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Sell Me This Pen

Written by Darin George. Posted in Sales Training





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Have you ever been on a sales job interview and the interviewer said, "Can you sell me this pen?" While the task itself may seem very simple for most prospective salespeople, the question can be hard to answer with any type of success. And, sometimes your answer can determine if you are hired or not. Have you ever been on a sales job interview and the interviewer said, "Can you sell me this pen?" While the task itself may seem very simple for most prospective salespeople, the question can be hard to answer with any type of success. And, sometimes your answer can determine if you are hired or not. The following dialogue can be applied to any product you may be selling -- shoes, advertising, insurance , computers, even car sales. "So, can you sell me this pen?" "Okay, no problem. Welcome to our pen company! My name is Darin George- and you are? Tom? Great, nice to meet you." "Is this the first time you have been to our pen company Tom?" "Did you know that we are one of the largest pen companies in the world?" "We have been in business since 1968 and produce our pens in New York City." "So what features are you looking for in your new pen or pens?" "Any color preference , blue or black ink?" "What style of pen are you looking for?" "Who will be the main user of this pen?" "Is the pen going to be used for business or personal use?" "Is there anyone else involved in the purchase?" "Great. I'd like to show you our newest pen. It sells for $10.00 and has been designed with many special features" (You would do a product presentation now.) "Please test the pen on this paper." (You would do a product demonstration now.) "How do you like the feel and flow of the pen?" "So, have we selected the right pen for you?" "Do you have any other questions regarding the pen or our company?" "Great. If there was anything preventing from getting this pen right now, what would it be?"

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Scenario #1: No customer negotiations

"Great I'll wrap it up. Will that be cash or credit, Tom?"

Scenario #2: Customer wants to negotiate

"So Tom you want a discount? Well we don't do that here, but I'll see what I can do for you." "Okay, what I'm going to do now is pull out a worksheet and go over the details on the pen you want. As I told you before this pen sells for a price of $10.00." "Like I said earlier we don't negotiate our prices, but what if I could sell it to you for $9.95?" "No? What price were you thinking?"

"You want to pay $9.00? Maybe we're not looking at the right pen. I can show you some of our less expensive ones." "No? You want this one? Well how did you come up with the number of $9.00?" "I cannot do it for that price. I am trying to be flexible with you, what if I could do it for about $9.90?" "You'll pay $9.50? Okay, I can see you are being a bit flexible too. I'll go and talk with my manger and see if we could do it for $9.85." "No? You want me to tell her $9.70? Okay give me one minute, I'll be right back." "Great, my manager has approved the sale at $9.75. Okay? Done. I'll wrap it up. Will that be cash or credit, Tom?" We've all heard people say "sales is sales." Well, as you can see, to some degree this is true. So the next time you are told "sell me this pen," do it right and you will hear the welcome words, "You're hired."




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Darin George is a sales training instructor at Automotive Sales College Inc. He can be reached at 888-681-7355, via email at or via the Internet at

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Sandeep Kumar Kannaujiya 18 Billy Reed

a year ago

This is the best example .................

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5 months ago

one of our first lessons at Marine recruiting school PSS III. it was an effective format in late 80's and it still serves me well today.
4 Omer 2 :) 1

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12 days ago
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Okay ... thats a best example i 've read. Wolf of Wall Street rocks !!

11 months ago

The very first thing you should have asked Tom is, Tom - Do you need a pen? Basics.
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Herolee 26 Jeff

:) 9 months ago
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Saleman should never ask that

:) a month ago

Easy. Tom will give you his pen, then tell him to write a note. He can't because he will need a pen (Customer's want) then tell him, well you will NEED this pen (Customer's need). Basic supply and demand. BOOM.
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frankaguilar 21 Jeff 3

Jeff a month ago

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Somebody saw the wolf of wall street :P

frankaguilar a month ago

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Haha touche, I was waiting for that! Great movie btw!

Darin George

frankaguilar 4 days ago

Not yet but that guy was on CNN last night and was asked at the end to sell

Pierce a pen...
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frankaguilar 16 days ago

Wolf of wall street didn't make that answer. The beneath is a 7 year old answer I copied and pasted from yahoo answers but this question and answer goes back alot further. It's a good one you have to admit... Hense why they used it in the film (there are many slight varients, you just have to create the need for them to use a pen). I'm slightly shocked that you believed for a second that a movie these days would contain something original, bless your cotton socks :) Pro tip: before making yourself look silly, always use your friend google, thats what its there for, I challenge you to find the first ever use ......quote..... "Sell me this pen" : Job Interview? EJ E asked 7 years ago I have been interviewing for various positions this month. I've had
see more
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:) 4 months ago

Common, he does not need a pen, you are here to put it in his mind that he needs a pen. You should have asked him some needs defining questions such as "Do you wright a lot?" If the answer is "YES" you go ahead "What kind of pen are u using now? How do you choose a pen, or what is your ideal pen?" if the answer is "NO, I use tablets instead" so your strategy will take a new turn.
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DR 4 months ago
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4 Darin George

:) 4 days ago

We would have to think that he is looking at our pens because he is interested in a pen or pens. Asking the qualifying questions will get to the bottom of why he is there. It will only take a minute or two.
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5 days ago

There are a lot of ways to sell this pen, it depends on how do you position yourself and creatively sell this pen (or more importantly is SELLING YOU). 1) A typical salesman, normally they will say; how good for this pen, its functionality and how suitable for you...blah! blah! blah! 2) For those top seller or fast-killer, they may use the similar example in the Wolf of Wall Streets, just close the deal as a snipper-shooter, one shot one kill! 3) For job interviewee, if you want to give an marvelous impression to the interviewer, don't just sell the pen as a pen! Just put aside the pen first, and focus to sell yourself & think how much business value you could bring to the company! Example: Mr/Mrs xxx, I'm XYZ coming from ABC Pen company, before I start to sell your pen today, would you be interested if I could share you how to double up your company business revenue (or other; market share or product price)? Show them your idea.....blah! blah! End of the conversation, ask them, would you be keen for us to work further? If they agree, close the deal by returning them the pen for this interview approval. No matter what questions, difficulities or challenges you encounter, Always remember what do you want to bring back home from that interview, then you will be able to get what you want end of the day! Cheers!
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Darin George

King 4 days ago

I think if you don't answer and sell them a pen, you will look like every other person trying to tell the interviewer how great you think you are. Most of the time they look at this a BS. Just sell them the pen.....done. They want to see that you can sell....not talk about how you are going to increasing their sales. They are looking for proof.
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Darin George 3 days ago

I do agree on your points. Maybe our viewing angles are different, so we have quite different answers in our minds. Sometimes this question also depends on the interview's situation, sales job type, company culture and other factors, the same answer may bring different outcomes. What I can do is always been flexible and confident to face and response their questions during the interview.
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Darin George 3 days ago

I do agree on your points. Maybe our viewing angles is different, so we have quite different answers. What I think is sometimes it also depends on the interview's situation, sales job types, company cultures or other factors, same answer may have different outcomes. What I can do, being flexible and confident to face and response their questions.
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19 days ago

YOU HAVE TO SAY TO HIM: Hello , can you write your name on this paper? . so the man tells you: I cant , I dont have a pen , THEN YOU SELL IT TO HIM done
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Darin George

Luisina 4 days ago

Good one but they are looking at your sales process. I'm sure the interviewer has a would be funny if they didn't though.
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Sudiapan Roy

a month ago

it is a good example but 1 important question you have missed. what is your budget ? Because of we shall also produce a product according to customer's earning capacity.
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Rupak Marulkar

6 months ago

Great example
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8 months ago
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awesome example!



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