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Name : L Nguyn Qunh Nhi MSSV : SB60683 Class : SB0862

Describe The changing of Culture in Vietnam nowadays and its impact on Marketing in Digital Advertising . Give some solutions for Marketing activities.

1. Introduction : Culture of Viet Nam and the changing of Viet Nam culture in 5 years ( from 2008 to 2012 ) . Its influence on Marketing What is Digital Advertising ? 2. Digital Advertising is leading the trend of Marketing in Viet Nam . 3. Solutions for Marketing activities



Firstly , in general , can understand that culture is a lifestyle of a group in a same geographic area or more widely of an entire of people in a country . Namely language , thought , belief , economic activities , techniques , art activities , behavior , rituals , ...ect all human activities that were built for a long time are also belong to culture . When a people was born , he or she was located in a community , a society , a culture already . Do not have a culture standing still in a long time , no culture can retain its status from the beginning till now though people have tried to preserve it maintained forever.Vietnam Culture is not avoid the natural laws also, that change over time and space. Ideology, science, engineering more develop impact to the economic activities . Special , because of changing in culture , such as the habit when Vietnamese get information , are impact on Marketing in advertising namely digital advertising. So, what happened to the traditional marketing channel in 5 years? According to a survey of Group M for Vietnamese from age from 5 to 45 in 2012 (3,010 people), 2010 (2,924 persons) and 2008 (2,969 people) has the results: -Males from 25 to 34 years old are tend to spend more time to online than watching TV during the day.

Traditional Newspaper-reading habits changing . Women love reading newspapers than reading in electronic media (the same one brand) compared to men, and vice versa. However, the rate of using applications to read the newspaper is increase more and more in young generation.

Most users listen to radio via mobile. 32% of adults listen to radio every month. Frequency of 20 times per month and an average of 50 minutes. -Leisure trends are changing fast in which the fastest growing are internet, cable TV and outdoor activities.

-Time for people spend on using the internet are more than in the past. 2.1 million households have radios and 2.5 million households use cable television, but there are 26.8 million internet subscribers and 111.5 million mobile subscribers . It 's impressive and awesome ! o Internet: 6.08% have personal computers.

4.2% of that internet subscribers. o Mobile: 127.68% of the population registered mobile subscribers. 7.6 million subscribers use 3G. Users lose their faith in traditional advertising. Urbanites distrust what they hear, the number of people like television advertising significantly reduced.

The changing of culture influences customers think , belief or their behavior as well as impacts on Marketing , special in digital advertising. Digital advertising, also called Internet advertising ( Internet marketing ) is when businesses leverage Internet technologies to deliver promotional advertisements to consumers. Digital advertising includes promotional advertisements and messages delivered through email, social media websites, online advertising on search engines, banner ads on mobile or Web sites and affiliates programs.



The development of Digital advertising brings awesome effective and unexpeted and become an inevitable trend. Trend: o Traditional marketing trend being downward. o Easily to access internet anytime, anywhere.

o Users can't separate from and mobile internet. Faith : o Users lose their trust in traditional advertisements. o It 's difficult to trust in the effective of statistical reports of the traditional advertising channels. Effective : o Envelop on large users, diversity of type. o Easily to focus and interact with customers. ADS agency began testing mobile advertising in Viet Nam such as : Honda 12 C tnh, Pepsi Bluetooth Zone , AFF Suziki Cup ,... There are five digital advertising forms offen used in Viet Nam : SEM : Search Engine Marketing : Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and advertising. SEM may use search engine optimization (SEO), that adjusts or rewrites website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages or use pay per click listings. SMS Marketing : Mobile marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a smart phone.Mobile marketing can provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas. Mobile In-Apps : almost put the Banner , Text-link ,... in the Apps Store , In-Games Mobile , Content Store ,.. ( Appstorevn or Socbay iMedia take all the market of ). Social Media Marketing : advertising on social network almost Facebook , Youtube , My Space ,... by put the Banner , Sponsored link , Event into Fanpage , Facebook Apps. Website / Wapsite ( Paids Ads ) : Print Ads Banner , Rich Media Video , Display Ads , Text , on website and wapsite . Whereby , they can control the display of advertising and time to display , control the budget , take profit on a click. However , everything have two side . Aside from advantage and effective , it also has disavantge . Namely : Customers Ignore Ads: Consumers are so used to seeing advertising on television, hearing radio commercials and flipping through advertisements in magazines, they've developed an aversion to all forms of advertising. This is also the case with online advertising, where consumers can avoid clicking banner advertisements, bypass ads in online videos they watch and close pop-up advertisements as soon as they come up on their screens. Customers are in control of which advertising messages they want to click and respond to. Viewing Problems:

Website downtime, lags in website or video loading and browser complications can reduce the number of times consumers see online advertisements and how well they see them. When technical issues occur, companies lose the opportunity to broadcast advertisements for their products and services and may lose potential sales. Viewing problems can occur because of problems with a website or if a consumer is using a smart phone or other mobile device to view a website, has a slow connection speed or does not have the correct applications and programs installed on his computers for proper viewing. Expensive Ad Prices: Pricing for advertising online can range from inexpensive -- The cost for banner, text and video ads vary depending on the amount of traffic and the type of readership a website or blog receives. Online advertising through pay-perclick campaigns and social media sites can also wreak havoc on a company's marketing budget, potentially yielding little to no return on investment. Consumers Get Distracted: When customers visit a website, they typically have a goal in mind, whether it's to catch up on the latest celebrity gossip, read the news, chat with friends, download music or shop for a specific item. Websites present customers with various options that can easily distract them and pull their attention from your online advertisements. Too Many Options: The Internet offers a wide range of websites on which companies can place advertisements. This can be overwhelming, especially for small business owners. With so many options, it's difficult to narrow down the choices to the websites that will attract the most potential customers and sales. Once a company selects a website, it is then presented with a variety of ways it can advertise its products or services on the site, such as through banner advertisements, video marketing or by sponsoring a post. Companies have to determine which type of advertisement yields the best response from their target markets.



Ads Agency will fail if not have a general Marketing model and new solutions . Beside improve all the form and model , must experiment new solutions such as Interactive Marketing , Local base Advertising , In-call / IVR Advertising , ...

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