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Lesson Plan #1

Grade: 3 Social Studies Strand: Geography

Submitted By: Daniel-Marie Lebel

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 20 4 !n"tr#ctor: $aren %o&ell

Lesson Plan #1 - 'eography

submitted by: Daniel-Marie Lebel

B Summary o! the Lesson Plan: Thi" "ocial "t#die" le""on &a" de"igned (or 3rd grade "t#dent" to learn a)o#t the di((erent phy"ical (eat#re" o( land(orm" and )odie" o( &ater and &hy living near )odie" o( &ater i" important to people* Thi" le""on #"e" the +o#ghton ,i((lin Social St#die" Te-t)oo. /Comm#nitie"0 1p* 223334* " Basic #n!ormation: Grade Le$el: 3rd grade %ime to "omplete this Lesson: 5ppro-imately 50 ,in#te" Groupings: &hole gro#p reading and di"c#""ion6 independent (or activity and a""e""ment

D Materials: ,ain !dea"7Detail" Chart 18nit 9e"o#rce" p* :4 (or each "t#dent 1"ample at the )ottom o( TE 224 +o#ghton ,i((lin 3rd 'rade Social St#die" ;oo.: Comm#nitie" 1p* 223334 (or each "t#dent %aper" and pencil" Coloring ,aterial" 1crayon" or colored pencil"4 & 'b(ecti$es: o )* State Social Studies Standards o ':3*5 De"cri)e &ay" h#man" depend on and manage nat#ral re"o#rce" &ithin their comm#nitie"* ':3*5 ! can e-plain di((erent &ay" that people need and organi<e nat#ral re"o#rce" aro#nd &here they live*

Student-+riendly Standards

*ocabulary land!orm a "hape on the earth=" "#r(ace erosion the &ay &ind or &ater r#)" piece" o( the land a&ay "lo&ly geography the "t#dy o( people6 place"6 and the earth natural resources "omething that &e (ind in nat#re that &e co#ld #"e to "tay alive communities gro#p" o( people &ho live near each other

G Procedure: * 9e(er to note" on TE 22 /'et Set to 9ead0

Nevada State College

"all students, attention to the land(orm" chart on p* 2>

EDEL 453 3 Spring 20 4 $aren %o&ell3 !n"tr#ctor page 2

Lesson Plan #1 - 'eography

submitted by: Daniel-Marie Lebel

#denti!y and discuss-describe the di((erent land(orm" #ntroduce voca)#lary 1land!orm. erosion. geography. natural resources. and communities4

2* 5" a cla""6 read p* 2232?6 "topping to a". @#e"tion" (rom the margin" in the TE* 3* +ave "t#dent" ta/e notes and record in!ormation in the main idea"7detail" chart6 helping them !ind e0amples to "#pport the main idea that land(orm" a((ect the comm#nitie" near them 4* 1s/ 2uestions li"ted in the margin" o( the TE a" an ongoing chec. (or #nder"tanding* Aoc#" on the"e @#e"tion" a)o#t land(orm" and )odie" o( &ater: 1TE 2>4 Bhat e((ect doe" ero"ion have on land(orm"C 1TE 2>4 Bhy might people live in valley"C 1a(ter paragraph 3 p* 2>4 Bhy might people live on plain"C 1TE 2:4 +o& are river" and la.e" ali.eC +o& are they di((erentC 1TE2:4 Bhat .ind o( &ater cover" t&o3third" o( the earthC !" it good (or drin.ingC Bhy or &hy notC

3 1ssessment: 4hat 5ill you use to measure student understanding6 Be!ore and 1!ter Pictures 7%& 89:: ;e(ore people "ettled on land &hat did the )odie" o( &ater loo. li.eC Dra& a )ody o( &ater )e(ore people "ettled there* Bhat do the )odie" o( &ater loo. li.e no&C Dra& the "ame )ody o( &ater a" a port6 a(ter the people "ettled there* &0plain ho5 you 5ill /no5 students understand the concepts !rom the lesson St#dent" m#"t /De"cri)e &ay" h#man" depend on and manage nat#ral re"o#rce" &ithin their comm#nitie"*0 Since the "t#dent" are dra&ing pict#re" o( )odie" o( &ater )e(ore and a(ter people "ettled6 it "ho&" a nat#ral re"o#rce that people had to &or. &ith 1&ater46 and &hat they did &ith it 1the port dra&ing" and the item" in or on it4* They co#ld relate thi" to their o&n comm#nitie" thro#gh @#e"tion" o( #nder"tanding: 1TE 2:4 Bhy are port" )#ilt on river"6 la.e"6 or ocean"C !" thi" li.e ho& &here &e live i"C Bhat .ind o( &ater do &e #"e hereC +o& do &e #"e the &ater here in o#r comm#nityC # "losure: < ;uic/ Discussion o( the (ir"t t&o "tatement" #nder /9evie&75""e""0 "ection o( TE 3

=e!lection: * 4hich part o! the lesson do you thin/ 5ill be the easiest !or you to teach6 The part o( the le""on having to do &ith the main idea7detail" "heet &o#ld )e ea"y to teach* 8 4hich part 5ill be most challenging !or you to teach6
EDEL 453 3 Spring 20 4 $aren %o&ell3 !n"tr#ctor page 3

Nevada State College

Lesson Plan #1 - 'eography

submitted by: Daniel-Marie Lebel

The part that &o#ld )e mo"t challenging (or me to teach i" the voca)#lary* St#dent" might not #nder"tand the in(ormation right a&ay "o "ca((olding might )e needed* 3 3o5 5ill you !ollo5 up or e0tend this lesson6 5" an e-ten"ion to the le""on6 ! &o#ld #"e E-tend Le""on "hape" the land* > 1p* 323334 a)o#t ho& Ero"ion

4hat can you do !or students 5ho don,t grasp the concepts6 Bhat ! co#ld do (or the "t#dent" &ho don=t gra"p the concept" i" to have them do the E-tra S#pport activity on p* 2>* Thi" activity let" the "t#dent" &or. together to gra"p the concept" thro#gh dra&ing the land(orm" and naming them*

4hich part o! the lesson. i! any. do you thin/ might need to change6 ! do not thin. ! need to change anything a)o#t the le""on )eca#"e the le""on doe" a great Do) o( e-plaining the di((erent nat#ral re"o#rce" and ho& h#man" depend on and manage them in their comm#nitie" li.e &ater (or (i"hing6 "&imming6 "ailing6 and gro&ing crop"*

4hen you 5ere 5riting this lesson plan. 5hat 5as the most di!!icult part6 The mo"t di((ic#lt part o( &riting thi" le""on &a" (ig#ring o#t &hat part goe" &here &hen trying to tran"late the )oo. into the le""on plan (ormat*

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 3 Spring 20 4

$aren %o&ell3 !n"tr#ctor

page 4

Lesson Plan #1 - 'eography


submitted by: Daniel-Marie Lebel

,ain !dea"7Detail" Chart 18nit 9e"o#rce" p* :4 (or each "t#dent 1"ample at the )ottom o( TE 224

+o#ghton ,i((lin 3rd 'rade Social St#die" ;oo.: Comm#nitie" 1p* 223334 (or each "t#dent
Nevada State College EDEL 453 3 Spring 20 4 $aren %o&ell3 !n"tr#ctor page 5

Lesson Plan #1 - 'eography

submitted by: Daniel-Marie Lebel

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 3 Spring 20 4

$aren %o&ell3 !n"tr#ctor

page 2

Lesson Plan #1 - 'eography

submitted by: Daniel-Marie Lebel

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 3 Spring 20 4

$aren %o&ell3 !n"tr#ctor

page >

Lesson Plan #1 - 'eography

submitted by: Daniel-Marie Lebel

%aper" and pencil"

Coloring ,aterial" 1Crayon" or colored pencil"4

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 3 Spring 20 4

$aren %o&ell3 !n"tr#ctor

page :

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