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Class : XII Time : 3 hr

Examination Subject

: Prelims : PH SICS

Session !ar"s

: 2011-12 : #0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I Answer all questions A. Choose the correct alternative A. B, C or D for each of the questions given below: [ ! 1. Which one of the following graphs in Figure 1 represents variation of de-Broglie wavelength () of a particle having linear momentum p:

2. When a charged particle is pro ected perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field! it descri"es a circular path in which: (#) its speed remains constant. (B) its velocit$ remains constant. (%) its momentum remains constant. (&) its 'inetic energ$ increases. (. Which e)uation represents the emission of a "eta particle "$ a radioactive nucleus:

*. +he loss of power in a transformer can "e reduced "$: (#) increasing the num"er of turns in primar$. (B) increasing ac voltage applied to primar$. (%) using a solid core made of steel. (&) using a laminated core of soft iron. ,. #n important component of -ichelson.s method to determine speed of light is: (#) a /0%12 prism. (B) a "i prism. (%) a grating. (&) an octagonal mirror. B. Answer all questions briefl" an# to the $oint: [% ! -1, -16 1. #n oil drop weighing 1314 / and carr$ing a charge of 5314 % is found to remain at rest in a uniform electric field of intensit$ 7. Find 7. 2. Which conservation principle is involved in 8irchoff9s second law: (. ;tate an$ one difference "etween <oule effect and =eltier.s effect. *. +he power factor of an a.c. circuit is 4.,. What will "e the phase difference "etween voltage and current in this circuit: ,. # ra$ of light! incident on an e)uilateral glass prism ( = ( ) moves parallel to the "ase of the prism inside it. What is the angle of incidence for this ra$:

>. # resistance ? is connected across a cell of emf 7 and internal resistance r. # potentiometer now measures the p.d. "etween the terminals of the cell! as @. ;tate the eApression for 9r9 in terms of 7. @ and ?. B. #n inductor 2 and a resistor ? are connected in series to a "atter$! through a 'e$Cswitch. ;how graphicall$! how current decreases with time when the 'e$Cswitch is opened. 5. #n electromagnetic wave has a fre)uenc$ of 1 -DE. 1n which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this wave lie: 6. What 'ind of source produces a c$lindrical wave front: 14. ;tate an$ one method "$ which chromatic a"erration produced "$ a conveA lens can "e minimiEed. 11. Find angular momentum of an electron when it is in the second Bohr or"it of h$drogen atom. 12. Five an$ one reason wh$ giant telescopes all over the world are of reflecting t$pe. 1(. With that purpose was famous &avisson-Fermer eAperiment with electrons performed: 1*. #ccording to the modern view! matter and energ$ are inter-converti"le. Five one eAample with e)uation where energ$ is converted to matter. 1,. &raw graphs to show input and output voltages of an ideal amplifier. PART II & ' (ar)s* Answer si+ questions in this part, choosing two questions from each of the Sections A, B and C. ,-CTI./ A Answer any two questions Question 2 a) #n electric dipole is held in a uniform electric field. (i) Gsing suita"le diagram! show that it does not undergo an$ translator$ motion! and (ii) derive an eApression for the tor)ue acting on it and specif$ its direction. H(I ") +hree point charges of 2 J%! -( K% and -( J% are 'ept at the vertices! #! B and % respectivel$ of an e)uilateral triangle of side 24 cm as shown in the figure. What should "e the sign and magnitude of the charge to "e placed at the mid-point (-) of side B% so that the charge at # remains in e)uili"rium: H(I c) Wh$ does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an eAternal electric field:# parallel plate capacitor with air "etween the plates has a capacitance of5 pF. What will "e the capacitance if the distance "etween the plates "e reduced "$ half and the space "etween them is filled with a su"stance of dielectric constant 8 L > : H(I Question 3 a) &efine the term 9resistivit$9 and write its ;.0. unit. &erive the eApression for the resistivit$ of a conductor in terms of num"er densit$ of free electrons and relaAation time. H(I ") ;tate the principle of potentiometer. &raw a circuit diagram used to compare the e.m.f. of two primar$ cells. Write the formula used. Dow can the sensitivit$ of a potentiometer "e increased: H(I c) # galvanometer with a coil of resistance 124 ohm shows full scale deflection for a current of 2., m#. Dow will $ou convert the galvanometer into an ammeter of range 4 to B., # : &etermine the net resistance of the ammeter. When an ammeter is put in a circuit! does it read slightl$ less or more than the actual current in the original circuit : <ustif$ $our answer. H(I Question 4 a) ;tate and prove M+angent9s 2awN./ame an$ one instrument which wor's on the principle of +angent law in magnetism. H(I ") # long solenoid! with 24 turns per cm. has a small loop of area *cm2 placed inside the solenoid normal to its aAis. 0f the current carried "$ the solenoid changes steadil$ from *# to ># in 4.2 second! what is the (average) induced emf in the loop while the current is changing: H(I c) 0n the circuit shown in Figure alongside! calculate the

impedance! resonance fre)uenc$ and phase difference "etween the current and the suppl$ voltage. H(I ,-CTI./ B Answer any two questions Question 5 a) %ompare and contrast the pattern which is seen with two coherentl$! illuminated narrow slits in Ooung.s eAperiment with that seen for a coherentl$ illuminated single slit producing diffraction. H2I ") Dow is a wave front different from a ra$: &raw the geometrical shape of the wave fronts when (i) light diverges from a point source! and (ii) light emerges out of a conveA lens when a point source is placed at its focus. H(I c) Bloc' diagram of a receiver is as shown. 0dentif$ P and O. ;tate their function. H(I Question 6 a) 0n Ooung.s dou"le slit eAperiment! using light of wavelength >44 nm! 14 th "right fringe is o"tained on a screen! (mm from the center of the pattern. 0f the screen is 124 cm awa$ from the slits! calculate: (i) &istance "etween the two slits (ii) Fringe width! i.e. fringe separation. H2I ") ;tate Du$gens. principle. With the help of a suita"le diagram! prove ;nell.s law of refraction using Du$gens. principle. H(I c) 0n Ooung.s dou"le slit eAperiment! deduce the conditions for (i) constructive! and (ii) destructive interference at a point on the screen. &raw a graph showing variation of the resultant intensit$ in the interference pattern against position QA. on the screen. H(I Question 7 a) With the help of diagram! eAplain how will $ou distinguish "etween unpolariEed light and plane polariEed light: H2I ") ;tate the essential condition for the diffraction of light to ta'e place. # parallel "eam of monochromatic light falls normall$ on a narrow slit and light coming out of the slit is o"tained on the screen. &erive an eApression for the angular width of the central "right maAima o"tained on the screen. H(I c) # conveA refracting surface of radius of curvature 24 cm separates two media of refractive indices *C( and 1.>4. #n o" ect is placed in the first medium (K L *C() at a distance of 244 cm from the refracting surface. %alculate the position of the image formed. H(I ,-CTI./ C Answer any two questions Question 8 a) Which two main o"servations in photoelectric effect led 7instein to suggest the photon theor$ for the interaction of light with the free electrons in a metal: &raw a graph to represent the variation of maAimum 'inetic energ$ of photo electrons with fre)uenc$ of incident radiation. 1"tain an eApression for the threshold fre)uenc$ for photoelectric emission in terms of the wor' function of the metal. H*I ") ;tate Bohr9s postulates. &erive the eApression for the radius of the n th or"it of h$drogen atom using Bohr9s postulates. What is the fre)uenc$ of radiation emitted when a h$drogen atom de-eAcites from level A to level (A-1): H*I Question 9 a) What is meant "$ mass defect of a nucleus: Dow is it related to its "inding energ$: H2I ") /ame the ph$sical )uantit$ whose ;.0 unit is "ec)uerel (B)): Dow is this )uantit$ related to (i) disintegration constant! (ii) half life! and (iii) mean life of the radioactive element. H(I c) &raw the output wave form at P! using the given inputs #! B for the logic circuit shown "elow. #lso identif$ the (e)uivalent) gate. H(I Question 10 a) ;tate two important conclusions that can "e drawn from -illi'an.s oil drop eAperiment to determine

the charge of an electron. H2I ") #n electron is passed through a potential difference of *44 @. (i) %alculate the speed ac)uired "$ the electron. (ii) 0f it enters a transverse and uniform magnetic field! what is the nature of the path descri"ed "$ the electron: H(I c) #n a.c. signal is fed into two circuits P and O and the corresponding output in the two cases have the waveforms shown "elow. /ame the circuits P and O. #lso draw a detailed circuit diagrams of an$ one. H(I

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