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ST Instrumentation Feature

AURORAAn Active Tow Body For Instrumentation

The Aurora Development Program Produced a Functional Active Towfish That can Meet Many Commercial and Military Survey Platform Requirements
By Jesse Houle Mechanical Engineer and Mae Seto Mechanical Engineer International Submarine Engineering Ltd. Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

nternational Submarine Engineering Research Ltd. (ISER) has been developing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) since 1981. In 1996 the conceptual design of a modular, affordable, small, marine science AUV, Aurora, was initiated. Before the design was complete a need for an actively stabilized towfish was identified. This requirement was, in part, driven by the need for a stable modular platform to mount variable payloads such as multibeam sonars and wet or dry science payloads. Another factor that motivated the design was scope reduction, minimizing the scope (deployed cable length) required to achieve an operating depth. Scope reduction not only allows deeper depth operations (for a given scope) but it also reduces the percentage of survey time spent in turns. Preliminary analysis indicated that a modified Aurora, fitted with a large active wing, was a suitable candidate for towfish development. The analysis utilized the existing ISER AUV dynamics database. This database, in conjunction with dynamics models developed by ISER and the Defense Research Establishment Atlantic (DREA), were used to predict the Aurora and Dolphin/Aurora system performance. The results of the model predictions and the models themselves

Schematic representation shows Dolphin semi-submersible towing Aurora towfish. Inset photo is Aurora towfish and Klein 5500 multibeam sonar during integration trialsVancouver.

were validated through a systematic series of sea trials. The Aurora development program produced a functional active towfish that can meet many commercial and military survey platform requirements. The deep depth capability, enhanced attitude stability (pitch, roll and yaw) and adaptable wet/dry payload capacities make Aurora suitable for applica-

tions such as mine countermeasures and seabed surveys. In addition, the applicability of both the design approach and ISERs modeling capabilities to new vehicle designs for deeper tows or larger vehicles has been clearly demonstrated. This article describes: the prototype towfish and its trials to date, a summary of ISERs dynamic modeling capabilities and a summary of the status of the Aurora towfish program. Vehicle Design The Aurora towfish is broken down into five subsystems that are discussed below: Hull. The Aurora hull consists of a hemispherical free flooded nose fol-

Reprinted from Sea Technology

Payload. Towfish is configurable to a variety of mission payloads by the addition or removal of modular hull sections. Three main facilities are available for payload. Dry electronics can be installed in the existing dry payload hull section. The GRP wet payload section aft of the pressure hull can accommodate atmospheric or compensated housings or external sensors. The wet payload section can also be replaced with one that can accommodate more payload if required. Finally, additional wet payload can be fastened to the rails on the top and bottom of the pressure hull sections.
Klein 5500 sonar image of an anchor scarred seabed recorded during Aurora/Klein integration trials.

lowed by a pressure hull, then a free flooded glass reinforced plastic (GRP) payload compartment, and a tail section. Mounted to the pressure hull is the fully moveable main wing depressor and tow point assembly. The tail section houses the active hydroplanes assemblies. The towfish pressure vessel is a modular, ring stiffened, cylindrical structure with circular plate end endcaps and is similar other ISE AUV hull designs. Adjacent hull sections are bolted together with external fasteners. A removable stiffening ring is sandwiched between each hull section. These features allow for easy access to the pressure hull interior and maximize the amount of useable space within the hull. An o-ring, located on the face of each cylindrical hull section, provides the seal between sections and the mating ring stiffener or end dome. The basic towfish configuration consists of four identical 46 centimeter long hull sections. Additional hull sections can be added depending on the mission scenario and payload requirements. Control Surfaces and Actuators. Four actively controlled stern planes and a main wing provide the maneuvering, stability and depth control for the towfish. The four aft planes mounted in a cruciform configuration in the tail control towfish pitch, roll, and yaw. The main wing provides heave and depth control and was designed to generate 1590 kg (3500 lbf) of depressive force at 5 meters per second. The wing root is integral to the tow point assembly for efficient transfer of depressive loads to the tow cable. The wing root is mounted to the external rails on top of the hull and can be easily relocated along the length of

the vehicle to accommodate different payload sections and stability requirements. The overall physical specifications of the prototype towfish are as follows: LOA: 3.3 m Main wing span: 2.5 m Hull diameter: 40 cm Total height: 71 cm Displacement: 465 kg Control. The prototype towfish controller is based on a 68030 processor installed in a Gespac card/rack system. This hardware was chosen for the prototype to achieve commonality with other ISER AUVs. Production towfish will be retrofitted with more compact, expandable hardware. The following onboard instruments measure towfish attitude (pitch, roll and yaw) rates, depth, altitude and heading: Attitude, Rates, Heading: Watson AHRS BA303 solid state gyro Altitude and Speed: EDO 3050 Doppler log Depth: Paroscientific Quartz Depth sensor The EDO doppler can be replaced with a more cost-effective vertical echo sounder for applications where constant altitude runs are required with less stringent positioning requirements. With the current instrumentation package, Aurora is capable of performing constant depth, constant altitude and line following runs. Communications. The tow cables are armored electro-mechanical cables. They provide towfish power, telemetry and payload communications. The towfish is easily adaptable to mission specific tow cables where payload dictates special power or communications requirements.

Sea Trials Plan Aurora was first tested in July 1997. Since then it has undergone a systematic series of trials. In total, 52 trials days have been logged, three of which were with the Klein 5500 multibeam sonar. Initially, trials were performed to evaluate the mechanical design, the passive stability of the towed body and the performance of the main wing depressor. Following the passive trials, a series of fully active system trials were performed under both Dolphin towing and the ISE test vessel, researcher, towing. The following is a list of towfish accomplishments to date. Dolphin: To 130 Meters Depth A series of full scale Dolphin tow trials were performed to evaluate the Dolphintowfish performance at 5 meters per second and 130 meters towfish depths (300 meters of cable deployed). The parameters investigated include towfish and Dolphin stability, maneuvering and towing abilities, and the interactions between Dolphin and the towfish. Most tow trials were performed with the towfish in depth-keeping mode. Straight-line runs assessed the system performance under sonar scanning conditions while turning maneuvers assessed the operational system maneuverability. The trials data collected is currently being used to validate dynamics models of this tow system. Several sets of researcher towing trials were performed to verify towfish hardware and software configurations. In July 1998 a series of trials verified the operation of an altitude keeping (constant altitude) software algorithm. Test runs were performed at constant altitudes of 30 meters off the seabed, in water depths up to 90 meters. The

towfish followed a gradually changing bottom contour with towfish depths changing from 30 to 60 meters over a 1-kilometer course. In preparation for trials scheduled early in 1999, the Klein 5500 multibeam side-scan sonar was integrated to the towfish and trialed in December 1998. The objective of the trials was to test the stability of the towfish and its suitability as a side-scan sonar platform. In addition, a new communications link from the sonar to the surface was tested. Sonar power and digital data were transmitted over a single coaxial cable embedded in the towfish tow cable. Klein electronics, independent of the towfish processor and electronics, performed all of the sonar data acquisition, processing and storage. Towing speeds were from 3 to 5.5 meters per second, altitudes were from 15 to 30 meters off the seabed and water depths varied from 25 to 100 meters. Good sonar returns of anchor scarred sandy and rocky sea bottoms at the end of Vancouver harbor were obtained. In addition, ship wrecks were imaged in deeper waters in Vancouvers Indian Arm. The trials were successful and have provided a good foundation for fully integrated DolphinAuroraKlein trials scheduled for early 1999. Vehicle Dynamics Models As part of the Dolphin towing trials, data was collected in order to validate analytical models used to predict system performance. Within the last three years ISE, in collaboration with DREA, have developed comprehensive dynamics models for all of its vehicles, including the Aurora towfish. These models are important research and development tools. They provide performance assessment during design and are testbeds on which new and innovative designs, control algorithms, and maneuvering strategies are developed The dynamics models are based on coefficients, which summarize most of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a vehicle. These coefficients are determined from vehicle geometry using both empirical and theoretical methods that DREA has either collected from the literature or developed inhouse. These methods are also used in determining hydroplane geometry and location based on stability and control requirements for a vehicles mission. The hydrodynamic coefficients are

the data that the ISE generic maneuvering simulator uses to customize itself to a specific vehicle. The maneuvering behavior of the vehicle can then be assessed. In the case of a towfish, stability, sonar angular rates, hydroplane response, tow cable tension, and many other operationally oriented characteristics can be evaluated using only a computer. ISE and DREA have also developed dynamic models for remote minehunting systems where the towfish is towed by an autonomous, semi-submersible drone (like ISERs Dolphin vehicle). Here, drone and towfish hydrodynamics and control, together with the tow cable joining them, are simultaneously modeled. The cable is modeled as a series of finite segments. This fully interactive two-body model captures the complex many degree-offreedom dynamics of this coupled system, allowing vehicle geometry and control to be optimized under realistic conditions. These models are validated against full scale drone and towfish trials at 10 knot speeds for towfish depths up to 130 meters (300 meter cable scope). Validation of Towfish The RMS model simulates the dynamics and control of the tow vehicle (Dolphin), cable, towfish (Aurora) and the interactions between the tow vehicle and the towfish. The interactions are particularly relevant for a remote minehunting system where the tow forces at the tow vehicle can be a sizable fraction of the vehicle buoyancy and thrust. This model was built on existing work1-7 and is currently undergoing intensive validation. Model validation has three components: 1) the Dolphin dynamics and

Klein 5500 sonar image of a submerged hull recorded during Aurora/Klein integration trials.

control with no tow; 2) the cable/towfish system assuming a large tow vehicle (i.e., no vehicle/towfish interactions, and 3) the coupled Dolphin/ cable/towfish dynamics and control for configurations where the forces generated by Dolphin and the towfish affect one another. Systematic data series for a variety of maneuvers exist for all three scenarios making it possible to do the full validation outlined above. The current focus is centered on the coupled Dolphin/ cable/towfish stage with completion slated for April 1999. This model is a research, development and design tool for many general types of tow configurations. Conclusion The Aurora towfish prototype is a fully active towed body that can meet

many commercial and military survey applications in its current state. Aurora started from the identification of a need, in both commercial and military applications, for a deep, stable, adaptable towfish. ISERs AUV design experience, application of analytical modeling tools and a systematic sea trials schedule resulted in a functional, reliable, and cost-effective towfish. Analytical tools applied to the towfish design process, and developed concurrently with the Aurora program have been proven as valid design tools. Some of these tools are currently being validated with full-scale trials data. /st/ References 1. Kamman, J.W., T.C. Nguyen, Users Manual for DYNTOCABS, Technical Memorandum NCSC TM 550-90, 1990. 2. Kamman, J.W., S.D. Patek, S.A. Hoeckley, Application of Multivariable Linear Control Design to Marine Towed System, Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 1996, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1246-1251. 3. Chapman, D.A., Effects of Ship Motion on a Neutrally-Stable Towed Fish, Ocean Engineering, 1982, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 189-220. 4. Chapman, D.A., Towed Cable Behaviour During Ship Turning Maneuvers, Ocean Engineering, 1984, Vol. 11, No. 4., pp. 327-361. 5. Le Guerch, E., The Deep Towing of Underwater Fish Behaviour Patterns During Half-Turn Maneuvers, Ocean Engineering, 1987, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 145-162. 6. Zhu, K., and Li., Coupled Motion Simulation of Underwater Towed and Self-Propulsive Vehicle, Proceedings of the Seventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA, 1997, Vol. II, pp. 38-43. 7. Seto, M., G.D. Watt, The Interaction Dynamics of a Semi-Submersible Towing a Large Towfish, Proceedings of the Eighth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, 1998, Vol. II, pp. 263-270.
Jesse Houle is a mechanical engineer and has been with ISE since 1993. He has been involved with the design and project management aspects of AUV and ROV projects at ISE. Houle is currently

project manager of the Aurora towfish program. Mae Seto has been a mechanical engineer with ISE since 1995. Prior to that she was working on a Ph.D. in aerodynamics. Seto currently works on vehicle dynamics and control and has been involved with several AUV projects including the Dolphin semi-submersible and Aurora towfish programs.

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