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Benjamin Fulford - January 20, 2013: Systematic take-down of cabal accelerates with Vatican bank purge, mass resignat

ions, mass firings etc Last week Pope Francis replaced four out of the top five officers overseeing the Vatican Bank in a move that sent shock-waves through the public leadership of m any countries. In probably most countries of the world, when a new leader is ins talled, that person gets a visit from a cabal officer like Henry Kissinger who h ands them a Vatican bank account book containing a huge bribe, according to sour ces including former CIA chiefs. The leaders are then told that if they do not a ccept the money and follow cabal orders they will be assassinated, driven out by scandal, or failing that, have their country invaded by US troops. For that rea son, the change at the top of the Vatican bank is a sure sign something big is c oming down. Also last week Queen Elizabeth announced she was going to hand duties over to Pr ince Charles as well as to Princes William and Harry, starting a gentle successio n. Elizabeth is thus following Queen Beatrix of Holland and the King of Belgium i n resigning in recent years from positions that are traditionally held for life. The generational change in royal families is in preparation for a change at the very top of the financial system, a Rothschild family source said. There is also a big storm brewing in China where a massive purge is expected to start in March with the complete replacement of all provincial Secretaries (gove rnors), all mayors and most senior bureaucrats, according to a Chinese governmen t representatives in Tokyo. This purge is being directed by central government o fficials, many who have fled to the country side with their families to avoid th e massive pollution choking many of China's large cities. This move is being made in an attempt to quell a financial crisis caused by rampant overspending and cor ruption at local government levels, the representatives said. Another interesting thing these sources had to say was that the Chinese governme nt was thinking of starting up a state religion combining elements of Christiani ty, Confucianism and Mohism. The aim was to improve moral standards in China and strengthen social unity, they said. There is also something brewing in North Korea and the Chinese are not happy abo ut it, one official said. Two top North Koreans who were close to China were exe cuted last week as part of the ongoing purge of perceived threats to Kim Jong Un , he said. In response China staged a massive military exercise with more than 1 00,000 troops along the North Korean border. China now views North Korea as an en emy state, he said. This will be followed by a joint US and South Korean military maneuver also aime d at North Korea. Also, basketball star Dennis Rodman was nabbed and taken in for questioning last week immediately after returning to the US from his well-publicized visit to No rth Korea. The official story is that he went to an undisclosed alcohol rehabilit ation center. Rodman was visiting North Korea as a personal representative of Barack Obama, ac cording to North Korean sources. No doubt his rehabilitators will be trying to fin d out what that message was. North Korean sources in Japan also say the new North Korean regime had threatene d to hit Shanghai and Beijing with nuclear weapons as part of a power play to fo rce the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

This may also be the real reason why government leaders in China and South Korea are willing to meet with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is closely linked to North Korea through his ties with the unification church. The situation in Asia will probably not resolve itself until the removal of caba l control from the dollar and euro based financial system is completed. To this end dramatic changes are continuing in the Middle East, power base of th e US petrodollar. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been purging Turkey, t he original home of the Sabbatean mafia, with increasing success. He has removed 350 police officers and 20 prosecutors and is now purging Bankers and TV propag andists. raft-probe-extends-bankers-and-tv The Gulf Cooperation Council also sent a delegation to China last week to negoti ate a surrender and were told to end the rift with Iran and the Shia/Sunni split in general. Responding to this, the Muslim world invited Iran into full membersh ip in the Al Quds (Jerusalem [i.e. Israel]) Committee of the 57-member Organizat ion of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) -Iran-to-%E2%80%9CJerusalem-Committee%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%93-with-Kerry%E2%80%99s-ap proval Russia's President Vladimir Putin is also going to visit Iran soon to help bring p eace to the region. The ongoing shift of Middle East power away from cabal control is of course goin g to affect Israel and the controllers of the old petro dollar system. Perhaps t hat is why the White Dragon Society was contacted last week and asked if it woul d be possible to go through Canada to make liquid some now frozen funding. This request coincided with the start of a four day visit to Israel by Zionist slave Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The WDS is insisting on a jubilee, a redistribution of fraudulently obtained ass ets and the immediate start of a massive campaign to end poverty and stop enviro nmental destruction. The other move that is making cabalists nervous is the German government's ongoing investigation of what happened to the 300 tons of gold it deposited with the Fe deral Reserve Board. So far only 5 tons have been returned and attempts to intim idate German Chancellor Angela Merkel with a beating in Switzerland (according t o a CIA source) will probably backfire by driving the Germans into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and out of NATO. Another front in which the cabal is under severe attack is the ongoing exposure of elite pedophile networks in the UK and in the Vatican. In the UK, politicians are now being investigated in the ever widening scandal that is expected to eve ntual lead to Tony Blair and his fellow Nazis. In the Vatican, 400 priests have already been defrocked and the purge of child abusers is continuing. cale-child-sex-abuse The Cabalists will be gathering this week at the Davos World Economic Forum wher e they will make noises about the dangers of income inequality. In doing so, the y will be like Marie Antoinette at the time of the French Revolution asking why

the peasants did not eat cake, in other words they don't have a clue about what is really going on and their sudden concern for the poor will be way too little, w ay too late. In a sign that all is not well with the forum, Daniel Dal Bosco tried last week to contact the Dragon family about cashing historical bonds. Dal Bosco was follo wed very closely in 2009 after he absconded with a trillion dollars' worth of Drag on family bonds and that trail led to a certain Giancarlo Bruno, head of the fin ancial services division of the Davos forum. The fact that he is once again init iating contact can only be taken as a sign of desperation behind the scenes at D avos. Message to Dal Bosco: you are being watched 24/7 and can be picked and arre sted at any moment. The same will be true of any other cabal official attempting to steal assets that belong to the people of the world and not to a criminal cab al. The other ongoing sign of unravelling cabal control is the snowballing trend to legalize marijuana. Now that Colorado, Washington State and the nation of Urugua y have joined North Korea (they never made it illegal in the first place) in leg alizing marijuana, and did so without facing any reprisals, many more countries (last week Morocco for example) will join the band wagon. The loss of illegal dr ug revenues, combined with the loss of control over oil, will devastate Sabbatea n cabal finances. Vive la revolution! Benjamin Fulford - January 14, 2013: Japan's Abe may be arrested at Davos, Switzer land for role in Aum terrorist attacks During the last week various intelligence agencies have forwarded evidence to th e White Dragon Society showing that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan was deepl y involved in the Aum Shinrikyo subway sarin gas attack terror cult. For this re ason, the possibility is growing that Abe will be arrested on terror charges whe n he goes to Davos, Switzerland for the Cabal meeting starting there on January 21, the sources in Chinese, British, Japanese and American intelligence agencies say. The Aum doomsday cult was set up by a right wing extremist group including forme r Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara and Abe's father Shintaro Abe who worked closel y with the Bush/Scherff Nazi faction in the West developing and spreading weapon s of mass destruction. If Abe not arrested in Switzerland, investigations in Japan are also aimed at ar resting him on charges of election fraud as well as for involvement in the 311 n uclear and tsunami terror attack, a senior Japanese police agency official said. Even if Abe is not immediately arrested, the take down of his cabal bosses in Eu rope and the US is continuing. For example, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a skiing accident last week in Switzerland that was actually a beating by certain agency personnel who suspected her of being head of the German fourth Reich, acc ording to an intelligence agency source who just returned from Germany. Immediat ely after her accident US President Barack Obama called her and said we have to mee t, the source said. This may have been a response to her attempts to get back the 300 tons of gold Germany had deposited with the Federal Reserve Board, one obse rver speculated. Also last week, the International Criminal Court received a dossier outlining sy stemic use of torture by the UK military that was condoned by Senior Politicians , according to various news agencies. The Nazi faction including former Prime Minister Tony Blair is frantically tryin g to silence their opposition with trumped up criminal charges now that their mu rders (David Kelly, Christopher Story etc.) are becoming too recognizable by a g rowing number of politicians and agency officials. For example, anti-Nazi lawyer and writer Michael Shrimpton is being tried next m onth on charges of making fake claims that the 2012 London Olympics were a targe t of a nuclear terror attack and, in a clear indication he is being framed, the police also claim he had a memory stick with child pornography on it. The police unit involved in this investigation reports to a Sarah Thornton, who presided o ver the obvious cover up of the murder of weapon's expert David Kelly. The officers directly in charge of the investigation are typical brainwashed typ es with whose minds are kept within highly compartmentalized parameters. For exa mple, these investigators do not look at evidence Japan was the victim of a nucl ear terror, on March 11, 2011, one year before the London Olympics. In any case, even if the Shrimpton show trial takes place, war criminal Tony Bla ir and his murderous Nazi cohorts are going to be taken down. If the Internation al Criminal Court does not do it, then they will be taken down too. In the US, meanwhile, the Zionist acting troupe known as the US Senate is still desperately clinging to their old play script by trying to vote for new moves ag ainst Iran even though an accord to end the Iran nuclear crisis, will be signed on January 20th. People who keep wondering why the military has not moved in and a rrested all these traitors need to at least comfort themselves with the assuranc e that no major armed group is now obeying the Zionists. The whores in the Senat e and Congress can scream all they want but it will lead to nothing. The Zionists are now isolated and are being systematically removed in many count ries in a process that is supposed to eventually lead to public arrests of top Z ionist government leaders and days of televised truth on all major world news ne tworks, according to multiple sources. To that end, the White Dragon Society was contacted last week by military offici als at an underground base in Virginia saying they were ready to move in on Wash ington D.C. at a moment's notice. The Japan Society, a cabal group overseeing US r ule of Japan, also sent a person to meet this writer who confirmed the people in Washington D.C. are aware the underground bases have been taken over and that a ll the politicians were very scared about their future. The last big obstacle in the US now appears to be President Barack Obama. Althou gh Obama has helped purge the Nazis and acted to prevent World War 3, he has sti ll not agreed to end Federal Reserve Board rule of the United States by announci ng the issuance of government currency to replace Fed debt slavery notes. The Un ited States Government headed by Obama has also not responded to a formal offer of $700 trillion for use in financing a campaign to end poverty and stop environ mental destruction. As such, he is now, along with Japan's Abe and EU Central Bank Chief Mario Draghi, one of the obvious signs of cabal control and cabal refusal to take action against poverty and environmental destruction. Returning to Abe, the dossier sent to this writer last week included a report by a person who, to quote from MI5: was present during a conference in Moscow (Jan. 1990), when a top Japanese delega tion, led by Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe [Prime Minister Abe's father] met with USSR President Gorbachev and his aide, Politburo Member Alexander Yakovlev. Thei r intent was to establish Bilateral Cooperation. At further meetings in Jan. 1991,

Gorbachev via Yakovlev offered the Japanese the USSR's super-secret intercontinen tal EM Weapons technologyCapable of producing Earthquakesfor U.S. $900 Million. Gorbachev also agreed with Japanese Diet member Toshio Yamaguchi to the setting up of a joint Japan-Russia University in Moscow that would be tasked with co-opt ing the brightest young Nuclear Physicists' minds of both countries to develop new 2nd and 3rd generation EM superweapons by mating Japanese Microchip and electro nics know-how to Russian 1st Generation Weapons Technology !! This University wa s soon formed and under the cover of Cultural Studies was administered by the Aum sect and one Lobov. Lobov became Yeltsin's Head of the Security Councilafter the la te 1991 coup that removed Gorbachev. The Aum members first arrived in Moscow in late 1991. Also, a report by US Senator (now retired) Sam Nunn, reveals that Aum Shinrikiyo worked closely with Russia and the `Yakuza' [North Korea], in the development of a range of weaponry. These weapons included electromagnetic pulse weapons that can cause earthquakes, according to the Nunn report and other sources. Researcher Harry Mason was informed by The Australian Federal Police that the Au m's Science Minister Hideo Murai (A Nuclear Physicist) was regarded as The Most Int elligent Living Japanese. Murai had a pre-Aum background in EM technology. He had worked at Kobe Steel, researching microwave and other EM / Ray Wave technology applications for cold moulding of steel, having graduated as an astrophysicist s pecializing in Cosmic X-Ray Analysis. His Kobe Steel Laboratory was at the epice nter of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. So the Swiss now have good legal grounds to arrest Shinzo Abe.

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