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Calculus II Homework

Section 10.1 Solutions of Elementary and Separable Differential Equations

Problems 1-27 odd, 35, 37

Find the general solution for each differential equation.

1. dydx=-4x+6x2

3. 4x3-2dydx=0

5. ydydx=x2

7. dydx=2xy

9. dydx=3x2y-2xy

11. dydx=yx, x>0

13. dydx=y-6

15. dydx=y2e2x

Find the particular solution for each initial value problem.

17. dydx+3x2=2x;  y=5 when x=0

19. 2dydx=4xe-x;  y=42 when x=0

21. dydx=x3y;  y=5 when x=0

23. 2x+3y=dydx;  y=1 when x=0

Find the particular solution for each equation.

25. dydx=4x3-3x2+x;  y=0 when x=1

27. dydx=y2x;  y=3 when x=e

Business and Economics

35. Profit The marginal profit of a certain company is given by
where x represents the amount of money (in thousands of dollars) that the company spends on
advertising. Find the profit for each advertising expenditure if the profit is $1000 when nothing is spent
on advertising.
a. $3000 b. $5000

37. Inflation If inflation grows continuously at a rate of 5% per year, how long will it take for $1 to
lose half its value?

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