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A, an, some, any countable and uncountable nouns USE: 1.

She has got a bicycle. bicycle. (C He has got an a!!le. a!!le. (C

Has she got a bicycle? Has he got an a!!le?

She hasnt got a He hasnt got an

". &.

#he$e are some clouds in the s%y. (C #he$e is some mil% in the mug. (U Ha'e you got any s(eets? )e havent got any s(eets. (C Ha'e (e got any mil%? )e havent got any mil%. (U

*+AC#,CE: 1. *ut the nouns in the co$$ect column. child$en bi$d egg co--ee cheese b$ead %ni-e -eet (atch Countable nouns Singular

table mil% che$$ies

meat tea !oste$

men sand(iches a!!les

Plural child$en

Uncountable nouns co--ee

". Com!lete (ith a,an o$ some. 1. #he$es a lette$ -o$ you on you$ des%. ". .e ca$e-ul/ #he$es 0000000000 mouse unde$ the so-a/ &. #he$es 0000000000000000 mil% -o$ Su1ie in that bo(l. 2. ,'e got 000000000000 idea/ 3ets go to the cinema tonight/ 4. 5a$ys got 0000000000000 baby b$othe$. 6. )ell done/ #his is 000000000000000 e7cellent sto$y. 8. #he$es 000000000000000 o$ange 9uice -o$ the child$en in the -$idge. :. #his is 00000000000 old !hoto o- *ete$s !a$ents. ;. #he$es 0000000000000 sou! -o$ you on the table. 1<. )e'e got 0000000000 cheese. 3ets ma%e 0000000000000 !i11a/

&. Com!lete (ith some o$ any. 1. ,'e got some beauti-ul !ostca$ds -$om 3ondon. ". #he$e a$ent 0000000000000 bananas -o$ Stanley. &. Ha'e (e got 0000000000000 o$ange 9uice? 2. #he$e a$e 0000000000 boo%s on that des%. 4. #his sou! is a(-ul/ #he$e isnt 00000000000 salt in it/ 6. #he$e a$e 00000000000 beauti-ul toy ca$s in Stanleys $oom. 8. Ha'e you got 000000000000 b$othe$s o$ siste$s? :. )ell done/ #he$e a$ent 00000000000000 mista%es in you$ test/ ;. #he$es 000000000000 mil% in the -$idge. 1<. ,s the$e 000000000000000 ice c$eam -o$ me?

2. =o$m the negati'e and the >uestion. #he$e is some o$ange 9uice in the -$idge. ,s the$e any o$ange 9uice in the -$idge? #he$e isnt any o$ange 9uice in the -$idge. 1. #hey ha'e got some -$iends in *a$is. ". #he$e a$e some mista%es in his test. &. Hes got some cousins in Athens. 2. #he$es some cat -ood -o$ Cosmo. 4. )e'e got some -$esh mil%. 6. Shes got some money -o$ the tic%ets.

4. Com!lete the >uestions and ans(e$ them. ,s the$e any o$ange 9uice in the -$idge? (a!!le 9uice

#he$e isnt any o$ange 9uice but the$e is some a!!le 9uice.
1. A$e the$e 00000000000 hambu$ge$s -o$ me? (cheesebu$ge$s ". A$e the$e 000000000000 shoe sho!s in this st$eet? (toy sho!s &. 000000000 the$e 00000000 cola in that bottle? (lemonade 2. 000000000 the$e 00000000 1oos in you$ to(n? (museums 4. 000000000 the$e 0000000 mil% in that cu!? (tea 6. 000000000 the$e 0000000 bananas in the -$idge? (st$a(be$$ies

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