Placement of Equipment

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Module06:Integrationandplacementofequipment Lecture42:PlacementofHeatEngine,HeatpumpandReactors Keyword:HeatEngine,HeatPump,Reactor

Heat rejected by a heat engine can be used as a hot utility in the process. Similarly, heat rejectedinthecondenserandheatremovedfromevaporatorbyaHeatpumpcanalsobeused asahotandcoldutilityrespectively.Thus,whileintegratingHeatEnginesandHeatpumpsorin that matter any system offering utility the principles of pinch outlined in earlier lectures on placementofutilityapplieshere.Basedonthisprincipletheappropriateplacement(i.e.above, below or across pinch) can be decided. To arrive at the appropriate placement, symbolic diagramofthesystem(Heatengine,heatpumpandreactor)andthatoftheprocessisused. Fig.42.1(a)Showsthecompositecurveofaprocessandpart(c)ofthefigureshowsthesymbolic representationoftheprocesswhichisdividedintotwodistinctareasaboveandbelowpinchby pinch temperature. The region above the pinch region is a heat sink and requires heating Qhu and the region below the pinch ( heat source)requires cooling Qcu. The basis for selection will be based on the fact that whether, the integration of any system is increasing , decreasing or keeping the utility demand of the process as it was. As in Fig.42.1 the process has been convertedtoasymbolicform,in Figs.42.2and 42.3thesymbolicforms ofheatengineandheat pumpsareshownrespectively. Hotutilitytemp. Qhu Qhu T Sink Above pinch region
Heat sink (needs heat)


Pinch Temperature
Below pinch region Heat source(needs cooling)

Pinch Source Qcu


Coldutilitytemp. H (c) (a) (b) Fig.42.1(a)Compositecurveofprocess,(b)Physicalrepresentationofprocessand(c)Symbolicprocess (Source) Temperature,T1 HPSteam Heat,Q1 Heat Engine Power LPSteam Q1 T1 W Work,W Q2 T2




Temperature,T2 (sink) (b)



(Source) Temperature,T1 Heat,Q1



Q1 T1 W

ThrottleValve T1>T2 Evaporator,T2 Compressor

Heat pump

Work,W Q2 T2




Temperature,T2 (sink) (b) (c)


INTEGRATION OF HEAT ENGINE The synthesis of heat and power systems involves appropriately combining power producing and power consuming systems with heat recovery networks so as to minimize costs and maximize efficiency. Some of important heat engines are steam turbine Rankin cycles, open-cycle gas turbines, closed-cycle gas turbines, organic Rankin cycles, and Diesels engines. HEAT ENGINES A heat engine, shown in Fig.42.2, is a device which accepts heat Q1 from a source at temperature T1, rejects heat Q2 to a sink at a lower temperature T2, and generate work W. From thermodynamics, W = Q1 Q2 W / Q1 c And c = 1-T2 / T1 first law second law Carnot efficiency (42.1) (42.2) (42.3)

Because real heat engines are irreversible, an equation introducing machine efficiency, mech, for the heat engines may be written as, W = mech c Q1
Qhu Sink

0 e < 1.
Q1 T1 HE Q2 T2 W



Source Qcu

IfHeatEngine(HE)isnotintegrated withprocess TotalHeatinput=Qhu+Q1 TotalHeatout=Qcu+Q2


PlacementofHeatEngine,HeatpumpandReactorsModule06 PLACEMENT OF HEAT ENGINE RELATIVE TO PINCH


It is a known fact that, the process acts as a heat sink above the pinch and as a heat source below the pinch and the heat engine takes heat from a higher temperature level and rejects heat at a lower temperature level. While doing so it produces work. The appropriate placement of heat engine is discussed below: Placement of Heat Engine Above pinch When the engine exhaust(Q2) is hotter than pinch temperature and above the pinch (Fig. 42.5a), the engine takes heat Q1 and rejects heat (Q2 = Q1-W) into the sink. Thus, the integrated system uses W units of additional heat in excess of the process requirements. However, it produces an equal amount of work also at the same time. In other words, heat is converted to shaft work at almost a efficiency of 100 % because of the integration. More over, the heat Q2 rejected by the engine substitutes an equal amount of hot utility and the hot utility requirement of process reduces to, Qhu-Q2. Thus, the placement is proper.

Placement of Heat Engine across pinch When the engine exhaust is colder than pinch temperature and the engine is across the pinch (Fig. 42.5b), the engine rejects heat (Q2= Q1-W) into a process source. This heat simply cascades through the below-pinch region and increases the cold utility requirement for its satisfaction. Thus, it is improper placement.

Placement of Heat Engine below pinch Below the pinch (Fig. 42.5c), the engine is placed such that it absorbs heat Q1 from the process source and thereby reduces the cold utility demand; again, the engine is properly placed and has a marginal efficiency of 100 % as it converts the excess process heat into work rather than waste heat. Fig.42.5 shows that the exhaust heat Q2 from an engine integrated above the pinch can at best replace all the hot utility requirement of the process (Qhu), and the maximum heat Q1 absorbed by an engine integrated below the pinch can equal the cold utility requirement (Qcu).

Q1 T1 HE Q2 T2 Sink HeatEngineintegrated aboveprocesspinch TotalHeatin =QhuQ2+Q1=Qhu+W TotalHeatout=Qcu W Qhu Q2



Source Qcu

Fig.42.5a.Heatengineintegratedabovethepinch Qhu

Q1 T1 HE Q2 T2 W

Sink HeatEngineintegrated acrossprocesspinch TotalHeatin=Qhu+Q1 TotalHeatout=Qcu+Q2


Source Qcu+Q2 Fig.42.5b.Heatengineintegratedacrossthepinch Qhu

Sink Pinch Source W Qcu Q1 HeatEngineintegrated belowprocesspinch Heatin=Qhu Heatout=QcuQ1+Q2=QcuW

Q1 T1 HE Q2 T2


PlacementofHeatEngine,HeatpumpandReactorsModule06 The conclusion of heat engine integration with process is given below: Total Hot Utility Without Integration Above process pinch Across process pinch Below process pinch
Qhu+Q1 QhuQ2+Q1=Qhu+W Qhu+Q1


Total Cold utility







HEAT PUMPS A heat pump, shown in Fig. 42.3, is a heat engine operating in reverse. It accepts heat Q2 at temperature T2, rejects heat Q1 at a higher temperature T1, and therefore consumes work W. Form thermodynamics, W = Q1 Q2 W / Q1 c And c = 1-T2 / T1 first law second law Carnot efficiency 0 mech < 1. (42.5) (42.6) (42.7) (42.8)

Equation for real (irreversible) heat pumps as, W = c Q1/ mech = Q1 / COP Where COP and mech denote the coefficient of performance and machine efficiency respectively.

Q1 T1 HP Q2 T2 W


Pinch HeatPumpandprocess withoutintegration Heatavailable=Q1;Heatin=Qhu Heatrequired=Q2;Heatout=Qcu

Source Qcu


PlacementofHeatEngine,HeatpumpandReactorsModule06 PLACEMENT OF HEAT PUMP RELATIVE TO PINCH


It is a fact that, the process behaves as a heat sink above the pinch and as a heat source below the pinch. The heat pump picks up heat from a lower temperature level and rejects heat at a higher temperature level. For this service work has to be invested. The appropriate placement of heat pump w.r.t the process is discussed below:

Placement of Heat Pump across the pinch If heat pump placed across the pinch (Fig. 42.7a), it takes heat Q2 from the process source below the pinch and rejects heat (Q1 = Q2 + W) to the process sink above the pinch. Thus, the work input, W, leads to a reduction of hot utility as well as the cold utility. After integration hot utility demand drops to Qhu-Q2-W and cold utility demand drops to Qcu Q2. As it decreases both the hot and cold utility demand it is appropriately placed.

Placement of Heat Pump above the pinch If heat pump is placed above the pinch (Fig. 42.7b), then the hot utility gets reduced by W units; however, W units of work are also added and so on net energy savings result. When placed below the pinch (Fig.42.7b), Q2 units of heat are circulated in a loop; also, work, W, is added to the heat source and so cold utilities are increased by W units, leading to improper placement and wastage.

Q1 T1 HP Q2 T2 W



HeatPumpintegrated acrossprocesspinch Heatin=QhuQ1=QhuQ2W Heatout=QcuQ2

Source QcuQ2 Fig.42.7a.Heatpumpintegratedacrossthepinch

Q1 T1 HP Q2 T2 W QhuW Temperature intervals Sink Pinch Source Qcu HeatPumpintegrated aboveprocesspinch Heatin=QhuW Heatout=Qcu


Fig.42.7b.Heatpumpintegratedabovethepinch Qhu

Sink Pinch W Source HeatPumpintegrated belowprocesspinch Heatin=Qhu Heatout=Qcu+W

Q1 T1 HP Q2 T2



The conclusion of heat pump integration with process is given below: Total Hot Utility Without Integration Above process pinch Below process pinch

Total Cold utility


Heatavailable withHP =Q1;ProcessHeatin=Qhu HeatrequiredforHP=Q2;ProcessHeatout=Qcu QhuQ1=Qhu Q2 W Qcu - Q2 Qcu Qcu+W


Across process pinch QhuW




The reactor is the heart of a process and its operating conditions are fixed during the development of process flowsheet, based on maximum yield, selectivity, catalyst life and market driven product quality. Thus, designers and operators are often unwilling to make major changes in the reaction conditions. Because of this , direct heat integration of reactors with process stream is hardly done. Under this backdrop , pinch analysis may propose acceptablerefinementswhichmayallowtheprocesstointegratebetter.
Heatintegrationofreactorsinvolvesthefollowingthreesteps: Decomposition Modeling Thermodynamicanalysis

In the decomposition of reactors, its energy functions (enthalpy change of the reaction, transfer of this enthalpy from/to the fluid, interchange of energy between fluids entering the reactor at different temperatures and exchange with the surrounding) are considered separately. Then, the reaction enthalpy is represented by a reactors profile and the other energy functions by a process profile; then, thereactormaybeinvestigatedapartfromtherestoftheprocessandHEN. Modeling of reactors is necessary when there are two or more inlet streams and/or several contacting patterns. Careful modeling of a reactor provides a better representation for structural and parametric optimizationwhichisthefocusduringthethermodynamicanalysis.

Thermodynamic analysis of the reactors includes proper placement of reactors relative to the pinch and matching of reactor and process profiles.
Properplacementofreactordependsontypesofreactors.Generallyreactorsareoftwotypes: Exothermicand Endothermic


QREACT = - (HSTREAMS + HREACT) Where, QREACT = reactor heating or cooling required. HSTREAMS = enthalpy change between feed and product streams. HREACT = reaction enthalpy (negative in the case of exothermic reactions).


PlacementofHeatEngine,HeatpumpandReactorsModule06 IntegrationwithbackgroundprocessabovethePinch


Fig. 42.8 shows a process represented simply as a heat sink and heat source divided by the pinch. Fig.42.8a shows the process with an exothermic reactor integrated above the pinch. The minimumhotutilitycanbereducedbytheheatreleasedbyreaction,QREACT.Thusisacceptable IntegrationwithbackgroundprocessbelowthePinch Fig.42.8bshowsanexothermicreactorintegratedbelow thepinch.Thehotutilityrequirement cannot be reduced because the process above the pinch needs at least QHmin to satisfy its enthalpyimbalance.Moreover,thecoldutilityrequirementoftheprocessisincreasedbyQREACT units. Therefore, there is no benefit from integrating an exothermic reactor below the pinch. The appropriatelyplacementforexothermicreactorsisabovethepinch.


Exothermic reactor



QCmin EndothermicReactor IntegrationwithbackgroundprocessabovethePinch



Exothermic reactor



Fig. 42.9a shows an endothermic reactor integrated above the pinch. The endothermic

reactor removes QREACT from the process above the pinch, which needs at least QHmin to satisfy



its enthalpy imbalance. Thus an extra QREACT must be imported from the hot utility to compensate, and thus, there is no benefit by integrating an endothermic reactor above the pinch. IntegrationwithbackgroundprocessabovethePinch Fig. 42.9b shows an endothermic reactor integrated below the pinch. The reactor

imports QREACT from part of the process that needs to reject heat and decreases the cold utility amount.ThusintegrationofreactorreducesthecoldutilityconsumptionbyQREACT. There is no obvious benefit from integrating an endothermic reactor above the pinch.


T QREACT Endothermic reactor



QCmin QCmin QREACT QREACT Endothermic reactor

(b) (a) Fig.42.9Appropriateplacementofanendothermicreactor



References: 1. RobinSmith,ChemicalProcessDesign,McGrawHill,1995. 2. B.Lynhoffetal.,ProcessIntegrationfortheEfficientUseofEnergy,Institutionof ChemicalEngineers,1983. 3. R.BENSTEADandF.W.SHARMAN,(1990),HEATPUMPSANDPINCHTECHNOLOGY, HeatRecoverySystems&CliP,10,4,387398. 4. SAIDASM.RANADE,(1988),NEWINSIGHTSONOPTIMALINTEGRATIONOFHEAT PUMPSININDUSTRIALSITES,HeatRecoverySystems&ClIPVol.8,No.3,255263. 5. ChiITuan,YiLungYeh,ChiJenChen,TingChienChen,(2011)Performance assessmentwithPinchtechnologyandintegratedheatpumpsforvaporized concentrationprocessing,JournaloftheTaiwanInstituteofChemicalEngineers.

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