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10,000 B.C It all started in EGYPT.

The earliest breads were unleavened. The first bread was a combination of water and ground grains : aish The Egyptians were recognized as the first bakers. Osiris was the god of grain.

1100 B.C The Greeks learned from the Egyptians, but made their own innovations :
Invented a true bread oven that opened in the front Made about 80 kinds of breads for certain festivities plakous : flat cakes satura : heavy cakes made with raisins, nuts, seeds, and sweet wine. dispyrus : circular sweets made with honey & soaked in wine & eaten hot

1000 B.C The Romans took it a step further:

The wealthy had their own bakers. Roman tradition: panem et circenses (bread and games) They made their own versions of breads. libum: : sacrificial cakes spira : pretzel-like erneum bowl-like They made the first known wedding cake out of spelt. Roman bakers were believed to be the first professional pastry cooks and sellers .

5th-15th Middle Ages: The Crusades Muslims popularized the use of spices, dried fruits, and nuts. They learned from people in India how to make sugar from sugarcane. Sugar became highly prized . The religious wars caused food shortage and famine, and bakers started to become creative, in order to meet the demand for bread.

*Guilds were formed to help regulate the content, size, weight, and prices of bread. *The most famous guild was the Assize of Bread and Ale. *Bakers who were caught tampering with weights or mixing their doughs with special ingredients received severe penalties.

Late middle ages

*The profession of being a chef started to become recognized by the guilds: - apprenticeship (6-7 years old) - journeyman (18-19 years old) - master craftsman Marco Polo wrote memoirs of his travels, in which he tasted a cold concoction of yak milk and snow : ice cream?

The Age of Exploration Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas and all its food treasures. Spanish conquistadors discovered 2 valuable things : chocolate and vanilla As early as 250 AD, the Mayas were consuming chocolate as a beverage called cacahautl, while the Aztecs were trading with it.

1660s Recording of the modern multi-tiered wedding cake Remember the Ancient Romans awkward ceremony? In the 1660s, during the reign of King Charles II, a French chef observed the ceremony and refined it.

1683 Croissant This delicious pastry originated in Vienna, so the fable says Where do you think it got its name?

Columbus discovery made Spain very wealthy and inspired other European countries to send their own explorers out. North Americas cuisine was influenced by the Dutch and the English explorers. - pancakes and cookies (koeje) - conserves and jams - pretzels and pies - the use of baking powder

21st century Modern Pastry Light cream Rich on flavors Eye-catching dcor Innovative presentation

1.) Marie-Antoine Carme : 1783-1833

Cook of Kings and the King of Cooks Originator of haute cuisine He was known for making centerpieces made out of sugar, marzipan, and pastry. He served under important officials such as Napoleon and other members of high Parisian society.

2.) Auguste Escoffier : 1846-1935

Emperor of the Worlds Kitchen His culinary career began at age of 13 in his uncles restaurant and continued until he died at age 89. He created the brigade system and service la russe. All Escoffier kitchens and cooks were very organized, disciplined, and professional.

3.) Gaston Lenotre: Frances Pastry King: 1920-2009

Started in the baking trade in the heart of Normandy First to set up a chain of upscale bakeries in Paris First to put up a professional French re-training school for chefs (Ecole Lenotre) First to have a line of frozen desserts distributed all over France Creator of the classic cakes: Opera, Succes, Concorde..

4.) Lionel Poilane: 1945-2002

French master boulanger He combined the best of both traditional elements and modern developments. What many bakeries dont realize is that good wheat can make bad bread.

The magic of bread making is in the manipulation and the fermentation. What has been lost is this method.

Public Food Service Sector A public food service establishment" means any building, vehicle, place, structure, where food is prepared, served, or sold. Food is for immediate consumption on or in the vicinity of the premises. Food is called for or taken out by customers; or prepared prior to being delivered to another location for consumption.

a.) Boutiques - Pastry & bakery shops where products can be purchased b.) Coffee Shop / Caf -where one can be given food & beverage service c.) Restaurant Confectionery/Bakery - small production, products are exclusively for the restaurant d.) Hotel Confectionery/Bakery -bigger, 24-hour production e.) Confectionary f.) Bakery g.) Transient Trades - Merchants have no fixed place, and move from market to market to sell their products. The Agri Food Sector These are industries involved in the mass production, processing, and inspection of food products made from agricultural commodities. a.) Industrial Desserts Products such as biscuit roulade, chocolate mousse, fruit creams, lady fingers, ice creams, b.) Industrial Viennoeserie Products such as clairs, cream puffs, napoleons, muffins c.) Industrial Bakery Products such as bread loaves, croissants, doughnuts, pandesal, ensaymada, baguettes, toast bread, bagels d.) Industrial Biscuit / Cookie factory Products such as Danish cookies, Oreo cookies, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, etc.

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