to the equation and represent your solutions graphically. 57. x 4 i 0 59. x 3 1 0 61. x5 243 0 63. x 3 64i 0 58. x 4 16i 0 60. x3 27 0 62. x 4 81 0 64. x 4 i 0

65. When provided with two complex numbers z 1 r1cos 1 i sin 1 and z 2 r2cos 2 i sin 2 , with z 2 0, prove that z1 r1 z 2 r 2 cos 1 2 i sin 1 2.



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Section 8.3 66. Show that the complex conjugate of z rcos i sin is z r cos i sin . 67. Use the polar forms of z and z in Exercise 66 to find each of the following. (a) zz (b) zz, z 0 68. Show that the negative of z rcos i sin is z r cos i sin . 69. Writing (a) Let z rcos i sin 2 cos

Polar Form and DeMoivres Theorem


(a) Substitute x i in the series for ex and show that ei cos i sin . (b) Show that any complex number z a bi can be expressed in polar form as z rei. (c) Prove that if z rei, then z rei. (d) Prove the amazing formula ei 1. True or False? In Exercises 71 and 72, determine whether each statement is true or false. If a statement is true, give a reason or cite an appropriate statement from the text. If a statement is false, provide an example that shows the statement is not true in all cases or cite an appropriate statement from the text. 71. Although the square of the complex number bi is given by bi2 b2, the absolute value of the complex number z a bi is defined as a bi a2 b2.

i sin . 6 6 Sketch z, iz, and zi in the complex plane.

(b) What is the geometric effect of multiplying a complex number z by i? What is the geometric effect of dividing z by i? 70. Calculus Recall that the Maclaurin series for e x, sin x, and cos x are x 2 x3 x 4 . . . ex 1 x 2! 3! 4! x 3 x5 x 7 . . . sin x x 3! 5! 7! x 2 x 4 x6 . . . cos x 1 . 2! 4! 6!

72. Geometrically, the n th roots of any complex number z are all equally spaced around the unit circle centered at the origin.



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Section 8.4

Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products


8.4 Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products

All the vector spaces you have studied so far in the text have been real vector spaces because the scalars have been real numbers. A complex vector space is one in which the scalars are complex numbers. So, if v1, v2, . . . , vm are vectors in a complex vector space, then a linear combination is of the form c1v1 c 2v2 cmvm where the scalars c1, c2, . . . , cm are complex numbers. The complex version of Rn is the complex vector space C n consisting of ordered n-tuples of complex numbers. So, a vector in C n has the form v a1 b1i, a 2 b 2i, . . . , an bni . It is also convenient to represent vectors in C n by column matrices of the form a1 b1i a b2i v 2 . . . . an bni As with R n, the operations of addition and scalar multiplication in C n are performed component by component. EXAMPLE 1

Vector Operations in C n
Let v 1 2i, 3 i and u 2 i, 4

be vectors in the complex vector space C 2. Determine each vector. (a) v u (b) 2 iv (c) 3v 5 iu

(a) In column matrix form, the sum v u is vu

132ii 2 4i 173ii.

(b) Because 2 i1 2i 5i and 2 i3 i 7 i, you have

2 i v 2 i 1 2i, 3 i 5i, 7 i .
(c) 3v 5 iu 31 2i, 3 i 5 i 2 i, 4 3 6i, 9 3i 9 7i, 20 4i 12 i, 11 i



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Many of the properties of R n are shared by C n. For instance, the scalar multiplicative identity is the scalar 1 and the additive identity in C n is 0 0, 0, 0, . . . , 0. The standard basis for C n is simply e1 1, 0, 0, . . . , 0 e 2 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0 . . . en 0, 0, 0, . . . , 1 which is the standard basis for Rn. Because this basis contains n vectors, it follows that the dimension of C n is n. Other bases exist; in fact, any linearly independent set of n vectors in C n can be used, as demonstrated in Example 2. EXAMPLE 2

Verifying a Basis
Show that
v1 v2 v3

S i, 0, 0, i, i, 0, 0, 0, i is a basis for C 3.

Because C 3 has a dimension of 3, the set v1, v2, v3 will be a basis if it is linearly independent. To check for linear independence, set a linear combination of the vectors in S equal to 0, as follows. c1v1 c2v2 c3v3 0, 0, 0 c1i , 0, 0 c2i, c2i, 0 0, 0, c3i 0, 0, 0 c1 c2 i, c2i, c3i 0, 0, 0 This implies that

c1 c 2 i 0 c2i 0 c3i 0.
So, c1 c2 c3 0, and you can conclude that v1, v2, v3 is linearly independent.


Representing a Vector in C n by a Basis

Use the basis S in Example 2 to represent the vector v 2, i, 2 i.



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Section 8.4

Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products



By writing v c1v1 c2v2 c3v3 c1 c 2 i, c2i, c3i 2, i, 2 i, you can obtain

c1 c 2 i 2 c2i i c3i 2 i
which implies that c2 1, c1 So, v 1 2iv1 v2 1 2iv3. Try verifying that this linear combination yields 2, i, 2 i. Other than C n, there are several additional examples of complex vector spaces. For instance, the set of m n complex matrices with matrix addition and scalar multiplication forms a complex vector space. Example 4 describes a complex vector space in which the vectors are functions. EXAMPLE 4 2i 1 2i, i and c3 2i 1 2i . i

The Space of Complex-Valued Functions

Consider the set S of complex-valued functions of the form fx f1x i f 2x where f1 and f2 are real-valued functions of a real variable. The set of complex numbers form the scalars for S, and vector addition is defined by fx gx f1x i f 2x g1(x i g2x f1x g1x i f 2x g2x. It can be shown that S, scalar multiplication, and vector addition form a complex vector space. For instance, to show that S is closed under scalar multiplication, let c a bi be a complex number. Then cfx a bif1x i f 2x a f1x b f 2x i b f1x a f 2x is in S.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

The definition of the Euclidean inner product in C n is similar to the standard dot product in R n, except that here the second factor in each term is a complex conjugate.

Definition of the Euclidean Inner Product in C n

Let u and v be vectors in C n. The Euclidean inner product of u and v is given by u v u1v1 u2v2 unvn. : Note that if u and v happen to be real, then this definition agrees with the standard inner (or dot) product in R n.


Finding the Euclidean Inner Product in C 3

Determine the Euclidean inner product of the vectors u 2 i, 0, 4 5i and v 1 i, 2 i, 0. u v u1v1 u2v2 u 3v3 2 i1 i 02 i 4 5i0 3i Several properties of the Euclidean inner product C n are stated in the following theorem.



Properties of the Euclidean Inner Product

Let u, v, and w be vectors in C n and let k be a complex number. Then the following properties are true. 1. u v v u 2. u v w u w v w 3. k u v ku v 4. u k v ku v 5. u u 0 6. u u 0 if and only if u 0.


The proof of the first property is shown below, and the proofs of the remaining properties have been left to you. Let u u1, u 2, . . . , un and v v1, v2, . . . , vn .



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Section 8.4

Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products


Then v

u v1u1 v2u2

. . . vn un v1u1 v2u2 . . . vnun v1u1 v2u 2 . . . vnun u1v1 u2v2 unvn u v.

You will now use the Euclidean inner product in C n to define the Euclidean norm (or length) of a vector in C n and the Euclidean distance between two vectors in C n.

Definitions of the Euclidean Norm and Distance in Cn

The Euclidean norm (or length) of u in C n is denoted by u and is u u u12. The Euclidean distance between u and v is du , v u v .

The Euclidean norm and distance may be expressed in terms of components as u u1 2 u2 2 . . . u n 212 du, v u1 v1 2 u 2 v2 2 . . . un vn 212.


Finding the Euclidean Norm and Distance in C n

Determine the norms of the vectors u 2 i, 0, 4 5i and v 1 i, 2 i, 0 and find the distance between u and v.


The norms of u and v are expressed as follows. u u1 2 u 2 2 u 3 212 22 12 02 02 42 5212 5 0 4112 46 v v1 2 v2 2 v3 212 12 12 22 12 02 0212 2 5 012 7



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

The distance between u and v is expressed as du, v u v 1, 2 i, 4 5i 12 02 22 12 42 5212 1 5 4112 47.

Complex Inner Product Spaces

The Euclidean inner product is the most commonly used inner product in C n. On occasion, however, it is useful to consider other inner products. To generalize the notion of an inner product, use the properties listed in Theorem 8.7.

Definition of a Complex Inner Product

Let u and v be vectors in a complex vector space. A function that associates u and v with the complex number u, v is called a complex inner product if it satisfies the following properties. 1. u, v v, u 2. u v, w u, w v, w 3. k u, v ku, v 4. u, u 0 and u, u 0 if and only if u 0.

A complex vector space with a complex inner product is called a complex inner product space or unitary space. EXAMPLE 7

A Complex Inner Product Space

Let u u1, u2 and v v1, v2 be vectors in the complex space C 2. Show that the function defined by u, v u1v1 2u2v2 is a complex inner product.


Verify the four properties of a complex inner product as follows. 1. v, u v1u1 2v2u2 u1v1 2u2v2 u, v 2. u v, w u1 v1 w1 2u2 v2w2 u1w1 2u 2w2 v1w1 2v2w2 u, w v, w 3. k u, v ku1v1 2ku 2 v2 k u1v1 2u2v2 k u, v 4. u, u u1u1 2 u2 u2 u1 2 2 u2 2 0

Moreover, u, u 0 if and only if u1 u2 0. Because all properties hold, u, v is a complex inner product.



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Section 8.4

Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products


SECTION 8.4 Exercises

In Exercises 18, perform the indicated operation using u i, 3 i, v 2 i, 3 i, and w 4i, 6. 1. 3u 3. 1 2iw 5. u 2 iv 7. u iv 2iw 9. S 1, i, i, 1 10. S 1, i, i, 1 11. S i, 0, 0, 0, i, i, 0, 0, 1 12. S 1 i, 0, 1, 2, i, 1 i, 1 i, 1, 1 In Exercises 1316, express v as a linear combination of each of the following basis vectors. (a) i, 0, 0, i, i, 0, i, i, i (b) 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 i 13. v 1, 2, 0 15. v i, 2 i, 1 17. v i, i 19. v 36 i, 2 i 21. v 1, 2 i, i 23. v 1 2i, i, 3i, 1 i 24. v 2, 1 i, 2 i, 4i In Exercises 2530, determine the Euclidean distance between u and v. 25. u 1, 0, v i, i 26. u 2 i, 4, i, v 2 i, 4, i 27. u i, 2i, 3i, v 0, 1, 0 29. u 1, 0, v 0, 1 30. u 1, 2, 1, 2i, v i, 2i, i, 2 In Exercises 3134, determine whether the set of vectors is linearly independent or linearly dependent. 31. 1, i, i, 1 28. u 2, 2i, i, v i, i, i 14. v 1 i, 1 i, 3 16. v i, i, i 18. v 1, 0 20. v 2 3i, 2 3i 22. v 0, 0, 0 2. 4iw 4. iv 3w 6. 6 3iv 2 2iw 8. 2iv 3 iw u C n. 32. 1 i, 1 i, 1, i, 0, 1, 2, 1 i, 0 33. 1, i, 1 i, 0, i, i, 0, 0, 1 34. 1 i, 1 i, 0, 1 i, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 In Exercises 3538, determine whether the function is a complex inner product, where u u1, u2 and v v1, v2. 35. u, v u1 u2v2 36. u, v u1 v1 2u2 v2 37. u, v 4u1v1 6u2v2 38. u, v u1v1 u2v2 In Exercises 3942, use the inner product u, v u1v1 2u2v2 to find u, v. 39. u 2i, i and v i, 4i 40. u 3 i, i and v 2 i, 2i 41. u 2 i, 2 i and v 3 i, 3 2i 42. u 4 2i, 3 and v 2 3i, 2 43. Let v1 i, 0, 0 and v2 i, i, 0. If v3 z1, z2, z3 and the set v1, v2, v3 is not a basis for C 3, what does this imply about z1, z2, and z3? 44. Let v1 i, i, i and v2 1, 0, 1. Determine a vector v3 such that v1, v2, v3 is a basis for C 3. In Exercises 4549, prove the property, where u, v, and w are vectors in C n and k is a complex number. 45. u v w u w v w 47. u k v k u v 49. u u 0 if and only if u 0. 46. k u v ku v 48. u u 0

In Exercises 912, determine whether S is a basis for

In Exercises 1724, determine the Euclidean norm of v.

50. Writing Let u, v be a complex inner product and let k be a complex number. How are u, v and u , kv related? In Exercises 51 and 52, use the inner product u, v u11v11 u12v12 u21v21 u22v22 where u

u u

11 21

u12 v and v 11 u22 v21

v12 v22

to find u, v. i 1 1 2i v 0 1 2i 0 i 1 2i i 2i 52. u v 1i 0 3i 1 51. u



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces 63. Determine which of the sets below are subspaces of the vector space of 2 2 complex matrices. (a) (b) (c) (d) The set of 2 2 symmetric matrices. The set of 2 2 matrices A satisfying A T A. The set of 2 2 matrices in which all entries are real. The set of 2 2 diagonal matrices.

In Exercises 53 and 54, determine the linear transformation T : C m C n that has the given characteristics. 53. T1, 0 2 i, 1, T0, 1 0, i 54. Ti, 0 2 i, 1, T0, i 0, i In Exercises 5558, the linear transformation T : C m C n is shown by Tv Av. Find the image of v and the preimage of w. 55. A 56. A 0 1i 0 , v , w 1 i i 1 i 0

64. Determine which of the sets below are subspaces of the vector space of complex-valued functions (see Example 4). (a) The set of all functions f satisfying f i 0. (b) The set of all functions f satisfying f 0 1. (c) The set of all functions f satisfying f i f i. True or False? In Exercises 65 and 66, determine whether each statement is true or false. If a statement is true, give a reason or cite an appropriate statement from the text. If a statement is false, provide an example that shows the statement is not true in all cases or cite an appropriate statement from the text. 65. Using the Euclidean inner product of u and v in C n, u v u1v1 u2v2 . . . unvn. 66. The Euclidean form of u in C n denoted by u is u u2.

0 i

i 0

1 , v 0

i 1 0 , w 1 1i

1 57. A i i 0 58. A i 0

0 2 2i 0 , v , w 2i 3 2i i 3i 1 i i 1 2 1i 1 , v 5 , w 1 i 0 0 i and T2

59. Find the kernel of the linear transformation from Exercise 55. 60. Find the kernel of the linear transformation from Exercise 56. In Exercises 61 and 62, find the image of v i, i for the indicated composition, where T1 and T2 are the matrices below. T1 i 0 i 0


i i

61. T2 T1 62. T1 T2



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Section 8.5

Unitary and Hermitian Matrices


8.5 Unitary and Hermitian Matrices

Problems involving diagonalization of complex matrices and the associated eigenvalue problems require the concepts of unitary and Hermitian matrices. These matrices roughly correspond to orthogonal and symmetric real matrices. In order to define unitary and Hermitian matrices, the concept of the conjugate transpose of a complex matrix must first be introduced.

Definition of the Conjugate Transpose of a Complex Matrix

The conjugate transpose of a complex matrix A, denoted by A*, is given by A* A T where the entries of A are the complex conjugates of the corresponding entries of A.

Note that if A is a matrix with real entries, then A* AT. To find the conjugate transpose of a matrix, first calculate the complex conjugate of each entry and then take the transpose of the matrix, as shown in the following example. EXAMPLE 1

Finding the Conjugate Transpose of a Complex Matrix

Determine A* for the matrix A A i 3 7 2i 0 . 4i


3 7i 2i

0 3 7i 4i 2i

0 4i


3 70i

2i 4i

Several properties of the conjugate transpose of a matrix are listed in the following theorem. The proofs of these properties are straightforward and are left for you to supply in Exercises 5558. THEOREM 8.8 If A and B are complex matrices and k is a complex number, then the following properties are true. 1. A** A 2. A B* A* B* 3. kA* kA* 4. AB* B *A*

Properties of the Conjugate Transpose



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Unitary Matrices
Recall that a real matrix A is orthogonal if and only if A1 AT. In the complex system, matrices having the property that A1 A* are more useful, and such matrices are called unitary.

Definition of Unitary Matrix

A complex matrix A is unitary if A1 A*.


A Unitary Matrix
Show that the matrix A is unitary. A 1 1i 2 1i 1i 11

1i 1 4 1i 4 0


Because AA* 1 1i 2 1i

1i 1 1i 1i 2 1i

0 1 4 0

0 I2, 1

you can conclude that A* A1. So, A is a unitary matrix. In Section 7.3, you saw that a real matrix is orthogonal if and only if its row (or column) vectors form an orthonormal set. For complex matrices, this property characterizes matrices that are unitary. Note that a set of vectors

v1, v2, . . . , vm
in C n (a complex Euclidean space) is called orthonormal if the statements below are true. 1. vi 1, i 1, 2, . . . , m 2. vi vj 0, i j The proof of the next theorem is similar to the proof of Theorem 7.8 presented in Section 7.3. THEOREM 8.9

Unitary Matrices

An n n complex matrix A is unitary if and only if its row (or column) vectors form an orthonormal set in C n.



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Section 8.5

Unitary and Hermitian Matrices



The Row Vectors of a Unitary Matrix

Show that the complex matrix A is unitary by showing that its set of row vectors forms an orthonormal set in C 3.

1 2 i

5i 215

1i 2 i 3 3i 215

1 2 1 3 4 3i 215



Let r1, r2, and r3 be defined as follows. r1 r2 r3

2, 2 , 2 i i 1 , , 3 3 3 5i 3 i 4 3i , , 215 215 215

1 1 1i 1i 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1i 1i 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1. 4 4 4

1 1i

The length of r1 is r1 r1 r112


The vectors r2 and r3 can also be shown to be unit vectors. The inner product of r1 and r2 is r1

r2 2 3
1 i

1 i 3 1 2 3 1 i 1i i 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 3

1i 2

i i 1 1 0. 23 23 23 23 Similarly, r1 r3 0 and r2 r3 0. So, you can conclude that r1, r2, r3 is an orthonormal set. Try showing that the column vectors of A also form an orthonormal set in C 3.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces

Hermitian Matrices
A real matrix is called symmetric if it is equal to its own transpose. In the complex system, the more useful type of matrix is one that is equal to its own conjugate transpose. Such a matrix is called Hermitian after the French mathematician Charles Hermite (18221901).

Definition of a Hermitian Matrix

A square matrix A is Hermitian if A A*.

As with symmetric matrices, you can easily recognize Hermitian matrices by inspection. To see this, consider the 2 2 matrix A. A

a c

a2i b1 b2i d1 d2i 1 c2i

The conjugate transpose of A has the form A* A T

a1 a2i

c1 c2i

b1 b2i d1 d2i
1 1

a b

a2i c1 c2i . b2i d1 d2i

If A is Hermitian, then A A*. So, you can conclude that A must be of the form A

a1 b1 b2i . b2i d1

Similar results can be obtained for Hermitian matrices of order n n. In other words, a square matrix A is Hermitian if and only if the following two conditions are met. 1. The entries on the main diagonal of A are real. 2. The entry aij in the i th row and the j th column is the complex conjugate of the entry aji in the j th row and the i th column. EXAMPLE 4

Hermitian Matrices
Which matrices are Hermitian? (a) 3i i 3 2i 4 3 1 4

3 i


3 20i

3 2i 3i (c) 2 i 0 1i 3i 1 i 0


1 2 3

2 0 1



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Section 8.5

Unitary and Hermitian Matrices



(a) This matrix is not Hermitian because it has an imaginary entry on its main diagonal. (b) This matrix is symmetric but not Hermitian because the entry in the first row and second column is not the complex conjugate of the entry in the second row and first column. (c) This matrix is Hermitian. (d) This matrix is Hermitian because all real symmetric matrices are Hermitian. One of the most important characteristics of Hermitian matrices is that their eigenvalues are real. This is formally stated in the next theorem.


The Eigenvalues of a Hermitian Matrix


If A is a Hermitian matrix, then its eigenvalues are real numbers.

Let be an eigenvalue of A and let a1 b1i a bi v 2 . 2 . . an bni

be its corresponding eigenvector. If both sides of the equation Av v are multiplied by the row vector v*, then
2 a 2 b 2 . . . a 2 b 2. v*Av v*v v*v a12 b1 2 2 n n

Furthermore, because

v*Av* v*A*v** v*Av,

it follows that v*Av is a Hermitian 1 so is real. 1 matrix. This implies that v*Av is a real number,

R E M A R K : Note that this theorem implies that the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix are real, as stated in Theorem 7.7.

To find the eigenvalues of complex matrices, follow the same procedure as for real matrices.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces


Finding the Eigenvalues of a Hermitian Matrix

Find the eigenvalues of the matrix A. 3 2i 3i A 2i 0 1i 3i 1 i 0


The characteristic polynomial of A is

3 2 i 3i I A 2 i 1 i 3i 1 i

32 2 2 i 2 i 3i 3 3i 1 3i 3i 3 32 2 6 5 9 3i 3i 9 9 3 32 16 12 1 6 2. This implies that the eigenvalues of A are 1, 6, and 2. To find the eigenvectors of a complex matrix, use a procedure similar to that used for a real matrix. For instance, in Example 5, the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 is obtained by solving the following equation.

3 2 i 3i v1 0 2 i 1 i v2 0 3i 1 i v3 0
4 2 i 3i v1 0 2 i 1 1 i v2 0 3i 1 i 1 v3 0

Using Gauss-Jordan elimination, or a computer software program or graphing utility, obtain the eigenvector corresponding to 1 1, which is shown below. 1 v1 1 2i 1


Eigenvectors for 2 6 and 3 2 can be found in a similar manner. They are

1 21i 6 9i 13

1 3i 2 i , respectively. 5



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Section 8.5

Unitary and Hermitian Matrices


Technology Note

Some computer software programs and graphing utilities have built-in programs for finding the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of complex matrices. For example, on the TI-86, the eigVl key on the matrix math menu calculates the eigenvalues of the matrix A, and the eigVc key gives the corresponding eigenvectors.

Just as you saw in Section 7.3 that real symmetric matrices are orthogonally diagonalizable, you will now see that Hermitian matrices are unitarily diagonalizable. A square matrix A is unitarily diagonalizable if there exists a unitary matrix P such that P1AP is a diagonal matrix. Because P is unitary, P1 P*, so an equivalent statement is that A is unitarily diagonalizable if there exists a unitary matrix P such that P*AP is a diagonal matrix. The next theorem states that Hermitian matrices are unitarily diagonalizable. THEOREM 8.11 If A is an n n Hermitian matrix, then 1. eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. 2. A is unitarily diagonalizable.

Hermitian Matrices and Diagonalization


To prove part 1, let v1 and v2 be two eigenvectors corresponding to the distinct (and real) eigenvalues 1 and 2. Because Av1 1v1 and Av2 2v2, you have the equations shown below for the matrix product Av1*v2.

Av1*v2 v1*A*v2 v1*Av2 v1*2v2 2v1*v2 Av1*v2 1v1*v2 v1*1v2 1v1*v2


2v1*v2 1v1*v2 0 2 1v1*v2 0 v1*v2 0

because 1


and this shows that v1 and v2 are orthogonal. Part 2 of Theorem 8.11 is often called the Spectral Theorem, and its proof is left to you.


The Eigenvectors of a Hermitian Matrix

The eigenvectors of the Hermitian matrix shown in Example 5 are mutually orthogonal because the eigenvalues are distinct. You can verify this by calculating the Euclidean inner products v1 v2, v1 v3, and v2 v3. For example,



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces


v2 11 21i 1 2i6 9i 113

11 21i 1 2i6 9i 13 1 21i 6 12i 9i 18 13 0.

The other two inner products v1 manner.

v3 and v2 v3 can be shown to equal zero in a similar

The three eigenvectors in Example 6 are mutually orthogonal because they correspond to distinct eigenvalues of the Hermitian matrix A. Two or more eigenvectors corresponding to the same eigenvalue may not be orthogonal. Once any set of linearly independent eigenvectors is obtained for an eigenvalue, however, the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process can be used to find an orthogonal set. EXAMPLE 7

Diagonalization of a Hermitian Matrix

Find a unitary matrix P such that P*AP is a diagonal matrix where 3 A 2i 3i

2i 0 1i

3i 1i . 0


The eigenvectors of A are shown after Example 5. Form the matrix P by normalizing these three eigenvectors and using the results to create the columns of P. So, because v1 1, 1 2i, 1 1 5 1 7 v2 1 21i, 6 9i, 13 442 117 169 728 v3 1 3i, 2 i, 5 10 5 25 40, the unitary matrix P is obtained.


1 2i 7 1 7

1 2i 728 6 9i 728 13 728

1 3i 40 2 i 40 5 40

Try computing the product P*AP for the matrices A and P in Example 7 to see that you obtain P*AP

1 0 0

0 6 0

0 0 2

where 1, 6, and 2 are the eigenvalues of A.



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Section 8.5

Unitary and Hermitian Matrices


You have seen that Hermitian matrices are unitarily diagonalizable. It turns out that there is a larger class of matrices, called normal matrices, that are also unitarily diagonalizable. A square complex matrix A is normal if it commutes with its conjugate transpose: AA* A*A. The main theorem of normal matrices states that a complex matrix A is normal if and only if it is unitarily diagonalizable. You are asked to explore normal matrices further in Exercise 65. The properties of complex matrices described in this section are comparable to the properties of real matrices discussed in Chapter 7. The summary below indicates the correspondence between unitary and Hermitian complex matrices when compared with orthogonal and symmetric real matrices.

Comparison of Symmetric and Hermitian Matrices

A is a symmetric matrix (real)

A is a Hermitian matrix (complex)

1. Eigenvalues of A are real. 2. Eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. 3. There exists an orthogonal matrix P such that PTAP is diagonal.

1. Eigenvalues of A are real. 2. Eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. 3. There exists a unitary matrix P such that

is diagonal.

SECTION 8.5 Exercises

In Exercises 1 8, determine the conjugate transpose of the matrix. 1. A 3. A

2 2

i 3i 1 0

2. A 4. A

1 21i 423ii

2i 1 2i 6i

In Exercises 912, use a graphing utility or computer software program to find the conjugate transpose of the matrix. 9. A

0 5 i 2i 4 6 5. A 5 i 2 i 3 4 6. A

2 8. A 5 0

10. A

1i 2 i i 0 1 2i

0 i 2i 1 1i 2i 0 1 i 2i 1 2i 2i 4

1 2i 2i

i 2i 4i 0

1 2i i i 1 0 2 1 1 2i i 0

2i 3i

3i 2

4 5i 6 2i

7 5i 2i 7. A 4

i 3i 6i

1i 2i 11. A 1i i 2i 0 12. A i 1 2i

2i 1i 1 2i



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces In Exercises 2734, determine whether the matrix A is Hermitian. 27. A 0 i i 0 28. A 2i i 0 1 0 1

In Exercises 1316, explain why the matrix is not unitary. i 0 1 i 13. A 14. A 0 0 i 1


0 i

i i 1 1 0 0

15. A

1i 0 2 0 1 1 2 i


0 29. A 2 i 1

16. A

1 2

1 1i 2 2 1 i 3 3 1 1i 2 2

1i 1i 18. A 1i 1i

0 30. A 2 i 0 32. A 0 0 0 0

31. A 33. A

0 1 0 1

2 1i

2i 2

3i 3i

In Exercises 1722, determine whether A is unitary by calculating AA*. 1i 1i 17. A 1i 1i

1 34. A 2 i 5

2 i

2 3i

5 3i 6

3i 3i 2 0i
2i 4

In Exercises 35 40, determine the eigenvalues of the matrix A. 35. A 37. A

i 19. A 0 i

0 i


20. A


21. A







i i

2 2


0i 0i 1 3i
1i 2

36. A

i 2 0

38. A i

22. A

4 5 3 i 5 3 5 4 i 5

39. A

2 i

0 2


In Exercises 2326, (a) verify that A is unitary by showing that its rows are orthonormal, and (b) determine the inverse of A.

1 40. A 0 0

4 i 0

1i 3i 2i

23. A

4 5 3 5 3 i 5 4 i 5 1

1i 1i 2 2 24. A 1 1 2 2

In Exercises 41 44, determine the eigenvectors of the matrix. 41. The matrix in Exercise 35 42. The matrix in Exercise 38 43. The matrix in Exercise 39 44. The matrix in Exercise 36

1 3 i 25. A 22 3 i 1 3 i
3 i

26. A

0 1 i 6 2 6

1 0 0

0 1i 3 1 3

In Exercises 4549, find a unitary matrix P that diagonalizes the matrix A. 45. A

0i 0i

46. A

2 0i

2i 4



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Section 8.5

Unitary and Hermitian Matrices


47. A

2 i



2 0 2 2i 6

0 2


(b) Use part (a) to write the matrix A

1 2i

1i 3

as the sum A B iC, where B is a real symmetric matrix and C is real and skew-symmetric. (c) Prove that every n n complex matrix A can be written as A B iC, where B and C are Hermitian. (d) Use part (c) to write the complex matrix

48. A

2 24i

1 49. A 0 0

0 0 1 1 i 1 i 0

2 ii

2 1 2i

as the sum A B iC, where B and C are Hermitian. 64. Determine which of the sets listed below are subspaces of the vector space of n n complex matrices. (a) The set of n n Hermitian matrices (b) The set of n n unitary matrices (c) The set of n n normal matrices 65. (a) Prove that every Hermitian matrix is normal. (b) Prove that every unitary matrix is normal. (c) Find a 2 2 matrix that is Hermitian, but not unitary. (d) Find a 2 2 matrix that is unitary, but not Hermitian. (e) Find a 2 2 matrix that is normal, but neither Hermitian nor unitary. (f) Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of your matrix from part (e). (g) Show that the complex matrix i 1 0 i

50. Let z be a complex number with modulus 1. Show that the matrix A is unitary. A z 1 z 2 iz iz

In Exercises 5154, use the result of Exercise 50 to determine a, b, and c such that A is unitary. 1 1 51. A b 2

a c a c

1 52. A 2

53. A

1 i 2 b

54. A

6 3i 1 a 45 2 b c

3 4i a 5 b c

In Exercises 5558, prove the formula, where A and B are n n complex matrices. 55. A** A 57. kA* kA* 56. A B* A* B* 58. AB* B*A*

is not diagonalizable. Is this matrix normal? 66. Show that A In is unitary by computing AA*. True or False? In Exercises 67 and 68, determine whether each statement is true or false. If a statement is true, give a reason or cite an appropriate statement from the text. If a statement is false, provide an example that shows the statement is not true in all cases or cite an appropriate statement from the text. 67. A complex matrix A is called unitary if A1 A*. 68. If A is a complex matrix and k is a complex number, then kA* kA*.

59. Let A be a matrix such that A* A O. Prove that iA is Hermitian. 60. Show that detA detA, where A is a 2 2 matrix. In Exercises 61 and 62, assume that the result of Exercise 60 is true for matrices of any size. 61. Show that detA* detA. 62. Prove that if A is unitary, then detA 1. 63. (a) Prove that every Hermitian matrix A can be written as the sum A B iC, where B is a real symmetric matrix and C is real and skew-symmetric.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces


Review Exercises
In Exercises 3540, determine the polar form of the complex number. 35. 4 4i 38. 1 3 i 36. 2 2i 39. 7 4i 37. 3 i 40. 3 2i

In Exercises 16, perform the operation. 1. Find u z: u 2 4 i, z 4 i 2. Find u z: u 4, z 8 i 3. Find uz: u 4 2i, z 4 2 i 4. Find uz: u 2 i, z 1 2 i u 5. Find : u 6 2 i, z 3 3 i z u 6. Find : u 7 i, z i z In Exercises 714, find all zeros of the polynomial function. 7. px x 2 4x 8 9. px 11. px 13. px 3x 2 x3 x4 3x 3 2x 2 x3 2x 1 3x2 8. px x 2 4x 7 10. px 12. px 5x 10 x2 x3 6x 10 2x 4

In Exercises 4146, find the standard form of the complex number. 41. 5 cos 42. 2 cos 43. 4 cos

6 i sin 6 3 i sin 3
5 5 44. 6 cos

4 i sin 4 3 3 i sin 45. 7 cos 2 2

47. 4 cos 48. 49. 50. 1

2 2 i sin 3 3

46. 4cos i sin

14. px x4 x3 x2 3x 6 In Exercises 1522, perform the operation using 4i 2 1i i A . and B 3 3i 2i 2 i

In Exercises 4750, perform the indicated operation. Leave the result in polar form.

i sin 2 2

3cos 6 i sin 6

15. A B 18. iA 21. 3BA

16. A B 19. detA B 22. 2 AB

17. 2iB 20. detA B

2 cos 2 i sin 2 2 cos 2 i sin 2

9 cos2 i sin 2 6 cos23 i sin 23 4 cos 4 i sin 4 7 cos 3 i sin 3

In Exercises 2328, perform the operation using w 2 2i, v 3 i, and z 1 2i. 23. z 26. vz 24. v 27. wv 25. w

28. zw

In Exercises 2932, perform the indicated operation. 1i 2i 29. 30. 2i 1 2i 5 2i 1 2i1 2i 31. 32. 3 3i 2 2i2 3i In Exercises 33 and 34, find A1 (if it exists). 33. A 34. A

In Exercises 51 54, find the indicated power of the number and express the result in polar form. 51. 1 i4 53. 2 cos 52. 2i3

i sin 6 6

54. 5 cos

i sin 3 3

In Exercises 5558, express the roots in standard form. 2 2 i sin 3 3 56. Cube roots: 27 cos i sin 6 6 55. Square roots: 25 cos

3i 11 23 5 5i 5 1i i

1 2i 2 3i

57. Cube roots: i



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Chapter 8

Review E xercises


i sin 4 4 In Exercises 5962, determine the conjugate transpose of the matrix.

58. Fourth roots: 16 cos

9 76. 2 i 2

2i 0 1 i

2 1 i 3

2 0 78. 0 3 i 0

1 4 i 59. A 3i

3i 2i 2i 3 2i 2i

2i 60. A 1 2i

2i 2 2i

In Exercises 77 and 78, find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix. 77.

5 61. A 2 2 i 3i 2 62. A i 1

3 2i i 1 2i

4 2i

2i 0

i 0 2

1i 2 2i 1i

i 0 2i

64. 3iw 4 iv 66. 3 2iu 2iw 68. v 3i, 1 5i, 3 2i

79. Prove that if A is an invertible matrix, then A* is also invertible. 80. Determine all complex numbers z such that z z . 81. Prove that if the product of two complex numbers is zero, then one of the numbers must be zero. 82. (a) Find the determinant of the Hermitian matrix

In Exercises 6366, find the indicated vector using u 4i, 2 i, v 3, i , and w 3 i, 4 i. 63. 7u v 65. iu iv iw 67. v 3 5i, 2i

In Exercises 67 and 68, determine the Euclidean norm of the vector.

3 2i 3i

2i 0 1i

3i 1i . 0

(b) Prove that the determinant of any Hermitian matrix is real. 83. Let A and B be Hermitian matrices. Prove that AB BA if and only if AB is Hermitian. 84. Let u be a unit vector in C n. Define H I 2uu*. Prove that H is an n n Hermitian and unitary matrix. 85. Use mathematical induction to prove DeMoivres Theorem. 86. Prove that if z is a zero of a polynomial equation with real coefficients, then the conjugate of z is also a zero. 87. Show that if z1 z2 and z1z2 are both nonzero real numbers, then z1 and z2 are both real numbers. 88. Prove that if z and w are complex numbers, then

In Exercises 69 and 70, find the Euclidean distance between the vectors. 69. v 2 i, i, u i, 2 i 70. v 2 i, 1 2i, 3i, u 4 2i, 3 2i, 4 In Exercises 7174, determine whether the matrix is unitary.




i 2

1 2

2i i 4


2i 1i 4 4 2 i 3 3 1


z w z w.



0 i

1 i 3 i


0 i 0

0 1i 2

1 i 2

89. Prove that for all vectors u and v in a complex inner product space,
2 2 2 2 u, v 1 4 u v u v iu i v iu iv .

In Exercises 75 and 76, determine whether the matrix is Hermitian. 1 75. 1 i 2i

True or False? In Exercises 90 and 91, determine whether each statement is true or false. If a statement is true, give a reason or cite an appropriate statement from the text. If a statement is false, provide an example that shows the statement is not true in all cases or cite an appropriate statement from the text. 90. A square complex matrix A is called normal if it commutes with its conjugate transpose so that AA* A*A. 91. A square complex matrix A is called Hermitian if A A*.



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Chapter 8

Complex Vector Spaces


1 Population Growth and Dynamical Systems II
In the projects for Chapter 7, you were asked to model the populations of two species using a system of differential equations of the form y 1 t ay1t by2t y 2 t cy1t dy2t. The constants a, b, c, and d depend on the particular species being studied. In Chapter 7, you looked at an example of a predator-prey relationship, in which a 0.5, b 0.6, c 0.4, and d 3.0. Now consider a slightly different model. y 1 t 0.6y1t 0.8y2t, y10 36 y 2 t 0.8y1t 0.6y2t, y20 121 1. Use the diagonalization technique to find the general solutions y1t and y2t at any time t > 0. Although the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A

0.6 0.8

0.8 0.6


3. 4.



are complex, the same principles apply, and you can obtain complex exponential solutions. Convert your complex solutions to real solutions by observing that if a bi is a (complex) eigenvalue of A with (complex) eigenvector v, then the real and imaginary parts of etv form a linearly independent pair of (real) solutions. You will need to use the formula ei cos i sin . Use the initial conditions to find the explicit form of the (real) solutions to the original equations. If you have access to a computer software program or graphing utility, graph the solutions obtained in part 3 over the domain 0 t 3. At what moment are the two populations equal? Interpret the solution in terms of the long-term population trend for the two species. Does one species ultimately disappear? Why or why not? Contrast this solution to that obtained for the model in Chapter 7. If you have access to a computer software program or graphing utility that can numerically solve differential equations, use it to graph the solutions to the original system of equations. Does this numerical approximation appear to be accurate?

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