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48 AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No.

Thts papcr prcscnts thc classtftcattcn cf archttccturc cf
Ntgcrta starttng frcm prc-cclcntal unttl ccntcmpcrary
ttmcs. It dcptcts thc htstcrtcal pcrspccttvc and pcrtrays
ccntcmpcrary trcnds and mcvcmcnts. It shcws thc rtch-
ncss cf Ntgcrtan hcrttagc and dcctphcrs rcccnt dcvclcp-
mcnts. A matn achtcvcmcnt cf thts papcr ts a synthc-
stscd classtftcattcn cf Ntgcrtan archttccturc. It pcrtrays
thc Htstcrtcal Stylc (rcprcscntcd hy thc Eurcpcan, Bra-
:tltan and Ncrth Afrtcan Trcnds) thrcugh Tradtttcnal
Archttccturc and thc Mcdcrn Stylc (wtth thc Intcrna-
ttcnal Stylc, thc Ncw cst Afrtcan Stylc and thc Fcst-
Mcdcrn Trcnd).
Thcrc ts a vcry wcak ltnk hctwccn thc Htstcrtcal Stylc
(tncludtng Tradtttcnal Archttccturc), and ccntcmpcrary
mcdcrn archttccturc cf Ntgcrta. Thc Htstcrtcal Stylc rc-
vcals hcw archttccts can draw tnsptrattcn frcm htstcrt-
cal hcrttagc as cvtdcnccd hy thc Rcgtcnal Trcnd cf ccn-
tcmpcrary Ntgcrtan archttccturc.
Thc authcr studtcd thc wcrk, tdcas and asptrattcns cf
scmc lcadtng archttccts tn thc ccuntry tn crdcr tc scc
hcw thc trcnds and stylcs cf thts gcncalcgy rclatc lcgt-
cally tc thc ccntcmpcrary sttuattcn. Thc prcscntattcn cf
ccntcmpcrary mastcrptcccs gtvcs a gcncral cvcrvtcw cf
thc rcccnt sttuattcn and tdcnttftcs thc hastc prchlcms that
thc dcstgncrs arc factng.
Stylc. Oistinctivc oi claiactciistic cxpicssion of ai-
clitcctuial idcas, as of a spccificd pciiod in
Trcnd. To lavc a tcndcncy oi picvailing diicction:
gcncial tcndcncy.
Tlc pciiod cmbiaccd by tlis picscntation spans a
fcv ccntuiics staiting fiom pic-colonial timcs and
cnding vitl icccnt dcvclopmcnts. Tlc gcncalogy
is poitiaycd by a modcl of cvolution in Nigciian
aiclitcctuic (Iig. 1).
Tlc inspiiations vcic diavn fiom sucl aiclitcc-
tuial ciitics as Kcnzo Tangc, Louis Klan, Ada
Louis Huxtablc, Nikolaus Pcvsnci and Clailcs
1cncks to mcntion a fcv. Tlis papci oftcn iclics on
somc iccognizcd movcmcnts but somc ticnds aic
ncvly dcfincd.
A basic distinction in Nigciian aiclitcctuic can bc
madc bctvccn tlc Noitl and tlc Soutl, and tlis
is bcst pionounccd by Tiaditional Aiclitcctuic and
Tiaditional Stylc. Tlc stiongcst influcnccs on in-
digcnous aiclitcctuic vcic tlc intioduction of Is-
lam into Noitlcin Nigciia, tlc ictuin of tlc cx-
slavcs fiom tlc Amciicas (cspccially Biazil), and
colonization. Tlc Histoiical Stylc consists of tlc
Euiopcan Ticnd follovcd by tlc Colonial Stylc.
Tlc Biazilian Ticnd cvolvcd into tlc Biazilian
Stylc vlilc tlc Noitl Afiican Ticnd cvolvcd into
Sudancsc Aiclitcctuic. Tlc blcnd of Tiaditional
Aiclitcctuic and Histoiical Stylcs foimcd Vcinacu-
lai Aiclitcctuic.
Bcfoic considciing tlc listoiical influcnccs, a mcn-
tion slould bc madc of antiquity. Tlc Nok civili-
zation dcvclopcd in tlc ccntial pait of Nigciia's
picscnt tciiitoiy bctvccn 5OO BC and 2OO BC. Pos-
scssing tlc knovlcdgc of iion, tlcsc giassland pco-
plc movcd into tlc foicst countiy (Claikc 1984)
and tlat vas vlcn pcoplc "sct up ncv lomcs" at
Ifc and otlci placcs. Tlc Hausas vcic tlcn a
numbci of diffcicnt pcoplc. Altlougl knovlcdgc
of tlc aclicvcmcnts of tlc Nok civilization is vidc
it is difficult to imaginc tlc foim of tlcii scttlc-
mcnts. On tlc contiaiy knovlcdgc of tlc aiclitcc-
tuic of tlc Middlc Agcs is iatlci cxtcnsivc.
3.1 TraditionaI Architecture and
TraditionaI StyIe
Tlc moic stablc and cnduiing tovns of pic-colo-
nial Afiica dcvclopcd bccausc of tlc intcnsc iitual
of maikct activity. Olivci (1976) callcd tlcsc citics
pic-industiial citics, vlicl vcic tlcatics of com-
pctition foi tlc symbols of povci and matciial vcll
bcing. Initially, somc tovns cmcigcd as collccting
points foi vandciing immigiants vlo uscd tlcii
favouiablc locations as spiiitual oi cultuial bascs
foi subscqucnt tciiitoiial cxpansion. Ioi tlc Hausa
and Yoiuba, Oauia and Ifc icspcctivcly bccamc
spiiitual spiingboaids foi tlc cstablislmcnt of cx-
tcnsivc cmpiics. In a city likc Kano, gioup masons
and otlci spccializcd tiadcs could bc found in tlc
past, basic clcmcnts of a ical building industiy.
Iiom tlc 15
ccntuiy, tlc mosquc vas onc of tlc
most piomincnt buildings in Hausa tovns. Hnuscs,
Dr. (Mrs.) Bcgda Frucnal-Ogunsctc, Dcpartmcnt cf Archttccturc, Ecdcral Untvcrstty cf Tcchnclcgy, Akurc.
AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6 49
Figure 1: The evolution of Nigerian Architecture.
50 AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6
bnundary walls and rnnfs in thc tnwns wcrc built
nf mud. In tlc villagcs tlc ioofs vcic almost al-
vays of giass and boundaiy valls vcic of matting
oi coin stalks. Tlc basic lousc valls vcic oftcn
madc of mud.
In tlc Yoiuba zonc of Nigciia tlc clicf 's (Oba's)
palacc and tlc maikct placc dominatcd tlc ccntial
aicas of vcll-planncd citics likc Ilc-Ifc (11
tuiy), Ilcsla and Ekiti. Tlc populacc livcd in com-
pounds cacl of vlicl lad a laigc lousc sct in a
squaic-slapcd spacc boundcd by a ligl vall. Somc
vcic moic tlan a lalf-acic in sizc and piovidcd
living spacc foi a laigc family and kinsmcn. Tlcic
vas only a singlc cntiancc. Insidc, tlc compounds
vcic dividcd into numcious iooms. Lntil tlc caily
tvcntictl ccntuiy, most of tlc compounds as vcll
as tlc Oba's palacc vcic ioofcd vitl tlatcl.
Tlc conclusion can tlcn bc diavn tlat in tlc Tia-
ditional Stylc tlc ioofs of tlc louscs vcic con-
stiuctcd of tlatcl, but quitc caily in tlc dcvclop-
mcnt of Noitlcin Nigciian tovns tlc tlatclcd
ioof vas icplaccd by tlc flat oi domc-slapcd mud
ioof (Iig. 2). Tlc climatc, luman plysiology and
gcogiaply lcd to tlc dcvclopmcnt of cuivilincai,
conical and mud-ioofcd stiuctuics in tlc Noitl and
tlc icctilincai tlatcl-ioof mud louscs of tlc Soutl
(Avotona 1986, p. 55).
Figure 2: Traditional Architecture of the North. A struc-
ture masterly covered with several domes with very
small openings on external walls. Source: Author's
3.2 The European Trend and the
DeveIopment of the CoIoniaI StyIe
Ouiing tlc 18tl and 19tl ccntuiics tlc icgion oc-
cupying tlc tciiitoiy of today's Nigciia dcvclopcd
dynamic cconomics, vlicl adaptcd in a positivc
mannci to tlc cxpansion of voild tiadc. Accoid-
ing to Paync (1977), "a casl cconomy lad dcvcl-
opcd and vas vcll ablc to cxploit tlc bcncfits of
intcinational tiadc foi intcinal dcvclopmcnt".
Tlicc factois combincd to makc a iadical tians-
foimation of tlc Nigciian sccnc in tlc 19tl ccn-
tuiy - tlc Muslim jilads and Yoiuba civil vais,
Euiopcan cxploiation and missionaiy cffoits, and
a icvolution in tiadc.
Tlc influcncc of Biitain staitcd mainly tliougl
tlc tiadc of slavcs in tlc 18tl ccntuiy, vlicl vas
lovcvci biouglt to an cnd in tlc middlc of tlc
19tl ccntuiy. Nigciia bccamc a piotcctoiatc of
England vitl Lagos as a colony. In 1914 Soutlcin
Nigciia, Noitlcin Nigciia and tlc Colony of La-
gos got unitcd and bccamc tlc Colony and Piotcc-
toiatc of Nigciia.
Bccausc of tlc cxpansion of Biitain in tlc land-
scapc of Nigciian aiclitcctuic ncv typcs of build-
ings vcic intioduccd. Tlcsc vcic usually citlci
impoitcd 18tl ccntuiy louscs of tlc Englisl coun-
tiysidc oi picfabiicatcd constiuctions vitl dccp
vciandas and ovcilanging cavcs. Tlcsc vcic somc-
timcs iaiscd on stilts (Adcycmi 1975-1976), and
tlcy usually lad a continuous loiizontal band of
vindovs. Tlc plysical appcaiancc of scttlcmcnts
clangcd bccausc of tlc intioduction of ncv build-
ing matciials fiom Euiopc. Coiiugatcd iion
slccting and ccmcnt lavc lad pcilaps tlc gicat-
cst cffcct (Ocnyci 1978). Tlcsc buildings icpicscnt
tlc Colonial Stylc, vlosc claiactci is ncvcitlclcss
most distinctivcly icpicscntcd by public and admin-
istiativc buildings fiom tlat cia (Iig. 3). Tlcsc aic
icminisccnt of tlc classic icvival in England vitl
tlc classic oidcis caivcd out of valls to givc im-
picssivc scalc.
Figure 3: Colonial Style. High Court Building, Lagos,
by Watkins and Partners, 1950. Source: Schultz, 1975,
AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6 51
3.3 BraziIian StyIe
Ioi foui ccntuiics, tlc slavc tiadc dominatcd icla-
tions bctvccn tlc pcoplcs of Nigciia and pcoplcs
of Euiopc and Amciica. Many Nigciians vlo vcic
foicibly scttlcd in tlc Ncv Woild soon lost tlcii
idcntitics. Tlc Yoiuba, on tlc otlci land fic-
qucntly picscivcd lis cultuial individuality. A laigc
gioup of slavcs icvoltcd in Biazil in tlc 18OO's, foi
cxamplc, and vcic icpatiiatcd to Nigciia. At tlc
timc vlcn ficcd slavcs ictuincd to Wcst Afiica
fiom tlc Amciicas, tlcic appcaicd a ncv stylc
callcd tlc Biazilian Stylc. It cmcigcd vitl a ncv
aiclitcctuic diffcicnt fiom tlc tiaditional luts and
colonial stiuctuics. It also fulfillcd tlc nccd foi a
moic distinguislcd foim. Tlcic vcic vciy oftcn
tvo-stoicy louscs built in ccmcnt and cmbcllislcd
vitl lcavy oinamcntal pillais and balustiadcs and
can still bc sccn in Lagos and otlci Soutlcin cit-
ics. Tlcy aic ccitainly voitl bcing picscivcd.
3.4 The North African Trend and the
DeveIopment of Sudanese
Islam undoubtcdly lad a stiong cffcct on lomc-
giovn aiclitcctuic bccausc:
_ it applics gcomctiic dcsigns and
_ it lad an impact on foim, scalc, piopoition
and acstlctics.
Tlc domc-slapcd mud ioof bccamc vciy populai.
It gavc tlc Noitl a distinctivc appcaiancc icminis-
ccnt of citics in Noitl Afiica. Woitl noting is tlat
Hausa vaults oi Bakan Gt:c vcic mostly uscd foi
cciling constiuction and aiclitcctuial dccoiations
vcic adoptcd in mosquc's cciling constiuction.
Iuitlci on in Hausa tovns mciclants bcgan to
adoin tlc outsidc valls of tlc otlcivisc tiaditional
louscs vitl claboiatc mouldcd dcsigns cxccutcd
in ccmcnt. Tlc old, non-figuiativc clay valls gavc
vay to paintcd dccoiations cxccutcd in paint and
somctimcs in figuiativc pattcins.
3.5 VernacuIar Architecture
In tlc cvolution of listoiic scttlcmcnts, cxtcinal
modcls dominatcd incicasingly tlc cloicc of ma-
tciials and tcclniqucs as vcll as dccoiation, tlc
sizc and iclationslip of tlc iooms and tlc foimal
oiganization of tlc dvcllings. Tlcsc modcls mas-
tcicd by tlc pcoplc vould, accoiding to Langlcy
(1976) bccomc tlc foundations foi a vcinaculai ai-
clitcctuic, "an aiclitcctuic spccific to a countiy
and a pcoplc". In tlc Nigciian contcxt, vcinaculai
aiclitcctuic is cxpicsscd in foims dciiving fiom tlc
cultuic influcnccs of Biazil, Noitl Afiica and Eu-
iopc. "Tlcsc foims lavc a tiaditional basc in tlc
socio-cultuial oiganization of tlc Nigciian soci-
cty and tlc intciaction bctvccn it and tlc otlci
influcnccs lavc ciystallizcd into tlc Nigciian Vci-
naculai Aiclitcctuic" (Adcycmi 1975-76). Ioi cx-
amplc in tlc iuial aicas of Soutl-Eastcin Nigciia,
family mutual lclp giadually disappcaicd, and a
lousing modcl inspiicd fiom tlc "Biazilian" ui-
ban louscs, involving tlc usc of ncv matciials and
ncv building tcclniqucs spicad iapidly.
In Nigciia motifs of tlc modcin movcmcnt lad
bccomc vciy populai by tlc latc 193Os. Onc of
tlcsc vas tlc modcin flat ioof, vlicl piovcd to bc
a bad solution foi tlc tiopics vitl lcavy iainfall.
Tlc fiist tall buildings in tlc ncv Modcin Stylc
appcaicd in Lagos in tlc latc 195Os staiting vitl
Slcll nov (National Housc) and Co-op Bank.
In tlc Middlc East in tlc caily 196O's Wcstcin mod-
cls foi buildings vcic uscd almost vitlout tlink-
ing in oidci to mcct local vislcs and pioducc pio-
gicssivc buildings vlicl vcic noticcably up-to-datc
and by implication, Wcstcin in flavoui. In tlc Ni-
gciian contcxt aiclitccts oftcn tiicd to makc tlc
buildings suitablc to tlc vcatlci and local condi-
tions. Succcssful vcic sucl aiclitcctuial fiims as
Ocji Oycnuga and Paitncis, Ocsign Cioup Nigciia,
Oluvolc Olumuyiva and Associatcs and Ella
Waziii Associatcs.
4.1 InternationaI StyIe
Tlc Intcinational Stylc adaptcd to Nigciia domi-
natcs contcmpoiaiy modcin aiclitcctuic of Ni-
gciia. It usually cxploics simplc gcomctiical foims
but oftcn vitl cxposcd paiapct valls. Claiactciis-
tic is tlc usc of concictc cxtcinal valls supplc-
mcntcd by concictc, stccl oi aluminium sun slad-
ing dcviccs (Scnatc Building at ABL Zaiia, Man-
agcmcnt Housc in Lagos, CSS Bookslop Housc
in Lagos).
Tlis stylc is vcll icpicscntcd by tlc aiclitcctuic
cicatcd by aiclitccts of tlc oldci gcnciation vlo
vcic tiaincd abioad in modcin idcas. Tlis aicli-
tcctuic is bcst poitiaycd by tlc tcim Purc Mnd-
crn. Tlc Intcinational Stylc is also icpicscntcd in
Nigciia by ligl iisc buildings poitiaycd by tlc tcim
High-Trnp and by lousing foi tlc lov incomc
gioup icfciicd to as Lnw-Trnp aiclitcctuic. Moic
tlan onc tliid of modcin buildings in Nigciia ui-
ban ccntcis bclong to tlc Intcinational Stylc. Tlc
52 AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6
buildings aic dcsigncd lcic along vitl modcin
idcas vitl tlc usc of clcan foims likc cubcs, cuboids
oi compositions of simplc gcomctiical solids. Tlcy
cxploic tlc idcas of simplicity and functionality.
4.2 Pure Modern
Somc of tlc young aiclitccts (foicigncis) vlo vcic
bclind tlc fiist modcin buildings camc to Nigciia
as to an unknovn cxotic countiy. All Nigciians
piacticing tlcn vcic also cducatcd abioad. Tlcy
camc vitl all tlc lopcs and dicams tlc ncv gcn-
ciation lad about modcin aiclitcctuic. Pcifcction
vas attaincd by Aic. Olumuyiva in lis Managc-
mcnt Housc on Idovu Tayloi Sticct at Victoiia Is-
land in Lagos. It is only tliougl voiking and ic-
voiking tlat tlc idca of a biain vas cmbodicd in
aiclitcctuial foim.
Tlc dcsign foi tlc Iaculty of Education in Ibadan
by Ocji Oycnuga and Paitncis complctcd in 1976
but unfoitunatcly only paitly built, is vciy simplc.
It pionounccs tlc aiclitcctuic of modcin pionccis.
Exccllcncc vas attaincd by 1amcs Cubitt in tlc Scn-
atc Building at LNILAC and Mobil Building - botl
in Lagos.
Tlcic aic numcious good cxamplcs bccausc ac-
coiding to Piucnal-Ogunsotc (1993, p.217) 36% of
buildings in Nigciia vcic dcsigncd in tlc Intcina-
tional Stylc and vciy many of tlcm bclong to tlc
Puic Modcin Ticnd.
4.3 High-Trop: A proud architecture
Higl-tiop aiclitcctuic is an aiclitcctuic of glass
boxcs. Tlc buildings in tlat ticnd aic cxtia mod-
cin and usc ligl tcclnologics, icflcctivc glass and
ccntial aii conditioning. To tlis gioup bclong
mainly banks and officcs cspccially in Lagos. Tlis
gioup vill noimally cmbiacc buildings fiom fivc
floois and abovc. Tlc iisk foi pcoplc in sucl build-
ings staits bcyond tlc icacl of tuintablc laddcis
bccausc tlc Nigciian fiic figlting capacity is cn-
tiicly giound bascd.
Tlc Higl-Tiop ticnd docs not ncccssaiily follov
Micsian foimulas foi tall buildings. Tlc buildings
vlicl cxploic diffcicnt mcanings aic: IMB Build-
ing, Victoiia Island, Lagos (1985), by Inclscapc
Aiclitccts (Iig. 4), and Iiist Bank Hcadquaitcis
in Lagos (1982/83) by Ronald Waid Associatcs.
Tlc foims of tlc buildings aic in contiadiction to
vlat tlc buicauciatic movcmcnt vitl puic foims
and cuitain valls of skysciapcis in Amciica icpic-
National Oil & Clcmical Maikcting Company
Building (Eaglc Housc) in Lagos and Bioking
Housc in Ibadan by Ocsign Cioup Nigciia aic val-
ucd lcic paiticulaily foi tlc fiist lcvcl vlicl icfci
to luman scalc. Only on iaic occasions onc is ablc
to pciccivc a vlolc - tlc building is usually sccn in
picccs fiom tlc pcispcctivc of a pcdcstiian. Build-
ings likc tlc officc block on Ibialim Taivo Road
in Kano by Icmi Majckodunmi Associatcs laving
a pcifcct location constitutc a stiong acccnt vitl
its polygonal slapc on plan and its tianspaicncy
contiasting vitl moic solid concictc suifaccs. Icmi
Majckodunmi Associatcs aic also tlc autlois of
IBRL Building in Apapa, Lagos vlcic tlcy madc
usc of icflccting suifaccs to cicatc an abstiact im-
agc of picicing solids. In NAL Tovcis at Maiina
in Lagos tlc biiglt vlitc vall suifaccs contiast
slaiply vitl clcgant daik stiips and vidc vindov
bands. Tlis samc idca is uscd by Multi-Systcms in
tlc pioposal foi Nigciian Agiicultuial and Coop-
ciativc Bank at Abuja. In conclusion it can bc said
tlat tlis picscntation conccins vciy clcgant but
cxticmcly cxpcnsivc stiuctuics.
Figure 4: High Trop. IMB Building, Victoria Island, La-
gos by Inchscape Architects. Source: Photograph by
Arc. O.A. Oyediran.
4.4 Low-trop: The architecture of the
Lov-tiop Aiclitcctuic icpicscnts aiclitcctuic of
tlc masscs, aiclitcctuic of diaugltsmcn, and lov
incomc cstatcs icminisccnt of monotonous lous-
ing cstatcs in Eastcin Euiopc. Hcic apait fiom lack
of good acstlctics, tlc standaid of living is vciy
lov. Common aic "facc mc I facc you" apaitmcnts,
bungalovs oi tvo-stoicy louscs. Wlcn constiuct-
ing, local matciials and local laboui aic uscd.
(Izomol, 1997).
AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6 53
Tlis aiclitcctuic can bc casily obscivcd in citics
and subuiban aicas and it slapcs tlc landscapc of
Nigciian Aiclitcctuic. Tlis is piobably tlc most
clallcnging aica foi aiclitccts, to find vays and
mcans to influcncc tlis aiclitcctuic to makc it moic
luman but not moic cxpcnsivc. Hcic tlc call of
Bcnna Associatcs foi innovations is somclov an-
svcicd by Tiiad Aiclitccts vlo dcsigncd sciccn
vall clcmcnts (blocks), vlicl allov foi piivacy and
aii pcnctiation. Tlcy applicd tlc blocks in tlc Po-
litical Paity Officcs all ovci Nigciia and cvcn staitcd
its local pioduction in Kaduna. A lov-cost iov pio-
totypc lousc vas dcsigncd and built by Piof.
Olusanya in Lagos. Tlc building can bc con-
stiuctcd on a vciy small plot sizc and is tlc ansvci
to ligl piiccs of land in Lagos.
Ncv Wcst Afiican Stylc vas iccogniscd by
Akinscmoyin (1977) and Kultcimann (1969) and
it vas mcant to covci buildings, vlicl aic moic
suitablc foi tlc countiy (dcsigncd vitl climatc).
Tlc climatc and building foim aic quitc iclcvant
In Lagos Lnivcisity Scicncc Complcx at LNILAC
in Lagos, 1978 by Codvin and Hopvood tlc
bicczc can ficcly pcnctiatc tlc cntiic complcx. In
1amcs Cubitt Aiclitccts' buildings altlougl aii
conditioning is assumcd, and tlcy usc tintcd oi ic-
flcctivc glass usually tlcic is a piovision foi cioss
vcntilation as in Mobil Building in Lagos (1991)
vitl its atiium. Cioss vcntilation is paiticulaily
valucd in buildings by Ocji Oycnuga and Paitncis
and by Nigci Consultants. Climatc plays a vciy
dominant iolc in Olumuyiva and Associatcs' ai-
clitcctuic. Olumuyiva iccognizcd tlc impoitancc
of vcgctation and bclicvcd in incoipoiating vatci
into dcsign (Managcmcnt Housc, Aiclitcctuic
Housc and Eko Mciidicn Hotcl in Lagos).
Vciy oiiginal in tlc appioacl of making buildings
suitablc to tlc vcatlci is Enviionmcntal Ocvclop-
mcnt Consultants' aiclitcctuic by making usc of
staggcicd vindovs. Occp ovcilangs likc in Lnitcd
Bank foi Afiica in Hadcjia, Kano (Iig. 5) also lclp.
Latc-Modcinism accoiding to 1cncks is a piagmatic
and tcclnociatic aiclitcctuic, vlicl diavs its in-
spiiations fiom tlc liglcst aclicvcmcnts of Mod-
cinism. Tlc buildings tlat must bc mcntioncd lcic
aic political paity officcs by Tiiad Associatcs
(1989), vlicl fiom tlc bcginning stiongly domi-
natcd tlc landscapc of Nigciian Aiclitcctuic (Iig.
6). Tlc aiclitccts' pioposals vcic in "cxticmc of
Figure 5: The New West African Style. United Bank for Africa Branch Office, Hadejia, Kano, by Environmental
Development Consultants. Source: Environmental Development Consultants' photograph.
54 AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6
intcinational stylc" latci on amcndcd to suit tlc
puiposc. Tlc pioposcd laigc glazcd suifaccs foi
cxamplc vcic icmovcd to avoid bicakagc duiing
iiots and distuibanccs.
Tlcic aic tlicc altcinativcs: foi local, statc and na-
tional officcs. Local officcs aic only onc stoicy
buildings vitl a simplc Confcicncc Hall. Oiffci-
cnt and uniquc cntianccs vcic pioposcd accoid-
ing to tlc typc of tlc officc. Tlc ioofs usually lavc
a small slopc cxccpt in casc of Rivcis / Cioss Riv-
cis Statcs.
Tlc tcndcncy tovaids icgional cxpicssion is
mainly obscivcd in piivatc louscs likc in icsidcnccs
by Enviionmcntal Ocvclopmcnt Consultants oi in
Mi. Adcsuyi's Housc in Zaiia follovcd by Institu-
tional buildings likc NIPSS in Kuiu vitl its ciicu-
lai foims and foimci NIA Sccictaiiat in Lagos
vlicl is a couityaid building. Zanko motIves, vlicl
aic vciy populai in tlc Noitl aic claiactciistic of
clcvations and also somctimcs uscd foi city gatcs.
Somctimcs it is a dccoiatcd column, a sculptuic oi
just a gatc tlat is uscd to cnlancc tlc tiaditional
aspcct. Iiist Bank in Baucli by Aiclcon Nigciia
is icminisccnt of tiaditional aiclitcctuic of tlc
Noitl (Iig. 7). A stucco column vitl tiaditional
motifs dcsigncd by an aitisan is uscd in tlc ap-
pioacl clcvation foi Iiist Bank Hcadquaitcis in
Lagos. Hoiizontal stiips may bc uscd on tlc build-
ing likc on Icdcial Palacc Hotcl, Lagos.
In conclusion, tlc Rcgional Ticnd is icpicscntcd
by contcmpoiaiy modcin buildings using tlc mo-
tif of a lut (N.I.P.S.S. in Kuiu by Iola Aladc and
Bank of tlc Noitl, Kano Biancl by Multi-Sys-
tcms) oi using couityaid oi impluvium conccpts.
Natuial matciials likc timbci oi stonc may bc cx-
ploicd but most csscntial is tlc natuial vcntilation
(Ocpaitmcnt of Nuising at Lnivcisity of Ibadan
by Ocsign Cioup Nigciia). Vciy impoitant in tlis
ticnd is tlc functinnal laynut nf rcsidcnccs, which
is mnst capablc nf rcflccting thc Nigcrian way
nf lifc and gcncially impoitant lcic is tlc closc-
ncss to natuic tliougl outdooi aicas. Ioi cxam-
plc in Moslcm icsidcnccs claiactciistic is tlc ob-
scivcd scpaiation of sitting iooms fiom family liv-
ing iooms.
Figure 6: Late Modern Trend. State Party Office by Triad Associates, 1989. Source: Triad Associates' photo-
AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6 55
Figure 7: Regional Trend. First Bank in Bauchi by
Archcon Nigeria, 1983-89. Source: Archcon Nigeria
Tlis is tlc aiclitcctuic of tlc ncvly iicl casily
found in Lagos on Lckki Pcninsula. It is claiac-
tciiscd by bouigcois foims, cxpcnsivc dccoiations
and matciials and cxotic atmosplcic. Lsually
found in icsidcntial louscs vitl typical post-mod-
cin clcmcnts, in paiticulai scmiciiculai vindovs,
vciandas oi balconics and otlci pictuicsquc clc-
mcnts (Iig. 8). Iavouicd also aic tlc icd villa ioof-
ing slccts altlougl ciiticiscd by somc mastcis of
Nigciian Aiclitcctuic. Positivc cxamplcs of sucl
buildings can by found among louscs dcsigncd by
Inclscapc Aiclitccts.
Figure 8: Nouveau Rich. Residential building at
Maroko Extension, Lagos. Source: Author's sketch.
Postmodcin Aiclitcctuic in Nigciia las got many
"faccs". Somctimcs it vill pictcnd to look likc a
slip and somctimcs it vill tcnd to "vcai" listoii-
cal stylc.
9.1 PIuraIism of StyIes
Postmodcin ticnd cxploics pluialism of stylcs. It
uscs listoiical stylcs likc ncoclassicism, gcts inspi-
iation fiom Egyptian aiclitcctuic and icaclcs also
to tlc ioots of Nigciian aiclitcctuic.
Ocsign Cioup Nigciia aiclitccts uscd motivcs of
Biazilian classical clcmcnts sucl as pillais and pi-
lastcis, lintcls and pcdimcnts vitl tlcii claiactci-
istic piopoitions in NNPC Officc on Victoiia Is-
land, Lagos and similaily in casc of tlcii Musical
Socicty Building in Lagos. Moic cxamplcs can bc
found among tlc most cuiicnt buildings (in a stylc
callcd "listoiicism") at Victoiia Island cxtcnsion.
Implcmcntation of sucl "listoiical" foims is a dif-
ficult task foi aiclitccts. Inspiiation can bc diavn
fiom Biazilian buildings, old colonial buildings, tia-
ditional compound layouts of scvcial kinds, and
tlc laigci old mosqucs of Noitlcin Nigciia.
Egyptian aiclitcctuic is icflcctcd in Civil Engincci-
ing Complcx at tlcObafcmi Avolovo Lnivcisity,
Ilc-Ifc by Nigci Consultants ( Iig. 9) and in Mctl-
odist Cluicl in Ikcnnc by Ocji Oycnuga tliougl
foims icminisccnt of tlc pyiamid.
9.2 IndividuaIity of Forms
Boino Statc Sccictaiiat in Maiduguii by Ocsign
Cioup Nigciia dcpcnds on a classical plan. In tlis
claboiatc but iigid dcsign tlc Confcicncc Hall, ccn-
tially placcd, las a vciy claiactciistic ioof and tlc
passagcs vitl vaults dominatc tlc aiclitcctuic of
tlis complcx. Odd slapcs vlicl dctciminc tlc
building's appcaiancc vcic uscd in Zaianda Hotcl
in Baucli by Nigci Consultants and in Lnion Bank
in Kaduna by Bcnna Associatcs. Lnion Bank las
columns cxposcd at tlc coincis, a majoi fcatuic
of tlis dcsign. Tlc dcsign is intcgiatcd by tvo picic-
ing solids tliougl all clcmcnts likc balconics and
paiapct valls and vitl vciy consistcnt dctails.
Toviy Tovcis/Cokci Couit and Abuja Slciaton
Hotcl plcasc tlc cycs vitl tlcii stcppcd suifaccs.
Tlc cffccts aclicvcd aic fascinating, analogy can
cvcn bc diavn to pyiamidal slapcs, but too many
suifaccs aic cxposcd to tlc sun.
56 AARCHES JournaI VoIume 1, No. 6
Figure 9: Postmodern Trend. Civil Engineering Com-
plex, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife by Niger
Consultants. Source: Author's sketch.
Tlc intioduction of ncv building matciials las
clangcd tlc plysical appcaiancc of scttlcmcnts. It
is not convcnicnt to ioof a ciiculai lousc vitl coi-
iugatcd slccting, so it's intioduction in somc ai-
cas clangcd not only tlc ioofing matciial but also
tlc basic slapc of tlc lousc to a icctangulai onc.
It vas in tlis vay tlat tiaditional pattcins tcndcd
to pcisist longci vlcic tlc basic slapc of tlc lousc
vas icctangulai iatlci tlan ciiculai. Modcin cit-
ics can not bc tuincd into muscums of vcinaculai
aiclitcctuic, but iatlci tlc spiiit of tlis aiclitcc-
tuic slould bc picscivcd as it is donc in casc of tlc
Rcgional Ticnd.
Tlis papci las slovn tlat contcmpoiaiy modcin
Nigciian aiclitcctuic is dominatcd by tlc Intcina-
tional Stylc. Tlis is aiclitcctuic of tlc Nigciian
uiban landscapc. Hcic bclong also most of tlc
populai buildings likc Iiist Bank Hcadquaitcis in
Lagos by Ronald Waid, National Aits Tlcatic in
Lagos by Tcclno-Expoit, Bioking Housc in Ibadan
by Ocsign Cioup Nigciia, NAL Tovcis in Lagos
by Icmi Majckodunmi Associatcs. In somc cascs
tlc buildings look oidinaiy but alvays aic sym-
bols of piogicss and modcinism. It also biings
dcliglt in casc of sucl buildings likc Clcllaiams
in Lagos by 1amcs Cubit & Paitncis, IMB Plaza in
Lagos by Inclscapc Aiclitccts (Iig. 4), ct cctcia.
As statcd cailici tlcsc typcs of buildings do not
suit tlc lcvcl of tcclnology in tlc countiy cspc-
cially bccausc of fiic lazaids.
In casc of Rcgional Ticnd tlc aiclitcctuial cxam-
plcs pointcd out aic vciy iaic in tlc Nigciian land-
scapc. Tlcy aic mcntioncd as cxamplcs voitl
studying and pointcd to by otlci aiclitccts, aicli-
tcctuic studcnts and tlc socicty as somctling
uniquc. Tlcy aic ablc to satisfy tlc dcsiic foi idcn-
Postmodcin aiclitcctuic icaclcd Nigciia quitc
caily vitl plastic foims but nov it is difficult to
continuc its dcvclopmcnt duc to cconomic ciiscs.
Clicnts oftcn picfci simplificd vcisions of vlat ai-
clitccts aic pioposing duc to cost constiaints. Hov-
cvci tlis ticnd is still dcvcloping, foi cxamplc
tliougl Nouvcau Ricl aiclitcctuic.
Adcycmi, E.A. (1975-1976). Clanging Tiaditional
Cultuic and Modcin Aiclitcctuic. In.
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1. Aiclcon Nigciia Limitcd Biocluic
2. Ocsign Cioup Nigciia Biocluic
3. Enviionmcntal Ocvclopmcnt Consultants
4. Icmi Majckodunmi Associatcs Biocluic
5. Codvin Hopvood Kuyc Biocluic
6. Habitat Associatcs Biocluic
7. Multi-Systcms Biocluic
8. Tiiad Associatcs Biocluic

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