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University of Kashan Homework #4 of Microprocessor Due Date 8 !"!


Faculty of Engineering

%# A simple 8-bit analog-to-digital converter device, as shown, is to be interfaced to an 8051 microcomputer. The R A!" line goes low when conversion data is available. The R A!" line should be used to interrupt the 8051 microcontroller.
A(! 6onverter 8-bit digital data Read&


a# $ith the aid of a bloc% diagram show how this device can be interfaced to the 8051. b# $rite an assembl& language program which will capture '50 data samples from the A(! converter and store this data in )!ATA memor&. The program is to be interrupt driven. %& $rite an 8051 assembl& language program which will cause a timed program dela& of n seconds, where n can have a value between 1 and '55. The program design is to be based on the use of nested subroutines which will include a one milli-second delay subroutine and a one second delay subroutine. The program is to be based on software timing loops and it will not emplo& hardware timers. *how all timing calculations and assumptions. Assume that the basic instruction c&cle time for the 8051 is 1 microsecond. %" A simple burglar alarm s&stem has + ,one inputs connected to an 8051 -(. port. -f an& one of these inputs is activated a bell will sound for 5 minutes and the corresponding ,one / !, or / !*, will be activated. a# $ith the aid of a diagram describe the hardware circuit for this alarm device. b# !esign an 8051 assembl& language program to implement the re0uired functionalit& for this s&stem. %4 ight digit 1-segment displa& devices, as shown, is to be interfaced an 8051 microcomputer.
a f gg e d c b

a# $ith the aid of a simple hardware diagram, e2plain how this device can be connected to the 8051. Assume that the 1-segment displa& is a common-cathode device. *how connections to the power suppl& source and state the estimated current consumption for &our circuit. b# $rite an 8051 assembl& language subroutine which output register ban% 0 content3s to the displa&s. Assume that content of R0-R1 is 14seg code of 8 56! digits. This subroutine scans displa&s onl& one time. c# $rite an 8051 assembl& language main program to displa& 8 digits continuall&. %
$rite an 8051 assembl& language program to send a bloc% of '57 b&tes from the e2ternal memor& 8)!ATA# out through the serial port 9ART. "ou can choose to ignore the parit& bit if &ou wish. -nclude the necessar& code to configure the 9ART, baud rate timer etc.

%' a# $rite an 8051 assembl& language subroutine which will transmit an 8-bit data character via the serial port. A ninth bit is to be used as an even parit& bit. "our program must insert the correct parit& bit. b# $rite an 8051 assembl& language subroutine which will receive an 8-bit data character via the serial port. The subroutine is to be interrupt driven but it can ignore receive parit& if &ou choose. %( As part of a industrial automation s&stem two wheels are driven b& two separate motors, motor A and motor 5. The rotation sensors give a logic low level as the wheel magnet passes the sensor. ach motor can be turned on o off b& providing a logic signal as indicated in the diagram. An 8051 is to be used to control these motors where a motor can be turned on and allowed run for ; rotations and then turned off. The sensor signals will cause timer(counter interrupts.
Motor A 1= on 0 =off Motor B 1= on 0 =off

Belt drive

Belt drive

<agnetic Rotation *ensor A

<agnetic Rotation *ensor 5

a# $ith the aid of a bloc% diagram describe the 8051 based hardware circuit for this s&stem. b# $rite an 8051 assembl& language program which will turn on the two motors at the same time. <otor A will do '00 rotations and will then be stopped. <otor 5 will do '0,000 rotations and will then be stopped. A separate timer(counter interrupt is to be used for the control of each motor. %8 Assume that the 8051 hardware timers have a 1 microsecond clock input. a# $rite an 8051 assembl& language program which will generate a 50 =, s0uare wave at an output pin. The program is to use a 17 bit timer(counter. The timer is to be interrupt driven. b# $rite an 8051 assembl& language program which will generate a 5 >=, s0uare wave at an output pin. The program is to use an 8 bit timer(counter. The timer is to be interrupt driven. %) The figure shows a !(A 8digital to analog# converter which drives a dc motor. Assume the power stage is included in the !(A converter so that the motor can be driven directl& b& :out.
8-bit digital data in !(A 6onverter :out

!6 <otor

An 8051 microcomputer has this !(A converter connected to an -(. port. The 8051 is connected to a ?6 via the serial port. $hen a 8 bit data character is received from the ?6 it interrupts the 8051 through the 8051@s serial port interrupt and the received 8-bit data value is passed to the !(A converter so that the ?6 is effectivel& controlling the motor speed. $rite an 8051 assembl& language program to implement this s&stem. Assume a serial data baud rate of A,700 baud. *how all configuration of the 9ART etc.

%#$ An 8051 based s&stem constantl& outputs a s0uare wave at some fre0uenc& through an -(. port bit. The fre0uenc& is timed based on an 8-bit timer 8assume a 1 microsecond timer input#. The 8051 is connected to a ?6 via the serial port. $hen an 8-bit data character is received from the ?6 it interrupts the 8051 through the 8051@s serial port interrupt and the received 8-bit data value is passed to the timer so as to respecif& the fre0uenc&. Thus a ?6 programmable fre0uenc& generator is achieved. $rite an 8051 assembl& language program to implement this s&stem. Assume a serial data baud rate of 51,700 baud. *how all configuration of the 9ART, timer etc. etc. 6alculate the programmable fre0uenc& range for &our s&stem, showing all calculations. %## !esign a simple microcomputer based to& electronic organ, includes a simple %e&board consisting of 8 %e&s 8push switches# are to represent the eight %e&s for the musical scale of 6, starting at the note Middle . A simple spea%er will be connected to an output pin, through a simple amplifier circuit. .n pressing a %e& the corresponding fre0uenc& is to be sounded for 500 milliseconds

Bre0uenc& of piano 8%e& i# C 8 fre0uenc& of 8%e& i-1# # 2 ' 1(1' ' or '1(1' C 1.05A+7D0A+ which is 1.05A to D decimal places. -nteger numbers for fre0uenc& values will be sufficientl& accurate in this proEect, so round fre0uenc& to integer numbers.

*o, if Middle C '7' =,. '7' =,. 6F C '7' G 1.05A C '11.+58 =,. '11 =,. ! C '11.+58 G 1.05A C 'AD.8'8 'A+ =,. -6@ 5'+ =,. The program will use two separate timer(counters. A timer(counter is to be used to generate the individual fre0uencies. A separate timer(counter is to be used to generate the 500ms duration for sounding each note. This timer(counter is also to be used in an interrupt driven mode.

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