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Annual Maintenance Contract for Electrical Systems at C-CAMPNCBS Cam us! Ban"alore-#$% %$#



Ten,er notice No- NCBS.ELECTR&CAL.E-&N-C.TR - +*/.*%+*0



GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore - 560 065. Phone: 2366600 !02 "a#: 23636662

Ten,er notice No- NCBS.ELECTR&CAL.E-&N-C.TR - +*/.*%+*0


: Annual Ma#n$enan%e Con$ra%$ &or

Ele%$r#%al sys$em a$ C'CAM(, NCB) Campus, GKVK Bangalore*

+* E) ,MA E VA-.E (.
O EN/ER 0 Rs* +0*15-a23s 0 Rs*67,500*00 0 Rs* 5008' Rs* 700*00 E9$ra #& re:u#red ;y (os$* 0 058078+07+ $o 778078+07+ 0 .p $o 76000 !rs On0 7=80787+* 0 A&$er 75000 !rs On0 7=80787+*

4* EARNE) MONE5 /E(O), 6* CO) OF EN/ER /OC.MEN 5* )A-E (ER,O/ 6* ,ME < /.E /A E OF RECE,( 1* ,ME < /A E OF O(EN,NG

)O-/ O 0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RECE,( NO0>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/A E0>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOR A ).M OF R)* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O"AR/) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !E CO) OF EN/ER /OC.MEN *

),GNA .RE OF ,)).,NG OFF,CER0 /E),GNA ,ON0

&m ortant Note- All 1i,,ers to atten, t2e Pre 1i, meetin" on +$.%+.+* at +#-3% 4rs0 in t2e office of t2e 4ea, 5 SES ) M! NCBS0


GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore - 560 065.

Phone: 2366600 !02 "a#: 23636662 Ten,er notice No- NCBS.ELECTR&CAL.E-&n-C.Tr - +*/.*%+*0

$ealed %enders are &n'&%ed (&n 2 Par% sys%em) *y %he +ead ($,&en%&-&, . /ng&neer&ng $er'&,es . 0a&n%enan,e) a% %he a*o'e o--&,e -rom e#per&en,ed /le,%r&,al Con%ra,%ors -or opera%&on and ma&n%enan,e o- $u*-s%a%&on e1u&pmen%, +2, 32 s4&%,h gear, 5G se%, 60" syn,hron&7a%&on panel, 8P$ e%,.,. 6gen,y!,on%ra,%or 4ho has done s&m&lar %ype o- 4or9 (2: hrs *as&s) o- 60C na%ure o- a m&n&mum o- %4o 4or9s, ea,h ,on%ra,% 'alue no% less %han Rs. 0.: la9hs &n %he las% -&'e years 4&%h pro'en %e,hn&,al and -&nan,&al ,apa,&%y possess&ng re1u&red &n-ras%ru,%ure -or %he a*o'e 4or9 only 4&ll *e ,ons&dered.
Name of 6or70'Annual Maintenance Contract for Electrical system at C-CAMP -NCBS Cam us! '8(8 Ban"alore-#$% %$#0

Estimated Value of work

Earnes$ Money /epos#$

: Rs. 20.75lakhs
0 Rs*67,500*00

Cost of Ten,er ,ocument Perio, of Contract

Rs0 #%%0%% +* Mont2s

2ender do,umen%s ,an *e o*%a&ned on 4r&%%en re1ues% on any 4or9&ng day -rom 05/01/2012 to11/01/2012 on paymen% o- %he ,os% o- %ender do,umen%, &n,lud&ng sales %a# &n ,ash (non re-unda*le) -rom %he 6,,oun%s ;--&,er, <a%&onal Cen%er -or B&olog&,al $,&en,es, 2="R, GKVK Campus, Bangalore. 2enders 4&ll *e &ssued only %o %hose -ul-&ll&ng %he ,r&%er&a spe,&-&ed &n para = a*o'e. 2enders shall *e su*m&%%ed &n %4o par%s s&mul%aneously &n separa%e sealed ,o'ers, supers,r&*ed as >C;V/R-=? and >C;V/R-==? Co'er-= shall ,on%a&n %he -ollo4&ng: . /05 as spe,&-&ed a*o'e &n %he -orm o- 5emand 5ra-% o- a s,heduled Ban9 guaran%eed *y %he Reser'e Ban9 o- =nd&a, &n -a'our o- <a%&onal Cen%er -or B&olog&,al $,&en,es, 2="R, Bangalore 65. Cash or Che1ue or any o%her mode -or %he /05 4&ll no% *e a,,ep%ed. 2. P6R2 6 o- %ender do,umen% and dra4&ngs duly s&gned along 4&%h %e,hn&,al &n-orma%&on. >=< ;8R /@P/R=/<C/ 2+/ ";33;A=<G 0=<=080 06<P;A/R =$ R/B8=R/5 2; B/ 5/P3;C/5 62 <CB$ ";R /<$8R=<G 2R;8B3/ "R// 06=<2/<6<C/?. $en&or 2e,hn&,&an 2e,hn&,&an - : <os - : <os

!elper Total

' + Nos ' 70 Nos

However contractors can s ecif! man ower de lo!ment attern" the! ro ose to ado t for this work after #oin# throu#h the sco e of work" as it is com letel! contractor$s res onsi%ilit! to fulfill &'&()*'+&,- re.uirements" %ut should not %e less than the a%ove de lo!ment. 3. :. 5. 6. E. 6ny de'&a%&ons -rom %he %ender ,ond&%&ons, spe,&-&,a%&ons, ma9es e%,. $&%e ;rgan&7a%&on Char%, l&s% o- %ools, ,ons%ru,%&on e1u&pmen% . ma,h&nery. Re-eren,e o- on go&ng proDe,%s. Ahe%her $,hedule- = ,omple%ely -&lled, and 9ep% &n pr&,e *&d. 3&s% o- %4o 4or9s o- s&m&lar na%ure and 'alue e#e,u%ed dur&ng %he las% -&'e years &n %he -orma% g&'en *elo4 4h&,h shall *e &n Bangalore or near*y area:

$l. <o.

<ame, 6ddress, Ph <o. o- ,l&en%s

Value o%he 4or9

5a%e o,ommen, emen%



/. Valid license" *0" E-1 re#istration co ies etc. C;V/R-== ,on%a&n&ng P6R2-B $C+/583/ ;" B86<2=2=/$ duly -&lled and s&gned along 4&%h pho%o,opy o- %he P6R2-B, %ha% &s %he pr&,e *&d only 4&%h 4or9&ng shee% o- %he ra%e -or ea,h &%em. 2enders 4&%h C;V/R-= and C;V/R-== 4&ll *e re,e&'ed up %o :.00 hrs on F!0 !20 2 *y %he unders&gned a% %he a*o'e address. C;V/R-= o- %he %ender 4&ll *e opened on %he same day a% 5.00 hrs &n %he presen,e o- a%%end&ng %enderers. ;pen&ng o- C;V/R-== (Pr&,e *&d) 4&ll *e &n%&ma%ed only %o %hose %enderers 4ho are 1ual&-&ed a-%er e'alua%&on o- P6R2-=. =- ,lar&-&,a%&ons are sough% *y %he ,on%ra,%or dur&ng %he *&dd&ng per&od %he same should *e &n 4r&%&ng. Bo%h %he ,lar&-&,a%&ons -rom %he %enderer and %he response %o %he ,lar&-&,a%&ons -rom +&,- should *e &n 4r&%&ng and all su,h ,orresponden,es should *e en,losed along 4&%h &2VER'1. 5&re,%or, <CB$ does no% *&nd h&msel- %o a,,ep% %he lo4es% or any o%her %ender, and reser'es %he au%hor&%y %o reDe,% any or all %he %enders or %o allo% par%s o- %he 4or9s %o d&--eren% agen,&es 4&%hou% ass&gn&ng any reason %hereo-.


!EA/ )E) < M*


GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore - 560 065. Phone: 23666:2F!30 "a#: 23636662 Ten,er notice No- NCBS.ELECTR&CAL.E-&N-C.TR - +*/.*%+*0

Annual Maintenance Contract for Electrical System at C-CAMP- NCBS Cam us! '8(8! Ban"alore-#$% %$#0 7* )%ope o& Con$ra%$
. 2he Con%ra,%or 4&ll, -or %he %&me *e&ng, pro'&de ser'&,es a% %he -ollo4&ng pla,e C-C60P, <a%&onal Cen%re -or B&olog&,al $,&en,es 86$-GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore G 560 065 and as per %he de%a&ls la&d do4n &n %he -ollo4&ng anne#ure: a) 6nne#ure G 6 GPar% (=) $,ope o- 4or9 Par% (==) 2en%a%&'e Gu&del&nes -or %he Aor9 =n'ol'ed &n %he $,ope o- Aor9 *) ,) d) e) -) 6nne#ure G B G General 2erms and ,ond&%&ons. 6nne#ure G CG$,hedule o- 5e'&a%&ons 6nne#ure G 5G$%a%u%ory ;*l&ga%&on. 6nne#ure G / G $,hedule- = 6nne#ure G " G $,hedule- ==

.2 2he de%a&ls o- ra%es and %he num*er o- personnel re1u&red -or ,arry&ng ou% %he 4or9 shall *e &nd&,a%ed *y %he Con%ra,%or &n %he 6nne#ure >B?. .3 ;n,e %he Aor9 ;rder &s &ssued, %he Con%ra,%or 4&ll re,e&'e &ns%ru,%&ons -rom an ;--&,er des&gna%ed -or %h&s purpose (;--&,er-&n-Charge) or h&s au%hor&7ed nom&nee and %he Con%ra,%or here*y under%a9es %o a*&de *y h&s!her any sugges%&ons!&ns%ru,%&ons, e%,. as regards ser'&,es ,o'ered &n %h&s ,on%ra,%. .: 6dd&%&on! al%era%&ons &n s,ope o- 4or9: 6ny al%era%&ons or add&%&ons %o %he s,ope o- 4or9 4&ll *e ,ommun&,a%ed %o %he Con%ra,%or and %he Con%ra,%or shall ,arry %hem ou%. "or any redu,%&on ! &n,rease &n %he $,ope o- 4or9, %he &n,rease ! de,rease &n %he ra%es shall *e nego%&a%ed and -&nal&7ed on mu%ually agreed *as&s.


2. 2he Con%ra,%or shall appo&n% %ra&ned s%a-- ha'&ng a good *ear&ng and ma&n%a&n h&gh s%andards o%urn ou%, ma&n%a&n ade1ua%e s%a-- %o ensure %here &s no hold up o- any ser'&,e -or any reason 4ha%soe'er. 6ny de-&,&en,y &n %he num*er o- s%a-- deployed 4&ll en%a&l penal redu,%&on -rom %he ,ompensa%&on paya*le as de,&ded *y %he Cen%re. 2he su,,ess-ul Con%ra,%or as soon as %he agreemen% &s s&gned shall su*m&% a l&s% o- %he&r 4or9men ! super'&sor! o%hers along 4&%h ,opy oappo&n%men% order &ssued %o %hem. 6s and 4hen %here &s a ,hange &n %he s%a-- pos%ed, a re'&sed l&s% shall *e su*m&%%ed along 4&%h ,opy o- appo&n%men% order &ssued %o %he ne4 appo&n%ee ! appo&n%ees, s&mul%aneously.

2.2 . =% &s normally unders%ood and agreed *e%4een *o%h %he par%&es %ha% Cen%re 4&ll no% *e respons&*le or *e l&a*le -or any la4s %ha% are &n -or,e ! %ha% may ,ome &n%o -or,e -rom %&me %o %&me &n respe,% o- personnel engaged *y %he Con%ra,%or and he 4&ll *e solely respons&*le -or %he %erms and ,ond&%&ons o- %he&r ser'&,es, sa-e%y, heal%h, s%a%u%ory re1u&remen%, e%,.

2.3 2he Con%ra,%or shall depu%e su,h o--&,ers and super'&sors as proposed *y h&m, 4ho shall *e a'a&la*le on s&%e %o super'&se %he Con%ra,% employees and &n%era,% on da&ly *as&s 4&%h ;--&,er-&nCharge regard&ng del&'er&ng %he spe,&-&ed ser'&,es. 2.: =% &s unders%ood and agreed %ha% %he Con%ra,%or 4&ll *e held respons&*le -or any d&s,&pl&nary ma%%ers ar&s&ng ou% o- %he&r employees and %he Con%ra,%or 4&ll %a9e appropr&a%e d&s,&pl&nary a,%&on aga&ns% %hose employees -ound &ndulg&ng &n any a,% o- &nd&s,&pl&ne &n Cen%erHs prem&ses or &n ,onne,%&on 4&%h %he ser'&,es re-erred %o here&n. 2.5 2he Con%ra,%or 4&ll &mmed&a%ely repla,e any employee -ound %o *e un-&% &n any manner &mmed&a%ely or on re,e&p% o- ad'&,e -rom any au%hor&7ed person &n <CB$. 2.6 2he Con%ra,%or shall ma&n%a&n proper and de%a&led re,ord -or %he Do* ,arr&ed ou% *y %he&r employees and shall also ma&n%a&n all re,ords and re%urns as ne,essary -or ,arry&ng ou% %he 4or9 smoo%hly and as pro'&ded under %he Con%ra,% 3a*our 6,%, 0&n&mum Aages 6,%, /$= 6,%, P" 6,%, e%,, as rele'an% and appl&,a*le -rom %&me %o %&me. 2.E 2he Con%ra,%or shall *e solely respons&*le %o ,omply 4&%h all legal and s%a%u%ory re1u&remen%s %ha% ar&se ou% o- %h&s agreemen% and &n respe,% o- %he employees engaged *y %he Con%ra,%or &n -ul-&llmen% o- %he ,on%ra,%ual o*l&ga%&ons s%a%ed here&n. 6n &nd&,a%&'e l&s% o- %hese s%a%u%ory o*l&ga%&ons &s a% 6nne#ure >5?. =% &s unders%ood and agreed %ha% %he Con%ra,%or 4&ll pro'&de su&%a*le un&-orms 4&%h ,ompany &ns&gn&a, *adges!=5 ,ards 4&%h pho%os and sa-e%y e1u&pmen% and shoes %o %he&r employees. =% &s Con%ra,%orHs respons&*&l&%y %o ha'e %hem per&od&,ally ,he,9ed med&,ally so as %o ensure %ha% med&,ally -&% s%a-- only &s deployed -or %he 4or9. 2./ a3 2he Con%ra,% employees should *e ,o'ered under all s%a%u%ory re1u&remen%s l&9e /$=, P", e%,. *y %he Con%ra,%or and %he Con%ra,%or shall ,omply 4&%h all %he -ormal&%&es &n %h&s regard. Copy o,hallan and $,hedule o- Con%ra,% /mployees -or paymen% o- /$=!P"!/3=, e%,. 4&ll *e -urn&shed (4he%her runn&ng!mon%hly or -&nal) *y %he ,on%ra,%or -or re&m*urs&ng %he same e'ery mon%h. %3 2he Con%ra,%or shall pay salary and o%her allo4an,es!*ene-&%s as &nd&,a%ed *y %he Con%ra,%or &n %he&r %ender and a,,ep%ed *y <CB$. $u,h salary shall *e 4ell a*o'e m&n&mum 4ages. c3 2he Cen%re 4&ll ha'e %he r&gh% %o &nspe,%!,all -or *oo9s!reg&s%ers, do,umen%s &n rela%&on %o all ma%%ers s re-erred %o, &n %h&s %ender or agreed la%er on. 2he Cen%re 4&ll also ha'e all r&gh%s %o ma9e re,o'er&es -rom %he ,ompensa%&on, &- any %ha% any s%a%u%ory agen,y &mposes upon %he Cen%re due %o %he Con%ra,%orIs non-,ompl&an,e 4&%h s%a%u%ory o*l&ga%&ons. 6 l&s% o- %hese as appl&,a*le a% presen% &s se% ou% &n 6nne#ure I5I a%%a,hed. 6ll %he Con%ra,% employees should *e ,o'ered under all s%a%u%ory re1u&remen%s l&9e /$=, P", e%,. *y %he Con%ra,%or and %he Con%ra,%or shall ,omply 4&%h all %he -ormal&%&es &n %h&s regard. Copy o- ,hallan and $,hedule o- Con%ra,% /mployees -or paymen% o- /$=!P"!/3=, e%,. 4&ll *e -urn&shed *y %he ,on%ra,%or -or re&m*ursemen%. d3 2he ,on%ra,%or shall ma&n%a&n a mus%er roll, 4ages reg&s%er o- all men employed *y %hem and all o%her do,umen%s and su*m&% &% %o %he Cen%re on %he s% o- e'ery mon%h -or %he pre'&ous mon%h or as ne,essary -or &nspe,%&on. 2he Con%ra,%or shall pro'&de all -a,&l&%&es -or &nspe,%&on !*oo9s ! personnel on demand *y <CB$ or any $%a%u%ory 6u%hor&%y. e3 2he ,on%ra,%or should pro'&de P" 6!, num*er, /$= Card and Pho%o =den%&%y Card %o %he ,on%ra,% employees pos%ed a% <CB$. 2h&s should *e done immediatel! *u% no% la%er %han one mon%h -rom %he da%e o- s&gn&ng Do&n% agreemen%.

2.J =% &s ,learly unders%ood and agreed upon %ha% ne&%her %he Con%ra,%or nor Con%ra,% employees. shall ha'e any ,la&m on employmen% 4&%h Cen%re a% any po&n% o- %&me and %h&s arrangemen% &s purely *e%4een %he Con%ra,%or and %he Cen%re -or spe,&-&, ser'&,es -or %he per&od spe,&-&ed.

2. 02he su,,ess-ul Con%ra,%or shall &ndemn&-y!deemed %o ha'e &ndemn&-&ed %he Cen%re -or all ,la&ms!losses ar&s&ng ou% o- %h&s %ender. 2he Con%ra,%or &s deemed %o ha'e &ndemn&-&ed %he Cen%re aga&ns% any ,la&m *y any au%hor&%y on,e %he 4or9 order &s a4arded. =n %he e'en% %he Cen%re has %o pay any &nd&'&dual, s%a%u%ory *ody or any agen,y -or reasons d&re,%ly or &nd&re,%ly a%%r&*u%a*le %o %h&s %ender, %he Con%ra,%or only shall pay su,h ,la&m!damages and e'en &- %he Cen%re &s ,alled upon %o pay, su,h damages!penal%&es and or ,os% shall *e re,o'ered -rom %he ,on%ra,%orIs dues !amoun% paya*le or shall *e pa&d *y %he Con%ra,%or on demand -rom <CB$. 2. 2he Con%ra,%or shall -ollo4 all rules as may *e e#&s%&ng or may *e -ramed -rom %&me %o %&me a% <CB$ on all aspe,%s ,o'er&ng %h&s %ender. 0a%er&al mo'emen%, en%ry!e#&% o- personnel, &den%&%y ,ard, sa-e%y, e%,. shall *e a,,ord&ng %o pro,edures e#&s%&ng &n <CB$ as amended -rom %&me %o %&me.

3. 2enure . 2erm&na%&on 3. 2he ,on%ra,% 4&%h %he Cen%re 4&ll *e &n&%&ally -or a per&od o- 3 mon%hs and &- %he ser'&,es are -ound %o *e sa%&s-a,%ory, %he ,on%ra,% may *e e#%ended -or a -ur%her per&od o- J mon%hs. 2he Cen%re reser'es %he r&gh% %o e#%end %he ,on%ra,% -or one more year on %he same %erms and ,ond&%&ons. 2he Cen%re reser'e %he r&gh% %o %erm&na%e %he Con%ra,% dur&ng %he penden,y o- %he Con%ra,% per&od &- %he per-orman,e &s -ound unsa%&s-a,%ory 3.2 /#,ep% as pro'&ded &n Clause 3.6 *elo4, %he Con%ra,% ,ould *e %erm&na%ed *y e&%her s&de *y g&'&ng one mon%hHs no%&,e &n 4r&%&ng. =- %he no%&,e per&od &s no% g&'en or &- a shor%er no%&,e &s g&'en *y %he Con%ra,%or, %he en%&re se,ur&%y depos&% 4ould *e -or-e&%ed. 6ny o%her ,os%s and ! or damages &n,urred *y %he Cen%re %o ma&n%a&n %he ser'&,es ,on%ra,%ed %o %he Con%ra,%or, on a,,oun% o- su,h shor% no%&,e 4&ll *e dedu,%ed -rom %he dues paya*le %o %he Con%ra,%or, or shall *e pa&d *y %he Con%ra,%or on demand &- su,h dues -all shor% o- su,h ,os%s. 3.3 =n %he ,ase o- -a&lure %o ,omple%e %he ,on%ra,% &n %erms o- su,h ,on%ra,%s 4&%h&n %he ,on%ra,% per&od spe,&-&ed &n %he %ender and &n,orpora%ed &n %he ,on%ra,% and &- su,h 4or9 &s go% done *y %he Cen%re -rom any par%y a% a h&gher ra%e %he Con%ra,%or shall *e l&a*le %o pay %he Cen%re %he d&--eren,e *e%4een e#&s%&ng ra%e and %he ra%e o- %he ne4 Con%ra,%. 3.: R&s9 Clause: <o%4&%hs%and&ng %he o%her %erms %here&n, %he Cen%re a% &%s op%&on 4&ll *e en%&%led %o %erm&na%e %he ,on%ra,% and %o a'a&l ser'&,e -rom else4here a% %he r&s9 and ,os% o- ,on%ra,%or e&%her %he 4hole o- %he ,on%ra,% or any par% 4h&,h %he ,on%ra,%or has -a&led %o per-orm &n %he op&n&on o- %he Cen%re 4&%h&n %he %&me s%&pula%ed or &- %he same per-orman,e &s no% a'a&la*le, %he *es% and %he neares% a'a&la*le su*s%&%u%e %hereo-. 2he ,on%ra,%or shall *e l&a*le -or any loss 4h&,h %he Cen%re may sus%a&n *y reason o- su,h r&s9 &n add&%&on %o penal%y. 3.5 =nsol'en,y and *rea,h o- ,on%ra,%: 2he Cen%re may, a% any %&me, *y no%&,e &n 4r&%&ng summar&ly %erm&na%e %he ,on%ra,% 4&%hou% ,ompensa%&on %o %he Con%ra,%or &n any o- %he -ollo4&ng e'en%s:

(a) =- %he Con%ra,%or *e&ng an &nd&'&dual or a -&rm &- any par%ner &n %he ,on%ra,%orHs -&rm shall *e adDudged &nsol'en% or shall ha'e a re,e&'&ng order or order -or adm&n&s%ra%&on o- h&s es%a%e made aga&ns% h&m or shall %a9e any pro,eed&ngs -or l&1u&da%&on or ,ompos&%&on under any &nsol'en,y a,% -or %he %&me *e&ng &n -or,e or ma9e any ,on'eyan,e or ass&gnmen% o- h&s e--e,%s or en%er &n%o and arrangemen% or ,ompos&%&on 4&%h h&s ,red&%ors or suspend paymen%, or &%he -&rm *e d&ssol'ed under %he Par%nersh&p 6,%, or

(*) =- %he ,on%ra,%or *e&ng a ,ompany shall pass a resolu%&on or %he ,our% shall ma9e an order -or %he l&1u&da%&on o- &%s a--a&rs or a re,e&'er or manager on *ehal- o- %he de*en%ure holders shall *e appo&n%ed or ,&r,ums%an,e shall ha'e ar&sen 4h&,h en%&%le %he ,our% or de*en%ure holders %o appo&n% a re,e&'er or manager, or (,) =- %he ,on%ra,%or ,omm&%s any *rea,h o- ,on%ra,% no% here&n spe,&-&,ally pro'&ded al4ays %ha% su,h de%erm&na%&on shall no% preDud&,e any r&gh% o- a,%&on or remedy 4h&,h shall ha'e %hen a,,rued or shall a,,rue %herea-%er %o %he Cen%re pro'&ded also %ha% %he ,on%ra,%or shall *e l&a*le %o pay %he Cen%re -or any e#%ra e#pend&%ure he &s %here*y pu% %o *u% shall no% *e en%&%led %o any ga&n on re%ender. (d) =n %he e'en% o- &nade1ua%e or unsa%&s-a,%ory per-orman,e o- du%&es *y %he Con%ra,%or, %he Cen%re shall ha'e %he r&gh% %o *r&ng %o %he no%&,e o- %he Con%ra,%or %he de-aul% (s) on %he&r par% and %he Con%ra,%or shall ensure %ha% %he sa&d de-aul% (s) &s ! are no% repea%ed and!or are duly remed&ed, 4&%h&n a per&od o- %hree days -rom %he re,e&p% o- %he sa&d no%&,e. "a&l&ng su,h remed&al a,%&on, or &n %he e'en% o- %he sa&d de-aul% (s)Hs *e&ng &nade1ua%ely ,orre,%ed, %he Cen%re shall ha'e %he r&gh% %o &mmed&a%ely %erm&na%e %he agreemen%. 3.6 <o%4&%hs%and&ng any o%her ,lause here&n, &- %here &s any a,% or om&ss&on *y %he Con%ra,%or or %he Con%ra,% employees 4h&,h Deopard&7es %he sa-e%y ! se,ur&%y o- %he Cen%re &n,lud&ng, *u% no% l&m&%ed %o : a) 2he-% or p&l-erage o- proper%y o- <CB$ *) "&re, -lood&ng, *rea9age or damage ,) V&olen,e or phys&,al a%%a,9 on %he Campus d) 6ny a,% or &n,&den% 4h&,h may pro'e de%r&men%al %o %he &n%eres%s o- <CB$ %he ,on%ra,% 4ould *e %erm&na%ed 4&%hou% any no%&,e. "ur%her, %he Con%ra,%or 4ould *e le'&ed penal%&es, as appropr&a%e *y %he deemed au%hor&%y. 2he de,&s&on o- %he Cen%re 5&re,%or shall *e -&nal &n su,h ma%%ers.

4. *a!ment 5erms: :. . 2he ,on%ra,%or shall su*m&% *&lls a-%er %he ,omple%&on o- e'ery ,alendar mon%h and normally paymen% 4&ll *e released 4&%h&n 5 4or9&ng days -rom %he da%e osu*m&ss&on o- *&ll &- %he *&ll &s ,omple%e and ,orre,% &n all respe,%s.

:. .2 2he mon%hly *&lls su*m&%%ed *y %he ,on%ra,%or shall *e only -or a,%ual salary, un&-orm ,on%en% and marg&n. 2he o%her *ene-&%s l&9e P", /$=, /3=, $.2 e%,., ,an *e ,la&med e'ery mon%h separa%ely 4&%h proo- o- do,umen%s and %he same 4&ll *e re&m*ursemen% any proo-, 2he ,on%ra,%or 4&ll no% *e en%&%led -or any o- %he a*o'e *ene-&%s.
6*7*4 (F, E), and E-, ?#ll ;e re#m;ursed $o $3e %on$ra%$or only on produ%$#on o& reg#s$ra$#on No*8 E), %ard8paymen$ o& E-, prem#um*

:. .: ,onus: Bonus shall *e paya*le *y %he ,on%ra,%or %o h&s ,on%ra,% employees on,e &n a year *e-ore 5&4al& or 4hen a ,on%ra,% employeeIs ser'&,e &s d&s,on%&nued. 2he amoun% o- *onus paya*le &s F.33 K su*De,% %o ma#&mum o- Rs. 3,:JJ!- per annum. :.2. 2he mon%hly runn&ng *&ll o- %he Con%ra,%or 4&ll *e,ome paya*le a% %he end o- ea,h mon%h on su*m&ss&on o- a mon%hly ,la&m %o %he 6,,oun%s ;--&,er, and on due ,er%&-&,a%&on *y %he ;--&,er&n-Charge o- sa%&s-a,%ory ser'&,es aga&ns% %he ,la&m. 2he Con%ra,%orHs paymen% 4&ll *e released only a-%er d&s*urs&ng %he salary %o ,on%ra,% employees e'ery mon%h.

:.2.2. 2he ;--&,er-&n-Charge &s au%hor&7ed %o dedu,% any amoun%s as de%erm&ned *y %he Cen%re 5&re,%or -rom %he amoun%s due %o %he Con%ra,%or -or any de-&,&en,y &n ser'&,es, pro'&ded *y %he Con%ra,%or. :.2.3. Paymen% o- Con%ra,%orIs *&ll shall normally *e made 4&%h&n 5 days o- su*m&ss&on su*De,% %o %he ,la&m *e&ng -ound proper &n all respe,%s and &n a,,ordan,e 4&%h %he %erms and ,ond&%&ons o%he ,on%ra,%. 6ll paymen%s 4&ll *e made a-%er dedu,%&on o- %a#es and du%&es a% sour,e as appl&,a*le -rom %&me %o %&me. :.3 Paymen%s %o %he ,on%ra,% employees shall *e d&s*ursed *y %he E%h o- %he su,,eed&ng mon%h &n %he presen,e o- %he ;--&,er-&n-Charge, or any au%hor&7ed o--&,er o- <CB$. =- E %h happens %o *e a hol&day, paymen%s shall *e made %he pre'&ous 4or9&ng day. 2he Con%ra,%or shall no%&-y all h&s employees ! 4or9ers o- %h&s da%e &n %he&r appo&n%men% order, and -ollo4 %h&s 'ery s%r&,%ly, 4he%her %he Cen%re has pa&d %he Con%ra,%orIs *&ll or no%. 2he paymen% o- salary and all o%her *ene-&%s su,h as *onus and o'er %&me %o %he ,on%ra,% employees shall *e d&s*ursed &n %he presen,e o;--&,er-&n-Charge or any au%hor&7ed o--&,er o- <CB$. :.: <o ,la&ms 4&ll *e en%er%a&ned &n respe,% o- any d&s,repan,y or de-e,% or shor% ,la&m &- su,h demand &s no% made 4&%h&n J0 days o- paymen% o- %he -&nal *&ll. :.5 -ecurit! 6e osit: 2he person!persons 4hose %ender(s) may *e a,,ep%ed shall perm&% <CB$ a% %he %&me o- ma9&ng any paymen% %o h&m -or 4or9 done under %he ,on%ra,% %o dedu,% a sum a% %he ra%e o- 0K o- %he gross amoun% o- ea,h runn&ng *&ll %&ll %he sum along 4&%h %he sum already depos&%ed as earnes% money, 4&ll amoun% %o se,ur&%y depos&% o- 0K o- %he %endered 'alue o- %he 4or9, su*De,% %o a ma#&mum o- Rs. 5.00 3a9hs. $u,h dedu,%&ons 4&ll *e made and held *y <CB$ *y 4ay o$e,ur&%y 5epos&% unless he ! %hey has ! ha'e depos&%ed %he amoun% o- $e,ur&%y a% %he ra%e men%&oned a*o'e &n ,ash or &n %he -orm o- Go'ernmen% $e,ur&%&es o- -&#ed depos&% re,e&p%s. =n ,ase a -&#ed depos&% o- any Ban9 &- -urn&shed *y %he ,on%ra,%or %o %he <CB$ as par% o- %he se,ur&%y depos&% and %he Ban9 &s una*le %o ma9e paymen% aga&ns% %he sa&d -&#ed depos&% re,e&p%, %he loss ,aused %here*y shall -all on %he ,on%ra,%or and %he ,on%ra,%or shall -or%h4&%h on demand -urn&sh add&%&onal se,ur&%y %o %he <CB$ %o ma9e good %he de-&,&%. $e,ur&%y 5epos&% 4&ll *e released only a-%er %he ,omple%&on o- %he de-e,%s l&a*&l&%y per&od o- 3 mon%hs a-%er %he da%e o- ,omple%&on o- %he 4or9.

$e,ur&%y 5epos&% 4&ll no% *e re-unded %&ll ,learan,e ,er%&-&,a%e -rom la*our o--&,er &s o*%a&ned *y Con%ra,%or. +o4e'er, &- %here &s genu&ne d&--&,ul%y %o o*%a&n a ,learan,e ,er%&-&,a%e, /ng&neer G =n G Charge 4&ll ma9e a re-eren,e %o 3a*our ;--&,er *e-ore releas&ng $e,ur&%y 5epos&%. =- no reply &s re,e&'ed 4&%h&n a reasona*le per&od, say mon%h -rom %he da%e o- su,h re-eren,e %hen /ng&neer G =n G Charge may ma9e h&s de,&s&on %o release *ased on h&s d&s,re%&on. :.6 1t is im ortant for the &ontractor to note that the rate .uoted shall %e inclusive of all ta7es and duties/escalation and shall remain valid for the eriod of the a#reement" i.e. 2 !ears from the date of 8ork 2rder. (n! increase or decrease in the rates shall %e onl! in res ect of statutor! duties / levies and such claim /s shall %e valid onl! with ade.uate documentar!

evidence. (n! decrease in the duties/levies durin# the eriod of a#reement" shall entail corres ondin# reduction in the contract amount. 1f no details or %reak'u of ta7es" duties/levies" etc. are indicated" it will %e assumed that the .uote su%mitted is inclusive of all ta7es/levies/duties" etc. 4.7 2he Con%ra,%or shall pay any ,la&m made *y %he Cen%re -or any de-&,&en,y (*o%h %ang&*le and &n%ang&*le) &n ser'&,e. $u,h amoun% may also *e dedu,%ed -rom *&lls paya*le %o %he Con%ra,%or. =% may *e no%ed %ha% %he Cen%re shall ha'e %he r&gh% %o -or-e&% %he $e,ur&%y 5epos&% &n -ull or par% -or any due!damages ,aused *y %he Con%ra,%or. =- %he $e,ur&%y 5epos&% or ou%s%and&ng *&lls o- %he Con%ra,%or &s -ound &nade1ua%e, %hen su,h mone%ary re,o'er&es shall *e e--e,%ed -rom any amoun% paya*le %o %he Con%ra,%or aga&ns% %h&s or any o%her ,on%ra,% un%&l %he dues o- %he Cen%re are -ully se%%led. =- %he ,la&m o- %he Cen%re ,ould no% *e me% &n %h&s manner, %he Con%ra,%or shall pay up all su,h ,la&ms &- a demand &s made *y <CB$.


)a&e$y, )e%ur#$y and ,nsuran%e

5.1 2he Con%ra,%or shall -ollo4 all se,ur&%y rules o- %he Cen%re and &ns%ru,%&ons re,e&'ed -rom %&me %o %&me regard&ng personnel &den%&%y ,ards, ma%er&al mo'emen%, e%,, o- %he Con%ra,%or. 5.2 5ur&ng %he penden,y o- %he agreemen%, %he ,on%ra,%or shall *e l&a*le -ully %o ,ompensa%e all ,on,erned -or any loss, damage o- ,ons%ru,%&on o- 4or9s, ,ons%ru,%&on, plan% . ma,h&nery, person, proper%y, e%,. &n,lud&ng %h&rd par%y r&s9s ar&s&ng due %o ,auses a%%r&*u%a*le %o %he agreemen%. 2he de,&s&on o- %he Cen%re 5&re,%or 4&ll *e -&nal . 4&ll *e *&nd&ng on *o%h par%&es. 2he ,on%ra,%or shall %a9e /mployees 3&a*&l&%y =nsuran,e o- pres,r&*ed 'alue -or %he&r employees. =% mus% *e ade1ua%ely ,o'ered all employees!4or9ers under Aor9men Compensa%&on 6,%, J2F as amended -rom %&me %o %&me. Be-ore s%ar%&ng %he 4or9, %he Con%ra,%or shall produ,e %he or&g&nal &nsuran,e pol&,y and %he l&,ense o- %he 4or9ers 4here appl&,a*le %o %he Cen%re. 9. )iscellaneous 6. 2he 4or9 men%&oned &n %he s,hedule &s only &nd&,a%&'e. 2he Cen%re reser'es %he r&gh% %o &n,rease or de,rease %he 1uan%um o- 4or9. 2he ,on%ra,%or shall e#e,u%e %he 4or9 on %he same %erms and ,ond&%&ons and ra%es %hroughou% %he per&od o- agreemen%. 6.2 2he ,on%ra,%or or h&s super'&sor shall mee% %he des&gna%ed ;--&,er o- %he Cen%re e'ery day %o re,e&'e %he de%a&ls o- &ssues ! ,ompla&n%s %o *e a%%ended and a-%er a%%end&ng %o %hese ,ompla&n%s, a repor% on %he same has %o *e su*m&%%ed %o %he ,on,erned ;--&,er.

7. 6is ute and Resolution E. 6ny d&spu%e or d&--eren,es %ha% may ar&se *e%4een %he par%&es shall *e re-erred %o %he sole ar*&%ra%&on o- %he Cen%re 5&re,%or or h&s nom&nees and %he Con%ra,%or shall ha'e no r&gh% %o o*De,% %o %he appo&n%men% o- %he 5&re,%or or h&s nom&nee as %he sole ar*&%ra%or. 2he de,&s&on o- %he ar*&%ra%or shall *e -&nal and *&nd&ng on %he par%&es. 2he 'enue -or ar*&%ra%&on shall *e Bangalore and no o%her pla,e. 2he pro'&s&ons o- %he 6r*&%ra%&on and Con,&l&a%&on a,%, JJ6 as ! amended -rom %&me %o %&me shall apply. 2he ,our%s &n Bangalore shall ha'e e#,lus&'e Dur&sd&,%&on %o deal 4&%h any or all d&spu%es *e%4een %he par%&es. /. *rimac! of 6ocuments

2he %ender do,umen%s, su*se1uen% ,ommun&,a%&on e#,hanged and %he 4or9 order as 4ell as all anne#ures shall *e par% and par,el o- %h&s agreemen%. =- %here &s any d&s,repan,y *e%4een %he a*o'e do,umen%s, %he s%a%emen% &n %he -ollo4&ng do,umen%s 4&ll apply 4&%h pr&ma,y -or ,ommun&,a%&ons &ssued a-%er %he 4or9 order, any pre-order ,orresponden,e as a,,ep%ed Do&n%ly, -ollo4ed *y 4or9 order, %ender do,umen%s and anne#ure %hereo-, &.e. %ender do,umen%s and anne#ures ha'e leas% pr&mary, &- any ,lause or de%a&l %here has *een superseded *y ,ommun&,a%&on a-%er %he open&ng o- *&ds &- Do&n%ly a,,ep%ed, 4or9 order or su*se1uen% ,ommun&,a%&on %o %he Con%ra,%or. :. (mendments to 8ork 2rder / (#reement: 6ny amendmen% %o %he Aor9 ;rder!agreemen% shall *e 'al&d only &- *o%h par%&es ha'e agreed %o su,h amendmen%(s) &n 4r&%&ng duly au%hen%&,a%ed *y au%hor&7ed personnel o- *o%h par%&es.

=- $C;P/ ;" A;RK $,ope o- Aor9 -or 6nnual 0a&n%enan,e Con%ra,% a% C-C60P <CB$ Campus, GKVK (2:+rs @ 365 days) General Gu&del&nes -or Buo%&ng %he 2ender 2he C-C60P- <CB$ has E50 $1.m%rs o- 3a*ora%ory spa,e, ser'&,e -loors, 6+8 rooms, K&%,hen, /1u&pmen% rooms, Clean rooms, "lood l&gh%s, Play grounds e%,., and asso,&a%ed /le,%r&,al, "&re

6larm $ys%ems and :!F 3a9h Aa%er $ump 2an9s. 2he /le,%r&,al 4or9 has *een done *y 0!$ 5ynam Con%rols. 2he $,ope o- 4or9s &n,lude L*u% no% res%r&,%edM %he -ollo4&ng. C-C60P-<CB$ has ,r&%&,al re1u&remen% o- /le,%r&, po4er and 6&r-Cond&%&on&ng. =n no ,ase, ou%age opo4er -or more %han 5 m&nu%es (-or ,r&%&,al areas) &s a,,ep%a*le. +en,e, %he essen,e o- %h&s ,on%ra,% &s %o a,h&e'e NOero Brea9do4n?. 6ll e--or%s are %o *e made 4&%h up%o da%e ma&n%enan,e &n a,h&e'&ng %h&s, *y us&ng pred&,%&'e and pro-a,%&'e ma&n%enan,e %e,hn&1ues a% %&mes, and, *y s%r&,%ly adher&ng %o pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e pra,%&,es and s,hedules. ;nly Class,er%&-&ed ele,%r&,al ,on%ra,%ors 4ho ha'e ,arr&ed ou% s&m&lar 4or9s 4&%h good %ra,9 re,ords shall *e ,ons&dered -or engagemen%. Con%ra,%ors shall engage and deploy e#per&en,ed %e,hn&,al s%a-- 4ho has e#per&en,e &n %rou*le shoo%&ng %o mee% %h&s 9&nd o- re1u&remen%s and handl&ng po4er shu%do4n s&%ua%&ons. $o engaged super'&sors ! %e,hn&,&ans shall ha'e a*&l&%y %o read ,on%&nuous po4er and ,on%rol ,&r,u&% dra4&ng o- 30 pages or more, a*le %o do %rou*le shoo%&ng and re,%&-&,a%&on. . ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- KV o'erhead l&nes, =sola%ors and par%s %here&n. 2. 3. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e oPro%e,%&'e and ,on%rol de'&,es. KV ou%door +.2. Panel, 6B$,

;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- 32 PCC and 5&s%r&*u%&on panel, 0a&n Panels, 8P$ panels, 0a&n 5&s%r&*u%&on Boards, 35BHs, P5BH$.

3a. Rou%&ne and pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e o- ele,%r&,al s4&%,h gear and dr&'es, per%a&n&ng 4a%er supply -rom : la9h l&%res s%orage %an9. :. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- <o. 500KV6 KV!:33V ;u%door %ype 2rans-ormers and ,on%roll&ng!pro%e,%&'e a,,essor&es. 5. 6. E. F. J. 0. ;pera%&on . rou%&ne pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- 500 KV6 5G se%- <o 4&%h 60" panels &n,lud&ng -uel supply . ma&n%enan,e o- ,on%roll&ng!pro%e,%&'e a,,essor&es. $h&-%&ng o- 5&esel -rom %he <CB$ %o C-C60P 4hene'er re1u&red. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- Ba%%ery *an9s. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- Bus 5u,%s. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- Capa,&%or Ban9s. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- +2, 32 ,a*les . A&r&ngs.

;pera%&on, rou%&ne, ma&n%enan,e o- "&re 6larm $ys%ems and "&re hydran% sys%ems.

2. 3.

;pera%&on, rou%&ne, ma&n%enan,e o- Passenger 3&-%s ;2=$ ma9e. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- %4o Pump +ouses (:3a9h l&%res &ns&de %he <CB$ ,ompound . Fla9hs l&%res 4h&,h &s ou%s&de %he <CB$ Compound) ,ompr&ses oele,%r&,al s4&%,hgear and mo%ors appropr&a%e 2 <os. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- 3&gh%&ng . Po4er 5&s%r&*u%&on $ys%ems. 6ll %he a,,essor&es and spares rela%ed %o %he a*o'e e1u&pmen%s ha'e %o *e suppl&ed and used dur&ng ma&n%enan,e, 4h&,h shall *e pa&d e#%ra. ;pera%&on, rou%&ne, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e o- %he -ollo4&ng 3&gh%&ng and hea%&ng sys%ems. a. $%ree% 3&gh%s . "lood 3&gh%s *. Bu&ld&ng 3&gh% -&%%&ngs ,. Ce&l&ng -ans d. /#-haus% "ans e. 6ll rela%ed po4er po&n%s : appro#. 50 <os. : appro#. 000 <os. : appro#.50<os. : appro#. 25<os. : appro#. 2500 <os.

:. 5. 6.

E. F. J.

;pera%&on and ma&n%enan,e o- sa-e%y de'&,es and ear%h p&%s. 8p 9eep&ng and emergen,y opera%&on o- "&re /#%&ngu&shers. /0/RG/<CC 3;65$: ;pera%&on, general ma&n%enan,e and ,on%&nuous mon&%or&ng ! ,he,9&ng oall parame%ers (po4er) per%a&n&ng %o /1u&pmen% rooms, Clean room and around 30 o%her emergen,y loads ,omple%e 4&%h %rou*leshoo%&ng and a%%end&ng %o m&nor *rea9do4ns. 6ll ,lass&-&ed emergen,y and ,r&%&,al loads %o *e mon&%ored (4&%h ,orre,%&'e a,%&on) round %he ,lo,9 as &ns%ru,%ed and runn&ng ,ond&%&on o- ea,h %o *e logged &n ne,essary log*oo9s and reg&s%er. ;pera%&on and 0a&n%enan,e o- 8P$ sys%ems 3&as&on&ng 4&%h B/$C;0, /le,%r&,al =nspe,%ora%e. 5o,umen%a%&on. 2 eration and maintenance of Electrical s!stem" 6< s!stem" water stora#e and um in# s!stem" fire alarm and fire fi#htin# s!stems and other related %uildin# / facilit! maintenance s!stem at +&,2he 4or9 4&ll &n,lude opera%&on . ma&n%enan,e o- all &ns%alla%&ons, -&%%&ngs, sys%ems, e%,. Class&-&ed under ele,%r&,al. 6ny used or damaged ,onsuma*les!-&%%&ngs!par%s ha'e %o *e repla,ed and %he ,on%ra,%or shall a% all po&n%s o- %&me on all days *e aler% and *e prepared %o ,arry ou% any repa&rs and re,%&-&,a%&on.

20. 2 . 22. 2;.


25. Re,ords o- any add&%&on or al%era%&ons made &n %he sys%em dur&ng %he %enure o- %h&s ,on%ra,% (4he%her *y %he 60C ,on%ra,%or or any o%her -&rm or *y <CB$), ha'e %o *e ma&n%a&ned *y %he ,on%ra,%or. 26. 6ll small -a*r&,a%&on 4or9s, repa&rs, ser'&,&ng o- ma,h&nes ! e1u&pmen% ! par%s %here&n shall ha'e %o *e ,arr&ed ou% *y %he ,on%ra,%or 4&%h&n spe,&-&ed %&me. Con%ra,%or shall ne'er say NnoH %o any o- %he re1u&remen% o- <CB$, 4h&,h &s &n %he area o- 60CHs %e,hn&,al ser'&,es, as -ound

reasona*le %o *e en%rus%ed on%o %he ,on%ra,%or *y /ng&neer-=n-Charge (/le,%r&,al). Reasona*le amoun% shall *e pa&d aga&ns% *&lls -or su,h 4or9s as ,er%&-&ed *y /ng&neer-=n-Charge (/le,%r&,al). 2E. 6ll -&re alarm ,alls and o%her rela%ed -un,%&onal re1u&remen% ,alls o- <CB$ shall *e a%%ended and -ollo4ed up &n %he *es% &n%eres% o- %he Cen%re and &%s a,%&'&%&es. 2F. Ah&le ,arry&ng ou% any o- %he 4or9s, &- %he dus% &s genera%ed ! %he same -l&es and se%%les &n %he surround&ng area, %he same (dus%) should *e %horoughly ,leaned. Va,uum ,leaner and 4&p&ng ma%er&als shall *e used &n ,lean&ng. =- any mar9&ng, s,ars are seen, %he same %o *e ,leanly 4&ped o--. 6ll a%%emp%s %o *e made &n a'o&d&ng dus% ! d&r% ! mar9&ngs e%,., 4h&le 4or9&ng. 2J. Pro'&d&ng all 9&nds o- la*our and %he e#per%&se re1u&red %o a%%end %o %he a*o'e 4or9 &s &n,luded &n %he s,ope o- 4or9. +o4e'er, ,onsuma*le, 4or9shop e#penses, ne4 add&%&on and al%era%&on 4or9 4&ll *e pa&d e#%ra as per a,%ual ra%e or agreed ra%e as appl&,a*le. 30. 6ny de*r&s genera%ed dur&ng %he ,urse o- ma&n%enan,e and mod&-&,a%&on 4or9s are %o remo'ed -rom %he ,ampus o- <CB$ and su&%a*ly d&sposed o--.

)pe%#al Cond#$#ons0
1. (ll works to %e carried out in accordance with relevant 1ndian -tandards and as er 1ndian Electricit! rule as ammended. 5he contractor has to o%tain necessar! clearance from Electrical 1ns ectorate. *anel" 0ittin#s" E.ui ment$s" -!stems etc." all the com onents" accessories" -u%'(ssem%l!" assem%lies etc.. 8hich are attachments or arts needed for the ur ose. (n! other work which are incidental or art of the a%ove" %ut not s ecificall! s elt out will also %e included in the sco e.
2. "or ,arry&ng ou% a*o'e Do* %he ,on%ra,%or has %o ma9e h&s o4n arrangemen%s -or %ools, %a,9les and measur&ng e1u&pmen%, measur&ng me%ers, sa-e%y and pro%e,%&'e de'&,es -or ,arry&ng ou% %he 4or9. 3. =- any small 'alue &%ems ('alue o- %he &%em less %han 5000!-) %o *e suppl&ed, %he same need %o *e suppl&ed a% %he mar9e% ra%e!manu-a,%urerHs pr&,e l&s% &n ,onsul%a%&on 4&%h %he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer. 6lso, any m&nor Do*s (3ess %han Rs. one 3a9h) %ha% needs %o *e ,arr&ed ou% shall *e e#e,u%ed *y %he ,on%ra,%or as per &ns%ru,%&ons o- %he ele,%r&,al eng&neer and %he ra%e shall *e 4or9ed ou% as per pre'a&l&ng mar9e% ra%e -or 4h&,h %he Con%ra,%or has %o produ,e do,umen%ary e'&den,es -or %he ,os% o- ma%er&als and la*our. "or ,arry&ng ou% ma&n%enan,e 4or9 ,onsuma*le 4&ll *e e&%her suppl&ed *y %he 5epar%men% or Con%ra,%or -or agreed ra%e. +o4e'er, all 9&nds o- la*our e#per%&se are &n,luded &n %he s,ope o- 4or9 e#,ep% -or ne4 4or9s. :. C-C60P-<CB$ &s a resear,h &ns%&%u%e and has ,r&%&,al po4er re1u&remen%. Please no%e ma&n%enan,e should *e &n su,h a 4ay %ha% po4er -a&lure should no% *e more %han 5 m&nu%es &n any ,ase. 5. "or some o- %he emergen,y load po&n%s po4er a'a&la*&l&%y has %o *e mon&%ored round %he ,lo,9. 6. Con%ra,%ors should deploy ele,%r&,al s%a-- ha'&ng e#per&en,e &n handl&ng su,h po4er shu%do4n s&%ua%&ons and ha'e a*&l&%y %o read ,on%&nuous dra4&ng o- 30 pages or more and ,apa*le o%rou*le shoo%&ng and re,%&-&,a%&on.

E. 6s %he 4or9 &n'ol'ed &s 1u&%e spe,&al&7ed and ,on%&nuous mon&%or&ng &s re1u&red, a*sen%ee&sm o%he ,on%ra,%orHs employees 4&ll no% *e %olera%ed. 2he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer &s au%hor&sed %o ma9e penal dedu,%&ons &n %he *&lls -or %he a*sen%ee&sm and non-,ompl&an,e o- %he 4or9. 2he ,on%ra,%or 4&ll ensure proper super'&s&on all %he %&me. =n ,ase o- de-&,&en,y penal%y 4&ll *e &mposed.

F. 6ll %he la*ours and e#per%&se are &n,luded &n %he s,ope o- 4or9. <o e#%ra paymen% 4&ll *e made -or ,arry&ng ou% rou%&ne *rea9do4n and pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,es. J. =% &s presumed %ha% ,on%ra,%or 4&ll deploy s9&lled manpo4er as re1u&red. 0. 6ll %he *rea9do4n ,alls should *e a%%ended &mmed&a%ely, &n ,ase -re1uen,y ! 4or9 demands more manpo4er, Con%ra,%or 4&ll arrange add&%&onal manpo4er so as no% %o d&s%ur* %he resear,h a,%&'&%&es a% no e#%ra ,os%.

=% &s -ully ,on%ra,%orHs respons&*&l&%y %o deploy 1ual&-&ed super'&sor and 2e,hn&,&an 4&%h rele'an% Bual&-&,a%&ons, 3&,ense hands on e#per&en,e (0&n&mum E %o F Cears) %o handle ele,%r&,al, 8P$ "&re alarm $ys%em e%,.. /1u&pmen%s spe,&-&ed &n %he s,ope o- 4or9. 2hey should *e 4ell ,on'ersan% 4&%h =nd&an $%andard, =nd&an /le,%r&,&%y Rule and a,%s as appl&,a*le and should ha'e 9no4ledge oele,%r&,al and =ndus%r&al sa-e%y pra,%&,es.

Con%ra,%or 4&ll ensure ,ons&s%en,y o- 4or9 and 4or9 -or,e, ,orre,% %rou*le shoo%&ng, good 4or9men sh&p -ollo4 all sa-e%y pro,edures and 4&ll ma9e all ne,essary e--or%s %o ma&n%a&n heal%hy en'&ronmen%s and rel&a*le ser'&,es. 6ll %he sh&-%s du%y should *e ma&n%a&ned *y %he ade1ua%e num*er o- sen&or 2e,hn&,&ans(m&n&mum 5&ploma &n /le,%r&,al, 6 %o E years e#per&en,e &n %he rele'an% -&eld hold&ng 'al&d l&,en,e) . 5&ploma &n /le,%ron&,s . ,ommun&,a%&on -or general sh&-%s, 4ho should 9no4 %he opera%&on and ma&n%enan,e o8P$ and 2e,hn&,&ans (/le,%r&,&ans : %o 5 years e#per&en,e &n %he rele'an% -&eld and 'al&d l&,ense.) and +elpers-$$3C 4&%h m&n&mum %4o years e#per&en,e &n %he ele,%r&,al -&eld.

1t is urel! contractor$s res onsi%ilit! to #et his staff ac.uainted with the site condition" o eration and maintenance rocedure" E.ui ment detail" -afet! devices" -co e of work etc."
Con%ra,%or shall depu%e ade1ua%e num*er o- s%a-- %o ,arry ou% rou%&ne 4or9, a%%end&ng -use ,all, pre'en%&'e and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e so as no% d&s%ur* resear,h a,%&'&%y. Con%ra,%or 4&ll ensure %ha% %he deployed s%a-- should ha'e *as&, 1ual&-&,a%&on and ,apa*le o- handl&ng 4or9 as s%&pula%ed &n s,ope o- 4or9. =n ,ase o- delay, repe%&%&on o- 4or9, non ,ompl&an,e, &nade1ua%e s%a-- e%,... Penal%y 4&ll *e &mposed as per %he penal%y ,lause men%&oned &n %erms and ,ond&%&on. 0&n&mum 4age o- %he s%a-- should no% *e less %han m&n&mum Aage 6,% appl&,a*le %o %he respe,%&'e ,a%egory!e#per&en,e. Con%ra,%or 4&ll su*m&% %he de%a&ls o- m&n&mum 4ages as per 0&n&mum Aage 6,%. 6s appl&,a*le %o %he respe,%&'e ,a%egory!/#per&en,e a% %he %&me o- su*m&ss&on o- 2ender *&d. Con%ra,%or 4&ll su*m&% %he&r de%a&led s,heme %o ,arry ou% a*o'e 4or9 along 4&%h %he %ender. =n ,ase oerror &n %yp&ng, repor% o- d&--eren% -&gures, only s%r&ngen% ,ond&%&on 4&ll apply. "ollo4&ng ,onsuma*les shall *e suppl&ed *y %he Con%ra,%or a% %he a,%ual ra%es pre'a&l&ng a% %he %&me o- pur,hase. Copy o- pr&,e l&s% o- %he manu-a,%urers has %o *e en,losed along 4&%h %he *&lls 4h&le ,la&m&ng paymen% -or ,onsuma*les.

SCHEDULING =n a *road manner, %he 60C 4or9 ,an *e s,heduled as -ollo4s (6ll a% no e#%ra ,os%) 6) 6<<8633C Pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e 4or9 and ser'&,&ng o- <o. o9', ;u%door 6B$ as per manu-a,%urerHs re,ommenda%&ons ! s%andard pra,%&,e, &n,lud&ng ser'&,&ng o- VCB and all o%her panel a,,essor&es, upda%&ng o- rele'an% re,ords.

Pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e 4or9 on +2 *us-*ar sys%em, upda%&ng o- rele'an% re,ords. Pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e 4or9 and ser'&,&ng o- : <os. o- 32 6CB panels as per manu-a,%urerHs re,ommenda%&on ! s%andard pra,%&,e, &n,lud&ng ser'&,&ng o- 6CB and all o%her panel a,,essor&es, upda%&ng o- rele'an% re,ords. Pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e 4or9 on 32 *us-*ar sys%em, PCC$, 0CCBs, $"8$ e%,., upda%&ng orele'an% re,ords. Pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e 4or9 on <o. o- 500 9V6, !0.:33 KV ;-- load %ap ,hanger o%rans-ormers Pro%e,%&'e relays %es%&ng. B) +63" C/6R3C: ;&l B5V %es%&ng o- 2rans-ormer o&l o- *o%h ma&n %an9, 4h&,h ,ould *e pa&d a% e#%ra agreed pr&,es, upda%&ng o- rele'an% re,ords. /ar%h res&s%an,e measuremen% o- all %he /ar%h ele,%rodes o- <CB$ (a*ou% J0 <os.), a% no e#%ra ,os%, upda%&ng o- rele'an% re,ords. Pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e o- 8P$ &n,lud&ng *a,9 up %es%&ng C) B86R2/R3C: . P5Bs and 35Bs and asso,&a%ed /3CB ,he,9&ng, ma&n%enan,e and re,ord&ng. 5) 0;<2+3C Che,9&ng, -&%%&ng ,lean&ng and -aul% re,%&-&,a%&on and re,ord&ng o- -ollo4&ng: $%ree% and se,ur&%y l&gh%s 4&%h&n %he ,ampus and &n %he road lead&ng %o ,ampus (E0A +P$V -&%%&ngs) Per&phery l&gh%s Pa%h 4ay l&gh%s 3&gh%s and -ans &n ,a-e%er&a 3e,%ure hall and sem&nar hall l&gh%s Common area l&gh%s, ma&n en%ran,e por%&,o l&gh%s, spo% l&gh%s e%,., Con%ra,%orHs runn&ng spares ma9eup and l&s% su*m&ss&on. Ba%%ery ,harger panel %es%&ng and re,ord&ng. 3oad ,urren% re,ord o- ea,h 32 -eeder -rom su*-s%a%&on. Capa,&%or *an9 load ,urren% re,ord&ng. Che,9&ng o- 8P$ ") 56=3C: ;pera%&on and ma&n%enan,e o- /le,%r&,al sys%em a% +2 . 32 le'els ha'&ng sour,e ,hange-o'er sys%ems (*e%4een B/$C;0 and s%and*y 5G se% sour,es), pro%e,%&on, ,on%rol and au#&l&ary e1u&pmen%s. +ourly logg&ng o- sys%em parame%ers and a%%end&ng %o all re,%&-&,a%&on 4or9s. 5a&ly %es% runn&ng, 6-,he,9, opera%&on and ma&n%enan,e o- s%and*y 5G sour,e &n %he e'en% oB/$C;0 supply -a&lure and re'er%&ng %o B/$C;0 supply on &%s resump%&on (ensur&ng %ha% %he supply &s s%a*le). +ourly logg&ng o- sys%em parame%ers and a%%end&ng %o all re,%&-&,a%&on 4or9s.

+2 yard &nspe,%&on and re,ord&ng o- B/$C;0 me%er read&ngs. Aa%er supply managemen% and logg&ng o- sys%em parame%ers and le'els. 0on&%or&ng o- all emergen,y loads (ele,%r&,al and a&r-,ond&%&on&ng) and re,ord&ng o- sys%em parame%ers and ,ond&%&on. <e,essary ,orre,%&'e a,%&on %o *e %a9en &- %h&ngs are no% -ound normal.

Che,9&ng o- *a%%ery ,harger and *a%%ery ,ond&%&on o- pro%e,%&'e sys%em *a%%er&es and 5G se% *a%%er&es, re,ord&ng %he rele'an% parame%ers. 5&esel s%o,9 ,he,9&ng and re,ord&ng. 8pda%&ng and ma&n%enan,e o- all o%her reg&s%ers. Brea9do4n ma&n%enan,e and al%era%&on 4or9s (4&%h spe,&al &mpor%an,e %o ,r&%&,al areas, la*s, le,%ure halls, sem&nar halls)P "ollo4-up 4&%h 3&-%, 5G, "&re alarm e%,., 60Cs. 0. 6%%end&ng %o any o%her 4or9 as en%rus%ed. P/R$;<</3 2; A;RK 62 <CB$: 2he ,on%ra,%or has %o manage and e#e,u%e all %he 4or9s en%rus%ed, %hrough ded&,a%ed super'&sor *y deploy&ng %he re1u&red manpo4er. "or %he purpose o- round %he ,lo,9, ,on%&nuous mon&%or&ng, opera%&on and ma&n%enan,e %hroughou% %he year (e'en on hol&days) o- all %he sys%em (and %o man %he su*-s%a%&on), ,on%ra,%or has %o deploy ade1ua%e num*er o- 1ual&-&ed and e#per&en,ed s%a-- mem*ers &n round %he ,lo,9 3 sh&-%s (4&%h hand&ng o'er and %a9&ng o'er sys%ems). "or o%her general opera%&on and *rea9do4n ma&n%enan,e oall %he sys%ems and u%&l&%&es, ,on%ra,%or has %o deploy ade1ua%e num*er o- 1ual&-&ed and e#per&en,ed s%a-- mem*ers &n general sh&-% on 6 days per 4ee9 *as&s. 5epend&ng on %he 1uan%um o- 4or9 and e#&gen,&es, %he manpo4er deployed &n ea,h sh&-% a% ea,h le'el shall 'ary as re1u&red. 2he ,on%ra,%or, a-%er s%udy&ng and unders%and&ng ! gaug&ng %he re1u&remen% o- <CB$, shall -&# a s%a-- pa%%ern -or regular rou%&ne 4or9s &n round %he ,lo,9 and general sh&-%s a% h&s!her d&s,re%&on, s%r&,%ly adhere %o &% (4h&,h may &n,rease dur&ng e#&gen,&es). 2he Con%ra,%or should &nd&,a%e %he <o. o- s%a-- ! ,a%egory 4&se, proposed %o *e deployed as &nd&,a%ed &n %he -orm o- an under%a9&ng. =% &s -ully %he respons&*&l&%y o- %he ,on%ra,%or %o deploy 1ual&-&ed super'&sor and 2e,hn&,&ans 4&%h hands on e#per&en,e, rele'an% 3&,ense!perm&%s %o handle ele,%r&,al e1u&pmen%s, "&re alarm sys%em e1u&pmen%s, e%,., as appl&,a*le. 2hey should *e 4ell ,on'ersan% 4&%h =nd&an $%andards, =nd&an /le,%r&,&%y Rule and a,%s as appl&,a*le and should ha'e 9no4ledge o- ele,%r&,al and =ndus%r&al sa-e%y pra,%&,es. 2he m&n&mum re1u&remen%s are as -ollo4s. $en&or 2e,hn&,&ans: 0&n&mum 5&ploma (/le,%r&,al) 4&%h 6 %o E years rele'an% e#per&en,e hold&ng 'al&d 3&,en,e. $en&or 2e,hn&,&an ( -or general sh&-%s ) : 0&n&mum 5&ploma (/le,%ron&, . ,ommun&,a%&ons) 4&%h 3 %o 3 years &n 8P$ -&eld 2e,hn&,&an: 0&n&mum =2= (/le,%r&,al) 4&%h : %o 5 years rele'an% e#per&en,e hold&ng 'al&d l&,ense. +elper: 3&%era%e 4&%h or 2 years e#per&en,e &n /le,%r&,al $e,%&on o- any &ndus%ry.

Con%ra,%or should pro'&de 8n&-orms, $hoes, sa-e%y and pro%e,%&on gear, 59V grade hand glo'es, =den%&%y ,ards e%,., %o %he s%a--s deployed, a% no e#%ra ,os%. Con%ra,%or 4&ll ensure ,ons&s%en,y o- 4or9 and 4or9 -or,e, ,orre,% %rou*le shoo%&ng, good 4or9mansh&p, -ollo4 all sa-e%y pro,edures and 4&ll ma9e all ne,essary e--or%s %o ma&n%a&n heal%hy en'&ronmen% and rel&a*le ser'&,es.

=- any o- %he s%a-- mem*er appo&n%ed *y Con%ra,%or &s -ound %o *e Nno% ,ompe%en%H, he has %o *e repla,ed *y a r&gh% person 4&%h&n a s%&pula%ed %&me as &ns%ru,%ed *y /le,%r&,al /ng&neer- =n-,harge, <CB$. 6ll %he rele'an% do,umen%s per%a&n&ng %o s%a-- deployed, l&9e ,op&es o- Do* appo&n%men% order 4&%h %he ,on%ra,%or, address proo-, pho%o,opy o- =5 ,ard e%,., and o%her de%a&ls as sough% shall *e pro'&ded %o <CB$, *y %he ,on%ra,%or under h&s respons&*&l&%y -or %he ,orre,%ness. Aages o- %he s%a-- deployed should no% *e less %han as %ha% men%&oned &n 0&n&mum Aage 6,% appl&,a*le %o %he respe,%&'e ,a%egory!e#per&en,e, as on da%e. 2he /$=, P", /3=, *onus e%,., la*our la4, o%her rules and norms re1u&remen% as -ound re1u&red -or ,on%ra,%s o- %h&s na%ure should *e me%. 2he same de%a&ls shall *e su*m&%%ed along 4&%h %e,hn&,al *&d. =n no ,ase, %he ,on%ra,%or or h&s!her employees shall ,la&m Do* ! employmen% 4&%h <CB$. <o %ranspor% -a,&l&%y shall *e pro'&ded -or %he ,on%ra,%or or h&s employees. =% &s purely ,on%ra,%orHs respons&*&l&%y %o ge% h&s s%a-- a,1ua&n%ed!%ra&ned 4&%h %he s&%e ,ond&%&ons, opera%&on and ma&n%enan,e pro,edure, e1u&pmen% de%a&l, sa-e%y de'&,es, s,ope o- 4or9 e%,., =n ,ase o- delay, repe%&%&on o- 4or9, non ,ompl&an,e, &nade1ua%e s%a-- e%,., penal%y 4&ll *e &mposed as per %he ,lause men%&oned. . Con%ra,%or mus% '&s&% %he s&%e, unders%and %he s&%e ,ond&%&on, %ype o- 4or9 &n'ol'ed a'a&la*&l&%y ospe,&al&7ed or general e1u&pmen%s, %ools e%,., -or ,arry&ng ou% 4or9s l&s%ed here&n. Cou may ,on%a,% /le,%r&,al /ng&neer or h&s nom&nee -or %h&s purpose. 2. Con%ra,%or should ha'e ,lass-= Go'ernmen% /le,%r&,al Con%ra,% 3&,ense, =P", /$=C, la*our l&,ense and e#per&en,e &n s&m&lar -&eld as men%&oned &n s,ope o- 4or9. 6ll 4or9s %o *e ,arr&ed ou% &n a,,ordan,e 4&%h rele'an% =nd&an s%andards and as per =nd&an /le,%r&,&%y Rule as amended -rom %&me %o %&me. :. "or ,arry&ng ou% a*o'e Do* %he ,on%ra,%or has %o ma9e h&s o4n arrangemen%s -or men, %ools, %a,9les, %es%&ng and measur&ng e1u&pmen%, sa-e%y and pro%e,%&'e gear!de'&,es -or ,arry&ng ou% %he 4or9. 5. =- any small 'alue &%ems ('alue o- %he &%em less %han 5000!-) %o *e suppl&ed, %he same need %o *e suppl&ed a% %he mar9e% ra%e!manu-a,%ureHs pr&,e l&s% &n ,onsul%a%&on 4&%h %he ele,%r&,al eng&neer. 6. $P6R/$: 6ll runn&ng spares, per%a&n&ng %o %he &ns%alla%&ons ,o'ered &n %h&s ,on%ra,%, should al4ays *e s%o,9ed and ma&n%a&ned *y ,on%ra,%or &n h&s ,us%ody, up%o a m&n&mum 4or%h oR$. 0,000!- a% any g&'en %&me. $pares s%o,9 l&s% %o *e su*m&%%ed e'ery mon%h. 8sage oany spares a% <CB$, shall *e pa&d aga&ns% *&ll a-%er due 'er&-&,a%&on *y /le,%r&,al /ng&neer &n Charge.

E. 6lso, any m&nor Do*s (3ess %han Rupees ;ne 3a9h 4or%h ) %ha% needs %o *e ,arr&ed ou% shall *e e#e,u%ed *y %he ,on%ra,%or as per &ns%ru,%&ons o- %he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer and %he ra%e shall *e as per appro'ed ra%e!pre'a&l&ng mar9e% ra%es only. F. 6s %he 4or9 &n'ol'ed &s 1u&%e spe,&al&7ed and ,on%&nuous mon&%or&ng &s re1u&red, a*sen%ee&sm o%he ,on%ra,%orHs employees 4&ll no% *e %olera%ed. 2he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer &s au%hor&7ed %o ma9e

appropr&a%e dedu,%&ons &n %he *&lls -or %he a*sen%ee&sm and non ,ompl&an,e o- %he 4or9. 2he ,on%ra,%or 4&ll ensure proper super'&s&on a% all %&mes. =n ,ase o- de-&,&en,y penal%y 4&ll *e &mposed. J. $&n,e 4e are en%er&ng &n%o a separa%e 6nnual 0a&n%enan,e Con%ra,% -or spe,&al&7ed Cr&%&,al /1u&pmen%s l&9e 3&-%, "&re 6larms $ys%ems, 5G se%s, maDor *rea9do4n o- %hese e1u&pmen%s &s no% ,o'ered &n %he s,ope o- 4or9. +o4e'er, opera%&on and rou%&ne ma&n%enan,e, prel&m&nary %rou*le shoo%&ng m&nor repa&rs, repla,emen% o- m&nor par%s e%,., are &n,luded &n %he s,ope o- 4or9, *u% ,on%ra,%or shall ensure %ha% %hese 4or9s shall no% &mpl&,a%e 4&%h %he ma&n 60Cs o- %hese e1u&pmen%s sys%ems. 0. Runn&ng o- %he sys%em under a*normal ,ond&%&on or &n r&s9y ,&r,ums%an,es 4&ll a%%ra,% penal%y. . Con%ra,%or 4&ll *e respons&*le -or any a,% o- sa*o%age, m&sdeed, &nd&s,&pl&ne, and negl&gen,e on %he par% o- ,on%ra,%or or h&s employees. Penal%y or legal a,%&on, as de,&ded *y 5&re,%or, <CB$ shall *e &mposed on %he ,on%ra,%or. 2. Penal%y Clause: 6*sen%ee&sm: =n,ase o- a*sen,e o- any s%a--, penal%y 4&ll *e &mposed a% dou*le %he ra%e o- 4ages or salary -or %he day he rema&ns a*sen%. <on- Compl&an,e o- 4or9: =n %he e'en% o- -a&lure o- ,ompl&an,e o- a4arded 4or9 &n s%&pula%ed %&me penal%y 4&ll *e &mposed as per dou*le o- a,%ual e#pend&%ure &n,urred &n a%%end&ng %o %he same *y o%her 6gen,y. 6ny a,,&den% due %o negl&gen,e &n -ollo4&ng o- sa-e%y pro,edures &s purely a% %he respons&*&l&%y oCon%ra,%or. 5epar%men% &s no% respons&*le -or any a,,&den%s!damages!dea%h. $a-e%y o- all %he s%a-o- %he Con%ra,%or &s %he sole respons&*&l&%y o- %he Con%ra,%or. Con%ra,%or shall su*m&% s%a-- pa%%ern . general s,heme %o ,arry ou% %he a*o'e 4or9 along 4&%h %he *&d. 2/$2=<G, 0/6$8R=<G /B8=P0/<2$, 2;;3$ . 26CK3/$: 6ll %he %ools re1u&red -or ,arry&ng ou% %he 4or9 s%&pula%ed &n %h&s do,umen% shall *e pro'&ded *y %he Con%ra,%or a% s&%e. Bu%, %he -ollo4&ng m&n&mum &s a mus% a% all %&mes:6ll %he %e,hn&,&ans and $en&or 2e,hn&,&ans should *e g&'en 4&%h %he -ollo4&ng: ;ne %es% lamp se% ( 3ph. . Ph.) 24o s,re4 dr&'ers (one l&gh% du%y . one hea'y du%y) 4&%h &nsula%ed handles. ;ne ,u%%&ng pl&er, 500V grade 4&%h &nsula%ed handles. ;ne l&'e l&ne %es%er, 500V

"ollo4&ng ,al&*ra%ed and 4ell ma&n%a&ned &ns%rumen%s should *e a'a&la*le a% s&%eP 24o <os. o- %ong!%es%ers mul%&me%ers ;ne 500V megger ! =R %es%er ;ne ear%h res&s%an,e measuremen% &ns%rumen% ( 0. ;hm 3C ) 4&%h 9&% ;ne phase se1uen,e me%er. "ollo4&ng %ools should al4ays *e a'a&la*le a% s&%eP 24o se%s p- 6-E %o 30 G 32 s&7e J me%r&, 0 dou*le end open spanner

;ne se% o- 6-E %o 30 G 32 s&7e (me%r&,) dou*le end r&ng spanner 24o <os. adDus%a*le 4ren,hes ( 2 &n,h) 24o <os. 0.5 %o 6 hand ,r&mp&ng %ools 24o se%s o- allen 9eys ;ne se% o- %u*ular spanner ;ne s%ar s,re4 dr&'er se% ;ne s,re4 dr&'er se% 24o <os. o- hammers ( l* . 2l*) ;ne solder&ng gun 4&%h lead . -lu#. ;ne 6mm, hand dr&ll, ele,%r&,, 4&%h dr&ll *&%s ( 2.5mm , 3mm, :mm, 5mm, 6mm, 5 ea,h). 24o pa&rs o- 5000V grade +and glo'es. Ru**er ma%s. 6ll %hese shall *e su&%a*ly 9ep% a% s&%e, 4&%h ,on%ra,%ors o4n se,ur&%y arrangemen%. <;2/: . Br&e- de%a&ls and general gu&del&ne o- %he a*o'e 4or9s are g&'en &n $,hedule- =

11 ' <eneral <uidelines for &arr!in# 2ut the 8orks =nder this &ontract

2h&s no%e has %o *e read along 4&%h rele'an% =nd&an s%andard and &n a,,ordan,e 4&%h =nd&an /le,%r&,&%y Rules . 6,% -or %he op%&mum per-orman,e o- %he sys%em 4&%h sa-e%y o- %he 0an and 0a,h&ne. 1. 2*ER(512+" R2=51+E *REVE+51VE (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 11>V 2VERHE(6 ?1+E @ *(R5- 5HERE 1+ 2h&s means KV o'erhead l&ne -rom C-C60P -our pole s%ru,%ure (ou%s&de %he ,ampus) %o 08$$ Celahan9a. $hould ensure %ha% %rees should no% %ou,h any l&ne!$%ru,%ure, &- so %he same should *e -ollo4ed up 4&%h %he KP2C3 -or need-ul. $hould ensure %ha% seal o- KP2C3 0e%er&ng Cu*&,le &s &n %a,% and &- &% &s -ound open!damage e%,., same &s %o *e &n-ormed %o %he <CB$ /ng&neer =n-,harge and %o %he KP2C3 &mmed&a%ely. Con%ra,%or should %a9e pa%roll&ng o- ;'er +eadl&ne -rom <CB$ %o Celahan9a 08$$ a% leas% on,e &n %hree mon%hs %o ensure %ha% %he lea-s!%rees!s%&,9s!*rea9age o- &nsula%or, do4n sagg&ng o- ,ondu,%or e%,., are no%ed and should re,%&-y %he same *y ,o-ord&na%&ng 4&%h %he KP2C3 s%a-- 4&%hou% d&s%ur*&ng %he day %o day a,%&'&%&es. Con%ra,%or should prepare a rou%&ne ,he,9 l&s%!,har% -or ,arry&ng ou% all per&od&,al ma&n%enan,e. Con%ra,%or should ,he,9 %he ear%h p&% %o res&s%an,e o- 6B$ panel &ns&de %he ,ampus on,e &n s&# mon%hs and 2es% Cer%&-&,a%e has %o *e produ,ed %o %he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer and per&od&, ma&n%enan,e o- %he ear%h p&%s should *e done. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %he pa&n%&ng o- s%ru,%ure arms should al4ays *e &n good ,ond&%&ons, &- &% &s -ound peel&ng o--, %he ,on%ra,%or should arrange %o re-pa&n% %he same 4here &% 4&ll *e pa&d e#%ra a-%er appro'al o- /le,%r&,al /ng&neer =n-Charge. Con%ra,%or should ,o-ord&na%e 4&%h KP2C3 s%a-- dur&ng -a&lure o- po4er supply or any o%her 9&nd opo4er rela%ed pro*lems and a*le %o res%ore *a,9 %he po4er supply 4&%h h&s o4n arrangemen%s. 2.2*ER(512+" R2=51+E" *REVE+51VE (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 11>V (1R ,RE(> -815&H *(+E?-. (a) ;pera%&on o- 6&r Brea9 $4&%,h (*) ;pera%&on o- C&r,u&% Brea9ers (,) 0on&%or&ng o- Vol%age!Curren% (d) 0on&%or&ng o- /nergy 0e%er (e) 0on&%or&ng o- Brea9er 6nnun,&a%&on C&r,u&%. 2.Pre'en%&'e 0a&n%enan,e o- a*o'e Brea9ers as per %he manu-a,%urersH re,ommenda%&ons 4h&,h &n,ludes ,he,9&ng o- =R 'alue, Che,9&ng and 2&gh%en&ng o- ,on%rol!,los&ng and o%her end %erm&na%&ons, relays. 3.Con%ra,%or should a%%end all %ypes o- pro*lems %ha% ar&ses dur&ng ;pera%&on!non ;pera%&on 4he%her &% &s m&nor or maDor 4&%h&n s%&pula%ed %&me and should ensure sys%ems should *e &n heal%hy ,ond&%&on all %he %&me. :.Con%ra,%or should arrange %o ,he,9 se,ondary &nDe,%&on %es% -or all relays &n %he +2 panel a% leas% on,e &n a year -or %he&r normal opera%&on. .Aor9 &n,ludes

5.Con%ra,%or should ,he,9 2r&pp&ng!Clos&ng me,han&sm o- Brea9ers a% m&n&mum s&# mon%hs &n%er'al. 6.Con%ra,%or should ,he,9 all o%her ,on%rol ,&r,u&%s o- C2, P2 Relay!5oor s4&%,h!"oo% s4&%,h!6nnun,&a%or ,&r,u&% e%,., -or %he&r heal%h&ness . -or normal opera%&on. E.Con%ra,%or should ma&n%a&n a +&s%ory Re,ord %o no%e do4n all %he pro*lems %ha% ar&ses and d&agnos&s made %o re,%&-y %he same and &% should *e duly s&gned *y an 6u%hor&7ed super'&sor and Con%ra,%or. F.Con%ra,%or should %a9e all sa-e%y pre,au%&ons 4h&le handl&ng sys%ems as per =nd&an /le,%r&,&%y rules J56 . =nd&an /le,%r&,&%y 6,% J 0 as amended. J.Con%ra,%or should ha'e all sa-e%y ma%er&als %o handle a*o'e sys%ems.

0.6ny a,,&den% due %o negl&gen,e &n -ollo4&ng sa-e%y pro,edures &s purely a% %he respons&*&l&%y oCon%ra,%ors and 5epar%men% &s no% respons&*le -or any a,,&den%s!damages %o dea%h. .Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here should no% *e any dus%!d&r% &ns&de %he Bus *ar Cham*er!=ns&de o- Con%rol Panels!;'er %he Panels!Relay Co'ers e%,., 2.Con%ra,%or should ,o-ord&na%e 4&%h KP2C3 $%a-- -or 3&ne Clearan,e 4hene'er &% &s re1u&red %o ,arry ou% ma&n%enan,e 4or9 on +2 s&de a% h&s o4n arrangemen%s. 3Con%ra,%or should pro'&de all sa-e%y shoes, $a-e%y Bel%s, Goggles, +elme%s, 8n&-orms, =nsula%ed 2ools Glo'es e%,., ne,essary -or ,arry&ng ou% ma&n%enan,e 4or9. :.Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here should no% *e any emp%y holes &n %he panel as %h&s may lead %o en%ry o- ra%s resul%&ng 4&re ,u%%&ng and spo&l %he sys%em 4or9&ng ,ond&%&ons. 5.Con%ra,%or should mon&%or 'ol%age!3oad ,urren% a% e'ery hour . should log &n a separa%e reg&s%er. 6.Con%ra,%or should mon&%or ,urren%, 05, P" and 9eep re,ords. E.Con%ra,%or should &n-orm %he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer =n-Charge &- %he 05 r&ses *eyond %he ,on%ra,% demand. F.Con%ra,%or should arrange %o ,al&*ra%e all %he re,ord&ng me%ers l&9e KA+, 6mme%ers!Vol%me%ers Cearly, %he ,harges o- 4h&,h 4&ll *e pa&d e#%ra. J.Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% P" should no% drop *elo4 0.J and %h&s should *e ma&n%a&ned a*o'e 0.J. <egl&gen,e &n ma&n%a&n&ng P" may lead %o penal%y ,lause as per KP2C3 norms and %h&s may ha'e %o *e re&m*ursed *y ,on%ra,%ors -rom %he&r mon%hly *&ll. 20.Con%ra,%or should produ,e 2es% Cer%&-&,a%e o- =R Value ,he,9, Relay %es% and Brea9er %es% 4hene'er &% &s ,arr&ed ou%.

;.2*ER(512+" R2=51+E" *REVE+51VE )(1+5E+(+&E (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 ?5 *&& (+6 )(1+ 61-5R1,=512+ *(+E?-" =*- *(+E?-" )(1+ 61-5R1,=512+ ,2(R6?6," *6," 4 ?(>H *=)* H2=-E. 2h&s &n,ludes G 6&r C&r,u&% Brea9ers o- 2500 6mps o- 3.2 ma9e 2 <os 6&r C&r,u&% Brea9ers o- 250 6mps o- 3.2 ma9e 2 <os Relays on a*o'e C&r,u&% Brea9ers Panels 0CCBs and $4&%,h "use 8n&%s o- d&--eren% ra%&ngs. Con%ra,%or should mon&%or %he load on ea,h hour and ensure %ha% load *e *alan,ed e1ually on all %he %hree phases.

2 Con%ra,%or should arrange %o ,arry ou% per&od&, ma&n%enan,e o- C&r,u&% Brea9ers as *elo4 (Cearly) 3 =nspe,%&on o- 2erm&na%&ons : General ,lean&ng o- 6CB 5 Clean&ng o- ma&n par%s o- 6CB us&ng CRC226 6 Clean&ng . al&gnmen% o- ar, ,hu%es E Presen,e o- hard 4are . proper %&gh%en&ng F Presen,e o- C&r,l&p on all ,onne,%&ng p&ns J 6l&gnmen% o- %erm&nals!Con%a,% Qa4s 0.Cond&%&on o- ,on%a,% Qa4s!2erm&nals .Cond&%&on o- ar,&ng Con%a,% 2.Corre,% 4&r&ng . 4&r&ng Rou%e 3.Proper greas&ng on all mo'&ng par%s :.2r&pp&ng o- 6CB *y push *u%%on 5$a%&s-a,%ory 4or9&ng o- an%& pump&ng 68nder Vol%age E2r&pp&ng %hrough /6!/6 Release 'ol%age 0o%or ;pera%&ons, Car*on *rush Clos&ng ,o&l opera%&on Con%&nu&%y . Proper ,hange o'er o- au#. ,on%a,% Cal&*ra%&on ,he,9 l&s% oRGap *e%4een 6r,&ng Con%a,% RGap *e%4een +ylum . $&de pla%e ,en%er&ng o- pole RGap *e%4een ,los&ng s,re4 and "RCB RGap *e%4een <ylon roller and s%eel ,am (Pole assem*ly) =nsula%&on Res&s%an,e 2es% *e%4een - Phase %o Phase ( 6CB &n Closed Cond&%&on) - Phase %o /ar%h (6CB &n Closed ,ond&%&on) - Be%4een "&#ed . 0o'&ng Con%a,% (6CB &n open ,ond&%&on)

=. Con%ra,%or should arrange %o ,he,9 all %he ,on%rols!,los&ng!%r&pp&ng ,a*les end %erm&na%&ons and pos&%&ons a% leas% on,e &n s&# mon%hs. Con%ra,%or should ,he,9 spa,e hea%er *us -or any loose ,onne,%&on o- 4&res!*urns!damage o- 4&re and o%her a*normal&%&es. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% all %he &nd&,a%&ng lamps should *e &n 4or9&ng ,ond&%&on. Bul* repla,emen% re1u&red may he repla,ed and produ,e separa%e *&ll along 4&%h pr&,e l&s%. Con%ra,%or should arrange %o ,he,9 all 0CCBs . $"8H$ -or normal opera%&on, "use s&%%&ng pos&%&on, 6r,&ng on $"8 ,on%a,%, loose ,onne,%&ons, 3oose ,onne,%&on &n neu%ral 4&res!3&n9s!Conne,%ors Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here should no% *e any dus%!d&r% &ns&de %he $"8!0CCBs. Con%ra,%or should ma&n%a&n all re1u&red spare par%s l&9e 0CBH$, "use Base 4&%h "use Carr&er, "uses o- d&--eren% Ra%&ngs, Clos&ng . 2r&pp&ng Relay Co&ls, /lme# Conne,%ors, 3ugs, "errules, 6den *lo,9s, Con%a,%ors <;!<C Con%a,%s, Brea9er $4&%,hes!Kno*s!$ele,%or $4&%,hes!Kno*s!<eu%ral l&n9s!Push *u%%on $%a%&ons . o%her rela%ed &%ems.

Con%ra,%or should a%%end %he pro*lems &mmed&a%ely &n ,ase o- nu&san,e %r&pp&ng o- *rea9er!Relays and any o%her mal-un,%&ons, Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here should no% *e any mod&-&,a%&ons &n Po4er . Con%rol supply &n %he e#&s%&ng sys%em &- re1u&red, %h&s has %o ge% appro'ed *e-ore e#e,u%&ng %he 4or9 . mod&-&,a%&ons has %o *e &n,orpora%ed &n %he dra4&ng. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here should no% *e any dus% on %he panels!Relays!$pa,e +ea%er *us!Bus Bar ,ham*ers!Ca*le 6lley e%,., and %he a*o'e &%ems are %o *e ,he,9ed a% &n%er'al o- e'ery ;ne 0on%h. Con%ra,%or should no% *ypass any sa-e%y pro,edures, a,,&den%s ,aused due %o negl&gen,e o- sa-e%y &s %he sole respons&*&l&%y o- %he ,on%ra,%or. Con%ra,%or should 5&splay Cau%&on Board 4h&le do&ng ma&n%enan,e 4or9 on 3&'e Par%s. Con%ra,%or should arrange %o ,he,9 se,ondary &nDe,%&on %es% o- all %he relays on +2 . 32 Panels on,e &n a year, paymen% -or 4h&,h 4&ll *e made e#%ra. 6ll 35BH$ and P5BH$ has %o *e ,he,9ed up on,e &n e'ery %hree mon%hs or &n *e%4een &- re1u&red -or +eal%h&ness o- /3CBH$ and all %erm&na%&ons &ns&de %he *oard. "aul%y /3CBH$ should *e repla,ed &mmed&a%ely, &- -ound, a-%er appro'al -rom /le,%r&,al /ng&neer. 0od&-&,a%&on o- ,&r,u&%s!&sola%ors &n 5BH$ has %o *e ,arr&ed ou% only a-%er %he appro'al o- /le,%r&,al /ng&neer.

4. 2*ER(512+ R2=51+E )(1+5E+(+&E (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 2+E +=),ER- 20 500>V( 11>V/4;; V2?5- 5R(+-02R)ER. a) $hould %a9e round &n ea,h sh&-% -or any a*normal&%&es. *) $hould ensure %he ,ond&%&on o- $&l&,a Gel, &- &% &s %urned p&n9 repla,emen% should *e ,arr&ed ou% &mmed&a%ely, a-%er &n-orm&ng /le,%r&,al /ng&neer =n-,harge or Plan% =n-Charge

,) $hould mon&%or ;&l 3e'el o- %he %rans-ormer &n ea,h sh&-% du%y. d) $hould re,ord ;&l 2empera%ure, A&nd&ng 2empera%ure and ;&l 3e'el ;n,e &n e'ery hour &n %he su*s%a%&on 3og *oo9 Con%ra,%or should arrange %o ,he,9 2rans-ormer o&l -or B5V on,e &n e'ery s&# mon%hs. 2h&s &n,ludes ,olle,%&on o- o&l sample &n %he 'a,,um&sed *o%%le, ge%%&ng %es%ed %hrough Cen%ral Po4er Resear,h =ns%&%u%e or KP2C3. 3&a&s&on&ng 4or9 and o*%a&n&ng ,er%&-&,a%e -rom CPR=!KP2C3 shall *e %he Con%ra,%orHs respons&*&l&%&es. $hould ensure general ,lean&ng &n %he surround&ng areas &- dus%!$p&der 4e* or any o%her -ore&gn par%&,les -ound should *e ,leaned &mmed&a%ely. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here should no% *e any 9&nd o- o&l lea9age -rom any par% o- %he %rans-ormer. =- o*ser'ed &mmed&a%ely &% &s %o *e &n-ormed %o %he /ng&neer =n-Charge!Plan% =n-Charge . re,%&-&,a%&on should *e done &mmed&a%ely. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% "&re Bu,9e%s 9ep% ou%s&de %he 2rans-ormer Rooms should al4ays *e -&lled 4&%h dry -resh sand. Con%ra,%or should *e -am&l&ar 4&%h "&re /#%&ngu&sher ;pera%&ons &n %he e'en% o- emergen,y and should ensure %ha% "&re e#%&ngu&shers Kep% &n -ron% o- 2rans-ormer Rooms are &n good ,ond&%&on. ,RE(> 628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 6ny Brea9do4n &n %he 2rans-ormer!s should *e a%%ended &mmed&a%ely *y %he e#per&en,ed!Kno4n Personnel and 4or9 should *e ,omple%ed &n one sho%. *REVE+51VE )(1+5E+(+&E 0on&%or&ng o- 3oad 0on&%or&ng o- Vol%age. 0on&%or&ng o- 2empera%ure. 0on&%or&ng o- ;&l le'el &n 2rans-ormer. 0on&%or&ng o- 2erm&nal ,onne,%&on on +2 . 32 s&de. 0on&%or&ng o- Bush&ngs. Che,9&ng o- ,a*le *o#es and gas9e%ed Do&n%. Che,9&ng o- sa-e%y de'&,es l&9e Relays, "uses e%, -or %he&r proper -un,%&on&ng a,,ura,y. Che,9&ng o- ;&l "or B5V Che,9&ng o- opera%&ng me,han&sms, 0o%ors, Bear&ngs, gear *o#es, greas&ng, lu*r&,a%&on, General ,lean&ng 4here e'er re1u&red. ;&l "&l%ra%&on should *e ,arr&ed ou% on,e &n a year, &.e ;n load o&l -&l%ra%&on has %o *e ,arr&ed ou% a-%er appro'al -rom %he ele,%r&,al /ng&neer. Con%ra,%or should arrange o&l -&l%ra%&on plan% a% s&%e and -&l%ra%&on has %o *e ,arr&ed ou% &n presen,e o- /le, /ngr!Plan% =n-Charge. "&l%ered o&l has %o *e go% %es%ed *y CPR= and su*m&% %he %es% ,er%&-&,a%e -or B5V o- o&l. Con%ra,%or should ma9e h&s o4n arrangemen%s %o ,arry ou% %he a*o'e 4or9.

:. $hould Che,9 =R Value o- 2rans-ormer on +2!32 s&de on,e &n a year . 2es% ,er%&-&,a%e


*e produ,ed -or %he same. $hould ,he,9 opera%&on o- Ga%e s4&%,h o- 2rans-ormer a% leas% on,e &n a year. $hould ,he,9 %he ear%h&ng ,onne,%&on o- %he e1u&pmen%, 5oor ga%e e%, -or heal%h&ness, &a*normal&%&es -ound, should *e a%%ended &mmed&a%ely. Con%ra,%or should also arrange %o ,he,9 %he general opera%&on o- R2CC panels l&9e po4er, ,on%rol ,&r,u&%s and a%%end&ng %o any *rea9do4n <o%e: Con%ra,%or should prepare a Char% -or ,arry&ng ou% Pre'en%&'e 0a&n%enan,e -or any /1u&pmen%!&%em *e-ore ,arry&ng ou% %he 4or9 and should *e su*m&%%ed %o %he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer -or appro'al o- %he same.

5. 2*ER(512+" R2=51+E *REVE+51VE )(1+5E+(+&E (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 500 >V( 6< -E5' 1 +=),ER 815H (=52 -A+&HR2+1-(512+ ()0 *(+E?- 1+&?=61+< 0=E? -=**?A. General opera%&on . ma&n%enan,e o- 5G se%s and ,hange o'er opera%&ons. Rou%&ne ,he,9&ng -or general ,lean&ng surround&ng %he ma,h&ne ,he,9&ng o- /ng&ne o&l le'el, Rad&a%or 4a%er le'el, 5&esel le'el. General &nspe,%&on o- -uel, o&l and 4a%er l&ne hoses ,ond&%&ons *el% %ens&ons o- -an, Aa%er pump . ,harg&ng 6l%erna%or. $hould ensure %ha% no lea9age o- o&l, -uel or 4a%er &n %he sys%em &s o*ser'ed. =- -ound, should *e a%%ended &mmed&a%ely. $hould -ollo4 up 4&%h 60C agen,y -or re,%&-&,a%&on o- maDor *rea9do4ns, mon%hly ser'&,&ng as 4ell as due ser'&,&ng. $hould ma&n%a&n a de%a&led +&s%ory Re,ord -or ea,h ma,h&ne. Rou%&ne ,he,9&ng o- all po4er . ,on%rol C&r,u&%s o- $yn,hron&7a%&on 60" panel, re,%&-&,a%&on o- all %ypes o- pro*lems ar&s&ng dur&ng opera%&on . ma&n%enan,e. Rou%&ne ,he,9&ng o- =R 'alue o- $%a%or and Ro%or o- al%erna%or on,e &n a year . general ,lean&ng &ns&de o- 6l%erna%or *us *ar ,ham*er. Rou%&ne ma&n%enan,e o- o%her sa-e%y de'&,es l&9e 6VR, Br&dge Re,%&-&er, C2H$ Conne,%&ons 5&odes e%,. Rou%&ne ma&n%enan,e o- Cool&ng %o4ers. Rou%&ne ma&n%enan,e o- /#haus% -an and pump mo%ors. Co-ord&na%&on 4&%h 5G se% 60C Con%ra,%or -or due ser'&,&ng on,e &n e'ery s&# mon%hs. "ollo4 up 4&%h 60C agen,y o- 5G se% -or a*normal&%&es . ge%%&ng %he 4or9 done. Rou%&ne ma&n%enan,e o- $%ar%&ng . Con%rol Ba%%er&es o- *o%h 5G se%s and 0a&n%enan,e o- +&s%ory re,ords o- %he same. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here &s no sp&llage o- d&esel -rom %he p&pe ,onne,%&ng day %an9 %o %he 5G se% or surround&ng o- %he ma,h&ne &- o*ser'ed should *e a%%ended &mmed&a%ely.

Con%ra,%or should ,he,9 up %he d&esel le'el &n day %an9 o- ea,h 5G $e% &n ea,h sh&-% du%y, %opp&ng up &- re1u&red *y pump&ng -rom %he 5G $ump %an9. $hould ensure "&re /#%&ngu&shers 9ep% &ns&de %he plan% are &n 4or9&ng ,ond&%&ons, &- due da%e e#p&red, same should *e *rough% %o %he no%&,e o- Plan% =n-Charge!/le,%r&,al /ng&neer!$e,ur&%y and should ge% &% ,he,9ed, re-&lled &mmed&a%ely. $hould ensure "&re *u,9e%s 9ep% &ns&de %he plan% *e -&lled 4&%h dry sand al4ays and should *e re-&lled 4&%h -resh sand a% leas% on,e &n a mon%h. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% po4er supply should *e res%ored 4&%h &n %hree m&nu%es -a&l&ng 4h&,h %he same may a%%ra,% penal%y ,lause. Con%ra,%or should ensure %ha% %here should no% *e any dus% surround&ng %he ma,h&ne or o'er %he ma,h&ne &- -ound should *e go% ,leaned &mmed&a%ely and ensure %ha% %he ma,h&nes are -ree -rom dus%. 9.2*ER(512+" R2=51+E *REVE+51VE (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 ,(55ERA ,(+>- @ &H(R<ER *(+E? General ,he,9&ng o- spe,&-&, gra'&%y o- ea,h ,ell, ,ell 'ol%age, /le,%roly%&, le'el e%,. and re,ord&ng %he same &n %he log *oo9. Ba%%ery!Cell should *e -ree -rom any ele,%roly%e on %he e#%ernal sur-a,e. 0a&n%a&n&ng o- le'el o- ele,%roly%e, 6dd&ng!2opp&ng up o- d&s%&lled 4a%er 4hene'er re1u&red. Clean&ng o- *a%%ery %erm&nals . apply&ng pe%roleum Delly. Rou%&ne ,he,9&ng o- Ba%%ery!,ell -or ,harg&ng!5&s,harg&ng and re,%&-&,a%&on &- a*normal&%&es -ound. 5&s,harg&ng o- Ba%%er&es on,e &n s&# mon%hs. =- %he Ba%%ery!,ell -ound -aul%y!a*normal&%y &% should *e a%%ended &mmed&a%ely -or normal opera%&on. Ba%%ery!Cell should *e dry . ,leaned.

7. 2*ER(512+" R2=51+E *REVE+51VE (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 ,=- 6=&52h&s &n,ludes +2 panels, 32 Panels . all 5&s%r&*u%&on Panels. Rou%&ne 0a&n%enan,e: (&) General ,he,9&ng o- all %he Bus Bars -or a*normal&%&es l&9e spar9, +ea% up e%,... (&&) General &nspe,%&on o- Bus Bars -&#&ng &nsula%ors, $uppor%s, %&gh%ness o- *us *ar Do&n%s. &&&) General &nspe,%&on o- Bus Bars suppor%&ng &nsula%ors!Bush&ngs -or ,ra,9 e%,... . re,%&-&,a%&on o- %he same. (&') General ,lean&ng o- Bus du,%s . 4&p&ng o- dus%.

/. 2*ER(512+" R2=51+E" *REVE+51VE )(1+5E+(+&E @ ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 &(*(&152R ,(+>- B 9 ,(+>-. . General ,he,9&ng o- ,apa,&%or *an9s -or ,harg&ng and d&s,harg&ng and 4or9&ng ,ond&%&ons. 2. Changeo'er o- ,apa,&%or *an9s al%erna%&'ely e'ery 4ee9 on ea,h panel.

3. General ,he,9&ng o- po4er . ,on%rol supply o- %he *an9 -or a*normal&%&es . re,%&-&,a%&on o- %he same &n ,ase o- any -aul%s. :. General ,he,9&ng o- sa-e%y de'&,es l&9e ,on%a,%or, ;!3, "uses e%,., . re,%&-&,a%&on o- %he same. 5. Capa,&%or *an9 should *e opera%ed &n su,h a manner %ha% P" should no% -all *elo4 0.J Penal%y 4&ll *e &mposed &- P" -alls *elo4 0.J 6. General ,lean&ng o- Capa,&%or Ban9s should *e ,arr&ed ou% a% regular &n%er'als, as per s%andards. :. 2*ER(512+-" R2=51+E" *REVE+51VE @ ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 H5 @ ?5 &(,?E2h&s &n,ludes +2 Ca*les -rom +2 Card %o s4&%,h gear room, +2 Ca*le %ren,hes, 32 ,a*les, 2rans-ormer room, $4&%,h gear room., Plan% room, -rom plan% room . s4&%,h Gear room %o ea,h &nd&'&dual d&s%r&*u%&on *oard &n 6.R *u&ld&ng 6n&mal +ouse . Res&den%&al Buar%ers *o%h ;pen . 8G Ca*les. General &nspe,%&ons o- ,a*les end %erm&na%&ons on *o%h %he s&des -or a*normal&%&es l&9e +ea% 8p, 3oose ,onne,%&on e%, . re,%&-&,a%&on o- %he same &mmed&a%ely. General ,he,9&ng o- ,a*le rou%e mar9ers, Pos&%&ons e%,. &n,lud&ng pa&n%&ng o- ,a*le mar9ers a% e'ery s&# mon%hs &n%er'al *o%h &ns&de . ou%s&de %he s4&%,h gear room. =n ,ase &- any ,a*le -aul% o*ser'ed %h&s should *e a%%ended &mmed&a%ely and po4er supply should *e res%ored 4&%h&n shor%es% %&me. $hould ensure and ma&n%a&n ,a*le mar9&ng %ags -or &den%&-&,a%&on a% %he *eg&nn&ng . end&ng o- ,a*le.

10.-=*ERV1-12+ 20 01RE (?(R) -A-5E)-. 0on%hly %es%&ng!re,%&-&,a%&on. "un,%&onal %es%&ng o- po4er supply *oard ,on%rol *oard and d&splay *oard %hrough 60C ,on%ra,%or. 2es%&ng o- areas 4&%h one de%e,%or randomly sele,%ed &n %ha% area along 4&%h %he hoo%er %hrough 60C Con%ra,%or. 2es%&ng o- all manual ,all po&n%s %hrough 60C Con%ra,%or. Buar%erly 2es%&ng 2es%&ng o- 25K o- %he de%e,%ors along 4&%h hoo%ers . ,on%rol panel %hrough 60C Con%ra,%or. "un,%&onal %es%&ng o- po4er supply *oard, 0a&n ,on%rol *oard . d&splay *oard %hrough Con%ra,%or 2es%&ng o- manual ,all po&n% %hrough 60C Con%ra,%or.


<;2/: ) Ahene'er open -aul%!"alse alarm o*ser'ed!-ound, person should '&s&% %he ,on,erned pla,e -or -&re, smo9e e%, and should ,he,9 %he de%e,%or ,ond&%&on. 2) =- re1u&red Con%ra,%or should ,all 60C Con%ra,%or o- "&re alarm sys%em -or re,%&-&,a%&on o%he same. 3) Con%ra,%or should 9eep %he surround&ng area o- de%e,%ors ,lean %o a'o&d mal-un,%&on&ng. 11.2*ER(512+ (+6 -=*ERV1-12+ 20 R2=51+E" *REVE+51VE (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 *(--E+<ER ?105- 251-" (+6 )(+=(? RE-&=E 2*ER(512+-. R;82=</ General ,he,9&ng o- l&-%s -or normal opera%&on. General &nspe,%&on o- door al&gnmen%, l&-%&ng rope. General ,he,9&ng o- de'&,es l&9e emergen,y l&gh%, alarm, push *u%%on s%a%&ons, l&m&% s4&%,hes e%,. General ,he,9&ng . ,lean&ng o- l&-% ma,h&ne room . l&-% ,ars. General &nspe,%&on o- mo%or gear o&l le'el, %opp&ng up e%,., Co-ord&na%&on 4&%h 60C -or mon%hly ser'&,&ng and emergen,y *rea9do4ns. 3u*r&,a%&on o- all mo'&ng par%s %hrough 60C -or all 9&nds o- *rea9do4ns and re,%&-&,a%&on Rou%&ne ,he,9&ng o- all po4er and ,on%rol 4&r&ng. Ca*le ,onne,%&ons . %he&r %&gh%ness. $hould -ollo4 all sa-e%y rela%ed de%a&ls as per manu-a,%urerHs re,ommenda%&ons. 12. 2*ER(512+ (+6 R2=51+E / *REVE+51VE (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 E?E&5R1&(? H1<H (+6 ?28 -15E ?1<H51+< @ *28ER 61-5R1,=512+ ,2(R6-" ?1<H5 01551+<" *28ER *21+5- E5&." 2h&s means lo4er s&de po4er d&s%r&*u%&on, 4h&,h &n,ludes all l&gh%&ng and po4er d&s%r&*u%&on sys%ems &n %he 3a* area, K&%,hen area, /1u&pmen% rooms and Clean rooms. Con%ra,%or should ,he,9 ea,h 5BH$ end %erm&na%&ons -or proper %&gh%ness and ,he,9 hea% up o- 4&res . *us l&n9s and should ,orre,% any 4rong %h&ngs &- -ound. 6lso Con%ra,%or should ,he,9 /3CB 4or9&ng !heal%h&ness ,ond&%&ons on,e e'ery mon%h &n a*o'e pla,es *y %r&p %es% me%hod. $hould ensure %ha% no 5B Co'er &s le-% open 4&%hou% s,re4s!glass as %h&s may lead %o a,,&den%s. +en,e ,on%ra,%or should ensure %he 5B ,o'ers should *e %&gh%ened properly . en,los&ng 5B glass ,o'er should *e -&#ed properly, 6ny damages -ound should *e repla,ed!Repa&red &mmed&a%ely. $hould ma&n%a&n ,leanl&ness o- 5BH$ . should *e -ree -rom dus% and -ore&gn ma%er&al. Con%ra,%or should also ,he,9!mon&%or all &mpor%an% load po&n%s ,har% &n 6.R Bu&ld&ng and /#%ens&on Blo,9 &n se,ond sh&-% du%y %4o %&mes . %hree %&mes &n %h&rd sh&-% du%y . de%a&ls should *e re,orded &n log *oo9. 1;. 2*ER(512+" R2=51+E )(1+5E+(+&E (+6 ,RE(>628+ )(1+5E+(+&E 20 ?1<H51+< -A-5E) a. $%ree% 3&gh%s . "lood 3&gh%s : appro#. 500 <os. *. Bu&ld&ng 3&gh% -&%%&ngs : appro#. 000 <os. ,. Ce&l&ng -ans :appro#. 50 <os. d. /#-haus% "ans : appro#. 25 <os. e. 6ll rela%ed po4er po&n%s : appro#. 2500 <os.

2h&s &n,ludes all *rea9do4ns, pre'en%&'e and rou%&ne ma&n%enan,e. $ome o- %he ,ommon area l&gh%&ng l&9e $em&nar +alls, 3e,%ure +alls, 6+8 Rooms, $4&%,h gear room, $%ree% 3&gh%s, Pa%h4ay

3&gh%s, Per&phery 3&gh%s e%,. has %o *e ,he,9ed per&od&,ally and should reg&s%er &n log *oo9 or ,ompla&n% *oo9 and should *e re,%&-&ed a-%er appro'al o- /le,%r&,al /ng&neer &n ,harge. 6ll po4er po&n%s ha'e %o *e ,he,9ed -or any 9&nd o- -aul%s and po4er supply has %o *e res%ored &n one a%%emp%. 5&agnos&s &n %ra,&ng ou% %he -aul%s &s purely respons&*&l&%y o- %he ,on%ra,%or. 6ll ,e&l&ng and e#haus% -ans ha'e %o *e ,he,9ed properly &n %he e'en% o- ,ompla&n% or *rea9do4n!pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e 4h&,h &n,ludes lu*r&,a%&on, greas&ng, o'erhaul&ng e%,... 5ur&ng any maDor repa&rs l&9e re4&nd&ng, repla,emen% o- *ear&ngs e%,., Con%ra,%or has %o ma9e h&s o4n arrangemen%s %o %a9e ou%s&de %he prem&ses. 2he e#pend&%ure &n,urred -or su,h Do*s 4&ll *e pa&d e#%ra as per <CB$ s,hedule. 6ll ,ommon area l&gh%&ng -&#%ure glass!dome ,o'ers ha'e %o *e ,leaned per&od&,ally. 6ll ne,essary spares re1u&red -or 3&gh%&ng, /#haus% and ,e&l&ng -ans as 4ell as po4er d&s%r&*u%&on sys%em should *e ma&n%a&ned *y %he ,on%ra,%or %o a'o&d *rea9do4ns. Paymen% -or all su,h spares 4&ll *e made as per %he agreed ra%es. 6 de%a&led &n'en%ory should *e made *y %he ,on%ra,%or a*ou% repla,emen% o- spares -or all l&gh%&ng, hea%&ng and po4er d&s%r&*u%&on sys%em. Paymen% 4&ll *e made as -or 4or9s ma&n%a&ns ou% duly ,er%&-&ed *y %he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer-&n-Charge. 14. 2*ER(512+ (+6 )(1+5E+(+&E 20 -(0E5A 6EV1&E- (+6 E(R5H *152h&s &n,ludes ma&n%enan,e o- all %he ear%h p&%s &ns&de %he prem&ses. /ar%h p&% res&s%an,e has %o *e ,he,9ed a% e'ery s&# mon%hs -or all ear%h p&%s, Con%ra,%or has %o ma9e h&s o4n arrangemen%s %o ,arry ou% a*o'e Do* &n,lud&ng arrangemen% o- ,al&*ra%ed ear%h %es%er, ,onne,%&ng pro*es, ele,%rodes, la*our e%,.. 0easuremen% o- ear%h res&s%an,e &n,ludes remo'&ng o- ear%h p&% ,ham*er ,o'ers, &sola%&on o- ma&n ear%h s%r&ps and ,onne,%ed s%r&ps, re,ord&ng o- 'alue, re,onne,%&on o- d&s,onne,%ed s%r&ps, repla,emen% o- ,orroded ones *y G= ,oa%ed -as%eners &%ems and emery&ng o- s%r&ps, 4a%er&ng o- ear%h p&%s, pu%%&ng *a,9 ear%h ,ham*er ,o'er %o %he or&g&nal pos&%&on, mar9&ng o- ear%h p&%s nomen,la%ure e%,.. 6 de%a&led 2es% repor% should *e su*m&%%ed %o %he /le,%r&,al /ng&neer a-%er ,omple%&on o- 4or9 and de%a&led h&s%ory re,ord has %o *e ma&n%a&ned a% 4or9 pla,e. Con%ra,%or should pro'&de all ne,essary sa-e%y de'&,es l&9e sa-e%y shoes un&-orms, goggles, hand glo'es, sa-e%y *el%, ear plugs, sa-e%y &ns%ru,%&on e%,.. 15. 2*ER(512+ (+6 )(1+5E+(+&E 20 01RE EC51+<=1-HER Con%ra,%or should ha'e 9no4ledge o- -&re -&gh%&ng and opera%&on o- -&re e#%&ngu&shers &n ,ase oemergen,y. Con%ra,%or has %o ,he,9 all %he -&re e#%&ngu&shers &n -ron% o- %rans-ormer rooms, s4&%,h gear rooms plan% rooms, d&esel sump yard and near ele,%r&,al panels 4here'er lo,a%ed -or proper 4or9&ng ,ond&%&on and re-&ll&ng on due da%e. 2h&s should *e re,orded &n %he log*oo9 and a de%a&led h&s%ory re,ord has %o *e ma&n%a&ned.

6ll %he -&re *u,9e%s should *e -&lled 4&%h -resh sand all %he %&mes. =n ,ase -&re e#%&ngu&sher needs re-&ll&ng, non opera%&on, e#p&ry o- da%e should *e *rough% %o %he no%&,e o- Plan% =n-Charge!/le,%r&,al /ng&neer -or need-ul. 19. )(1+5E+(+&E 20 0?(5-/-=15- 2=5-16E 5HE &()*=- ,E?2+<- 52 &'&()* 2h&s &n,ludes general ma&n%enan,e o- l&gh%&ng, po4er, 4a%er pumps, ,on%rol s4&%,h gears e%,... 6s and 4hen re1u&red or 4hene'er ,ompla&n%s re,e&'ed -rom %he o,,upan,y. Corresponden,e 4&%h KP2C3, 5;2 dur&ng po4er supply and res%or&ng o- %he same &n,lud&ng *&lls ,lar&-&,a%&on. 6ll %hese 4or9s ha'e %o *e ,arr&ed ou% a% ,on%ra,%ors o4n arrangemen%s. 17. ?1(-12+1+< 82R> 3&as&on&ng 4or9 4&%h KP2C3, /le,%r&,al =nspe,%ora%e, 5;2 and -ollo4 up 4&%h o%her 60C agen,&es %o *e done a% h&s o4n arrangemen%s. KP2C3: 3&as&on&ng 4or9 4&%h KP2C3 &n,ludes lodg&ng %he ,ompla&n%s ge%%&ng %emporary ,onne,%&ons, rene4al o- %emporary ,onne,%&ons, *&lls ,lar&-&,a%&ons ou% *&lls paymen% *y ,he1ue &ssued *y <CB$. 60CH$: 3odg&ng %he ,ompla&n%s -or ,r&%&,al /1u&pmen%Hs, Coord&na%&on 4&%h all 60C Con%ra,%ors -or re,%&-&,a%&on o- -aul%s!pro*lems, -ollo4 up o- pre'en%&'e!s,hedule ma&n%enan,e e%,. 1/. 62&=)E+5(512+ $u*s%a%&on /1u&pmen%Hs parame%ers should *e re,orded &n da&ly log*oo9s. Con%ra,%or should ma&n%a&n &nd&'&dual +&s%ory Re,ords -or all ,r&%&,al e1u&pmen%Hs, ear%h p&%s and o%her sa-e%y rela%ed &%ems, %h&s h&s%ory re,ord should ha'e all %he de%a&ls o- 4or9 ,arr&ed ou% on day %o day, mon%hly, 1uar%erly, hal- yearly and yearly. 5e%a&led &n'en%ory re,ords l&9e ma%er&als mo'emen%, ma%er&al ,onsump%&on, ma%er&als d&sposed e%,. also should *e ma&n%a&ned. =n all do,umen%s, -or ea,h 4or9, ,on%ra,%or should ge% s&gna%ure -rom /ng&neer =n-,harge (/le,%r&,al) or h&s nom&nees <e,essary reg&s%ers -or ma&n%a&n&ng re,ords!logs 4&ll *e pro'&ded *y %he depar%men%.

(nne7ure B , <E+ER(? 5ER)- (+6 &2+61512+- 20 &2+5R(&5 <o%e: 2he employees! 4or9ers employed shall *e %ra&ned and e#per&en,ed %o handle %he ser'&,es as per %he $,ope o- 4or9 men%&oned &n %he 6nne#ure I6I. =- su,h e#per&en,ed hands are no% a'a&la*le, e&%her *e,ause %he ser'&,e &s e#%remely spe,&al&7ed and only &n house %ra&n&ng &s poss&*le, a% leas% a ,er%a&n per,en%age o- employees!4or9ers shall *e e#per&en,ed ! %ra&ned 4ho shall *e a*le %o &mpar% %ra&n&ng ! e#per%&se %o o%hers. 2he Con%ra,%or shall pro'&de %he name and de%a&ls o- h&s personnel. 6 l&s% o- all %he names shall *e su*m&%%ed a% %he *eg&nn&ng o- %he ,on%ra,%, along 4&%h a ,opy o- ea,h appo&n%men% order and 4hene'er %here &s a ,hange. <o personnel 4&ll *e ,hanged unless C-C60P,<CB$ has as9ed -or &% or 4&%hou% ad'an,e appro'al o- C-C60P,<CB$. 2he Con%ra,%or shall ensure %ha% no ,on%ra,% employees nor anyone -rom h&s s&de use <CB$ %ranspor% %o ,ome %o %he 4or9spo% or re%urn. 2he Con%ra,%or shall use emergen,y ser'&,es l&9e med&,al help and emergen,y 'eh&,les o- <CB$ &n %he e'en% o- any a,,&den% or emergen,y %o h&s employees, %hough all respons&*&l&%y -or su,h a,,&den%s and any &nDury ! dea%h and or loss ! damage 4&ll -ully res% 4&%h %he Con%ra,%or. 6% all po&n% o- %&me, %here mus% *e a m&n&mum o- J0K 4or9ers a%%endan,e per day. =n any ,ase %here shall *e 00K da&ly a%%endan,e &s %o *e ensured. 6ny a*sen,e or shor%age *eyond %h&s may *e managed *y g&'&ng o'er %&meP shor%age or a*sen%ee&sm *eyond %h&s per,en%age 4&ll *e penal&7ed &n,lud&ng %erm&na%&on o- %he ,on%ra,%. Paymen% 4&ll ho4e'er *e res%r&,%ed %o a,%ual num*er o- people as phys&,ally pro'&ded &n ea,h mon%h. 2he 2enderer mus% &nd&,a%e %he de'&a%&on &n 6nne#ure G C, 4&%h reasons %hereo- and only &- su,h de'&a%&on (s) &s!are par% o- %he 4or9 order &ssued *y <CB$, 4&ll %he de'&a%&on (s) *e,ome par% o- %he agreemen%. 2he ra%es 1uo%ed shall *e 'al&d -or 2 years -rom %he da%e o- Aor9 ;rder -ollo4ed *y Do&n% agreemen%.

Rate &hart B -chedule B 1 2o%al mon%hly amoun% paya*le &s per mon%h &n,lus&'e o- all %a#es, $er'&,e %a#, du%&es . o%her s%a%u%ory le'&es -or %he $,ope o- Aor9 as per 6nne#ure-/ and Ra%e Char% $,hedule-=. 2he Con%ra,%or shall supply 2 se%s o- un&-orm 4&%h&n a mon%h o- a4ard o- ,on%ra,% and -resh %4o se%s 4&ll *e &ssued &- %he ,on%ra,% &s rene4ed *eyond one year *y %he 3%h mon%h on rene4al -or 2nd years.

(++EC=RE B & -&HE6=?E 20 6EV1(512+-

-l. +o.

Re.uirement of the &entre

-l. +o. (s er schedule

6eviation *ro osed.

+ame and (ddress of the 5enderer

-i#nature of the 5enderer

(++EC=RE B 6 ) A . OR5 OB-,GA ,ON)0 2he Con%ra,%or 4&ll s%r&,%ly o*ser'e and -ollo4 %he -ollo4&ng s%a%u%ory regula%&ons!a,%s as 4ell as any ne4 rules ! ,hanges as appl&,a*le, dur&ng %he per&od o- %h&s ,on%ra,%. +e shall *e solely respons&*le -or -a&lure %o -ul-&ll %hese s%a%u%ory o*l&ga%&ons. 2he su,,ess-ul *&dder shall &ndemn&-y ! &s deemed %o ha'e &ndemn&-&ed C-C60P-<CB$ aga&ns% all su,h l&a*&l&%&es 4h&,h are l&9ely %o ar&se ou% o- %he Con%ra,%orHs -a&lure %o -ul-&ll su,h s%a%u%ory o*l&ga%&ons. 6ll do,umen%s, reg&s%ers per%a&n&ng %o %h&s ,on%ra,% shall *e ma&n%a&ned me%&,ulously and shall *e pro'&ded per&od&,ally -or &nspe,%&on. 2he sal&en% -ea%ures o- %he s%a%u%ory regula%&ons!a,%s are l&s%ed *elo4 and &% &s %he respons&*&l&%y o- %he sele,%ed Con%ra,%or %ha% %hese regula%&ons!a,%s and %he&r amendmen%s -rom %&me %o %&me are s%r&,%ly adhered %o &n %o%al&%y. /'en &- %he Con%ra,%or appo&n%ed -or %h&s ,on%ra,% may *e e#emp% -rom any or all o- %he -ollo4&ng employee--r&endly leg&sla%&on, &% &s &n,um*en% on all Con%ra,%ors %o ,o'er all %he&r employees ! 4or9men ,o'er *y %h&s %ender 4&%h %hese ,o'er ! *ene-&%s. 1. 5he &ontract ?a%our D(%olition @ Re#ulations (ct" 1:703: 2he Con%ra,%or shall o*%a&n and produ,e l&,ense -rom %he 3a*our Comm&ss&onerHs o--&,e. 2hey 4&ll ma&n%a&n and su*m&% %o us -or &nspe,%&on on demand su,h re,ords as 0us%er Roll, Paymen% Reg&s%er, 6d'an,e Reg&s%er, "&nes Reg&s%er, e%,. 2. *a!ment of 8a#es (ct: =% &s ne,essary %ha% %he Con%ra,%orHs employees are pa&d %he&r 4ages paya*le -or %he mon%h o4or9&ng *y E%h o- %he su,,eed&ng ,alendar mon%h. 2he Con%ra,%or 4&ll re,e&'e paymen% -rom us only a-%er you ha'e d&s*ursed &n -ull %he 4ages paya*le %o h&s employees. 2he 4ages shall *e d&s%r&*u%ed &n our prem&ses and one o- %he represen%a%&'es -rom %he Cen%re 4&ll *e nom&na%ed %o 4&%ness %he d&s*ursemen% o- %he 4ages, and s&gn %he d&s*ursemen% repor%. ;. *rovident 0und (ct: 2he ,on%ra,%s shall ,o'er %he&r employees under %he Pro'&den% "und $,heme. 2he prem&a shall *e pa&d as per e#&s%&ng rule par%ly dedu,%ed -rom %he&r employees and %he *alan,e shall *e -rom ,on%r&*u%&on -rom %he su,,ess-ul *&dder, proo- o- su,h paymen% shall *e su*m&%%ed (&n,lud&ng employeeHs and employerHs ,on%r&*u%&on) e'ery mon%h as pro'&ded under $e,%&on 2 o- %he 6,%. 4. Em lo!ees -tate 1nsurance -cheme: 2he ,on%ra,% shall ,o'er all your employees under /mployees $%a%e =nsuran,e $,heme as pro'&ded -or under %he rele'an% rules and shall rem&% %he prem&um 4&%hou% de-aul%. 5. )inimum 8a#es (ct: 2he ,on%ra,% shall pay 4ell a*o'e %he m&n&mum 4ages %o ea,h o- %he&r employees. $u,h ra%es shall *e %he ra%e &mpl&ed or agreed *e%4een <CB$ and %he Con%ra,%or.

9. 8orkmenEs &om ensation DE?13: 6ll employees! 4or9ers shall *e ,o'ered -or &nDury ! dep%h under Aor9menIs Compensa%&on 6,% J23 *y an /mployerIs 3&a*&l&%y =nsuran,e &n %he name o- %he Con%ra,%or %o ,o'er all employed *y %he Con%ra,%or &n <CB$. /3= prem&a &s o- %he order o- 3K on salary S 56 su*De,% %o a ma#&mum salary o- Rs.:, 000.00 7. *a!ment of ,onus (ct" 1:95: Bonus shall *e pa&d %o all employees 4ho ha'e 4or9ed -or a m&n&mum o- 30 days &n %he rele'an% a,,oun%&ng year shall *e pa&d *onus. Bonus 4&ll *e l&m&%ed %o F.33K o- %o%al salary earned &n %he rele'an% a,,oun%&ng year or Rs. 3:JJ!- 4h&,he'er &s less. Bonus shall *e pa&d e'ery year one 4ee9 *e-ore 5&4al&. /. >arnataka ?a%our 8elfare 0und (ct 1:95. :. <eneral: Con%r&*u%&on %o4ards P", /$= . /3= shall *e pa&d %o %he Con%ra,%or only &n su,,eed&ng mon%hs on su*m&ss&on o- proo- o- ha'&ng pa&d %he prem&a ! su*s,r&p%&on. Prem&a %o4ards /3= shall *e pa&d %o %he Con%ra,%or on a pro-ra%a *as&s e'ery mon%h on su*m&ss&on o- or&g&nal pol&,y and re,e&p%. 6ll prem&a! ,on%r&*u%&on ! su*s,r&p%&on ,olle,%ed %o4ards su,h *ene-&%s shall *e!shall ha'e *een promp%ly pa&d %o4ards %he purpose -or 4h&,h &% &s ,olle,%ed. =- -or any reason %h&s has no% *een poss&*le, %he Con%ra,%or shall promp%ly &n-orm <CB$, 4h&,h 4&ll sugges% 4ays and means %o pu% su,h unpa&d amoun%s %o proper use.

)iscellaneous Ae 4&ll no% *e respons&*le -or dea%h, a,,&den% or &nDury %o %he Con%ra,%orHs employees engaged *y h&m, 4h&,h may ar&se &n %he ,ourse o- %he&r du%y a% our prem&ses, nor shall 4e *e respons&*le and *e l&a*le %o pay damages or ,ompensa%&on %o su,h persons or %o %h&rd par%&es. 2he Con%ra,%or shall a% all %&mes &ndemn&-y and 9eep <CB$ &ndemn&-&ed aga&ns% all ,la&ms 4h&,h may *e under %he Aor9menHs Compensa%&on 6,%, J23, or any s%a%u%ory mod&-&,a%&ons %hereo- or o%her4&se -or or &n respe,% o- any damages or ,ompensa%&on paya*le &n ,onse1uen,e o- any a,,&den% or &nDury sus%a&ned *y any 4or9man or o%her person! person a% %he Cen%re or prem&ses, *u&ld&ng, e1u&pmen%s e%,. &s a%%r&*u%a*le %o %he Con%ra,%or or h&s 4or9men, su,h damages shall *e made good *y %he Con%ra,%or or h&s 4or9men, su,h damages shall *e made good *y %he Con%ra,%or. =< A=2</$$ A+/R/;" %he par%&es here %o ha'e se% and su*s,r&*ed %he&r respe,%&'e s&gna%ures and seal %o %he 4r&%&ng here&n a*o'e on %he da%e, mon%h and year men%&oned here&n.





/ng&neer&ng $er'&,es . 0a&n%enan,e =+6ER 5(>1+< ,A 5HE 5E+6ERER Ten,er notice No- NCBS.ELECTR&CAL.E-&N-C.TR - +*/.*%+*0 +0 & .6e inten, to carryout t2e su1;ect 6or7 1y resortin" to en"a"e<<<<<0 Nos0 of 6or7 force in a mont20

-l. +o.

6etails of 2 erations
Round the clock 2 eration of &'&()*'+&,-" -u%station a. -enior 5echnician %. 5echnician <eneral -hift 2 eration for maintenance of all the Electrical installations in &'&()*'+&,-. a. -enior 5echnician %. Hel er

+o of *ersons *ro osed

2. 1/8e under take to a! the wa#es well a%ove the minimum wa#es as a lica%le D8a#es fi7ed %! )inistr! of ?a%our" <overnment of 1ndia Dor3 <overnment of >arnataka Dor3 6e artment recommended wa#es which ever is hi#her3 ;. 1/8e under take to contri%ute for workers towards *0"E-1" and E?1 from the em lo!er$s side as fi7ed %! the relevant authorities. 4. 1/8e under take to a! the ,onus at the rate of /.;; H of the total wa#es or Rs. ;"4::/' whichever is less.

+ame and (ddress of the 5enderer

-i#nature of the 5enderer

Annexure E Schedule - I

Annual Maintenance of Contract of Electrical installations at CCAMP- including the Substation

Sl0 No0

Descri tion
Round %he Clo,9 opera%&on and ma&n%enan,e dur&ng a ,omple%e mon%h oKV!:33 Vol%s $u*s%a%&on a% CC60P-<CB$ and ,onne,%ed $4&%,hgears and ,on%rol gears as men%&oned &n %e,hn&,al spe,&-&,a%&ons. 2he Do* &n,ludes ma&n%enan,e o- # 500 9V6 ;u% door 2rans-ormers and no o500 KV6 5G $e% 4&%h 6u%o syn,hron&7ed 60" Con%rols, 0a&n%enan,e o- rela%ed +.2!3.2 s4&%,hgears, 6B$ and ,onne,%ed /le,%r&,al &ns%alla%&ons l&9e 4a%er pumps, Ba%%ery *an9s, %r&p ,&r,u&% sys%ems e%,. mon&%or&ng and re,ord&ng %empera%ures &n 'ar&ous la*ora%or&es e%,. 2he ma&n%enan,e &n,ludes all pre'en%&'e and *rea9 do4n ma&n%enan,e, and all o%her 4or9s ass&gned *y %he depar%men%al /ng&neers. 2he Do* &n,ludes ma&n%enan,e and up 9eep o- all %he re,ords l&9e log *oo9s, 5ra4&ngs, 0a&n%enan,es s,hedules and any o%her -a,&l&%&es re1u&red -or ,on%&nuous and sa-e opera%&on o- %he su*s%a%&ons. <CB$ has ,r&%&,al re1u&remen% o- /le,%r&,al po4er. =n no ,ase, ou%age o- po4er -or more %han 5 m&nu%es &s a,,ep%a*le. +en,e, %he essen,e o- %h&s ,on%ra,% &s %o a,h&e'e >Oero Brea9 5o4n?. 2he opera%ors deployed mus% ha'e %he re1u&red 1ual&-&,a%&on and 4ell e#per&en,ed &n %h&s l&ne as e#pla&ned &n %he %e,hn&,al $pe,&-&,a%&ons. Paya*le on mon%hly *&ll&ng: Re&m*ursemen% on produ,%&on odo,umen%s per mon%h:





2 0a&n%enan,e o- all %he /le,%r&,al &ns%alla%&ons, on general sh&-%, &n 3a* areas, 8P$ ma&n%enan,e, s%ree% l&gh% e%,. dur&ng a ,omple%e mon%hs. 2he Qo* &n,ludes ma&n%enan,e o- %he %o%al /le,%r&,al &ns%alla%&ons &n <CB$ ,ampus 4&%hou% any e#,ep%&on. 2he Do* &s &n,lus&'e o- all %ypes o- *rea9 do4n and pre'en%&'e ma&n%enan,e as per %he de-&ned s,hedules. 6ll %he ,ompla&n%s mus% *e &mmed&a%ely a%%ended 4&%hou% any delay. 2he Do* also &n,ludes ma&n%enan,e o- 8P$ and ,arryou% m&nor add&%&on and al%era%&on 4or9s. =n add&%&on %hey ha'e %o ,arryou% any o%her 4or9s 2 Qo*

ass&gned *y %he depar%men%al eng&neer. 2he s%a-- deployed mus% ha'e %he re1u&red Bual&-&,a%&on and 4ell e#per&en,ed &n %h&s l&ne as e#pla&ned &n %he %e,hn&,al $pe,&-&,a%&ons

Paya*le on mon%hly B&ll&ng Re&m*ursemen% on Produ,%&on o5o,umen%s per mon%h 2o%al 2o%al 2o4ards 4ash&ng allo4an,es (s er -chedule'1 (s er -chedule'11


+ame and (ddress of the &ontractor.

-i#nature of the contractor with seal

+ame of the 8ork:(nnual )aintenance &ontract for Electrical -!stem at &'&()* (nne7ure ' 0 ' -chedule ' 11 -=**?A 20 &2+-=)(,?E- (- (+6 8HE+ REI=1RE6 ,(-1-

Sl. No. + * 3 = # $ / > ? +% ++ +* +3 += +# +$ +/ +> +?

Description of the ite 60?, #n%andes%en$ lamps Ap#n $ypeB

Ma!e (3#ll#ps

"t# $Appx.% 50 50 +5 50 50 50 +5 +5 70 75 5 50 +5 75 75 70 +0 50 +0

DEP&. 'A&ES 'ate()nit TOTAL

60?, #n%andes%en$ lamps A$3readed $ypeB (3#ll#ps +00?, #n%andes%en$ lamps Ap#n $ypeB C? (-')8=6,+ p#n lamps 77? (-'), + p#n lamps 74?, (-'C, + p#n lamps 76?, CF77?, CF+4?, CF7=?, (-C 46? $u;el#g3$ &#$$#ng MC 5078746 +=?a$$ $u;el#g3$ 7=?a$$ $u;el#g3$ 46?a$$ (- lamp 70? (-C lamp 7=? (-C lamp 7=8+0?, CF- lamps AB#one$ %apB+6 " 46860?, sl#m &luores%en$ lamps 46?, CF-, + p#n lamps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps

*% *+ ** *3 *= *# *$ */ *> *? 3% 3+ 3*

4+? %#r%ular lamp u;e s$ar$ers A&luores%en$ $u;e s$ar$ersB 60? ele%$ron#% ;allas$s 10? ele%$ron#% ;allas$s A)*V* -ampsB 7000?a$$ 3alogen lamps 10? )ON A,B -amps +50? )ON -amps +50?'M!'lamp 500?'3alogen &#$$#ng ?#$3 lamp 7000?'3alogen &#$$#ng ?#$3 lamp Fluores%en$ lamp s#de 3olders 50? 3alogen lamp 3older (or%ela#n lamp 3older Asu#$a;le &or 60? p#n $ype #n%andes%en$ lampsB C?' (-)' -amp 3older ,8C lamp 3older (VC ,8C lamp 3older (or%ela#n %opper ;allas$ 46860? &or -F Ele%$ron#% ;allas$s &or 7 9 (-') C?877? A+40 Dol$s AC=CC4287+B Ele%$ron#% ;allas$s &or 7 9 (-'C 74? A+40 Dol$sB AC=C+4287+B Ele%$ron#% ;allas$s &or +=?, '5 lamp Ele%$ron#% ;allas$s &or 697=? lamp 500? !alogen lamps

(3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps

5 50 50 70 75 70 70 5 5 5 50 75 75

33 3= 3# 3$ 3/


(3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps

+0 70 70 +5 40

3> 3? =% =+

(3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps (3#ll#ps

75 +5 +0 70


#me s?#$%3es FM87 E.AR F, ype0 ER uG3 Dol$age0 +40VAC, 50760 !G, Con$a%$ relay0 76A8+40VAC ARes#s$#DeB

GEC, -< ,

)#emens e$% =* a* ;* %* d* ,nd#%a$#on lamps 50D, $3readed $ype lamps 50D, p#n $ype lamps 770D, 1870?, $3readed $ype lamps +50D, p#n $ype lamps OME@ OME@ OME@ OME@ 5 5 70 5
Rate/=nit 5otal

=3 MCBs HCI ser#es o& &ollo?#ng ra$#ngs -#grand

a* ;* %* d* e* &* g* 3*

6 amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G 6 amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G 70 amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G 76 amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G +5 amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G 4+ amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G 60 amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G 64 amps, +408675 Dol$s, 50 !G TOTAL

5 5 5
5 4 4

4 4 4
5 4 6

' ' '

5 5 6

' ' '

5 5 6

4 4

6 4

6 4

6 4

== E-CBs +608675D, 50 !G, 400ma
6* 0* 6* 0* 6* 0*

a* ;* %*

+5 amps 60 amps 64 amps TOTAL

3 3 3

3 3 3

=# a* ;* %* d* e* &* =$ a* ;* %* d* e* Capa%#$ors 660D, AC, 50 !G +*5 m&d 4*5 m&d 6*0 m&d 6*0 m&d 70*0 m&d 44 m&d erm#nal %onne%$ors +0 amps, RG6, 660D $erm#nal %onne%$ors 40 amps, RG6, 660D $erm#nal %onne%$ors 40 amps, =870 ?ay, 660D $erm#nal %onne%$ors 64 amps, 6 ?ay, 660D $erm#nal %onne%$ors 7+5 amps, 6 ?ay, 660D $erm#nal %onne%$ors -< -< -< -< -< -< 70 4 4 4 4 4 ,), ma2e 5 5 5 5 5

=/ )?#$%3 &use un#$s A)F.B a* 64 amps, )F., AFN 64B ;* 7+5 amps, )F., AFN 7+5B => !RC &use l#n2s, 675D, ype0 G,, a* ;* 6 amps 6 amps

4 4

5 5


70 amps =? !RC ;o$$le $ype &uses, ype0 !F 76 9 57 70 amps +5 amps 64 amps #% !RC &uses, 675D, ype0 !N s#Ge 00G,,, 7G,,, +G,,

-< -< -< -< -< -< -< -< -< -< -< An%3or An%3or

a* ;* %*

= = =

a* ;* %* d* e*

64 amps 700 amps 760 amps +50 amps 600 amps #+ -#g3$#ng a%%essor#es #* +40D, 6 amps, s#ngle pole s?#$%3 Aone ?ayB model0 (,ANO, ?3#$e %olour ##* +40D, 6 amps, s#ngle pole s?#$%3 Aone ?ayB model0 (,ANO, ?3#$e %olour, ;uGGer s?#$%3

70 70 5 4 + 5



+40D, 6 amps, s#ngle pole s?#$%3 Aone ?ayB model0 (,ANO, ?3#$e %olour, ?o ?ay


#D* D*

76 amps s#ngle pole, one ?ay %ap$on s?#$%3 +40D, 76 amps dou;le pole, one ?ay /yna &lus3 s?#$%3 ?#$3 #nd#%a$or

An%3or An%3or

5 5

D#* D##* D###*

+40D, 6 amps, 5 p#n so%2e$ ou$le$ +40D, 76 amps, 5 p#n &lus3 moun$ed so%2e$ ou$le$ Ele%$ron#% %3#me $ype %all#ng ;ell, +40D, CONA ma2e, ?3#$e %olour Energy 2ey s?#$%3es ?#$3 2ey $ag Ra$#ng0 +40D, +0 amps dou;le pole, ?3#$e %olour

An%3or An%3or CONA

+0 +0 5



600 ?a$$s, +40D, ele%$ron#% &an regula$or, so%2e$ $ype, ?3#$e %olour +60D, 75 amps, geyser $3ermos$a$s empera$ure range0 40 $o 15 %
0 0




,), 5


"a$er 3ea$#ng elemen$ &or Ra%old ?a$er 3ea$er Vol$age0 +40D,50!G, ype0E( Ver$#%al and 3or#Gon$al $ype &or %apa%#$y 70 l$rs'+ K" 75 l$rs'+K" +5 l$rs'4 K"

#*i ##* ###*

+40D, 6 amps, s#ngle pole, %l#p #n s?#$%3es ?3#$e %olour +40D, 6 amps, $?o ?ay, %l#p #n s?#$%3es ?3#$e %olour +40D, 76 amps, s#ngle pole, %l#p #n s?#$%3es ?3#$e %olour


+0 +0 +0

#D* D* D#* D##* D###* #9* 9* 9#* 54 a* ;* %* e* &* g* #= a* ;* %* d e* &*

+40D, 76 amps, $?o ?ay, %l#p #n s?#$%3es ?3#$e %olour +40D, 6 amps, 5 p#n, %l#p #n so%2e$s ?3#$e %olour One ?ay ;lan2 pla$e ?3#$e %olour 600?, +40D, ele%$ron#% &an regula$or ?3#$e %olour 4 modular &ron$ pla$e 6 modular &ron$ pla$e = modular &ron$ pla$e 76 modular &ron$ pla$e M)8G, %on%eal ;o9es + modular 4 modular 5 modular = modular 70 modular 76 modular %onne%$ors, +408660D, o& &ollo?#ng ra$#ng 8 s#Ges


+0 +0 +5 5 75 75 70 70 5 5 5 5 5 5

Elme9 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 4

7*5 s:mm +*5 s:mm 6*0 s:mm 6*0 s:mm 70*0 s:mm 76*0 s:mm ## Co$$on ?as$e #$ Ban#an ?as$e #/ )#ngle p3ase preDen$er su#$a;le &or /*O*- s$ar$er

'' '' Me%%a or ,),

#> Mul$#s$rand %opper ?#re 7700D grade per %o#l a* ;* %* d* e* &* 7*5 s:mm +*5 s:mm 6*0 s:mm 6*0 s:mm 70*0 s:mm 76*0 s:mm #? Mul$#s$rand, dou;le #nsula$ed, 7700D, grade &#nole9 po?er %a;le +*5 s:mm 4 %ore 6*0 s:mm 6 %ore 6*0 s:mm 6 %ore TOTAL - D TOTAL - A@B@C@D $% M)8G, Con%eal Bo9 + modular 4 modular 6 modular 6 modular = modular 70 modular 76 modular $+ sur&a%e ;o9 + modular 4 modular 6 modular 6 modular

F#nole9 70 70 6 6 5 5 F#nole9

a* ;* %*

F#nole9 F#nole9 F#nole9

7 7 7

6n,hor Roma

a* ;* %* d* e* &* g*

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 An%3or Roma 5 5 5 5

a* ;* %* d*

e* &* g*

= modular 70 modular 76 modular $* Modular Fron$ pla$e + modular 4 modular 6 modular 6 modular = modular 70 modular 76 modular $3 Modular )?#$%3 70Amps +0Amps Modular )o%2e$ 5 (#n 70Amps 708+0Amps Modular /ummy pla$e ,nd#%a$or /B 6"ay, ,(56 ="ay, ,(56 7+"ay, ,(56 76"ay, ,(56 7="ay, ,(56 64A 6( MCCB ARC70B 64A ( MCCB ARC70B 700A ( MCCB ARC70B An%3or Roma

5 5 5

a* ;* %* d* e* &* g*

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 An%3or Roma 70 70 An%3or Roma 70 70 An%3or Roma 5 -egrand 5 + + + + + 7 7

a* ;* $= a* ;* $#0a 10 $$ a* ;* %* d* e* $/0a 10 c0



700A 6( MCCB ARC70B Nep$une

$> +(JE #ndus$r#al ;o9 ?#$3 (VC )o%2e$ < (lug a* 76 Amps ;* +0 Amps %* 4+ Amps 4(JNJE #ndus$r#al ;o9 ?#$3 (VC )o%2e$ < (lug a* +0 Amps ;* 4+ Amps %* 64 Amps /% Fle9#;le (VC dou;le #nsula$ed %a;le a0 10 c0 ,0 e0 f0 /+ /* /3 /= a* ;* %* 4C 9 6s:mm C#r%u#$ Ca;le Fle9#;le 4C 9 6s:mm C#r%u#$ Ca;le Fle9#;le 4C 9 70s:mm C#r%u#$ Ca;le Fle9#;le 6C 9 6s:mm C#r%u#$ Ca;le Fle9#;le 6C 9 6s:mm C#r%u#$ Ca;le Fle9#;le 6C 9 70s:mm C#r%u#$ Ca;le Fle9#;le 500" 3alogese lamp 3older 700A (N, )F. /#n $ype !RC &use Brass Ca;le Glands 70mm 76mm +5mm $?

4 4 4 -egrand 4 4 +


7 7 0*5 0*5 0*5 0*5 70 + 5 5 5 5

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d* e* &* /# a* ;* %* d* e* &* g* 3* # /$ a* ;* // a* ;* %* d* e* &* g* 3* # /> a* ;* %* 1C

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