Mark Goodro: Manifesto

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com )ottonwood *eights, +tah

Mark ,oodro


Improving software through better planning, design, focused test execution, tools, automation, and measurement I have... Fifteen years of technical leadership and management experience, including four years in the Health Care industry. Managed QA / testing through all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle including scoping, design, prototyping, usability test, development, unit test, functional test, integration test, system test, user acceptance, beta, pilot, release, maintenance, and support. xtensive experience with development and test methodologies including Agile and Test Driven Development. Consistently increased visi!ility into the test process using test management tools and reports and effective communication. Continually involved "ey sta"eholders in the design, testing, and acceptance processes. Created and maintained design documents, prototypes, project plans, schedules, marketing requirements, test plans, test cases, test reports, help files, and supplemental documentation. Designed# !uilt and managed complex test environments. Managed development processes including builds, migration, and source control. $pened and maintained effective communication bet een isolated, independent teams. Achieved management and sta"eholder !uy%in to the value of soft are testing, standardi!ed test and development processes, and test automation through metrics, risk assessment, and results. A positive attitude and excellent communication s"ills
%dvanced (&" #rs$ Intermediate ('" #rs$



Expert ( !" #rs$

Mar" &oodro

Test "eadership #unctional Testing $ntegration Testing %eb Testing &sability Testing Test 'nvironments (rocess $mprovement %indo s )*.+ to ,istaAdobe (hotoshop .icrosoft /ffice

Test Automation "oad 0 1tress Testing 1ecurity 0 2et ork Testing A($ Testing %eb 1ervice, 1/A Testing Database Testing "ocali!ation Testing 3.", H"4 15" 1cript, Toad, Tora ,. are 0 ,irtuali!ation

Agile Testing #it2esse 0 1elenium soap&$ '16 Testing .ercury 5uality Center .ercury 5uickTest (ro 6ug!illa 2&nit, 7&nit, (H(&nit Configuration .anagement Cost06enefit Analysis, 8/$

'age ( of )


%gilex .echnologies
*ealth )are /ivision

March '!!2 3 0resent 444.5'6.6&52

& && 0arkstone /rive, )hantill#, 1% '! &

Q% - .est 7ead Engineer

"ed testing on multiple projects, managed up to 9 5A 'ngineers (erformed 1/A 0 %eb 1ervice testing using soap&$ Created #it2esse test automation scripts ith custom fi:tures 8esponsible for data migration, and data arehouse testing (erformed security testing including 1A." and 11" Coordinated end to end testing ith clients and functional teams 8esponsible for test planning for Agile 0 1crum and TDD
<anuar# '!!= 3 March '!!2 4! .5!'.5&!!

8orthrop ,rumman Information .echnolog#

)ivilian %gencies ,roup 9 )linical Information S#stems /ivision

!4 5 S. :iver ;ront 0arkwa#, South <ordan, +. 46!2&

7ead Q%-.est Engineer I1

'stablished and led test team for remote office .anaged testing of concurrent projects through multiple releases

Coordinated testing ith remote development, project management, and test teams
1elected, configured, and maintained test management, test automation, and defect tracking systems %rote test harnesses to test A($s and eb services Created 3." and H"4 files to test messaging systems %rote 15" scripts for data validation Created standardi!ed and portable test and dev environments
;ebruar# '!!! 3 <anuar# '!!= 2 4! .2B&. BB=

;ranklin )ove# )orporation

>rgani?ational Solutions @usiness +nit

''!! Aest 0arkwa# @lvd Salt 7ake )it#, +. 46

Q% Manager
5.& #ears

$mplemented online defect tracking and test case management Created metrics for meaningful presentation of testing progress $mplemented test automation and load testing 6uilt and maintained test labs, managed test hard are .anaged locali!ation testing in 'uropean and Asian languages Acted as D6A, developer, and graphic designer as needed
/ecember 22B 3 ;ebruar# '!!! 4! .5=5.BBB!

7ead Q% Engineer
'.& Cears

(Interim .echnolog# 9 .he )onsulting ,roup$

' & South State Street Suite B=! Salt 7ake )it#, +. 46

Senior Q% Engineer
.& #ears

%rote test plans, requirements, test cases, compliance reports "ead team responsible for .ission Critical banking applications ,alidated 2T compatibility, ##$'C and /CC compliance );<=1tress tested eb servers> $mplemented security testing 1et up and managed test environments in multiple languages Tested locali!ed soft are in 'uropean and Asian languages
'age + of ) )/*/+,(-

@ack >ffice Engineer


Mar" &oodro


(Matrixx Marketing$


226 3 /ecember


2B& 7evo# /rive Murra#, +. 46 '5

4! .&B2.'!!!

/ata )oordinator
Microsoft 9 .& #ears

.anaged secure net orks Designed and maintained Access databases (erformed functionality testing on ,isual #o:(ro database tools Designed and coded automated file transfer utilities in C and ,6 Assisted in $ntranet development and administration "ed first project to use email for customer and technical support

0roDect )oordinator
Microsoft 9 #ear

.echnical .eam 7ead

*ughes-/irec.1 9 2 mo


Aestminster )ollege
Salt 7ake )it#, +. '!!5 3 '!!&

.achelor of Science /nformation 0esource Management

?raduated 1umma Cum "aude *.@@ Cumulative ?(A

Salt 7ake )ommunit# )ollege

Salt 7ake )it#, +. 226 3 22B

Associate of Science Computer /nformation Systems

?raduated ith Honors, Deans "ist for 1cholastic Accomplishment *.4 Cumulative ?(A .anaging the Test (rocess, %eb0e6usiness Testing, Test (rocess $mprovement, Test Automation Architecture, Automation (lanning, $ntelligence Testing, %eb 1ecurity Testing, &nit Testing, 1/A Testing, %eb 1ervice Testing, "oad Testing 2e %eb Technologies, Taming the Code .onolith, Testing Hyper Comple: 1ystems, Agile Testing, and more 8ational Team Test, 8ational 8obot 4 Habits, #/C&1, Aligning ?oals for 8esults, (roject .anagement, %hat .atters .ost, Technical %riting Advantage .easuring the 8eturn on $nvestment of Training and (erformance $mprovement (rograms 6usiness .anager $ and $$ Total 5uality .anagement, 1tructured Testing .ethodology, %eb Testing, .ercury %in8unner, "oad8unner, 7ava, '76, ,isual 6asic


Software Qualit# Engineering (SQE$

:ational +niversit# ;ranklin)ove# <ack 0hillips )enter ;or :esearch @road1ision Interim .echnolog# (Spherion$


Cryptography Hard are $nterconnectivity 'merging Technology %eb Design

(hotography Climbing 0 .ountaineering #ilm 1tudy 0 Critique "iterature


Available on 8equest

Mar" &oodro

'age ) of )


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