Dalal Solvent Recovery

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lor Prottability with Complianoe
1eohnioal Uesign by AMCLC, u3A
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1wo well known names AMCLC, u3A and Ualal Lngineering, lndia have oome together to offer
perfeot solutions in the teld of 3olvent Reoovery. 3o you get the benett of AMCLC's established
teohnologioal expertise and Ualal's proven engineering skills!
"#$# is a reoognized leader in the telds
of vapor phase solvent adsorption using
aotivated oarbon and solvent reoovery. lt has
over 80 years of worldwide experienoe, and
with thousands of systems in operation, helps
oompanies reoover millions of kilos of solvent/
v0C's eaoh year.
Known for its oonservative engineering, quality
equipment and servioes, and seasoned team of
engineers, AMCLC provides design, engineering,
equipment and installation of reoovery systems,
using aotivated oarbon or zeolite adsorbents for
solvent reoovery and v0C emission oontrol.
AMCLC's plants are high performanoe, oost
eftoient prooess systems that meet eaoh olient's
individual requirements.
!&!& Lngineering is a well known oompany
that offers a variety of teohnologies and
maohines to various industrial segments. 0ur
highly qualited team of trained engineers and
partnerships with global leaders enable us to
provide outting edge solutions to the industry.
Continuous innovation and advanoement has
been a hallmark of Ualal Lngineering.
0ur workshop near Mumbai is 5000 sq. m.
large and has a work foroe with a oumulative
experienoe of over 1000 man years.
At Ualal, we don't sell maohines, we provide
solutions. 0noe you are a Ualal oustomer, we
are oompletely at your servioe. 3o whether it's a
spare part you need or an entirely new maohine,
we are always there for you.
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lnternational outting-edge teohnologioal solutions that are the most advanoed in Asia.
Customised oreative and eoonomioal development of maohines and auxiliaries.
Prepurohase oounseling, validation through trials and servioe needs.
3uperior prooess know-how, speedy exeoution, and exemplary after-sales servioe.
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Ualal uses the adsorption power of aotivated oarbon (about 1,200 m
of surfaoe area per gram) to
reoover organio solvents.
'('( 3olvent Reoovery Plants are designed
and oonstruoted to the highest engineering
standards and offer guaranteed performanoe.
1hey provide oontinuous 24 x 7 automatioally
oontrolled operations both for large speoially
engineered installations or paokaged units
requiring only to be set down and oonneoted to
Ualal oan reoover solvent with eftoienoy of 95
and above and eliminate air pollution hazards
at the same time. 1he purity of the returned
solvent is guaranteed.
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Microscopic Activated Carbon Pore
1g ~ 1,200 m
(13,000 ft
Miorosoopio Aotivated Carbon Pore
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1he 3olvent Laden Air (3LA) is oonditioned
(tltered and treated for temperature and
humidity) prior to adsorption by passing it
through the 3LA Cooler (2) and 3LA Re-eater
Reoovery begins when the 3LA lan (4) passes
the 3LA through Adsorbers (5) of paoked-beds
of aotivated oarbon. 1he solvents are retained
in the aotivated oarbon pores and the oleansed
air is disoharged into the atmosphere.
1hrough staggered adsorption and desorption
oyoles monitored by analyzers and oomputers,
eaoh bed is periodioally regenerated by oounter
tow of steam or inert gas that heats the
Uuring the regeneration phase, the solvent
vapors are released from the oarbon and
oarried by steam or inert gas to oondensation
(6), deoanting and solvent treatment units.
3olvent treatment systems are oustom
designed to meet eaoh olient's requirements.
Ueoanters (11) are used for separation of
solvent whioh are non misoible in water. 0ther
oost effeotive prooesses and equipment
inolude air stripping, steam stripping, and
steam distillation.
Additionally the reoovery eftoienoy oan be
improved by providing a Urying and Cooling unit
(8,9, 10) after the regeneration before the next
adsorption oyole.
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Adhesive 1apes
Brake Linings
Carbon Copying Paper
Chemioal Produots
Composite 0askets
lndustrial Belting
Paokaging lndustry
Pharma Produots
Peroxide Manufaoture
Pharmaoeutioal Produots
Rotogravure Printing
Rubber Produots
3urgioal Bandages
3ynthetio Leather
1ablet Coating
weatherproof 3heeting
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with speoito referenoe to those solvents most
used and reoovered industrially.
Ualal prooesses are applied in many industries
where organio solvents or v0C's are emitted
from a prooess or a manufaoturing faoility,
suoh as:
7&#1(.- 869686
Aoetone 60.8
Methyl Lthyl Ketone 52.8
Methyl iso-Butyl Ketone 57.6
Lthyl Aoetate 80.0
iso-Propyl Aoetate 75.2
n-Butyl Aoetate 67.2
Lthyl Aloohol 62.4
Propyl Aloohol 51.2
iso-Propyl Aloohol 62.4
n-Butyl Aloohol 43.2
iso-Butyl Aloohol 51.2
eptane 49.6
exane 43.2
1oluene 49.6
Xylene 43.2
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Methylene Chloride
1.1.1. 1riohloroethane
Carbon 1etraohloride
iso-Propyl Lther 54.4
1etrahydrofuran 59.2
1.4 - Uioxane 72.0
= grams solvent per oubio metre
solvent vapour/air mixture at 20C
1his is not intended as a tnite list - virtually allsolvents used
industrially are reooverable.

3uitable for range of air tows, variety of solvent types, and solvent loadings
very high emission oontrol and reoovery eftoienoies of 95 and above.
lully automated systems inoluding PLC operations result in minimal manpower
to operate the plant following full safety preoautions.
Reuse of solvent reduoes manufaoturing oosts resulting in attraotive Pay Baok
Periods of about 2 years.
Paoked bed Aotivated Carbon 3olvent Reoovery Plant helps oomply with
environment pollution oontrol.
elps oombat global warming by reoyoling and reuse of natural resouroes.
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1here are numerous advantages in assooiating with Ualal for 3olvent Reoovery:
Longest experienoe in stainless steel fabrioation teohnology in lndia
Maximum number of 3olvent Reoovery installations supplied
1urnkey servioes provided from understanding the prooess requirement, designing a tailor made
system manufaotured with latest teohnology, to oommissioning & training of operating staff
Collaboration with pioneers and leaders in Adsorption 1eohnology using Aotivated Carbon,
M/s. Amoeo lno u3A
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we have now oreated a skid-mounted, soaled down
working unit of 3RP whioh oan be oarried to any site
to oonduot trials. we will also provide lnstallation,
Commissioning and 1raining servioes for this plant.
1he trial oan give preliminary estimates for the
following parameters for v0Cs:
- Loonomios of Reoovery
- Complianoe with Lmission Norms
- uality of Reoovered 3olvent
1he trial oan help a oompany determine the feasibility
of oapturing volatile organio oompounds.
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!"#$%&' ) *+,$%-.& /.&01#. 2101,1%34
Kavesar, 1hane-0hodbunder Road,
1hane 400 615, Maharashtra, lndia
1el: 91-22-2597 6201 - 04
lax: 91-22-2597 6207
Lmail: salesdalalengineering.oom
keg|stered 0fce:
36/37, 1olly Maker Chambers ll,
Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021, lndia
1el: 91-22-2202 4046, 2285 0516
lax: 91-22-2202 9278
Lmail: oftoedalalengineering.oom
5.6,1$.4 www.dalalengineering.oom
04*%* G&*D
2525 Cabot Urive - 3uite 205
Lisle, lllinois 60532
7.894 1630- 577- 0400
:;-"184 amoeoamoeo.oom
5.6,1$.4 www.amoeo.oom

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