Fanfic14 (Complete)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Daa! Daa! Daa!

Title: A Supposed-To-Be-Ordinary Conversation Author: littlemisshappytart Summary: When a ourteen year-old !anata started "lurtin# out $uestions on their plans i they actually #et married% what has a totally unsuspectin# ourteen year-old &iyu #ot to say' (O(O(O(O( It was an ordinary Sunday mornin# at the Saion)i temple* Birds are chirpin#* +aundered "lan,ets are lappin# #ently a#ainst the wind* The loors o the temple are #leamin# in polish* The hallways% however% seem to "e echoin# silence as our two avorite aliens went out to shop or #roceries- which leaves the "londe and the "runet who sat "e ore the television watchin# some old .apanese movie% with a "owl ul o popcorns and two #lasses o iced tea "etween them* At times li,e the present that the two o them are alone% conversations pass usually li,e this/ &iyu: 0ave you heard the new movie Grooming a Monster' Aya thin,s it1s cool* !anata: Sure* &iyu: Wanna watch it' Santa1s ta##in# alon#/ !anata: 2ot interested* &iyu: 3m/o,ay* (Awkward silence) &iyu: Are you done with our &ath assi#nment' !anata: 0mm* &iyu: Then can you teach me how to solve $uadratic e$uations' !anata: 2o* &iyu: (fuming)

4es% it seems to "e tedious "ut &iyu mostly ends up irritated "ecause o !anata1s monotonic answers* Add to that his I-am-"ored-"ut-please-shut-up-&iyu attitude e5empli ied "y #estures li,e cuppin# his chin with his hand and answerin# &iyu without loo,in# at her* Which means havin# to stop the ur#e o harmin# !anata in any way possi"le* Bac, to the present% &iyu is idly sippin# her tea and has )ust decided not to tal, to her housemate when !anata une5pectedly as,s out o the "lue: 6Say &iyu% would you li,e to #et married with me'7 Which led &iyu to spasm out "ecause o the tea that suddenly itched her throat* 6Wwhat'7 !anata #ave &iyu an amused loo, that sent shivers down her spine* 6Would you'7 &iyu was "lushin# uriously at the moment% so she determinedly covered that "y "rin#in# down the #lass hard a#ainst the ta"le* 62o!7 68eally'7 !anata countered smu#ly* &iyu chose not to answer thou#h she1s seethin# silently* !anata mista,enly too, that as a yes and continued* 6O,ay irst thin#s irst* Where would you li,e us to live'7 6I1m not livin# anywhere with you in the oreseea"le uture*7 !anata shru##ed* 6.ust answer the $uestion*7 &iyu crossed her arms and tried not to "e a ,ill)oy* 6Well then% I1ll have a house with white pic,et ences in a su"ur"an community*7 !anata seemed to contemplate that and chewed a popcorn* 6Cute/"ut too western%7 he decided* 6I thin, this temple suits us "etter*7 6Suits you "est% you mean*7 &iyu hissed* !anata pretended he hadn1t heard her* 62ow that the house is settled% let1s move on to sleepin# arran#ements* &y room or your room'7 &iyu "lushed a#ain* 6I1m not sleepin# anywhere with you% pervert*7 64eah' But you ,now you won1t "e a"le to resist me% &iyu/7

64ou1re #ettin# too ull o yoursel % Saion)i*7 6/moreover% don1t you thin, it1s a waste o space to sleep at separate rooms' Our only child1s occupyin# yours a terall*7 The last sentence cau#ht &iyu1s attention* 6What ma,es you so sure we1ll only have one child'7 6Well% how many do you have in mind'7 !anata as,ed 1nonchalantly1* &iyu was a"out to respond% "ut then she cau#ht hersel * 60ey! I1m not havin# any child with you% Saion)i*7 Still% !anata answered as coolly as possi"le* 6I honestly thin, one is enou#h* I that child1s anythin# li,e you% I1m sure she1s too much to handle*7 &iyu #o##led at him* 6Did I hear a she'7 !anata nodded solemnly as i it is a act and propped a#ain a popcorn to his mouth* 6I suppose* Since we1ve already e5perienced ta,in# care o a "oy% I thin, it1s only ittin# to #ive ta,in# care o a #irl a try*7 64ou1re insane% !anata*7 6Am I'7 he said with an arro#ant smile* 62ow what )o" will we have in order to support our family'7 6I ,now what I1ll have* I1ll ta,e any )o" as lon# as it1s ar rom you*7 6Oh% you won1t%7 !anata $uic,ly dismissed with a lau#h% 64ou1ll "e a duti ul housewi e% properly raise our dau#hter% and most importantly% you1ll tend to your hus"and1s needs*7 &iyu #lared more* 6&ay"e in your wildest dreams*7 !anata )ust i#nored her* 69or my part% I thin, I1ll "e a writer* Or may"e a computer pro#rammer* Whichever wor,s as lon# as I #ot to wor, mostly rom our home* Besides%7 sendin# a win, to &iyu% 6I don1t want my wi e thin,in# she1s "ein# a"andoned*7 6O course% thou#h in my opinion% what she should "e thin,in# is may"e you1re mentally a"andoned*7 60ey% that1s unny%7 !anata replied rather cheer ully% i#norin# &iyu1s :su"tle1 insult* 6Should we proceed'7 &iyu answered with a snarl*

6Impatient% huh' Well ne5t on the a#enda is% let1s see/ah! 0ow will &iyu and !anata distri"ute the household chores'7 62o &iyu and !anata will distri"ute any household chores in the distant uture% do you hear'7 &iyu an#rily answered* 6There must "e% future wife!7 !anata replied mischievously* 6Since I1ll #et "usy immersin# mysel at wor,% I should "e #iven a li#hter load* And since you1re very insistin#/7 6I1m not insistin# anythin#!7 6/I1ll let you coo, our meals most o the time* Don1t worry% I1ll eat even i it1s "urnt ood*7 6I1d rather "urn the house% than, you*7 6Whoa% you1re #ettin# violent* ;at a popcorn then% &iss Temperamental*7 !anata held the popcorn "e ore &iyu1s mouth and o ered it with a sweet smile* &iyu narrowed her eyes "e ore snatchin# the snac,* Then she chomped it in an e5a##erated manner and sent !anata a loo, that says% Satisfied? !anata a#ain )ust smiled and sipped his iced tea* 6Anyway% &iyu%7 he prompted as he watched her reachin# or another popcorn% 6we1ll ollow a strict schedule* Well% hmm/ may"e e5cept on our evenin#s/7 &iyu #ot the dri t o his messa#e and cho,ed on her popcorn* !anata #a<ed at her seductively and whispered% 6Who ,nows what may happen on our sultry and wintry ni#hts/lyin# to#ether in that sin#le uton/7 &iyu went red in the ace and started throwin# popcorns at him* 6&ama! =apa! Daa!7 Both teens loo,ed at the doorway and saw a smilin# "a"y lyin# towards them* 6+oo,s li,e you two are #ettin# alon# well%7 Wanya commented with a ,nowin# smile as he carried #rocery "a#s* Then addressin# the "a"y he said% 6Come on 8uu-chama* It1s time to chan#e your diapers*7 6Daa!7 said 8uu in a way o answer and ollowed Wanya* When the two aliens le t% &iyu turned to !anata and #ave her "est #lare*

64ou1re havin# much un teasin# me% don1t you'7 !anata ed#ed closer to &iyu and twirled a loc, o her hair around his in#er* 6What ma,es you thin, I am'7 &iyu% who thou#ht she made enou#h "lushin# or a day% ound hersel "lushin# more* In de ense% she scurried away and stomped out o the livin# room leavin# a !anata in peals o lau#hter* Ten years later% they married each other nevertheless* Another ten years and &iyu ound that not one o her answers materiali<ed* Instead% thou#h not at all surprisin#% every one o !anata1s counterar#uments came true* So much or "lushin# and opposin#% &iyu ended up ollowin# his plans* And reali<in# she enjoys% treasures% and loves every moment o it* (O(O( Owari (O(O( 0ope you en)oyed this short ic >> 8;AD A2D 8;?I;W* Clic, on the lonely pleadin# lin, at the end o this pa#e to do so* @Win,@ Also% read my other ics please' Ari#atou*

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