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Indian Railways . "'h;;r{4ii*';i{:{;.,,;'dtr' Centrefor Advanced Maintenance Technology Maharajpur,Gwalior

No: IRCAMTECH/GWL/V.NOTIFICATION Dated: 31.01.2012 / /

v/ T h e G e n e r a l N l a n a g e r( P )

I Z0t2


C e n t r a lR a i l w a y , MumbaiCST W e s t e r nR a i h v a y C , h u r c h g a t e ,M u m b a i - 2 0 \ o r t h e r n R a i l n a y .B a r o d aH o u s e \ ,D L S Eastern Railway, Fairlie place, Kolketa- 7{X}0Ol East-Central Railway, H azipur East-Coast Railway,Bhubneshwar. N o r t h - C e n t r aR l ailway, Allahabad North-East F r o n t i e rR a i l w a y , M a l i g a o nG , uwahati-I l North-East Railway, Gorakhpur Southern R a i l w a y ,P a r k t o w n , - C l r e n n a i S o u t h - C e n t r aR l ailwayS , ecunderabad S o u t h - E a sR t nilway, C a r d e nR e a c h , Kolkata-43 S o u t h - E n s t - C e n t rR a la i l w a y , Bilaspur S o u t h\ \ / e s t e r n R a i h v a yH , ubli (ktk) \\'est-C'e n n - : r lR a i l na y .J a b a l p u r Central Organisation for Reih,vay Electrification,ALD lntegral coachfactory,parambur,Chennai Ch itta ranj a n Locomotive Worltso Chi tra njan (W. B.) DieselLocomotive worl<so Va ra nasi R a i l C o a c hF a c t o r y , Kapurthala (punjab) D i e s eC l o n r p o n e nw t o r h s ,P a t i a l a , angalore W h e e la n d A x l e P l a n t ,y e l a h a n h a B

sub:- selection for Group "c"

postsin CAMTECII/Gwalior.

The following postsal.evacant/lil<ely to be vacantin t h i so r g a n i s a t i o a nndnre l.equired to be f i l l e d u r g e n t l yw i t h t h e r a i l w a y e m p l o y e e w s ho fulfills the conditions i n r e s p e c to f q u a l i l i c a t i o n s , e x p e r i e n ce et c ,a s i n d i c a t e d below:-S. No. I Categoryof Post & Scale of pay C h i e fT e c h n i c a l Astt./Civil(Worlis)i n Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay 4600 C h i e fT e c h n i c a l Astt./Civil(P.Way) in Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay 4600 N o .o f Vac.

andexperience Qualification


Degree/Diploma i n C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n ga n d W o r l t i n g a s SSE/JE in Engg. Dept. (Worlis) on regular basison cadre post in PB - 2 Rs.9300-34800 with Gr. pay 4200 or 4600. Degree/Diplom a Civil Engineerina in g n c l W o r l < i n ga s SSE/JEin Engg.Dept.(P. way) on regular basison cadre postin PB -2 Rs.9300-34800 with Gr. pay 4200 or 4600.



Sr'.CTA/CTA(EL) Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay 4600 STA/OL, tts.9300-34800 Cr". Pay 4200
S r ' .C T A / C T A ( N l e c l r j Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Fay {(;gg Se'rior'-l'cchrrical Astt./l\'lech .i c s e l D Rs.9300-J4800 C r ' .P : r r ' 4 2 0 0 l - l o s t eS l ul t e r ir r t e r r d e (r r ttt fJf Rs.930 0--r{ C t'. F':rr l{r(ll)
Chief Technical Astt./Tele.

DegreerDiploma in ElectricalEngineering and working as SSE/JE in ElectricalDept.(GeneralServices. TL&AC.TRD,TRS) on regular basison cadre post in pB-2 Rs.9300-34800 *ith Gr. pa1' Rs.4200 or Gr.pav 4600. DegreeiDiplorn a E l e c t r i c aE in l ngineering a n d w o r k i n ga s JE in ElectricalDept.(GeneralSen.ices) on regular baiis on cadre post in PB -2 Rs.9300-J4800 with Gr. pay 4200. D e g r e e / D i p l o mia n M e c h E n g g .a n d W o r k i n g a s S S E / J Ei n Mech Dept. on regular basis on cadre post( in C&W Loco/Diesel/W.Shop/P.U.) in pB-2 Rs.9300-34800 with Gr. Pay Rs. 4200or 4600. D e g r e e / D i p l o m ia n Mech Engg. and Worhing as JE_ in N'lech Dept. on caclre post (in C&W Loco/Diesel/W.Shop/P.U.) in pB Rs.9300-34800 with Gr. pay 4200.


S h o u l d b e r l ' o r k i n g i n a n y ,d e p a r t m e n ti n a n y d i s c i p t i n e In PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 rvith Gr. pa1' 4200 or 4600o n r e g u l a r s e r r i c ei n t h i s g r a d e o n c a d r e p o s t , E x p e r i e n c e of t e n d e rd e a l i n g will be prffered. Degree/Diploma in Electronics/Electrical Engg. or equivalent and Working as SSE/JE in S&T dept.(Telecommunicatio on n) r e g u l a r s e r v i c ei n c a d r e p o s t i n P B - 2R s . 9 3 0 0 - 3 4 8 0 0i t h G r . p a y 4 2 0 0o r G r . p a y 4 6 0 0 . w Degree/Diploma in E l e c t r o n i c s / E l e c t r i c a lE n g g . o r e q u i v a l e n ta n d r v o r k i n g a s S S E / J E i n . S & T d e p t . ( S i g n a l ) u,ith regular serviceon cadre post in pB-2 Rs.9300-34900 rvith Gr. Pay' 4200or 4600.
Degreei Diploma in Electron ics/Electrical E n g g . o r e q u i v a l e n t a n d w o r k i n g a s J E i n S & T d e p t . rvith regular s e r l i c e o n c a d r e p o s t i n PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 rvitb Gr. Pay Rs.4200 .

l{.s"9.i00-34 ii(X} Cr. Pay 4600 C h i e l ' T e c lrrri c r I r\sI t./S ig

\stt. SctT

Rs.9300-3-1800 G r ' .P a v 4 2 0 0

DataProcessing Su;rervisol Rs.9300-34800

Gr'. Pay .f(gg

( l ) S h o u l d b e G r a d L a t ei n E n g g .O R f i r s t c l a s sd i p l o m a i n Engg. in anydiscipline. ( 2 ) S h o u l db e w o r l < i n g in any department in pB-2 Rs.930034800 Gr. Pay Rs.4200 or 4600 on cadre post. Exrrerience -Should be well conversant in the following software pacl<ages/languagesC++, Dot net , Oracle,SeL Server - A n d m u s t h a v ep r o f i c i e n c y in - MS Office (Word, Excel, A c c e s s )X , P and above. - S h o u l dh a v ec a p a b i l i t i ets o h a n d l eg e n e r a l software/hardwa re fail u res.


Asstt. Programmer Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay 4600


(l) Shouldbe graduatein Engg.OR first classdiploma in Engg. in any discipline. as PB -2 Rs.9300-34g00 with Gr. Pay Experience -Should be well conversant in the following software packages/languagesC#, Dot net, Oracle,SeL Server -And must haveproficiencyin - MS Office (Word,Excel,Access), XP and above. -Should have capabilities to handle general softwarelhardrla re fail u res. 4200or 4600 on cadre post.


STA(Comp.) Rs.93fi)-34800 Gr. Pay 4200


(l) Should be graduatein Engg.Or first class d i p l o m ai n E n g g .i n a n y d i s c i p l i n e . (2) Shouldbe working in any department in pB-2 Rs.9300_ 34800 with Gr. Pay 4200on cadre post.

-Should be well conversant in the following software packages/languagesC+*, Dot net oOracle,SeL Server - A n d m u s t h a v ep r o f i c i e n c y in - MS Office (\\ ord,Ercel,.A.ccess), .\p and abore. -Shouldhavecapabilities to handlegeneral softwarelhardwa re failu res.

14. Librarian Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay 4600


Should be working as librarian on regular basison cadre postin PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 with Grade pay Rs.4200 or 4600 Or SfrgglO be working in pB -2 Rs 9300-34800 4200 or 4600with Two year experience in library working / office S u p e r i n t e n d e nw t orkinges.


C o n s o l eO p e r a t o r


l ) S h o u l dt r eg r a d u a t e , OR 2 ) D i p l o m ai n E n g g .i n a n y d i s c i p l i n e . .AND l ) S h o u l db e w o r k i n gi n a n y d e p a r t m e n itn a n y d i s c i p l i n e in PB Rs.5200-20200 with Gr. pay 2400 or Gr.pay2800 on cadre post

Rs.5200-20200 Gr. Pay 2800

Shouldbe proficientin MS office(Word, Excel,power point), XP and higher version.Should be capable& efficient to handleKey board operationfor dataentry work on pC.


DataEntryOperator in Rs.5200-20200 Gr. Pay 2E00


Shouldbe graduatein any discipline oRt

2) Diploma in any discipline. AND l) Should be working in any departmentin any with Gr. Pay disciplinein PB Rs.5200-20200 2 4 0 0 o r G r . P a y 2 E 0 0o n c a d r ep o s t

Should be proficientin MS office(Word' Excel,Power point)' XP and higher version.Should be capable& efficientto handle Key board operationfor data entry work on PC.

1 1 . DataEntry Operator I
inRs.5200-20200 Gr. Pay 2400


in anydiscipline I l ) S h o u l db e g r a d u a t e oR | | I 2) Diploma in any discipline.

| | I ,IAND

i ! |


i |

Should bc norking in eny depertmeotin rny discipline in PF2 Rs,52fiF20200witb Gr. Pay 2fiXl or Cr.Pay 24fi) on cadre post


point)' | Should be proficientin MS office (Word,Excel,Power & e f f i c i e n tt o b e c a p a b l e v e r s i o n . S h o u l d h i g h e r a n d X P I board operationfor data entry work on PC. | handle Ke1-

| I |

18. P. Astt.,
Rs-93{XF3480O Gr. Pay'46fi1 19.


with Should be norking as PA / CA in PB -2 Rs.93{X}-34Efi} Gr" Pey' {2fi} or Gr.Pay'{5{X) on reguler basisin cadre posL

Hindi Assistant Rs.520G20200 Gr. Pav 2800


Sbould bc working as Hindi Assistant PB -1Rs52UF20200 i with Gr. Pey 24fi) or Gr.Pay 2E(X) on Regular basis in I cadre post. I


Sr. Steno, Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay 4200


with Should be working as Sr. Stenoin PB Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay Rs. 4200or in PB-I, with Gr. Pay 2400on regular basison cadre post.


Sr.clerk,Gr. Rs. Rs.9300-34800 Gr. Pay 1800


Gr. Pay Shoutdbe working as Sr.Clerk in Rs.5200-20200 2800/- on regular basison cadre post Or Gr.Pay Should be working as Jr. Clerk in Rs.5200-20200 Rs. 1900/-with two years of regular serviceon cadre post. -should haveexperience for of preparing regular pay sheets staff.


HindiTypist, Rs.5200-20200 Gr. Pav 1900 Car Driver, Rs.5200-2020 Gr. Pay 1900


Should be working as Jr. Clerk cum typist/Hindi typist in PB -l Rs.5200-20200 with Gr.Pay 1900on regular basis.



Should be working as car/Jeep driver in PB -1Rs.5200-20200 Gr.Pay Rs.l900 on regular basison cadre post. Or Staff having driving license o f v e h i c a l i n S c a l eo f G r . p a y R s . l 8 0 0o r G r p a y R s . 1 9 0 0 .


Janitor, Rs.5200-20200 Gr. Pa1, I9C0


Should be working in any deptt. ln PB -lRs Rs.5200-20200 or in Scale Gr.Pay 1900on regular basison cadre post.


Peons Rs.5200-20200 Gr.Pay. I 800


S h o u l db e w o r k i n g i n G r a d e P a y R s . l 8 0 0( P B - l ) i n any discipline on regular basison cadre post.


Safai Wala Rs.5200-20200 Gr.Pay 1800


Should be working as Safai Wala on regular basisin Grade Pay Rs. 1800(PB-l ) in cadre post.

It is requested t h a t t h e a b o v ev a c a n c i e s m a l b e g i r e n n i d e p u b l i c i t y o n y o u r R a i l w a y sa n d applicationson prescribedproforma (attached)from willing employees who fulfill the conditions regardingqualification;experience etc. mentionedabovemay please be forwarded through proper c h a n n et lo Executive D i r e c t o r / I R C A M T E C H / M a h a r a j p uG r ,w a t i o r -4 7 40 0 5 . The applicationsduly forwarded by the Railwaysshould reach to this office by registered post bV 04.04.2012. Suitablecandidates will be caltedfor written test /interviewas & when required. Vacancies may increase or decrease. Advancecopy can be sent directly to this office but in such casethe applicantsshould bring *NO O B J E C T I O NC E R T I F I C A T E " f r o m t h e i r R a i l w a yw i t h i n l a s t d a t eo f s u b m i s s i o n of application. T h e s ep o s t sa r e E x - C a d r ea n d o n d e p u t a t i o n b a s i sT . he lien of the employee s h a . lb l e maintained in his parent Railway as usual.Selected staff rvill be postedon deputationbasisfor a period of ihree at the discretionof IRCAMTECH Administration. {03)years,which may be curtailed/extended Candidateswho have residual serviceless than the deputation period of three years need not a p p l y ' a s t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o nw i l l n o t b e c o n s i d e r e d . T h e r se h o u l db e n o D A R , S P E & v i g i l a n c e case pending/contemplated againstthe employee. In caseRailwayaccommodation is offered,the employees are required to stay in CAMTECH colony. If accommodation is offeredand employee refuses, no HRA will be paid.

DA: One proforma



i"'OR EXECUTIVT DIITECTO sEq q-g c}i. *r( ?II. t., q6rttffgt, ti1lfFilqr CAIvITECH I R Mahlrajpur Gwalior




l. Postappliedfor



2. Nameof the candidate(In Block Letters) 3. Father'sname 4. Date of Birth

6. Qualification: (a) Educational

5. Whether SC/ST/OBC

(b) Technical (If necessary, 7.(a)Experience attachseparate sheetin detailsas per following


8. PresentOffice Address (for postalCommunication) 9. Designation and address of the controllingOfficer 10.Designation and address of the Officerwith whom last03 yearsACRs are available


Signatureof the candidate Forwarded f c t he Executive D i rectoriCAMTECH/VIaharaj p ur, Gwalior-47 4005 with reference to his Circular No. dtd. ColumnsFrom Sl.No.I to 10 have beenverified.This office has no objectionif the candidateis finallv selected. Signatureof the Personal Officer with Designation.

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