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Patumahoe Village Incorporated General Meeting Minutes December 17th, 2013 Glenn and Marions, Meeting Opened at 8.

00 pm Present: Paula, Andrew, Louise, Vicki, Julie, Simon, Glenn, Marion Apologies: None 1. General Business 1. McMikens - Andrew will make his power point available to iwi for their consideration. We welcome any feedback. A public meeting will be held in Patumahoe for the locals to give their feedback on the mound proposal. Publicity and information about the meeting will take place 2 weeks before an end of Feb meeting date. If there is little community support for the proposal then PVI will leave the idea to be pursued or otherwise by individuals. 2. Andrew would like to put a proposal forward to the Ministry of Environment Community Environment Fund. It will be to work on enhancing pest control (plant and mammal) in the community using simple monitoring tools and building a culture of citizen science in our own back yard. This needs an incorporated society or trust to provide oversight. Move that PVI supports Andrews application to the M of E fund Paula Glenn Agreed 3. Unitary Plan: Paula will put the submission together based on previous consultation and structure plan. Move that PVI will reimburse Paula up to $5000 to reimburse her for time involved in the DIA application and for the future Unitary Plan submission due Feb 28th 2014 Louise Vicki All agreed 4. Signs. Simon will contact Jenny Wild regarding ATs requirements. Well get a brief together for the Mauku side sign. Richard Taylor approached for this.

Meeting closed at 8.45 Next meeting is Tuesday February 11th 2014

Patumahoe Village Incorporated General Meeting Minutes September 10th ,2013 Patumahoe Tennis Club Meeting Opened at 7.45pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Andrew Sinclair, Louise Sinclair, Vicki Lacy, Kay Carter, Glenn Hunter, Sam Sinclair, Eli Ewens, Julie Evans, Simon Bennett. Apologies: Gary Morriss Moved that apologies be accepted Louise Paula Agreed 1. Minutes of previous meeting: Moved that previous minutes were accurate Louise Vicki Agreed

2. Treasurers report See Financial report for 2013 AGM immediately preceding this meeting

3. Correspondence i) Vicki received and actioned the tax return thanks Vicki. ii) See the website for all other relevant correspondence 4. General Business 1. PVI/Whakaupoko/DIA crossover DIA will pay for website costs Do CWs ( community workers) report to PVI/ Whakaupoko? Who appoints steering committee? How will it be structured? DIA has suggested that the steering committee be open to the wider community. Possible structure for the initial steering committee could be: Ron ( Patumahoe school), One each from PVI, Whakaupoko, History group. Consensus was that PVI, Whakaupoko and History group each put a person forward and then we work on getting 4 more community members to join the steering group. Finding sports and business representatives was suggested. Julie volunteered to be the PVI representative thanks Julie. Glenn expressed concern that if PVI gets very involved in the steering committee then the role of PVI might go into recess. General discussion that many small volunteer groups struggle to find a balance with multiple demands on their time hopefully the DIA grant will support and upskill community members. Andrew and Paula commented that building sustainable community groups was part of the CWs role.

2. Community Worker employment process Ron, Glenn, Julie, Heather Maloney, and a Whakaupoko representative will manage the employment process. Amongst themselves they will decide upon an employment committee, approve a job description, advertise the position, interview and appoint a Community worker (s). At the end of 3 months this group, in conjunction with input from other community groups will have a longer term steering committee in place. Other comments - Once we get underway with DIA project: Get some runs on the board, ie some positive events like street parties will give the project good exposure and help build momentum Important to develop practical projects that are inclusive Keep up with regualar Bimonthly meetings ( second Tuesday of the Month) Foster new ideas and enthusiasm

3. McMiken subdivision Andrew, with input from Paula and Sam has prepared a power point for a submission at this weeks hearing. Submission is asking for a commitment to develop a community space at the top of Patumahoe Hill. Motion put: that the submission to the McMiken PPC hearing is on behalf of PVI Vicki Sam Agreed with one abstention

Discussion that this private plan change was the first in a number that may follow. There may be another larger subdivision filing for a PPC to the west of Patumahoe. More rural A that may go into houses. We all agreed that the persistant lack of strategic planning by council will lead to continued poor/non-existent village planning. We will continue to engage in the unitary plan process, try and attract planning resources for the village and have a real voice in how Patumahoe will grow. 4. Future Projects Village signage: Simon and Julie have an excellent survey form that will go out to the community and we will review feedback at the November meeting. 150TH anniversary of the Battle of Titi on October 23rd: St Brides are keen to be involved and have an excellent meeting/supper room that they are happy to make available. Paula and Andrew will work with St Brides to develop a programme for the day: Possible outline: Meet at church, carpool and drive to Baldhill Road, walk over Days farm with George Flavell to share memories, prayer at Titi monument, walk to top of Whakaupoko, drive back to St Brides, afternoon tea. Longer term we could develop signage that explains local history at Fultons corner? St Brides? Move : That we approve a budget of up to $500 for the battle of Titi commemoration. Glenn Paula all AGREED

5. Walkway costs reimbursement Moved that we reimburse $180.94 A. Sinclair? for walkway expenses. Paula Glenn All agreed

Meeting closed at 9.25pm. Next meeting is Tuesday November 12th.

Patumahoe Village Incorporated - Joint planning meeting with Whakaupoko Minutes July 23rd 2013 Sinclairs Place Meeting Opened at 7.30pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Vicki Lacy, Andrew Sinclair, Louise Sinclair, Glenn Hunter, Nick Woolf, Gary Morriss, Roelf Schroeder, Don McLeod, Simon and Julie Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting. Outlined that this meeting was to develop a budget for Michael Ngatai, Auckland Council, for biodiversity, pest control and planting projects. Don suggested a 3 yr plan rather than a 1 year proposal Apologies: Colin Berger, Kay Carter, Penny Wakelin, Fiona McDonald DIA grant purpose was outlined, it is to fund community development worker(s) for 3 years Motion put on behalf of Patumahoe Heritage group: that PVI approve the Patumahoe Heritage Groups application to appropriate funders for the purchase of computer hardware and office furniture under the umbrella of PVI. Moved: Paula Vicki All agreed * NOTE: The Heritage group will forward copies of their applications to PVI Projects discussion 1. Tree and riparian planting. Points raised: that its important to do the correct sort of fencing, floods can be an issue and also the new unitary plan will specify standards. General support for free trees for those who are prepared to fence their streams. Also support for the idea of Whakaupoko and AC running local field days to publicise the free trees and educate and support riparian planting in particular along Mauku stream. Plant some high profile areas and use signage to publicise PVI and Whakaupoko, could be especially useful where streams cross roads. 2. Continue and expand pest and weed control request 5 kilo bags of bait rather than 10kg. Encourage woolly warriors, woolly nightshade control 3. Develop the walkways in Henrys bush to improve access 4. Te Ara O Whangamarie- identify areas for riparian planting, more general planting, track maintenance, complete the signage. Liaise with local iwi re entranceway. Develop and landscape top area into picnic area site for the old Mauku tennis club building 5. Welcome to Patumahoe signs and village noticeboard We could consider electronic noticeboard Good position important corner village car park? Paula has approached local artisans about being involved in the design and build of welcome to Patumahoe signs how many needed and where? Simon suggested we develop a half page brief for Richard Taylor (Weta) to help with welcome signs Summary General agreement that we should ask for $25,000 a year for 3 years for riparian planting/free trees, Landcare signage and pest/weed control. Andrew to send proposal to Michael.

General discussion 1. Working bee at walkway to weed, plant and clear top area. Saturday 10th August at 2pm 2. Mauku Tennis club the old building. Paula to check with Rose re the ownership details. Louise to talk to Peter K to see what progress he has made with Mauku tennis club. 3. Set PVI meetings for next year The AGM is on September 10th and then general meetings will be every second month on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, so Nov 12th, Dec 10th, Feb 11th, April 8th, June 10th and August 12th At the meeting on September 10th Confirm projects and who wants to be involved along with a Calendar of events Meeting closed at 9.15

Patumahoe Village Incorporated -Minutes 25th February Patumahoe School Hall Meeting Opened at 7.10pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Andrew Sinclair, Louise Sinclair, Rolfe Schreuder Apologies: Don McLeod, Glenn Hunter, Vicki Lacy, Gary Morriss Moved that apologies be accepted Louise Andrew Agreed 1. Minutes of previous meeting: Discussion on previous minutes: 1. McMikens subdivision hearsay that the subdivision is on hold. We havent been contacted re a hearing. Paula will contact planners to see what is happening. 2. Website update Paula happy to apply for funding for Tanya to update website. Tanya quote for $1500 Move that PVI apply for funding to be put aside for Tanya to upgrade website. Louise Paula Agreed Moved that previous minutes were accurate Paula Andrew Agreed 2. Treasurers report no financial report Vicki away, no spending for a while, we now have the rest of the grant so will look at reimbursing Paula for several months costs. 3. Correspondence 1. Letter from Auckland Transport re Traffic Planning and Barrier installation looks like the daft barriers are going, good result! Louise will talk to Tui re Transport planning and then send a reply to AT asking for co-ordinated approach to Traffic planning in and around Patumahoe. 4. General Business 1. Walkway update: Correct signage is still a work in progress Andrew following up. Peter and Wayne keen to co-ordinate track maintenance and future development Be good to have a count of track users ask Peter and Wayne to follow up 2. DIA application Key stakeholders have approved in principle, that is, Patumahoe school, PVI and Whakaupoko Landcare Group Need to decide on 4 long term outcomes for the application DIA expect that these outcomes may change Short term outcomes, initiatives and activities will certainly change We will continue to look for opportunities to work with local iwi A strength of the application is that it is multi-faceted, that is, there are several components/sectors of the community that are involved.

Possible Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. Access and improvement of natural and rural environment Village Central Planning People matter, strengthen relationships and sense of belonging Eco village and future proofing: Changing habits Offering alternatives Less dependency on fossil fuels

Andrew will get a meet the locals group together profiles that will help with the application. 3. Reimbursement of costs We are concerned that Paula has not been reimbursed for costs for several months, Move: That Paula receive the equivalent of $2000 to reimburse expenses for the last 6 months. Louise Rolfe Agreed Meeting closed at 8.45pm indicates that follow up needed

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